18 yr old dating 16 yr old / No Romeo and Juliet Law in Wisconsin - Milwaukee Sexual Assault Attorney

18 yr old dating 16 yr old

18 yr old dating 16 yr old

If you are over 18 and have sex with a minor ages , you could be charged with 1st Degree Misdemeanor Sexual Assault of a Minor. You may still be charged with a misdemeanor. The age of consent is 18 in California. This concept means that someone under 18 cannot legally consent to sexual activity even if they want to participate willingly. Statutory rape takes place when someone above the age of 18 engages in sexual activities with someone under the age of 18, even if the individual under the age of 18 willingly participates in the activity. Schedule your free consultation with Matthew Sharp. Posts:

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18 YR OLD DATING 16 YR OLD / morphy.info