rules professors dating students / Students, professors dating? Area colleges set guidelines

rules professors dating students

rules professors dating students

Members of staff who experience advances and other unwelcome behaviour from students should raise the issue with their Head of Department, the Chair of the Faculty Board, or their manager. During the instructional appointment period e. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary actions, which can include, but are not limited to, written warnings, loss of privileges, mandatory training or counseling, probation, suspension, demotion, exclusion, expulsion, and termination of employment, including revocation of tenure. This policy is not intended to restrict these relationships. It applies to all schools that receive federal aid, and includes requirements to provide a system for "the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints" and ensure students are aware of their rights. In all personal and professional relationships with students all University staff must act in a way which safeguards student welfare. Download Page PDF.

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