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Son: 23 Haziran

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FENER hisse fiyatları 23 Haziran tarihinde liradan işlem görmektedir.

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İhlas Haber Ajansı

Batman'ın Sason ilçesinde besicilere büyük ekonomik kazanç sağlayan ipek böceklerinin, koza örme işlemini tamamlamasıyla hasat başladı.

Batman'da yılında tütüne alternatif olarak Sason ilçesine bağlı Karşıyaka Mahallesi'nde iki aile tarafından başlanan ipek böceği yetiştiriciliği, her geçen gün yaygınlaşarak bu yıl ilçede aileye geçim kaynağı oldu.

İpekböceği besiciliği yaparak geçimini sağlayan besici Gülçin Akın, 35 günlük ipekböceği besim işinin ardından koza hasadına başladıklarını belirtti. Akın, “İlk olarak çok ufak boyuta olan ipek böceklerini besledik. Önce ufak dut yaprağıyla besledik. Daha sonra onlar büyüdükçe yemlerini de büyüttük. Şimdi büyüyerek koza örme işini bitirdiği için toplamaya başladık” dedi.

Daha önce eski yıllarda koza işinin ilçede yapıldığı ancak zamanla unutulan bir meslek haline geldiğini belirten besicilerden Zümrette Akın, ”Şu anda örme işini bitiren kozaları toplamaya başladık. Daha önce böcek şeklindeydi. Onları besleyerek büyüttük. Örme işini bitirdi toplamaya başladık” dedi.

“İlçede aileye geçim kaynağı oluyor”

İpekböceği yetiştiriciliğinin çok karlı bir iş olduğunu söyleyen Hanifi Yıldırım, Sason'da şu an aileye geçim kaynağı olduğunu kaydetti.

İpekböceklerinin beslenme işi ilk olarak koza birliğinden larvaları almakla başladığını aktaran Yıldırım, "Larvaları dut yapraklarını kıyarak beslemeye başlıyoruz. Bu işlem yaklaşık bir hafta sürüyor. Daha sonra ipek böcekleri büyüdükçe yaprakların boyutunu da büyüterek besliyoruz. 3 haftalık bir sürenin ardından ipek böceklerinin uyku evreleri başlıyor. Uyku dönemine dikkat etmek gerekiyor. Uyku dönemi takip edilirse daha iyi verim elde etmek mümkündür. İlk uyku evresinin ardından dut yapraklarını dallarıyla birlikte veriyoruz. Son uyku evresinin ardından da ipek böceklerine meşe yaprakları veriyoruz. İpek böcekleri örmeye başlayarak kozaları tamamlıyor. İpek böceğinin örme işi bittikten sonra kozaları toplayarak koza birliğine satışa gönderiyoruz. Koza işi çok karlı bir iş. 5 kişilik bir aile yeterli dut ağaçları varsa 45 günlük bir süre içerisinde yaklaşık 50 ile 60 bin lira gibi bir gelir elde edebilir. Biz bu yıl kozanın bir kilogramını ile liradan satışa sunmayı hedefliyoruz. Bu yılki fiyatlar bakanlık açıklıyor. Bu zamanda bu para çok iyi, aileler bu para ile rahatlıkla geçimlerini sağlayabilir” diye konuştu.

“Türkiye'de 50 ilde koza üretimi yapılıyor”

İpekböcekçiliğinin her geçen yıl daha da yaygınlaştığını söyleyen Bursa Koza Tarım Satış Kooperatifleri Birliği Bilecik Koza Birlik Müdürü Ahmet Genç, koza birlik olarak ortalama Türkiye'de 50 ilde üretimi yaptıkları bilgisini paylaştı.

Türkiye'de yaklaşık 50 ilde koza üretimi yapılmakta olduğunu ifade eden Genç, "Bu illerimizden biride Batmandır. Sason ilçesi de üretim yapan yerlerimizden biri, Sason ilçesinde üreticilerimiz yeni koza heyecanı yaşamaya başladı. Çünkü koza ile henüz yeni tanışıyorlar. Üretim yapanların arasında yeni liseyi bitiren gençlerimiz olduğu gibi illeri yaşta olan büyüklerimiz de var. Her yaşta herkesin yapabileceği bir iştir. Her geçen yıl bu ilçede koza işini daha da yaygınlaştırmayı hedefliyoruz. Önümüzdeki yıllarda üretimin bu bölgede yaygınlaşacağına inanıyorum” dedi.

Spanish general election

The Spanish general election will be held on Sunday, 23 July , to elect the 15th Cortes Generales of the Kingdom of Spain. All seats in the Congress of Deputies will be up for election, as well as of seats in the Senate.

The government formed after the November election consisted of a left-wing coalition between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and Unidas Podemos, the first such nationwide government in Spain since the times of the Second Spanish Republic. However, the government's tenure was quickly overshadowed by the outbreak of the COVID pandemic in March , along with its political and economic consequences. These consequences included the severe global recession resulting from the extensive lockdown measures implemented to curb the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as the economic impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

On the right side of the political spectrum, the People's Party (PP) underwent a leadership change in February , following an internal push by Galician and Madrilenian presidents, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Isabel Díaz Ayuso, to remove party leader Pablo Casado. Since Feijóo's accession, PP has led opinion polls and finished first in the regional and local elections of 28 May [1] Far-right Vox has been open to support the PP in a hung parliament in exchange for government participation and programatic concessions.[2] The liberal Citizens party, once a leading force but having lost most of its support since , decided not to run in this election, focusing its efforts on the European Parliament election instead.[3]

Despite speculation about an early election,[4][5]Prime MinisterPedro Sánchez, the incumbent, consistently expressed his intention to complete the legislature as scheduled in [6] He had initially set a tentative election date for December , near the conclusion of the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union. However, the poor results of the left-wing bloc in the May regional and local elections, with losses to the PP and Vox in all but three regions, led to a surprise early dissolution of the Cortes in what was described as a gamble by Sánchez to wrong-foot the opposition.[7][8]


Electoral system[edit]

The Spanish Cortes Generales is envisaged as an imperfect bicameral system. The Congress of Deputies has greater legislative power than the Senate, having the ability to vote confidence in or withdraw it from a prime minister and to override Senate vetoes by an absolute majority of votes. Nonetheless, the Senate possesses a few exclusive (yet limited in number) functions—such as its role in constitutional amendment—which are not subject to the Congress' override.[9][10] Voting for the Cortes Generales is on the basis of universal suffrage, which comprises all nationals over 18 years of age and in full enjoyment of their political rights.[11] Amendments to the electoral law in abolished the "begged" or expat vote system (Spanish: Voto rogado), under which Spaniards abroad were required to apply for voting before being permitted to vote.[12] The expat vote system was attributed responsibility for a major decrease in the turnout of Spaniards abroad during the years it had been in force.[13]

For the Congress of Deputies, seats are elected using the D'Hondt method and a closed listproportional representation, with an electoral threshold of three per cent of valid votes—which includes blank ballots—being applied in each constituency. Seats are allocated to constituencies, corresponding to the provinces of Spain, with each being allocated an initial minimum of two seats and the remaining being distributed in proportion to their populations. Ceuta and Melilla are allocated the two remaining seats, which are elected using plurality voting.[9][14] The use of the D'Hondt method may result in a higher effective threshold, depending on the district magnitude.[15]

As a result of the aforementioned allocation, each Congress multi-member constituency was entitled the following seats:[16]

Seats Constituencies
12Alicante, Seville
8A Coruña, Balearic Islands, Biscay, Las Palmas
7Asturias, Granada, Pontevedra, Zaragoza, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
6Almería, Córdoba, Gipuzkoa, Girona, Tarragona, Toledo
5Badajoz(–1), Cantabria, Castellón, Ciudad Real, Huelva, Jaén, Navarre, Valladolid
4Álava, Albacete, Burgos, Cáceres, La Rioja, León, Lleida, Lugo, Ourense, Salamanca
3Ávila, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Huesca, Palencia, Segovia, Teruel, Zamora

For the Senate, seats are elected using an open listpartial block voting system, with electors voting for individual candidates instead of parties. In constituencies electing four seats, electors can vote for up to three candidates; in those with two or three seats, for up to two candidates; and for one candidate in single-member districts. Each of the 47 peninsular provinces is allocated four seats, whereas for insular provinces, such as the Balearic and Canary Islands, districts are the islands themselves, with the larger—Majorca, Gran Canaria and Tenerife—being allocated three seats each, and the smaller—Menorca, Ibiza–Formentera, Fuerteventura, La Gomera, El Hierro, Lanzarote and La Palma—one each. Ceuta and Melilla elect two seats each. Additionally, autonomous communities can appoint at least one senator each and are entitled to one additional senator per each million inhabitants.[9][14]

Election date[edit]

The term of each chamber of the Cortes Generales—the Congress and the Senate—expires four years from the date of their previous election, unless they are dissolved earlier. The election decree shall be issued no later than the twenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of the Cortes in the event that the prime minister does not make use of his prerogative of early dissolution. The decree shall be published on the following day in the Official State Gazette (BOE), with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 10 November , which means that the legislature's term will expire on 10 November The election decree must be published in the BOE no later than 17 October , with the election taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication, setting the latest possible election date for the Cortes Generales on Sunday, 10 December [14][17]

The prime minister has the prerogative to dissolve both chambers at any given time—either jointly or separately—and call a snap election, provided that no motion of no confidence is in process, no state of emergency is in force and that dissolution does not occur before one year has elapsed since the previous one. Additionally, both chambers are to be dissolved and a new election is called if an investiture process fails to elect a prime minister within a two-month period from the first ballot.[9] Barred this exception, there is no constitutional requirement for simultaneous elections for the Congress and the Senate. Still, as of there has been no precedent of separate elections taking place under the Constitution.

Following his party's defeat in the Madrilenian regional election held on 4 May , Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez commented that there were still "32 months to go" ahead of the next general election, which meant that the election date was implied to be tentatively scheduled for January [18] This opened questions on the maximum timetable for holding a new election, with legal interpretations up until that point considering that the Cortes Generales's expiry date was set four years from the previous election; however, an interpretation that considered that the four-year timetable started counting from the chamber's first assembly or from the prime minister's investiture could push the election date into January or February [19][20][21][22] On 2 August , Sánchez himself dispelled any doubts on this issue by announcing that the election would be held in December ,[23] a position reiterated on 27 March when he said that there were still "nine months left" in the current parliamentary term.[24]

After the 28 May regional and local elections, Sánchez announced the following day that the general election will be held on 23 July, with the election decree being published in the BOE the day after.[25] With only Sánchez's inner circle having prior knowledge of the announcement before it was made,[26] political parties from across the spectrum were caught by surprise,[27] with PP leaders in particular reportedly feeling upset over the election call as it prevented them from capitalizing on their gains in the previous day's elections.[28] The IBEX 35 stock index also reacted negatively to the surprise election call.[29]

The Cortes Generales were officially dissolved on 30 May after the publication of the dissolution decree in the BOE, setting the election date for 23 July and scheduling for both chambers to reconvene on 17 August.[16] This will be the first Spanish general election to be held in July since [30]

Parliamentary composition[edit]

The tables below show the composition of the parliamentary groups in both chambers at the time of dissolution.[31][32]

Congress of Deputies
Groups Parties Deputies
Seats Total
Socialist Parliamentary Group PSOE
People's Parliamentary Group in the Congress PP88 88
Vox Parliamentary Group Vox52 52
United We Can–In Common We Can–
Galicia in Common's Confederal
Parliamentary Group
Podemos23 33
Republican Parliamentary Group ERC12 13
Plural Parliamentary Group JxCat4 12
Más País2
Citizens Parliamentary Group CS9 9
Basque Parliamentary Group (EAJ/PNV) EAJ/PNV6 6
EH Bildu Parliamentary Group EH Bildu5 5
Mixed Parliamentary Group CUP2 11
Groups Parties Senators
Seats Total
Socialist Parliamentary Group PSOE
People's Parliamentary Group in the Senate PP
Republican Left–EH Bildu
Parliamentary Group
ERC14 16
EH Bildu2
Basque Parliamentary Group
in the Senate (EAJ/PNV)
EAJ/PNV10 10
Nationalist Parliamentary Group
in the Senate (JxCat–CCa/PNC)
JxCat5 6
Confederal Left Parliamentary Group
(More for Majorca, More Madrid,
Commitment, Yes to the Future and
Gomera Socialist Group)
Más Madrid1 5
Democratic Parliamentary Group
(Citizens, Teruel Exists and Regionalist
Party of Cantabria)
TE2 4
Mixed Parliamentary Group Vox3 7

Parties and candidates[edit]

The electoral law allows for parties and federations registered in the interior ministry, coalitions and groupings of electors to present lists of candidates. Parties and federations intending to form a coalition ahead of an election are required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election call, whereas groupings of electors need to secure the signature of at least one per cent of the electorate in the constituencies for which they seek election, disallowing electors from signing for more than one list of candidates. Concurrently, parties, federations or coalitions that have not obtained a mandate in either chamber of the Cortes at the preceding election are required to secure the signature of at least per cent of electors in the aforementioned constituencies.[14] The electoral law provides for a special, simplified process for election re-runs, including a shortening of deadlines, the lifting of signature requirements if these had been already met for the immediate previous election and the possibility of maintaining lists and coalitions without needing to go through pre-election procedures again.

Below is a list of the main parties and electoral alliances which will likely contest the election:

Internal disputes emerged within the People's Party (PP) following Isabel Díaz Ayuso's landslide victory in the Madrilenian election, as the regional president came to be seen by a party sector as a better candidate than Pablo Casado to face off Pedro Sánchez in a general election.[69][70] The conflict came to a head from September when both sides clashed for the control of the party's regional branch in the Community of Madrid, with Ayuso's possible rise to the presidency of the regional PP being seen by Casado's supporters as an immediate threat to his national leadership.[71][72] Following several months of a leadership that was perceived as poor and erratic, coupled with an erosion of popular support in opinion polls and a disappointing result in the Castilian-Leonese regional election, the crisis entered a new stage on 16 February when some media revealed an alleged plot of the party's national leadership to investigate Ayuso's family in search of compromising material—more specifically, alleged influence peddling in the awarding of public contracts to Ayuso's brother. After several days of public infighting between both Casado and Ayuso, Galician presidentAlberto Núñez Feijóo was reported as having agreed with the latter and other party regional presidents to become the party's new leader and replace Casado, who was said to be willing to hold on until the PP congress scheduled for July.[73][74][75] On 22 February, Casado's resignation was announced after he was abandoned by most of the party's leadership and public officers.[40]

As a result of Pablo Iglesias's farewell from active politics in May , Labour minister—and, from July , second deputy prime minister—Yolanda Díaz, came to be widely regarded as Iglesias's presumptive successor as prime ministerial candidate in the next general election.[42] Díaz expressed her will to shape a new electoral platform transcending political parties, as well as the Unidas Podemos brand,[76][77] aiming to secure the support of ideologically close forces such as En Comú Podem (ECP), Compromís and Más Madrid/Más País while giving a prevalent role to civil society.[78][79][80] The platform saw an advance unity act during an event to be held on 13 November , with the participation of a number of women representative of the various political spaces that could eventually join it: Díaz herself, Barcelona mayorAda Colau (ECP), Valencian vice-president Mónica Oltra (Compromís), Madrilenian opposition leader Mónica García (Más Madrid) and Ceutan councillor Fatima Hamed (from the Movement for Dignity and Citizenship, MDyC); the absence of Podemos members in the event, most notably of Equality and Social Rights ministers Irene Montero and Ione Belarra, was seen as evidence of the growing diminished role of Unidas Podemos within the platform.[81] Díaz's-led left-wing alliance was also well received by prime minister Pedro Sánchez, who saw it as important for the "progressive space" to be in "top shape" for his government to be able to maintain and expand its majority in the next election.[82] While the term "Broad Front" has been frequently used in the media to refer to Díaz's platform,[83][84] it has been commented that Díaz herself has rejected the use of this name for its connections with similar brandings used by left-wing populist alliances in Latin America.[85] On 18 May , it was announced that Díaz's platform would go under the name "Sumar" (English: Unite).[86]

In September , citizen collectives of the so-called "Empty Spain" (Spanish: España Vacía or España Vaciada), a coined term to refer to Spain's rural and largely unpopulated interior provinces,[87] agreed to look forward to formulas to contest the next elections in Spain, inspired by the success of the Teruel Existe candidacy (Spanish for "Teruel Exists") in the November general election.[55] By November , it was confirmed that over collectives and associations from about 30 Spanish provinces had committed themselves to finalise the electoral platform before January [56] It then contested the Castilian-Leonese regional election, with mixed results: a success for the Soria-based Soria Now! (SY) platform but a disappointment elsewhere.

On 30 May , the national executive of Citizens, which had won 10 seats in , announced that the party would not contest the general election following its poor results in the regional and local elections.[67] This decision was criticised by a number of its elected representatives, including incumbent MP and former party leadership contender Edmundo Bal.[88]


The key dates are listed below (all times are CET. The Canary Islands used WET (UTC+0) instead):[14][89]

  • 29 May: The election decree is issued with the countersign of the Prime Minister after deliberation in the Council of Ministers, ratified by the King.[16]
  • 30 May: Formal dissolution of the Cortes Generales and beginning of a suspension period of events for the inauguration of public works, services or projects.
  • 2 June: Initial constitution of provincial and zone electoral commissions.
  • 9 June: Deadline for parties and federations intending to enter into a coalition to inform the relevant electoral commission.
  • 19 June: Deadline for parties, federations, coalitions, and groupings of electors to present lists of candidates to the relevant electoral commission.
  • 21 June: Submitted lists of candidates are provisionally published in the Official State Gazette (BOE).
  • 24 June: Deadline for citizens entered in the Register of Absent Electors Residing Abroad (CERA) and for citizens temporarily absent from Spain to apply for voting.
  • 25 June: Deadline for parties, federations, coalitions, and groupings of electors to rectify irregularities in their lists.
  • 26 June: Official proclamation of valid submitted lists of candidates.
  • 27 June: Proclaimed lists are published in the BOE.
  • 7 July: Official start of electoral campaigning.[16]
  • 13 July: Deadline to apply for postal voting.
  • 18 July: Official start of legal ban on electoral opinion polling publication, dissemination or reproduction and deadline for CERA citizens to vote by mail.
  • 19 July: Deadline for postal and temporarily absent voters to issue their votes.
  • 21 July: Last day of official electoral campaigning and deadline for CERA citizens to vote in a ballot box in the relevant consular office or division[16]
  • 22 July: Official hour ban on political campaigning prior to the general election (reflection day).
  • 23 July: Polling day (polling stations open at 9&#;am and close at 8&#;pm or once voters present in a queue at/outside the polling station at 8&#;pm have cast their vote). Provisional counting of votes starts immediately.
  • 26 July: General counting of votes, including the counting of CERA votes.
  • 29 July: Deadline for the general counting of votes to be carried out by the relevant electoral commission.
  • 7 August: Deadline for elected members to be proclaimed by the relevant electoral commission.
  • 17 August: Deadline for both chambers of the Cortes Generales to be re-assembled (the election decree determines this date, which for the election was set for 17 August).[16]
  • 16 September: Final deadline for definitive results to be published in the BOE.


Election debates[edit]

Opinion polls[edit]

Main article: Opinion polling for the Spanish general election

Local regressiontrend line of poll results from 10 November to the present day, with each line corresponding to a political party.

Polling aggregations[edit]

Voter turnout[edit]

The table below shows registered vote turnout on election day without including voters from the Census of Absent-Residents (CERA).


Congress of Deputies[edit]

İstanbul'un 6 il&#;esinde 24 saatlik su kesintisi

Haberin Devamı


-Esenyurt: Koza, Orhangazi, Aşık Veysel, Ardıçlı, Fatih, Güzelyurt, İncirtepe, İnönü, Mehterçeşme, Namık Kemal, Örnek, Pınar, Saadetdere, Talatpaşa, Yenikent, Akşemsettin, Üçevler, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Yeşilkent, Yunus Emre, Sultaniye, Süleymaniye, Selahaddin Eyyubi, Çınar, Turgut Özal ve Esenkent mahalleleri.

-Başakşehir: Bahçeşehir 2. Kısım, Bahçeşehir 1. Kısım, Şahintepe, Güvercintepe, Kayabaşı, Altınşehir, Şamlar, O.S.B, Başakşehir, Başak ve Ziya Gökalp mahalleleri.

-Arnavutköy: Yassıören, Yeşil Bayır, Ömerli, Deliklikaya, Dursunköy, Hadımköy, Anadolu, Arnavutköy Merkez, Atatürk, Baklalı, Bolluca, Boyalık, Durusu, Fatih, Hacımaşlı, Haraçcı, Hicret, Karaburun, Mavigöl, Mehmet Akif, Mareşal Fevzi Çakmak, Mustafa Kemal, Nene Hatun, Sazlı Bosna, Taşoluk, Tayakadın, Terkos, Yavuz Selim, Yunus Emre, Yeniköy, Çilingir, İmrahor ve İslambey mahalleleri.

-Çatalca: Nakkaş, Kızılcaali ve Bahşayiş mahalleleri.

-Avcılar: Tahtakale ve Yeşilkent mahalleleri.

-Büyükçekmece: Karaağaç Mahallesi.


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