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Story by Era Sundar, Editor in Chief

People spend lots of time preparing to get a job. They create resumes, seek out references and prepare portfolios. But how much time is spent preparing for on-the-job conflict?

Conflict is ingrained in human nature and is evident in everything from sibling rivalry to international negotiations — and it certainly exists in the workplace.

This may seem like a bleak outlook, but it’s not. It’s a matter of expecting the best, while preparing to manage the worst. Managing workplace conflict is often the difference between enjoying what

you do for a living and making a mad dash for the exit whenever quitting time rolls around.

Handling workplace conflict often requires specific procedures, but the underlying causes of the conflict are usually the same as in any other instance of interpersonal communication.

Clashes among individuals often arise when people think they have to win every argument to avoid looking weak. That’s a misconception.

According to Austin Community College professor and counselor Marky Smith, avoiding conflict is not a sign of weakness, and behavior modification, specifically the START method, is a good way to minimize strife.

S – Stop when you feel you might say or do something you’ll regret.

T – Think about what you are about to do.

A – Ask yourself if you are taking the best course of action.

R – Relax and take a deep breath.

T – Try to handle the problem in a different way.

“Taking time to think about the words that are going to come out of your mouth before actually saying them can prevent a whole lot of problems,” Smith said.

Situations can also escalate when one or both parties feel criticized.

Smith recommends using “I feel” statements and clearly communicating your thoughts. For example, instead of saying “You shouldn’t have gone over my head to the boss,” it may be less irritating to say something like “When you went to the boss before I had a chance to respond, you made me feel like my opinion didn’t matter. I need you to give me a chance to do my job.”

Nipping conflict in the bud at an early stage is certainly preferable, but “I feel” statements and other conflict avoidance measures won’t solve every problem. Sometimes shortcomings must be met head on.

The best way to point out a negative is to lead with a positive. Compliment something that was done well, then be direct and honest when pointing out areas that need improvement. It is also best to have a few suggestions on how to improve.

This approach can also be used when receiving criticism or negative feedback. For example, a response to criticism can start with “Thank you for reviewing the report, and pointing out those issues.” Then suggestions for a more positive exchange can be made such as, “In the future I’d appreciate it if you pull me aside and point out the errors before the department meeting as opposed to during the meeting.”

When mistakes are made it’s important to keep the channels of communication open while corrections are being made.

Instead of becoming defensive, it’s best to take responsibility for the blunder and offer solutions. For example, “I’m sorry, I didn’t finish the report on time, but I will work through lunch and get it to you by the end of the day.”

A brief note about apologies

Taking responsibility and apologizing tend to go hand in

hand. But apologies are not a sign of weakness and they do not mean accepting blame where none is due. Be specific about apologies. It is possible to apologize for how and when something was said without apologizing for saying it — if it was the right thing to say.

When an issue can’t be resolved

It’s always best to discuss conflicts with those directly involved. But when an issue can’t be resolved, it may be necessary to seek outside help. In an office setting that usually means going to the immediate supervisor.

If the issue is not resolved at the immediate supervisory level, it usually moves up the ladder. Once all avenues are exhausted up to the department or area vice president, then it could be time to bring in the human resources department (HR).

Erica Breedlove, manager of Employment and Outreach Services at ACC, said the best way for employees to protect themselves in a dispute is to understand the company guidelines and procedures for conflict resolution as described in the employee handbook.

“It’s always good for employees to read the written policies on complaints, grievances and the discipline process so they understand what the supervisor has to go through,” Breedlove said. “When employees know the time frame in which they should expect a response to their complaint or grievance, they will know if the process is on track or if it’s not being handled correctly.”

Knowing the process takes the guesswork out of already stressful situations and reduces frustration. Most companies post their employee handbooks online.

Sometimes, however, help can be found outside the department.

“Any party to a conflict can request a third-party, trained mediator at any time in the process to help them get to a resolution,” Breedlove said. “They can contact the human resources department to set it up.”

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法式芝士蛋榚 $75 澳門幣/件 ★★★★★

溫馨提示 :Lady M 堂食都要額外加收10%的服務費喔。. 金沙城中心 Lady M 這次 Lady M 推出好幾款既創新而又著名的招牌蛋糕,包括: 1)朱古力棋盤蛋糕,每件售價澳門幣 78 元。大約兩年前,少爺曾經在香港買過一件來品嚐。因為少爺要求很簡單,只要有朱古力就必定要買來試試。 一片原味蛋糕的售價為澳門幣 78 元 (約台幣 300 元)。 有如后冠加身的精品蛋糕,出場的氣勢果然就是相當不一樣。 Lady M 的蛋糕所強調的就是這種千層效果,每一層薄如紙張般,一層一層細心鋪蓋上去,猶如精品的手工藝術美感。 Lady M 可以多年來一直保持人氣高企不無原因,除了憑藉皇牌千層蛋糕🍰及特色咖啡及西茶綁住一班忠實粉絲的心外,時不時亦會推出季節限定甜點及套餐優惠,吸引生力軍或年輕新一代。. 今次推出了$100有找,包括飲品配蛋糕再加彩虹雪糕球,吸引了我這個最愛着數的小師奶和鍾意夢幻色彩的小女。. 點了400次咖啡,超多泡泡,鮮奶滑溜溜流過味蕾。. Lady M's 2021 Celebration of Lights Mooncake Gift Set is a limited edition design featuring an interactive spinning ferris wheel, twinkling lights, fireworks, and the beloved moon rabbit. Open each side of the hexagon to reveal a fresh batch of Lady M's famous miniature mooncakes, made in collaboration with Kee Wah Bakery. The 2021 © 2022 Lady M Confections Co., LTD.

All Rights Reserved

條款及細則 Lady M 是國際知名的精品蛋糕店,早在美國及亞洲打響名堂,店舖遍及美國、新加坡、台灣及上海,香港為首個開設 Lady M 的大中華地區,澳門店現已正式開幕。. 被譽為「傳統法式糕餅與精巧和風的完美結合」,Lady M 在蛋糕的選材及製作均是一絲不苟,貫徹力臻 新人籌備結婚,傳統上嫁女要派餅卡,所以餅卡和禮券折扣優惠和價錢是新人關心的項目。以下綜合了10間熱門餅店及甜品店的結婚餅卡 ── GODIVA、Lady M、Paul Lafayet、東海堂、A-1 Bakery、榮華、聖安娜、美心 wedding coupon的優惠詳情給大家參考! 美國紐約精品蛋糕品牌 Lady M 於2018年七月正式登陸澳門,分店據點就設在金沙城中心內最新擴建完工的區域,而澳門分店的店面空間要比香港分店要大,在空間上讓人宛如身處紐約露天咖啡店內,為了迎接炎炎酷夏和澳門店的開幕,還獨家推出了澳門限定版的「熱情果千層蛋糕」。 來自美國紐約,被列為「美國十大蛋糕」的頂級甜點品牌 Lady M,自2001年創立,以法式經典千層蛋糕最具代表性,由專業甜點廚師以嚴選原料純手工雕琢,每份千層蛋糕使用超過20層的手工法式薄餅堆砌而成,引領法式優雅簡約風格,甜蜜的幸福滋味深植味蕾 今次為大家推薦的澳门美食~相信很多人都認識!. 就是位於澳門倫敦人的Lady M New York,這間來自紐約的網紅蛋糕店,以前在美國上大學的時候已經很愛吃 [萌萌哒R]回澳後很久沒有吃,發現出了很多新口味~必須試一試 [哇R] 美食推薦: 1️⃣栗子千層 -$88 有沒有 Sold Out. Lady M's 2021 Celebration of Lights Mooncake Gift Set is a limited edition design featuring an interactive spinning ferris wheel, twinkling lights, fireworks, and the beloved moon rabbit. The 2021 Lady M 是國際知名的精品蛋糕店,早在美國及亞洲打響名堂,店舖遍及美國、新加坡、台灣及上海,香港為首個開設 Lady M 的大中華地區,澳門店現已正式開幕。. 被譽為「傳統法式糕餅與精巧和風的完美結合」,Lady M 在蛋糕的選材及製作均是一絲不苟,貫徹力臻 Lady M 新人籌備結婚,傳統上嫁女要派餅卡,所以餅卡和禮券折扣優惠和價錢是新人關心的項目。以下綜合了10間熱門餅店及甜品店的結婚餅卡 ── GODIVA、Lady M、Paul Lafayet、東海堂、A-1 Bakery、榮華、聖安娜、美心 wedding coupon的優惠詳情給大家參考! Lady M 风靡很久了,在美国的小伙伴应该都有所耳闻吧!他家的千层蛋糕真的是美味!一口下去,满满的幸福感!仙气十足的甜点来陪仙气十足的你!让我们一起来了解一下Lady M有哪些购买方式,让住在大农村的你也能尝试到美味!口味有很多,该选哪一种?下面还有特别受欢迎的蛋糕口味推荐哦~被 本篇幫大家好好看一下lady m台北店的環境、內用菜單、價位、預約排隊…等資訊。 這天一大早就來排隊搶頭香,上次lady m晶華外帶櫃我排了七小時>///< 這次2/27開幕,國父紀念館lady m內用的位置,排隊也是盛況空前、人山人海啊! Lady M 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 沙田沙田正街18號新城市廣場一期3樓309A號舖。主要菜式包括 伯爵茶千層蛋糕, 海鹽焦糖千層蛋糕, 原味千層蛋糕, 抹茶千層蛋糕, 開心果千層蛋糕, 玫瑰千層蛋糕, 。 Marron Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $118.00 Add to cart. Pistachio Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $108.

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Tiramisu Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $108.00 Add to cart. Chocolate Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $108.00 Add to cart. shipping. exclusive Couronne du Chocolat - 9 inches $95.00 Add to cart. Lady M Bon Bon Collection Shop Bon Bon. 被譽為「傳統法式糕餅與精巧和風的完美結合」,Lady M 在蛋糕的選材及製作均是一絲不苟,貫徹力臻 新人籌備結婚,傳統上嫁女要派餅卡,所以餅卡和禮券折扣優惠和價錢是新人關心的項目。以下綜合了10間熱門餅店及甜品店的結婚餅卡 ── GODIVA、Lady M、Paul Lafayet、東海堂、A-1 Bakery、榮華、聖安娜、美心 wedding coupon的優惠詳情給大家參考! 看到千層派跟巧克力,白編就已經失去理智了😈 (白編)#創作授權【厭世甜點店 】👉https:youtu.be/ErtfEFUwwgA#LadyM #千層蛋糕 Lady M 风靡很久了,在美国的小伙伴应该都有所耳闻吧!他家的千层蛋糕真的是美味!一口下去,满满的幸福感!仙气十足的甜点来陪仙气十足的你!让我们一起来了解一下Lady M有哪些购买方式,让住在大农村的你也能尝试到美味!口味有很多,该选哪一种?下面还有特别受欢迎的蛋糕口味推荐哦~被 她由於在沙田返工,兼未曾惠顧這區的Lady M,便揀選了新城廣場的Lady M。 原來它已搬到三樓,位於商舖中間,全開放式,設計仍是一貫的白色,但我較為喜歡又一城的店,因可選擇在店內或商場內。 Lady M 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 中環金融街8號國際金融中心2樓2096A號舖。主要菜式包括 玫瑰千層蛋糕, 伯爵茶千層蛋糕, 抹茶千層蛋糕, 原味千層蛋糕, Signature Mille Crêpes, 朱古力棋盤蛋糕, 法式香蕉千層酥, Earl Grey Mille Crepes, 千層蛋糕, Rose Mille Crepes, Green Tea Mille Crêpes, 。 Marron Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $118.00 Add to cart. Pistachio Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $108. Tiramisu Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $108.00 Add to cart. Chocolate Mille Crêpes - 9 inches $108.00 Add to cart.


shipping. exclusive Couronne du Chocolat - 9 inches $95.00 Add to cart. Lady M Bon Bon Collection Shop Bon Bon. 被譽為「傳統法式糕餅與精巧和風的完美結合」,Lady M 在蛋糕的選材及製作均是一絲不苟,貫徹力臻 Lady M 奔月月餅禮盒即日起在各香港分店以早鳥優惠價 $488 發售禮券(原價 $528),澳門店亦同步發售,歡迎到各分店查詢 。 *早鳥優惠價不適用於澳門店;優惠期至 2020 年 8 月 23 日 *禮盒數量有限,售完即止 . 看到千層派跟巧克力,白編就已經失去理智了😈 (白編)#創作授權【厭世甜點店 】👉https:youtu.Lady M® 茶具禮盒.

澳門 倫敦人購物中心分店

倫敦人購物中心 2 樓 2203B 號舖. 澳門 Lady.M Taiwan在台北其實有兩家. 分 外帶店 (晶華)跟內用店 (國父紀念館分店) 旗艦店是指國父紀念館分店. LADY M 于2004年开在了纽约的上东区,并获得了美国时代周刊评选的“全美十佳蛋糕”,其主理人Ken Romaniszyn是一位美日混血儿,所以LADY … Lady M是國際知名的精品蛋糕店。. 被譽為「傳統法式糕餅與精巧和風的完美結合」,蛋糕從選料以至製作過程均是一絲不苟,貫徹力臻完美的理念。. 特色菜餚. 地點.比一般千層蛋糕還高XD 經典原味千層蛋糕 260元/單片 2,600元/9吋 聽說第一次來吃Lady M,經典原味千層蛋糕是必 … Ann Chiu. 2022年8月23日星期二. 一年容易又中秋,今年中秋節正日是9月10日, 不少商戶已搶先推出早鳥優惠。. 香港月餅口味層出不窮,包裝也越來越精美。.Lady M 追月映畫中秋禮盒 8 件 價錢 $528 優惠價 $498 優惠價售賣日 … .

另除了具有多款口味 Sold Out

多間米 … 為迷你奶黃月餅及迷你朱古力月餅,大人或小朋友都可共嘗中秋滋味。 Lady M 奔月月餅禮盒即日起在各香港分店以早鳥優惠價 $488 發售禮券(原價 $528),澳門店 … 我們已進駐香港及澳門,歡迎光臨我們在銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk、銅鑼灣時代廣場、尖沙咀海港城、中環


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Lady M 是國際知名的精品蛋糕店,早在美國及亞洲打響名堂,店舖遍及美國、新加坡、台灣及上海,香港為首個開設 Lady M 的大中華地區,澳門店現已正式開幕。


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