am i dating an energy vampire / Energy Vampires: 10 Signs to Watch For and How to Deal with Them

am i dating an energy vampire

am i dating an energy vampire

The moment you constantly surround yourself with them, your life will be miserable and awful. Even a brief escape can replenish you. Like the term insinuates, an energy vampire is someone who sucks the energy out of someone else through the ways in which they approach conversations. Or, if your mate has a harrowing commute home from work which makes him or her cranky with you, let them take 10 minutes at home to decompress before you interact. They can be so persistent that you feel pressured and drained. Intimidation is a strategy that some energy vampires use when they need to stir up some emotional fuel, and it is a step away from criticizing or bullying you. As I learned, through my Inner Bonding practice, to connect with my true source of love, my spiritual guidance, I experienced knowing that the love I had worked so hard for was always available to me whenever I was open to learning — whenever my heart was open.

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