consultation ne demek / consultation Ne Demek Türkçe Anlamı | İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük | Limasollu Naci Yayınları

Consultation Ne Demek

consultation ne demek

consultation ne demek?

Recently, the consultationprocess of the NHS was ruled as legally flawed.

Son zamanlarda, NHS danışma süreci yasal olarak kusurlu olarak yönetildi.
The results of a consultationamong Silsden residents should be ready by the summer.

Silsden sakinleri arasında bir istişare sonuçları yaz hazır olmalı.
The yearly juggernaut that is the DCC's annual plan consultationis about to get under way.

DCC yıllık planı danışma olup yıllık juggernaut yolu altına almak üzeredir.

Consultation may refer to: Public consultation , a process by which the public's input on matters affecting them is sought. Consultation

Public consultation, or simply consultation, is a regulatory process by which the public's input on matters affecting them is sought.
Kaynak:Public consultation

See also : Public consultation Tax advisor Umbrella company Types of consultant. Biotechnology consultant Consultant (medicine) Consultant

Shura (Arabic : شورى shūrā) is an Arabic word for "consultation". their affairs in consultation with those who will be affected by that decision.

Bahá'í consultation refers to the method of discussion and decision making which is described in the Bahá'í writings, and which is used in
Kaynak:Bahá'í consultation

The Consultation on Common Texts (CCT) is "an ecumenical consultation of liturgical scholars and denominational representatives from the
Kaynak:Consultation on Common Texts

İngilizcede consultation'ın anlamı

However, self-care health advice was not absent, being briefly referred to at the end of their consultations.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Patients appear through any of these services and additionally there are emergency referrals from general hospitals in the area and also domiciliary consultations.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

They were asked to indicate whether they usually made each intervention in consultations with patients who meet specified criteria.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Thirdly, the exclusion of data on out-of-hours consultations and child health clinic consultations is also a limitation.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

However, consultations solely for blood taking, wound dressing, and immunisations were excluded as practice nurse provision of these services changed considerably during the study.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

The data suggest that people require health professionals to followup their consultations with the provision of written material containing the same factual material.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Accordingly, the nurse practitioners reported feeling at ease during these consultations, with no pressure to provide a specific medical treatment, such as antibiotics.

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Overall prescribing rates in this study of 80 per consultations (including items other than antibiotics) are comparable with those published in the literature.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Annual palliative care consultations for patients who subsequently died in the hospital were retrieved.

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Most importantly, multiple consultations and considerable collaboration during field activities ensured that all stakeholders understood the mutual benefits of protection.

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Table 2 shows the associations between individual baseline variables and the number of consultations during the following year.

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The exception to this costing process concerned consultations with local private practitioners, for which we used the actual fee paid.

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We have long recognized the value of domiciliary consultations as a means of seeing people in their natural surroundings.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Other data come from continental meetings, expert consultations, publications, catalogues, atlases, and language centers.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

consultation'a dair bütün örnekleri gör

Örneklerdeki görüşler Cambridge Dictionary'nin editörlerinin, Cambridge University Press'in ya da lisans sağlayıcılarıın görüşlerini temsil etmez.

  1. danışmak, (fikrini, mütalea veya tavsiyesini) sormak.
    Have you consulted your doctor about your illness?

    consult someone's feelings: birinin duygularına saygı göstermek.
  2. başvurmak, müracaat etmek, (bilgi aramak için kitaba vb.) bakmak.
  3. (bir kimsenin çıkarlarını, plân ve tasavvurlarını) gözönünde tutmak, hesaba katmak, düşünmek.
    consult : kendi çıkarını düşünmek.
  • istişare/müşavere etmek, karşılıklı fikir teati etmek.
    consult together: birbirine danışmak, fikir
    teatisinde bulunmak, müdavele-i efkâr etmek, (bir meseleyi) beraber konuşmak.
  • düşünmek, teemmül etmek, tasarlamak, plân kurmak.
  • (bkz: consultation ).
  • Ingilizce-Türkçe terim çevirileri: Zargan Ltd.
    hair, copy, frame, forest, decide, product, peaceful, feeling, of, political
    hi, yassı, salyangoz, dumpling, figurate, pension, thank you., brewery, şapka, go in


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