msb birim fiyat 2018 / Birim Fiyatları - Tüm Bakanlıklar - Güncel Liste - Sanal Şantiye

Msb Birim Fiyat 2018

msb birim fiyat 2018


2 GENEL HÜKÜMLER VE AÇIKLAMALAR 1- Uygulanacak rayiçlerin standartlarında sonradan bir değişiklik olması halinde yürürlükteki en son standartları geçerli olacaktır. Ayrıca, bunların yürürlükte olan mevzuatına uygun olarak güvenli bir şekilde piyasaya arz edilmiş olmaları zorunlu bulunmaktadır. 2- Bu listelerde baskı ve maddi hataların olması halinde, bunlar için Milli Savunma Bakanlığı nca düzeltilmiş olan en son değerler esas alınacak ve buna ilişkin değişiklik ve düzeltmeler evrensel ağda (internet) yayınlanacaktır. 3- Bu listelerde yer alan değerlere müteahhit genel giderleri ve karı dahil, katma değer vergisi hariçtir. (01 Ocak tarihinden itibaren geçerlidir)

3 İÇİNDEKİLER BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM SAYFA NUMARASI MİLLİ SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI İNŞAAT BİRİM FİYAT LİSTESİ İKİNCİ BÖLÜM MİLLİ SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI YILI İNŞAAT BİRİM FİYAT, TARİF VE ANALİZLERİ 1. Sökümler ve Onarımlar Tarihi Binalarda Sökme ve Onarımlar Alt Yapı Duvar ve Tavan İşleri (Tuğla ve Alçıpaneller) Çatı ve Kalıp İşleri Yalıtımlar-Dilatasyonlar Sıva ve Boyalar Döşeme ve Duvar Kaplamaları Ahşap İşleri Alüminyum ve Demir İşleri Diğer İşler ÜÇÜNCÜ BÖLÜM MİLLİ SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI ANALİZLERİNDE KULLANILAN YARDIMCI ANALİZLER


5 YILI MİLLİ SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI İNŞAAT BİRİM FİYAT LİSTESİ No: Analiz No: Analiz Adı: Br: Birim Fiyat: 1 MSB Kapı ve Pencere Doğraması Madeni Aksamı Sökülmesi ad 2,69 2 MSB /A Demir Çatı Makası, Profil veya Sac Kolon, Kriş Aşık tn 1.

65) 50 MSB Kartonpiyer Alçısı ile Perde Bandı Yapılması m 38,99 51 MSB Isı Merkezi Bacalarında Harman Tuğlası ile Baca İçi m3 ,10 Kaplama Yapılması 52 MSB Betonarme Çatı Üzerine Ahşap Kadronlu Döşeme m2 64,59 Kaplaması Yapılması 53 MSB /A1 Betonarme Çatı Üzerine 5/10 Ahşap Kadron m2 32,58 Yapılması (75x) 54 MSB /B1 Betonarme Çatı Üzerine 5/5 Ahşap Kadron Yapılması m2 25,14 (75x) 55 MSB /C Betonarme Çatı Üzerine 5/10 Ahşap Kadron m2 37,92 Yapılması (50x) 56 MSB Betonarme Çatı Üzerine Ahşap Kadronlu Döşeme m2 58,40 Yapılması 57 MSB /B2 Boyalı Trapezoidal Kesitli Sac Çatı Kaplaması m2 39,58 Yapılması 58 MSB Mevcut Betonarme Ön Yapımlı Hazır Beton Plak Veya m2 ,63 6x10 Ahşap Kadronlar Üzerine 6 cm Cam Yünü Dolguyu, mm Kalınlığında Trapezoidal Alüminyum Levhalar İle Çatı Örtüsü Yapılması 59 MSB Mevcut Betonarme Ön Yapımlı Hazır Beton Plak Veya m2 ,75 8x10 Ahşap Kadronlar Üzerine 8 cm Cam Yünü Dolguyu, mm Kalınlığında Trapezoidal Alüminyum Levhalar İle Çatı Örtüsü Yapılması

7 YILI MİLLİ SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI İNŞAAT BİRİM FİYAT LİSTESİ No: Analiz No: Analiz Adı: Br: Birim Fiyat: 60 MSB /A 25 cm Genişliğinde Alüminyum Saçak Alın Kaplaması m 63,22 Yapılması 61 MSB /A 15 cm Genişliğinde Alüminyum Saçak Alnı Kaplaması m 59,06 Yapılması 62 MSB Dilatasyon Derzlerinin Mastik Asfalt İle Doldurulması m 12,57 63 MSB /A2 2,5 cm kalınlığında Ekstrüde Polistren Köpük ile m2 10,27 Döşemede ısı yalıtımı yapılması 64 MSB /B2 2,5 cm kalınlığında Ekstrüde Polistren Köpük ile m2 21,01 Duvarda ısı yalıtımı yapılması 65 MSB /A Röntgen Odası Duvarlarına 4 mm. Kurşun Levhalarla m2 ,39 Tecrit Yapılması 66 MSB /A Röntgen Odası Döşemesine 4 mm. Kurşun Levhalarla m2 ,08 Tecrit Yapılması 67 MSB /A2 2,5 cm. Extrude Polistren Köpük Üzerine Normal m2 58,67 Alçıpan Levha Yapıştırılarak Duvarda TS &#;e Göre Isı Yalıtımı Yapılması ( m&#;den Alçak Binalarda Kullanılmak Üzere) 68 MSB /B2 5 cm. Extrude Polistren Köpük Üzerine Normal m2 66,73 Alçıpan Levha Yapıştırılarak Duvarda TS &#;e Göre Isı Yalıtımı Yapılması ( m&#;den Alçak Binalarda Kullanılmak Üzere) 69 MSB /C1 2,5 cm. Extrude Polistren Köpük Üzerine Normal m2 61,57 Alçıpan Levha Yapıştırılarak Duvarda TS &#;e Göre Isı Yalıtımı Yapılması ( m&#;den Yüksek Binalarda Kullanılmak Üzere) 70 MSB /D1 5 cm. Extrude Polistren Köpük Üzerine Normal m2 69,63 Alçıpan Levha Yapıştırılarak Duvarda TS &#;e Göre Isı Yalıtımı Yapılması (3.

8Kalınlığında Döşeme Kaplaması Yapılması m2 , MSB /B Bazalt Plaklarla 4 cm. Kalınlıkta Taş Duvar Kaplaması m2 ,69 Yapılması MSB /C Bazalt Merdiven Basamağı Kaplaması Yapılması (B:6 m 90,32 cm, R:4 cm) MSB /D Bazalt Plakalarla Süpürgelik Yapılması m 13, MSB /E 4 cm lik Bazalt Plaklarla Parapet Yapılması m2 , MSB /F 4 cm lik Bazalt Plaklarla Denizlik Yapılması m2 , MSB /G Bazalt U Harpuşta Yapılması (6 funduszeue.infoınlığında ve her m2 ,23 boyutta) MSB /H Bazalt Bordür Yapılması (10x25x50) m 64, MSB /I Bazalt Kapı Eşiği Yapılması m2 , MSB /K Bazalt Limonluk Yapılması m 14, MSB /L 3cm. Kalınlıkta Bazalt Asansör Sövesi Yapılması m2 , MSB Taraklı Mozaik Döşeme Kaplaması Yapılması m2 81, MSB Meşe Kaplama Gömme Dolap Yapılması m2 , MSB Mutfak Tezgah Altı Dolabı Yapılması (Meşe) m2 ,15

9 YILI MİLLİ SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI İNŞAAT BİRİM FİYAT LİSTESİ No: Analiz No: Analiz Adı: Br: Birim Fiyat: MSB Mutfak Asma Dolabı Yapılması m2 , MSB Meşe Kaplama Vestiyer Yapılması m2 , MSB Sert Ağaç Ahşap Bölme Yapılması (Seperatör m2 ,19 Yapılması) MSB Lambri Yapılması m2 , MSB Meşe Kaplama Danışma Bankosu Yapılması m 1.


11 MSB Kapı ve Pencere Doğraması madeni Aksamı Sökülmesi Kapı ve pencere doğraması madeni aksamı (Kapı ve pencere kolu,kilit,menteşe,tampon,ispanyolet takımı,vasistas vb.)sökülmesi,yenisi takılacak olan madeni aksam için,kapı ve pencere doğramasının montaj uygun doruma getirilmesi,işçilik, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşıma, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 Ad fiyatıdır. Sökümden çıkan malzeme idareye aittir. Ad Ölçü: Sökülen madeni aksam Adedi hesaplanır Doğramacı Sa Düz işçi Sa İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 Adet fiyatı

12 MSB /A Demir Çatı Makası, Profil Veya Sac Kolon, Kiriş Aşık Gibi İmalatın Sökülmesi Demir,çatı makası,münferit veya birleşik olarak kullanılan profil veya Sactan yapılmış olan kolon,kiriş,aşık gibi imalatın sökülmesi için işçilik,her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 ton fiyatıdır. Sökümden çıkan malzeme idareye aittir. Ton Ölçü: Sökülen imalatın ağırlığı tartılarak tutanağa geçirilir. MALZEME Oksijen,asetilen vb. söküm giderleri karşılığı Kg Demirci ustası Sa Düz işçi Sa İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 ton fiyatı

13 MSB Kalorifer Kazanı-Yakıt Tankı Kondens Deposu Boyler Hidrofor Gibi Tesisat Malzemelerinin Kaynakla Sökülmesi. Bina giriş kotu altındaki (bodrum kat) kazan dairelerinde bulunan kalorifer kazanı,yakıt tankı,boyler,su tasfiye cihazı gibi parçalanmadan dışarı çıkartılması mümkün olmayan Tesisat,malzemelerinin kaynakla parçalanarak dışarı çıkartılması için,işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 kg fiyatıdır. Teshin merkezi ve servis binası benzeri zemin kat kotunda bulunan ve Tesisat malzemelerinin parçalanmadan çıkartılabileceği binalarda bu poz uygulanmaz, sökümden çıkan malzeme idareye aittir. Kg Ölçü: Sökülen Tesisat malzemesi ağırlığı tartılarak tutanağa geçirilir. MALZEME Kaynak elektrodu,oksijen,asetilen vb. karşılığı Kg Demirci ustası Sa Düz işçi Sa İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 kg fiyatı

14 MSB Ahşap Oturtma Çatı Onarımı Yapılması M 3 Mevcut ahşap oturtma çatının onarım gerektiren,kaplama tahtası,lata,mertek,aşık,dikme,payanda kuşak vb. çatı kerestesi,çivi ve demir bağlantı malzemesi ve zayiatı işçilik alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil,ahşap oturtma çatı onarımı karşılığı,onarımda kullanılan 1 m 3 keresteye tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap oturtma çatı onarımında kullanılan kereste miktarı M3 olarak ölçülür. MALZEME II. sınıf çam kerestesi M Çivi Kg Demir bağlantı malzemesi Kg Dülger Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M3 fiyatı

15 MSB Mevcut Duvar İçine Elektrik Ve Telefon Borularının Döşenmesi İçin Kanal Açılması Ve Harçla Doldurulması Mevcut duvar içine elektrik ve telefon borularının döşenmesi amacıyla,duvar sıvasının ve tuğlalarının kırılarak kanal açılması,borular döşendikten sonra kanalın harçla doldurularak üzerine kaba ve ince sıvanın yapılması için, işçilik malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 metre fiyatıdır. Mt Ölçü: Elektrik ve telefon borusu döşenilen kanal uzunluğu hesaplanır. MALZEME /A1(Y) Kireç Harcı Yapılması (Sönmüş Kireç Torbalı) M /A1(Y) m3/ Kg Kireç-Çimento Karışımı İnce Harç M Yapılması (Sönmüş Kireç Torbalı) Su M Sıvacı ustası Sa Sıvacı yardımcısı Sa Düz işçi Sa İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 mt fiyatı

16 MSB Ahşap Kapı Kasası ve Pervazı Onarımı M 3 Mevcut ahşap kapı kasası ve pervazlarının bozulmuş kısımlarının çam kerestesi ile değiştirerek onarımlarının yapılması için işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil ahşap kapı kasası ve pervazı onarımı karşılığı,onarımda kullanılan 1 m 3 keresteye tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap kapı kasası ve pervazının onarımında kullanılan kereste miktarı hesaplanır. MALZEME Kereste (Zayiatıyla) M Vida ve çivi karşılığı Kutu Kreozot Kg Doğramacı Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M3 fiyatı

17 MSB /A Ahşap Kapı Kanadı Onarımı (Kereste ile) M 3 Mevcut ahşap kapı kanadının bozulmuş kısımlarının çam kerestesi ile değiştirerek onarımlarının yapılması ve yerine takılması için işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler, dahil ahşap kapı kanadı onarılması karşılığı, onarımda kullanılan 1 m 3 keresteye tekabül eden fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Ahşap kapı kanadının onarımında kullanılan kereste miktarı hesaplanır. MALZEME Kereste (Zayiatıyla) M Tutkal Kg Doğramacı Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M3 fiyatı

18 MSB Ahşap Kapı Kanadı Onarımı (Kontrplak ile) M 2 Mevcut ahşap kapı kanadının bozulmuş kontrplak kısımlarının değiştirilerek onarımlarının yapılması ve yerine takılması için işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil ahşap kapı kanadının onarılması karşılığı, onarımda kullanılan 1 m 2 kontrplak levhaya tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap kapı kanadı onarımında kullanılan kontrplak alanı hesaplanır. MALZEME /D Kontrplak (zayiatiyla)(8mm) M Tutkal Kg Doğramacı Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

19 MSB Ahşap Pencere Onarılması M 3 Mevcut pencere doğramasının (kanat, kasa, pervaz vb.) bozulan kısımlarının değiştirilerek yerine takılması için işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, ahşap pencere onarılması karşılığı, onarımda kullanılan 1 m 3 keresteye tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap pencere onarımında kullanılan kereste hacmi hesaplanır. MALZEME Kereste (zayiatıyla) M Tutkal Kg Kreozot Kg Katranlı urgan Mt Doğramacı Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M3 fiyatı

20 MSB Mevcut Kapı ve Pencere Kanatlarının Çalışır Duruma Getirilmesi Kapı kilitlerinin bakımı, yağlanması, kilit karşılıklarının ayarlanması, pencerelerin ispanyolet ve kollarının bakımı, çalışır duruma getirilmesi, pencere ve kapı kanatlarının rendelenerek düzeltilmesi ve rahatça açılırkapanır hale getirilmesi, menteşelerin Sağlamlaştırılıp yağlanması vb. onarım işlerinin yapılması için işçilik, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. M 2 Ölçü: Onarım ve bakımı yapılan pencere ve kapı kanadı alanı hesaplanır. Cam boşlukları düşülmez. MALZEME Vida ve çivi karşılığı Kutu Doğramacı Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

21 MSB /A Kapı ve Pencere Camına Slikon Çekilmesi M 2 Mevcut kapı ve pencere camının bozulmuş macunlarının temizlenmesi, eksik cam çivilerinin tamamlanması ve slikonun çekilmesi işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Macun çekilen cam alanı hesaplanır. MALZEME /01C Slikon ( ml) (Asitsiz Nötral Slikon) Ad Camcı ustası Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

22 MSB Mevcut Mermer Plak veya Karo Mozaik Döşeme Kaplamasının Onarılması ve Silinmesi Suni mermer plak veya karo mozaik döşeme kaplamasının (süpürgelik dahil) oynayan parçalarının sabitleştirilmesi, bozulmuş derzlerin doldurulması, silinmesi ve temizlenmesi için işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. M 2 Ölçü: Onarılan ve silinen döşeme kaplaması alanı hesaplanır. MALZEME / Çimento esaslı, standart performanslı derz dolgusu (oynayan Kg kısımların Sabitleştirilmesi ve derz dolgusu karşılığı) Arap Sabunu Kg Su M Mermer kaplama ustası Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

23 MSB Mevcut Dökme Mozaik Döşeme Kaplaması Silinmesi M 2 Mevcut dökme mozaik döşeme kaplaması (süpürgelikler dahil) mozaik silme makinesi ile silinmesi ve döşeme yüzeyinin temizlenmesi için işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Silinen dökme mozaik kaplaması alanı hesaplanır. MALZEME Su M Mozaik silme makinesi Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

24 MSB Eski Demir İmalatın Boyaya Hazır Hale Getirilmesi M 2 Boyası bozulmuş veya boyanmadan uzun süre bekleyerek paslanmış, karıncalanmış eski demir imalatın ; boya ve paslarının zımpara kağıdı ile, karıncalanmış kısımlarının taşlama motoru ile temiz yüzey ortaya çıkana kadar silinerek temizlenmesi ve boyaya hazır hale getirilmesi için işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı birim fiyat tarifleri Y /02 pozundaki gibidir. MALZEME Zımpara ve taşlama motoru karşılığı Ad Boyacı ustası Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

25 MSB Ahşap Dolap Onarımı Yapılması (yonga levha ile) M 2 Mutfak tezgah altı ve üstü dolabı gömme dolap ve vestiyer, banko vb. nin bozulmuş yonga levha kısımlarının, kenarları 1x2cm. meşe çıta ile çerçevelendirilmiş yonga levha ile değiştirilerek onarımının yapılması için her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil ahşap dolap onarılması karşılığı onarımda kullanılan 1 m 2 yonga levhaya tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap dolap onarımında kullanılan yonga levha alanı hesaplanır. MALZEME /7 19mm. yonga levha M Meşe kerestesi M Sentetik tutkal Kg Çivi ve ağaç vidası karşılığı Kg Doğramacı Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

26 MSB Ahşap Dolap Onarımı (kontrplak ile) M 2 Mutfak tezgah altı ve üstü dolabı, gömme dolap, vestiyer, banko bozulmuş kontrplak kısımlarının (çekmece tabanı vb.) yenisi ile değiştirilerek onarımın yapılması için, işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, ahşap dolap onarılması, onarımda kullanılan 1 m 2 kontrplak levhaya tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap dolap onarımında kullanılan kontrplak alanı hesaplanır. MALZEME /B 4mm. kontrplak M Galvanizli Çivi Kg Doğramacı Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

27 MSB Ahşap Dolap Onarımı Yapılması (kereste ile) M 3 Mutfak tezgah altı ve üstü dolabı, gömme dolap bozulmuş kısımlarının kereste ile değiştirilerek onarımın yapılması için, işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, ahşap dolap onarılması karşılığı, onarımda kullanılan 1 m 3 keresteye tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap dolap onarımında kullanılan kereste hacmi hesaplanır. MALZEME Kereste M Sentetik tutkal Kg Çivi ve ağaç vidası karşılığı Kg Doğramacı ustası Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M3 fiyatı

28 MSB Ahşap Dolap Onarımı (Meşe Kaplama Yonga Levha) M 2 Mutfak tezgah altı ve üstü dolabı, gömme dolap, vestiyer, banko bozulmuş meşe kaplamalı yonga levha kısımlarının, kenarları 1x2 cm. meşe çıta ile çerçevelendirilmiş meşe kaplamalı yonga levha ile değiştirilerek onarımın yapılması için, işçilik her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, ahşap dolap onarımı karşılığı, onarımda kullanılan 1 m 2 meşe kaplamalı yonga levhaya tekabül eden fiyattır. Ölçü: Ahşap dolap onarımında kullanılan yonga levha alanı hesaplanır. MALZEME /7 19mm. yonga levha M Sert ağaç kereste M Meşe kaplama M Sentetik tutkal Kg Çivi ve ağaç vidası Kg Doğramacı Sa Çırak Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

29 MSB Bozuk Betonarme Yüzeylerin Temizlenmesi M 2 Muhtelif nedenlerden dolayı bozulmuş betonarme yüzeyin kaba temizliğinin yapılması, kaba temizliği yapılmış beton yüzeyin ve donatılarının titizlikle yeniden temizlenmesi için çipleme ve sulu kumlama yöntemlerinin kullanılarak korozyondan arındırılmış donatıların ve gevşek parçalardan temizlenmiş beton yüzeyin elde edilmesi için her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, her türlü işçilik, iş yerindeki tüm malzemelerin iş yerine nakli, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1m 2 fiyatıdır. Not: m² bozulmuş betonarme yüzeyinin temizlenmesi için özel kum karşılığı olarak; Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı rayiç cetvelindeki / poz no lu (ince sıva ve derz kumu) kumdan 0, m³ alınmıştır. 2- Kum nakline esas olacak kum miktarının hesaplanmasında; a- Uygulama esnasında kullanılacak özel kumun birim miktarı ile temizlenen alanın çarpımından elde edilecek ton cinsinden miktarıdır. b- Özel kum miktarı en fazla 20 kg/m² alınacaktır. Ölçü : Çipleme ve sulu kumlama yapılan yüzey ölçülür (M 2 ) MALZEME Kompresör Sa / İnce Sıva veya Derz Kumu (Elenmiş ve Yıkanmış) M Düz İşçi Sa Sınıf Usta Sa Düz İşçi (Kaba Temizlik) Sa %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 M2 fiyatı

30 MSB Beton Yüzeylerde Aderans Sağlamak İçin Astar Yapılması M 2 Her türlü temizliği yapılarak korozyondan arındırılmış, donatıları koruyucu ile kaplanmış, temizlenmiş beton yüzeyine uygulanacak, eski ve yeni beton arasında aderans köprüsü sağlayacak, çimento esaslı ince harç ile bağlayıcı tabaka yapılması için her türlü malzeme ve zaiyatı, her türlü işçilik, iş yerinde yükleme, boşaltma, yatay ve düşey taşıma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 m 2 sinin fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Astar uygulanan beton yüzeyinin alanı ölçülür /D01 İnce Tamir Harcı (TS EN ) kg Düz işçi sa Sıva ustası sa Sıva usta yardımcısı sa %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1M2 fiyatı

31 MSB Beton Yüzeylerde Tamir Harcı İle Beton Tamiratı Kg Çimento bazlı ince tamir harcı uygulanmış betonarme yüzeyi, çimento bazlı kalın tamir harcı ile orijinal geometrisine getirmek için her türlü malzeme ve ziyatı, her türlü işçilik, iş yerinde yükleme, boşaltma, yatay ve düşey taşıma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 kg mının fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Kullanılan tamir harcı miktarı tutanak ile tespit edilir Düz işçi sa Sıva ustası sa Sıva usta yardımcısı sa Su m /D02 Kalın Tamir Harcı (TS EN ) kg %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1kg fiyatı

32 MSB Epoxy Enjeksiyon ile Çatlak Tamiri Mt Çatlak betonarme elemanlara epoxy enjeksiyon uygulamak üzere, çatlak üzerinde gerekli temizliğin yapılması, çatlağın üzerinin epoxy macun ile kapatılması, aralıklı olarak enjeksiyon ( ortalama 7 adet olacak şekilde) dübellerinin ve nipellerin yerleştirilmesi, el pompası ile enjeksiyon epoxy nin çatlağı tamamen dolduracak şekilde enjeksiyonu için her türlü malzeme ve zaiyatı, her türlü işçilik, iş yerindeki yükleme, boşaltma, yatay ve düşey taşıma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 mt sinin fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Epoxy uygulanan uzunluk ölçülür /H01 Epoksi Esaslı Eski Betonun Yeni Betona Aderansını Kg Sağlayan Yapıştırıcı (İki Bileşenli) /H05 Epoksi Esaslı (İki Bileşenli) Yapıştırıcı ve Tamir Harcı (TS Kg EN ) /2 Enjeksiyon makinası (enjeksiyon dübeller ve nipelleri el Sa pompası ankraj plakalar karşılığı) Düz işçi Sa sınıf usta Sa /1 1. sınıf usta yardımcısı Sa

33 MSB Paspayının Kırılarak Donatının Açığa Çıkarılması M 2 Takviye yapılacak beton yüzeylerin kırılarak donatının açığa çıkarılması, yüzeylerin temizlenmesi için her türlü malzeme, işçilik, nakliye, yatay ve düşey taşıma, müteahhitlik karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Kırılan beton yüzeyin alanı hesaplanır Düz işçi Sa Düz işçi (Yüfunduszeue.infoş.Boş.) Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik Tutarı, %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 M 2 fiyatı

34 MSB /A Tarihi Binalarda Ahşap Döşeme Sökülmesi (Ahşap Taşıyıcı sistem) Tarihi binalarda, ham kereste veya kalas kullanılarak yapılmış, ahşap döşeme ve kiriş sökülmesi için işçilik, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, sökülen malzemenin istifi, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. Sökümden çıkan malzeme idareye aittir. M 2 Ölçü: Sökülen ahşap döşeme alanı hesaplanır Dülger Sa Düz işçi Sa İşçilik tutarı, %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler. 1 M2 fiyatı

35 MSB Tarihi Binalarda İç Ve Dış Sıva Sökülmesi. M 2 Tarihi binalarda, kalınlığı ortalama 5 cm. olan iç ve dış sıvanın bozulmuş kısımlarının sökülmesi için; işçilik, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma,müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil l m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Sökülen iç sıva alanı hesaplanır İşçilik Düz işçi Sa İşçilik tutarı %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler 1 M2 fiyatı

36 MSB Tarihi Binalarda Taş Duvar Onarılması M 2 Tarihi binalarda, taş duvarın bir bölümünün yıkılmasından sonra, mevcut duvar yan yüzeyinde kalan taşların çıkıntılarının tıraşlanması ve kalan boşlukların onarılması için; işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma,müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil l m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Onarılan taş duvar yüzeyi hesaplanır. MALZEME (Y) kg Çimento Dozlu Harç Yapılması M /A1(Y) Kireç Harcı Yapılması (Sönmüş Kireç Torbalı) M /A1(Y) m3/ kg Kireç-Çimento Karışımı İnce Harç M Yapılması (Sönmüş Kireç Torbalı) Su M Taşçı ustası Sa Sıvacı ustası Sa Sıvacı yardımcısı Sa Düz işçi Sa İşçilik tutarı %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler 1 M2 fiyatı

37 MSB Tarihi Binalarda Taş Duvarların Eksik Taşlarının Hazırlanarak Yerine Monte Edilmesi. Ocaktan çıkan, tarihi bina taş dokusuna uygun olarak seçilmiş, mevcuttaki eksik taş boşluğuna uygun olarak çaplandırılan yonu taşının yerine monte edilmesi için, işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı,alet ve edevat giderleri, işyerindeki yükleme,yatay ve düşey taşımalar,boşaltma,müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil l m 3 fiyatıdır. M 3 Ölçü: Monte edilecek taşın hacmi hesaplanır. MALZEME Yontu taşı taslağı (Zayiatıyla) M (Y) kg Çimento Dozlu Harç Yapılması M Taşçı ustası (Taşların görünen yatak ve yan yüzlerinin Sa tesviyesi) Duvarcı ustası Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve işçilik tutarı % 25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler l M3 fiyatı.

38 MSB Tarihi Binalarda İç Sıva Yapılması M 2 Çevre ve şehircilik Bakanlığı birim fiyat tarifleri Y /02 nolu pozundaki tarife uygun olarak hazırlanmış kaba ve ince harç ile, bozulmuş kısımları sökülen eski Rus binası vb. tarihi binalarda ortalama 5cm. kalınlığında iç sıva yapılması için, işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, işyerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil l m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Sıva yapılan alan hesaplanır. MALZEME /A1(Y) Kireç Harcı Yapılması (Sönmüş Kireç Torbalı) M /A1(Y) m3/ kg Kireç-Çimento Karışımı İnce Harç M Yapılması (Sönmüş Kireç Torbalı) Su M Sıvacı ustası Sa Sıvacı yardımcısı Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve işçilik tutarı % 25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler l M2 fiyatı.

39 MSB Granülometrik Çakıl Serilmesi M 3 En az iki sınıf yıkanmış elenmiş mm ila mm çaplarında granülometrik çakılın el ile serilmesi, serme işleminin yapılması için, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, makine,işçilik, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, 1 m 3 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Serilen Çakılın M3 cinsinden hacmidir. MALZEME / Çakıl (Tuvenan Agregadan Elenmiş, Yıkanmış ve En Az İki Tane Sınıfı Karıştırılarak Hazırlanmış) M Düz işçi Sa %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler, 1 M3 fiyatı

40 MSB Saha Betonu ve Beton Yollarda Demirli Genleşme Derzi Yapılması Beton yollarda m. Aralıkta, Saha betonlarında her iki istikamette m. Aralıkta, anolar halinde dökülen betonun dolu gözlerinin dökümü esnasında birleşim yerlerine ekteki detaya göre 75cm ara ile 50cm boyunda Q16 yuvarlak demir yerleştirilmesi,boş gözlerinin betonu dökülmeden önce, demirin açıkta kalan ucunun 2 kat boyanarak yağlanması,üzerine bir ucu kapatılmış suda bekletilmiş 20x mm. ebadındaki kavak kerestesine 20x50 mm. ebadındaki kavak kerestenin mastar çekmek için geçici olarak eklenmesi,bilahare boş gözlere beton dökülerek, prizini aldıktan sonra 20x50 parçanın sökülmesi, beton kenarlarının mala ile pahlanması ve derzin ye kadar ısıtılmış mastik asfalt ve bitüm karışımı ile sıcaklığı den aşağı düşmemek üzere doldurulması için; işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 metre fiyatıdır. Mt Ölçü: Demirli genleşme derzi uzunluğu hesaplanır. MALZEME Kavak kerestesi M Çivi Kg /D Bitüm Kg /1 Mastik asfalt Kg Q16 Yuvarlak demir Kg Makine Yağlı Kg /05 Demir-Çelik Yüzey Koruyucu Astar (Antipas) Kg Q20 sert PVC boru (karsız fiyatı) Mt Tecritçi ustası Sa Sıvacı ustası Sa Boyacı ustası Sa Marangoz yardımcısı Sa Demirci yardımcısı Sa Çırak Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik Tutarı %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, 1metre fiyatı

41 MSB Saha Betonu ve Beton Yollarda Büzülme Derzi Yapılması Saha veya yol betonunun 3x4 m. Ebadında alanlar halinde dama şeklinde (Bir boş, bir dolu) dökülmesi, beton kenarlarının mala ile pahlanması, bilahare boş gözlere dökülen beton pirizini almadan, eski betonla olan ara kesitine T 50 lik profil sokularak, ekteki detaya göre 50 mm derinlik ve 6 mm. kalınlıkta derz teşkil edilmesi,derzin C ye kadar ısıtılmış mastik asfalt ve bitüm karışımı ile sıcaklığı TC den aşağı düşmemek üzere doldurulması için, işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 metre fiyatıdır. Mt Ölçü: Büzülme derzi uzunluğu hesaplanır. MALZEME T 50 profil (% 10 zayiatı ve 30 kez kullanılması kabulüyle) Kg /d Bitüm Kg /1 Mastik asfalt Kg Maden kömürü Kg Tecritçi ustası Sa Sıvacı ustası (Kenarların pahlanması için) Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik Tutarı %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, 1metre fiyatı

42 MSB Saha Betonu ve Beton Yollarda İnşaat Derzi Yapılması Saha veya yol betonunun 3x4 m. Ebadında anolar halinde dama şeklinde (Bir boş,bir dolu) dökülmesi, dolu gözlere beton dökülürken,ekteki detaya göre anoların birleşim yerlerine 75 cm. ara ile 50 cm. boyunda Q 16 yuvarlak demir yerleştirilmesi, beton kenarlarının mala ile pahlanması,bilahare boş gözlere dökülen beton pirizini almadan,eski betonla olan ara kesitine T 50 lik profil sokularak 50 mm derinlikte ve 6 mm kalınlıkta derz teşkil edilmesi, derzin C ye kadar ısıtılmış mastik asfalt ve bitüm karışımı ile sıcaklığı C den aşağı düşmemek üzere doldurulmaması için; işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 metre fiyatıdır. Mt Ölçü: İnşaat derzi uzunluğu hesaplanır. MALZEME T 50 profil (% 10 zayiatı ve 30 kez kullanılması kabulüyle) Kg /d Bitüm Kg /1 Mastik asfalt Kg Maden kömürü Kg Q 16 yuvarlak demir Kg Tecritçi ustası Sa Sıvacı ustası (Kenarların pahlanması için) Sa Demirci yardımcısı Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik Tutarı %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, 1metre fiyatı

43 MSB Saha Betonu ve Beton Yollarda Genleşme Derzi Mt Beton yollarda m,aralıkta Saha betonlarda her iki istikamette m. Aralıkta, 20 mm genişliğinde derz teşkil etmek için, 48 Saat suda bekletilmiş 20x mm ebadındaki kavak kerestesinin mastar çekmek için geçici olarak eklenmesi,bilahare boş gözlerine beton dökülerek pirizini aldıktan sonra 20x50 mm lik parçanın sökülmesi,beton kenarlarının mala ile pahlanması ve derzin C dereceye kadar ısıtılmış, mastik asfalt ve bitüm karışımı ile sıcaklığı 17 C den aşağı düşmemek üzere doldurulması için, işçilik, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 metre fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Genleşme derzi uzunluğu hesaplanır. MALZEME Kavak kerestesi M Çivi Kg /D Bitüm Kg /1 Mastik asfalt Kg Maden kömürü Kg Tecritçi ustası Sa Sıvacı ustası (Kenarların pahlanması için) Sa Demirci yardımcısı Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik Tutarı %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, 1metre fiyatı

44 MSB /B J- 8 Tipi Çevre Emniyeti Yapılması M 2 İdarece onaylanmış projesine göre T 80 lik profilin 4 mt aralıklarla muhtelif boyutlardaki beton kaidelere dikilmesi, her 40 metrede bir ve kenar köşelerde çift payanda direği ile takviye edilmesi, T 80 lik profilin simetri aksindeki Kanadına dikenli telin montajı için delik ve çentiklerin açılması, 25 cm ara ile 9 sıra düz, 4 sıra çapraz, (2 sıra düz,2 sıra eğik kısmına) dikenli telin,çekilmesi, düz ve çapraz sıraların her kesişme noktasında galvanizli bağ teli ile bağlanması için, her türlü malzeme ve zayiatı, işçilik, iş yerinde yükleme boşaltma,yatay ve düşey taşıma, alet ve edevat giderleri, iş yerindeki yükleme, yatay ve düşey taşımalar, boşaltma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. Ölçü: Koruma çiti yapılan dikenli telin yüzey alanı ölçülür. MALZEME Profil Kg /3D Galvanizli dikenli tel Kg /3F Galvanizli tel Kg Usta Sa Düz işçi Sa Malzeme ve İşçilik Tutarı %25 Müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil, 1 M2 fiyatı Direk dibi temel kazısı direk dibi betonu ve kalıbı Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı nın ilgili pozlarından ödenecektir.

45 MSB Perde Duvar Üzeri Çerçeveli Galvanizli Tel Kafes İle Çevre Emniyeti Yapılması Onaylı projesine göre duvar üzerine I80 lik profillerin m ara ile dikilmesi ve ankrajı I80 lik profilin eğik kısmına 3 sıra düz 2 sıra çaprazına galvanizli dikenli tel çekilmesi ve bağlanması, I80 lik profilin düz kısmına 40/40/4 köşebentler ile çerçeve yapılması ve bu çerçevenin içine 3x3 cm gözlü x cm boyutlarında galvanizli kafes tel ile pano yapılması, üzerine 30/5 lama ile çerçeve punto kaynak ile tespiti, tüm demir aksamın boyanması için gerekli tüm malzeme, işçilik, taşımalar, alet-edevat, müteahhitlik karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 m 2 fiyatıdır. (Yüksekliği m) M 2 Ölçü: Çevre Emniyeti için yapılan tel kafes alanı ölçülür. MALZEME Lama (Kaynak,atölye,zayiat dahil) Kg Profil Demiri (Kaynak,atölye,zayiat dahil) Kg /3G Galvanizli Tel Kafes (%10 zayiatlı) Kg /3F Galvanizli Bağ Teli Kg /3D Dikenli Tel (%1 zayiatlı) Kg /2 Köşebent (Kaynak,atölye,zayiat dahil) Kg Düz İşçi Sa Demirci Ustası Sa /1-A Demir İmalatın Boyanması M %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1M2 fiyatı

46 MSB /A Hudut Karakolu 3 mt Yüksekliğinde Çevre Emniyeti Yapılması Onaylı proje ve detayına göre, temel kolonlarına temiz yüksekliği 3 mt olacak şekilde I80 profillerin 3 mt de bir dikilmesi, alt, orta ve üstten U80 lik profillerle birbirine bağlanması.4 mm kalınlığında 4*4 cm gözlü kafes teli profillerle bağlanması, ek yerlerinin 3 mm kalınlığında bağ teli ile örülmesi. Her arada iki taraftan I80 lik profil ile detaydaki gibi payanda yapılması. Tüm demir aksamın antipas ve sentetik boya ile boyanması için her türlü malzeme ve zaiyatı, işçilik, iş yerinde yükleme, boşaltma, yatay ve düşey taşıma, müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1 mt fiyatıdır. Mt Ölçü: Tel Kafes çevre emniyeti uzunluğu ölçülür Profil Demir (%10 Zaiyat Dahil) kg /3G Galvanizli Kafes Tel (%10 Zaiyat) kg /1-A Demir Aksamın Boyanması m Köşe Elemanı Profil (I80, U80) kg /3F Gergi Teli (3 mm) kg Demirci Ustası sa Usta Yardımcısı sa Düz İşçi sa %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1Mt fiyatı

47 MSB Saha, Tretuvar, Yol, Otopark, Hangar ve Atölye İçi Beton Kaplama Yapılması (Hazır Beton Kullanılarak) Şartnamesindeki esaslar dahilinde ve projesinde gösterilen veya idarece verilen talimata uygun olarak yol betonu dökülmesi, sıkıştırılması, tesviyesi, derzlerin bırakılması veya açılması ve teçhizi, doldurulması, itinalı bir suretle beton kürünün sulanmak, örtmek vs. M 3 Ölçü: Tatbik projesi ebadları üzerinden hesaplanan m 3 cinsinden hacmidir Malzeme: Y /13 Satın Alınan C16/20 Hazır Beton (Nakliye dahil)(karsız fiyatı) m İşçilik: Y /13 Makine: Kalıp, Derz lataları, Derz malzemeleri, Beton yüzeyinin perdahlanması v.b. Her türlü malzeme ve işler karşılığı. m %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1M3 fiyatı 1-) Kullanılması halinde hasır çelik bedeli ayrıca ilgili pozdan ödenecektir. 2-) DLH analizlerinden yaralanılmıştır.

48 MSB /A Beton Kaplama Yapılması (C30/37 Hazır Beton Kullanılarak) M 3 Şartnamesindeki esaslar dahilinde ve projesinde gösterilen veya idarece verilen talimata uygun olarak C30/37 kalitesinde yol betonu dökülmesi, sıkıştırılması, tesviyesi, derzlerin bırakılması veya açılması ve teçhizi, doldurulması, itinalı bir suretle beton kürünün sulanmak, örtmek vs. Ölçü: Tatbik projesi ebadları üzerinden hesaplanan m 3 cinsinden hacmidir Malzeme: Y /16 Satın Alınan C30/37 Hazır Beton (Nakliye dahil)(karsız fiyatı) m İşçilik: Y /16 Makine: Kalıp, Derz lataları, Derz malzemeleri, Beton yüzeyinin perdahlanması v.b. Her türlü malzeme ve işler karşılığı. m %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1M3 fiyatı 1-) Kullanılması halinde hasır çelik bedeli ayrıca ilgili pozdan ödenecektir. 2-) DLH analizlerinden yaralanılmıştır.

49M 2 Ölçü: Kaplanan beton yüzeyin alanı ölçülür. Beton Hazırlanması m Beton Malzemesi m Beton Serilmesi ve Tesviyesi m Beton Muhafazası m 2 1 Kalıp Karşılığı [(Y.B.K.A) + (]* (Y.B.K.A) /2C Portland çimentosu (Torbalı) (TS EN CEM I 42,5 R) Ton Derz Açılması m 2 1 Derz Dolgu m 2 1 %25 müteahhit karı ve genel giderler dahil 1M2 fiyatı 1-) Bu imalat finişerle serilen apron, taksirut, pist ve bağlantı yollarında kullanılacaktır. 2-) DLH analizlerinden faydalanılmıştır.

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2 Edirne Çanakkale Balıkesir Aydın Kocaeli Denizli Sakarya Adapazarı Antalya ANKARA Konya Mersin Çorum Samsun Amasya Kayseri Adana Sivas Malatya Gaziantep Trabzon Erzurum Diyarbakır Van



5 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ ŞİRKET PROFİLİ Wenta; konusunda deneyimli mühendisleri ve çalışanları ile sektöründe çağın teknolojisi ile uygun başarılı çözümler sunmaktadır. Wenta Ankara Fabrikası 5000 m2 kapalı ve 3000 m 2 açık alanda, Buhar Kazanları, Buhar Jeneratörleri, Kızgın Yağ Kazanları, Kızgın Su Kazanları, Ekonomizerler, Termik Degazörler üretmekte; bu mamulleri müşterilerimize anahtar teslimi sunmaktadır. Wenta Kırşehir Fabrikası 7000 m 2 kapalı 4000 m2 açık alanda, Hidrofor ve Genleşme tankları, Akümülasyon, Denge, Buffer Tanklar ile Tek ve Çift Serpantinli Emaye Boylerler ile Pelet Kazanları, Kalorifer Kazanlarını seri olarak üretmektedir. Ürünlerimiz yurtiçi ve yurtdışı 34 ülkeye ihracat edilmektedir. Yurtiçi ve yurtdışı satış sonrası hizmetimiz mükemmeldir. Ürünlerimiz 105 sertifika ile taçlandırılmıştır. İzmir Kemalpaşa Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde 4000 m 2 kapalı ve 4500 m2 açık alanda pelet kazanları ve basınçlı kaplar üretilmektedir. İstanbul da 1000 m 2 bölge müdürlüğü ve depomuz bulunmaktadır. Bakü / Azerbaycan da satış müdürlüğü ve servisimiz bulunmaktadır. COMPANY PROFILE Wenta; with its experienced engineers and employees, we are able to provide successful solutions with the latest technology in the sector. Wenta Ankara Factory produces 5000 m 2 closed and 3000 m 2 open area, Steam Boilers, Steam Generators, Thermal Oil Boilers, Hot Water Boilers, Economizers, Thermal Deaerators; these products provide key turn-key to our customers. Wenta Kırşehir Factory produces 7000 m 2 closed 4000 m 2 open area, Hydrofor and Expansion Tanks, Accumulation, Balance, Buffer Tanks and Single and Double Serpentine Water Heaters and Pellet Boilers, Central Heating Boilers in series. Our products are exported to 34 domestic and foreign countries. Domestic and foreign countries aftersales service is excellent. Our products are crowned with 105 certificates. ПРОФИЛЬ КОМПАНИИ Благодаря своим опытным инженерам и специалистам Wenta готова предложить самые подходящие и успешные технические решения с использованием новейших технологий в этом секторе. Завод Wenta в г. Aнкара расположен на 5000 м 2 закрытой и 3000 м 2 открытой площади, где производятся паровые котлы, парогенераторы, термомасляные котлы, котлы перегретой воды, экономайзеры, рермические дегазаторы. Это оборудование предлагается нашим клиентам «под ключ». На 7000 м2 закрытой и 4000 м 2 открытой площадях завода Wenta в г.кыршехир производятся серии гидрофорных и расширительных баков, аккумуляционные, балансовые, буферные баки и одно-/двое серпантинные эмалированные бойлеры, пеллетные котлы, а также серии котлов Центрального Отопления. Наша продукция экспортируется в 34 страны мира. Внутреннее и внешнее послепрадажное обслуживание на высшем уровне. Качество продукции подтверждено 105 сертификатами. В Промышленной Зоне Кемальпаша в Измире производятся Котлы на пеллете и Сосуды под давлением на 4000 м 2 закрытой и 4500 м2 открытой площади. В Стамбуле находится Региональная Дирекция и 1000 м 2 складского помещения,в Азербайджане в Баку Технический Офис Продаж.service is excellent. Our products are crowned with 105 certificates. >> 5


7 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ VİZYONUMUZ Hedeflediğimiz alanlarda tüm çağdaş teknolojileri kullanarak yeni ürünler üretmek, sektörümüzdeki tüm mühendis ve çalışanlarla iş birliği içinde olmak ve çalışma alanlarımızı genişletmektir. Müşteri odaklılığımızı sürdürerek sizin isteklerinizi ve beklentilerinizi karşılamak ana hedefimizdir. COMPANY VISION Our goal is to produce new products by using all the contemporary technologies in the fields we are in, to work together with all the engineers and employees in our sector and to expand our working fields. Maintaining our customer focus and meeting your demands and expectations is our main goal. НАШЕ ВИДЕНИЕ Наш подход к работе и используемые нами в производстве новейшие технологии способствуют достижению наших целей с помощью сотрудничества инженеров и технического персонала и расширению рабочей сфере. Ориентация на клиента, его пожелания и оправдывание ваших ожиданий наша главная цель. MİSYONUMUZ Doğru yaklaşım, doğru analiz ve başarılı sonuçlar Bu düşünce etrafında şekillenen firmamız, kalıcı çözüm, kaliteli ürün ve müşteri memnuniyeti hedeflerini benimseyerek, kendi sektöründe söz sahibi bir firma olmayı devam ettirmektedir. COMPANY MISSION The right approach, accurate analysis and successful results... Our company, which is shaped around this idea, continues to be a company that has a say in its own sector by adopting the goals of a permanent solution, quality product and customer satisfaction. МИССИЯ Наш подход к работе и используемые нами в производстве новейшие технологии способствуют достижению наших целей с помощью сотрудничества инженеров и технического персонала и расширению рабочей сфере. Ориентация на клиента, его пожелания и оправдывание ваших ожиданий наша главная цель >> 7



10 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ BUHAR OKULU WENTA Isı Teknolojileri A.Ş. çatısı altında kurulan WENTA Buhar Okulunda, uluslararası düzeyde kabul gören Buhar Eğitim Programları vermekteyiz. Sürekli gelişen ve kendini yenileyen sektörümüzde Buhar Eğitim Programı, güvenilir ve tecrübeli personel yetişmesi açısından son derece önemlidir. Uluslararası standartlarıyla desteklenmiş, gerçeğe dayalı teorik ve pratikle laboratuvar ortamında deneyimleme, test etme yoluyla verilen buhar eğitimimiz; akademik beceriyi, bilgiyi, iş kalitesi ve güvenirliğini yükseltme hedefiyle biçimlenmiştir. Dünya çapında uygulanabilir eğitim programlarımız, bir ömür boyu kariyer gelişimini destekleyerek, sizi sektöre ve iş dünyasına hazırlar. Wenta Buhar Okulumuzda, sektörün ihtiyacı olan eğitim stratejilerini uygulamaktayız. Alanında kendini kanıtlamış, iş yapısının sürecine hâkim, deneyimli ve profesyonel eğitim ekibimiz; her meslektaşımıza uygun eğitim stratejileri uygulanmaktadır. Bu strateji sistemi sayesinde katılımcılarımızın becerilerini diğer alanlarda da güçlendirmeyi hedeflemekteyiz. Hızla gelişen teknoloji dünyasında başarılı olmak için çok çeşitli deneyimlere sahip olunması gerekir. Küresel pazarda aranan hale gelen ve gelecekte daha da önemli hale gelecek buhar eğitimi, proje geliştirmek ve hayata geçirmek isteyen, geniş çaplı beceriler kazanmak isteyen meslektaşlarımıza açık ve uygundur. STEAM ACADEMY The WENTA Steam Academy, established under the WENTA Isı Teknolojileri A.Ş. We are supplying internationally recognized Steam Education Programs. Steam Education Program is very important in terms of educating reliable and experienced personnel in our sector which is constantly developing and renewing itself. The given steam training, supported by international standards, based on the theoretical and practical theories, experimentation and experimentation in the laboratory environment; academic ability, knowledge, work quality and reliability. Our world-class training programs prepare you for the industry and the business world, supporting a lifelong career development. At the Wenta Steam Academy, we are implementing training strategies that industry needs. We have a proven track record in the field of business, experienced and professional training team; every colleague is applying appropriate training strategies. Through this strategy system, we aim to strengthen our participants skills in other areas as well. In order to be successful in the rapidly developing technology world, it is necessary to have various experiences. My colleagues who are looking for a global market and who want to develop steam projects, develop projects and pass on life and acquire a wide range of skills are clear and suitable, which will become even more important in the future. ШКОЛА ПАРА В Школе Пара WENTA, созданной под крышей WENTA Isı Teknolojileri A.Ş., мы поставляем международно признанные программы обучения пара. Постоянно развивающаяся и обновляющаяся программа обучения пара очень важна с точки зрения обучения надежного и опытного персонала в нашем секторе. Поддерживаемая международным стандартами и базированная на теоритических и практических экспериментов и тестирований, наша учебная программа пара основана для улучшения академических знаний, качества и надежности работы. Наши учебные программы мирового уровня готовят вас к индустрии и деловому миру, поддерживая развитие карьеры на протяжении всей жизни. В нашей школе мы реализуем стратегии обучения, которые необходимы отрасли. Наша проверенная, опытная и профессиональная команда по обучению с проверенным опытом работы в сфере бизнеса; каждый коллега применяет соответствующие стратегии обучения. Благодаря этой стратегии мы стремимся укрепить навыки наших участников и в других областях. Чтобы добиться успеха в быстро развивающемся мире технологий, необходимо иметь различный опыт. Получающее большое вниманиеи удовлетворительные прогнозы на мировом рынке, паровое обучение открыта и удобна для наших коллег, желающих разрабатывать проекты и приводить их в жизнь, при этом расширяя спектр своих навыков. 10>> tr




14 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ YÜKSEK BASINÇLI BUHAR VE KIZGIN SU KAZANLARI HIGH PRESSURE STEAM AND HOT WATER BOILERS ПАРОВЫЕ КОТЛЫ ВЫСОКОГО ДАВЛЕНИЯ И ПЕРЕГРЕТОЙ ВОДЫ Büyük yerleşim birimlerinin ısıtılmasında ağaç, tekstil, kimya, gıda ve benzeri sanayi tesislerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için dizayn ve imal edilmektedir. Kazanlarımız ani buhar kullanımına imkan verecek şekilde büyük buhar hacimli olarak imal edilmektedir. Buhar ile su zerreciklerinin sürüklenmesini en aza indirmek için kazan içerisinde özel dizayn edilmiş su tutucular konulmaktadır. Böylece sisteme giden buharın daha kuru olması sağlanmaktadır. Kalitemizin temelini oluşturan ISO 9001 kalite yönetim sistemleri; tasarım, geliştirme, tesis ve hizmet kalite yönetimi modeli olarak seçilmiştir. It is designed and manufactured to meet the needs of wood, textile, chemical, food and similar industrial facilities in the heating of large residential units. Our boilers are manufactured with large steam volume to allow sudden steam usage. Specially designed water holders are placed in the boiler to minimize the drift of the water droplets with steam. Thus, the steam going to the system is made more dry. ISO 9001 quality management systems which form the basis of our quality, have been chosen as quality management model in respect to design, development, facility and service Он спроектирован и изготовлен для удовлетворения потребностей лесных, текстильных, химических, пищевых и аналогичных промышленных объектов в отоплении крупных жилых домов. Наши котлы производятся с большим объемом пара, что позволяет использовать его внезапно. Специально разработанные держатели воды размещены в котле, чтобы минимизировать снос водяных капель с паром. Таким образом, пар, поступающий в систему, становится более сухим. Системы качества ISO 9001, которые составляют основу нашей системы качества; дизайн - разработка производства - модель управления качеством продукции и услуг. 14>> tr



17 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WENTA ALEV DUMAN BORULU YÜKSEK BASINÇLI BUHAR VE KIZGIN BUHAR KAZANLARI TIP: WBKS WENTA FIRE-SMOKE TUBE HIGH PRESSURE STEAM AND SUPERHEATED STEAM BOILERS MODEL: WBKS WENTA ПАРОВЫЕ КОТЛЫ И КОТЛЫ ПЕРЕГРЕТОГО ПАРА С ПЛАМЕННОЙ ДЫМОВОЙ ТРУБОЙ WENTA Buhar Kazanlarının ocak yükü kcal/m3h altında olduğundan baca sıcaklığı düşmekte ve yüksek kazan verimine ulaşılmaktadır. From whence the furnace load is under kcal/m³h, stack temperature is low therefore Steam Boiler reaches high efficiency. При нагрузке печи паровых котлов WENTA ниже ккал/м3ч, температура дымохода снижается и достигается высокая эффективность котла. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 17

18 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ WENTA ALEV DUMAN BORULU YÜKSEK BASINÇLI KIZGIN SU KAZANLARI TIP: WKSK WENTA FIRE-SMOKE TUBE HIGH PRESSURE SUPERHEATED WATER BOILERS MODEL: WKSK WENTA КОТЛЫ ПЕРЕГРЕТОЙ ВОДЫ С ПЛАМЕННОЙ ДЫМОВОЙ ТРУБОЙ WENTA Kızgın Su Kazanlarının ocak yükü kcal/m3h altında olduğundan baca sıcaklığı düşmekte ve yüksek kazan verimine ulaşılmaktadır. Whence the furnace load is under kcal/m³h, stack temperature is low therefore Superheated Water Boiler reaches high efficiency При нагрузке печи водогрейных котлов WENTA ниже ккал/м3ч, температура дымохода снижается и достигается высокая эффективность котла. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. 18>> tr

19 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WENTA SU BORULU YÜKSEK BASINÇLI BUHAR KAZANI TIP: WSPK ( WENTA SU BORULU PAKET KAZAN) WENTA WATER TUBE HIGH PRESSURE STEAM BOILER MODEL: WSPL I ( WENTA WATER TUBE PACKAGE STEAM BOILER) WENTA NAPOBBLTI/ KOTEFL C 80,[JONPOBO,[JHOTI/ TPY50T1 T/ITN: WSPK (WENTA NAKEM KOMEN C 808ONPO008HOIJ TPY6OU) Wenta Su Borulu Kazanlarının Özellikleri Az yer işgal eder. Çabuk rejime girer. Verimi yüksektir. Büyük kapasite ihtiyaçlarını çok çabuk karşılar. Paketler arası esnek tertiplendiğinden termik Gerilimlere daha dayanıklıdır. Wenta Water Tube Steam Bollers Features Takes /ess space. Quickly enters the regime. Highly efficient. Rapidly meets the large capacity needs. More resistant to thermal stress due to f/exib/ec onnectionb etween the packages. XapaKmepucmulfu Komnoo c BoaonpoooaHoü Tpy6oü 3aHuMaemH e6onbwoem ecmo. 5bıcmpo axoaum a pel l ium. BbıcoKaR npou3aoaumenbhocmb. 5bıcmpoo 6ecnewaaemH Vl l iabı6 onbwoü amecmumocmu. 5onee ycmoü4u(3b/ük mepmu4eckumh amrl l iehurm, mak KaK Mel l iayn akemamuo pzahu3oaahoe nacmu4h0. KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Ürün Kodu Product Code Код продукта Buhar Kapasitesi Steam Capacity (kg/h) Мощность пара (кг/ч) Isıtma Kapasitesi Heat Capacity (kcal/h) Мощность(ккал/ч) A (mm) Ölçüler Dimensions/Габариты L (mm) H (mm) (m3) Duman Yönü Direnci Smoke Direction Resistance (mm) SS)/ Сопротивление дымового потока Takribi Ağırlık Weight (t) Вес (т) WSPK , ,3 WSPK , ,1 WSPK , ,7 WSPK , ,2 WSPK , ,1 WSPK ,2 WSPK , ,5 WSPK ,4 WSPK , WSPK , WSPK , WSPK , WSPK , Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 19

20 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MEKATRONİK BUHAR JENERATÖRLERİ MECATRONIC STEAM GENERATORS ПАРОВЫЕ ГЕНЕРАТОРЫ МЕХАТРОНИК üç geçişli dikişsiz çelik çekme borulu jeneratörlerdir. Tam otomatik yakma kontrol sistemine sahiptir. Kompakt tip kumanda panosu sayesinde arızaları sesli ve ışıklı olarak ikaz edebilme özelliğine sahiptir. Özel seperatörü sayesinde sudan arıtılmış buhar almak mümkündür. Buhar jeneratörleri, brülör, kondens tankı, besi suyu pompası, işletme ve emniyet armatürleri, elektrik kumanda panosu, su yumuşatma cihazı ile birlikte paket olarak sunulmaktadır. Wenta buhar jeneratörleri ani buhar çekişleri göz önüne alınarak buhar domu ile teçhiz edilmiştir. Bu sayede ani buhar çekişlerindeki ısı dalgalanmalarının önüne geçilirken, brülörün start-stop arasındaki zaman artırılarak brülörün sık sık devreye giriş çıkışı engellenmiş, bakım zamanları uzatılırken yakıt ekonomisi sağlanmıştır. Kapasite: kg/h Basıncı: 3-15 bar PLC kontrollü sistemlerdir. Three-pass draw pipe, generators.. It has full automatic control system. Through to its compact type control panel, it is possible to warn the faults with sound and light. Through to its special separator, it is possible to extract steam from water. It is offered as a full package with including Steam generators, burner, condensate tank, feed water pump, operating and safety fixtures, electric control panel, water softening device.. Wenta steam generators are equipped with steam domes considering the sudden steam draws.. In this way, sudden temperature fluctuations in steam traction are prevented, by increasing the time between start-stop of the burner, input and output of the burner is prevented, and provides fuel economy with extension of maintenance time. Capacity: kg/h Pressure: 3-15 bar PLC controlled systems. Трехходовые генераторы с вытяжными трубами.. Полностью автоматическая система контроля сгорания. Благодаря компактной панели управления,возможность предупреждения о неисправностях с помощью звука и света. Благодаря наличию в паровых генераторах специально вмонтированного сепаратора имеется возможность собирать отделяемый от воды пар. Парогенераторы, горелка,конденсатный бак, насос питательной воды, рабочая и предохранительная арматура, электрическая панель управления, устройство для умягчения воды поставляется в комплекте. Парогенераторы Wenta оснащены паровыми куполами с учётом внезапных вытягиваний пара. Благодаря этому куполу температурные колебания при затягивании пара передаются вперёд,предотвращая очень частое включениевыключения горелки,увеличивая интервал между пуском и остановки горелки,тем самым обеспечивая максимальную экономию топлива. Объём: кг/ч Давление: 3-15 бар контролируемая PLC система. 20>> tr


22 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ WENTA EKONOMİZER WENTA ECONOMISERS ЭКОНОМАЙЗЕР Baca gazlarının atık ısısından yararlanarak buhar kazanlarında besi suyunun ısıtılmasında, kızgın su ve sıcak su kazanlarında sistem suyunun ısıtılmasında kullanarak yakıt ekonomisi ve kazan verimini artıran cihazlardır. Özel kanatçıkları sayesinde ısı transferi çok yüksektir. İç ünite dikişsiz çelik çekme boru üzeri özel kanatlı borulardan imal edilmiştir. Baca gazı sıcaklığının kuru işletme şartlarına düşürülmesi halinde ekonomizerlerdeki kazanlarda %4-6 verim artışı sağlamak mümkündür. Mükemmel izolasyon,estetik görünüm Kapasite: kcal/h Basıncı: 3-20 bar By utilizing the waste heat of the flue gases, they are used to increase fuel economy and boiler efficiency by using steam boilers, heating of feed water, heating of system water in hot water and hot water boilers. Heat transfer is very high because of its special vanes. The indoor unit is made of seamless steel drawn pipe with special finned pipes. If the flue gas temperature is reduced to dry operating conditions, it is possible to increase the efficiency of 4-6% in boilers of economizers. Excellent insulation, esthetical appearance Capacity: kcal/h Pressure: 3-20 bar Экономайзер,как устройство, используя отработанное тепло дымовых газов,нагревая питательную воду в паровых котлах,используя системную воду в водогрейных котлах и котлах перегретой воды повышает эффективность котла и экономию топлива. Теплоотдача очень высокая благодаря специальным ребрам. Внутренний блок изготовлен из бесшовной стальной трубы по длине со специальными оребренными трубами. В случае понижения температуры дымовых газов в сухих рабочих условиях в Экономайзерах в Котлах с Экономайзером можно повысить эффективность на 4-6%. Отличная изоляция,эстетичный внешний вид. Объём: Ккал/ч Давление: 3-20 бар 22>> tr

23Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 23

24 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ KIZGIN YAĞ KAZANI THERMAL OIL BOILERS ТЕРМОМАСЛЯНЫЕ КОТЛЫ Kızgın yağ sistemleri; su-buhar gibi ısı taşıyıcı akışkanların ulaşamayacağı yüksek sıcaklıklara rahatlıkla ulaşabilir. Açık hava basıncında 300 C ye kadar sıcaklık elde edilebilir. Isı iletim yağlarının ısı iletkenlik katsayıları diğer akışkanlara göre yüksektir. Sistem içinde ısı taşıycı olarak kullanılan termik yağ, tesisatta tortu bırakmaz. Korozif etkisi yoktur. Termik yağda buhar sistemleri gibi şartlandırmaya ihtiyaç yoktur. Donma riski yoktur. Yüksek verimlidir. Kapasite: kcal/h Sıcaklık: 300 C sıcaklığa kadar PLC kontrollü sistemlerdir. Hot oil systems; they can easily reach high temperatures which are not reachable by heat carrier fluids such as water-steam. At an open air pressure, up to 300 C heat can be achieved. Thermal conductivity coefficients of heat transfer oils are higher than other fluids. Thermal oil used as heat carrier in the system does not leave deposits in the installation.. No corrosive effect. There is no need for conditioning in thermal oils like in steam systems. There is no risk of freezing. It is highly efficient. Capacity: 100,000-10,000,000 kcal/h Temperature: Up to 300 C heat are PLC controlled systems. Система термического теплоснабжения может достигать высоких температур в отличии от других теплоносителей,таких,как вода и пар. Температура может быть получена до 300 C при атмосферном давлении(на открытом воздухе). Термические свойства термического масла выше показателей других жидкостей. Термическое масло,используемое для жидкого теплоносителя в системе,не осаждается и не содержит коррозийного воздействия. Отсутствие коррозийного эффекта.. В термомасляных системах,в отличии от паровых систем,нет необходимости в кондиционировании. 24>> tr

25 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Tip/Type/Тип Kapasite Capacity/ Мощность (kcal/h) Boyutlar Dimensions/Габариты B (mm) L (mm) H (mm) D (mm) Yağ giriş/çıkış Oil inlet/outlet/ Вход/выход масла N (DN) Yağ hacmi Oil volume/ Объём масла (lt) Ağırlık Weight/ Вес (t) WKYK ,9 WKYK ,1 WKYK ,4 WKYK ,0 WKYK ,3 WKYK ,7 WKYK ,0 WKYK ,6 WKYK ,3 WKYK ,7 WKYK ,0 WKYK ,3 WKYK ,8 WKYK ,8 WKYK ,9 WKYK ,0 WKYK ,0 WKYK ,0 WKYK ,0 Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 25

26 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MEKATRONİK PAKET BUHAR KAZANLARI MECATRONIC STEAM GENERATORS КОМПЛЕКТ ПАРОВОГО КОТЛА Son teknoloji ile üretilmiş ve teçhiz edilmiştir. Full otomasyon kontrolü sayesinde kullanımı son derece kolaydır. Tüm armatürleri ile birlikte (seçtiğiniz yakıt cinsine göre brülörü dahil) sevk edilmektedir. Manufactured and equipped with the latest technology. Through its full automation control, it is extremely easy to use. All luminaires are shipped (including burner according to the type of fuel you choose). Изготовлены и оснащены новейшими технологиями. Простота в использовании благодаря полной автоматизации управления. Все приборы поставляются (включая горелку в зависимости от выбранного вами типа топлива). 26>> tr



29 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ MOBİL BUHAR (ISI) SANTRALLERİ MOBILE STEAM (HEAT) POWER PLANTS MОБИЛЬНЫЕ ПАРОВЫЕ(ТЕПЛОВЫЕ) СТАНЦИИ Kış şartlarında tam uyumlu, fombort üzeri galvaniz sac ile içeriden izolelidir. Kış şartlarında donmaya karşı tam otomatik elektrikli, uzaktan kumandalı, ısıtıcı ile sistem koruma altına alınmıştır. Çok çabuk ve ekonomik buhar üretir. Tüm armatürleriyle birlikte sevk edilmektedir. Full otomasyon kontrolü sayesinde kullanımı son derece kolaydır. Sistem buhar ürettiği gibi beton hazırlama için gerekli olan sıcak suyu da belirlenen su sıcaklığında tam otomatik olarak üretmektedir. Buhar seperatörü (akuple) sayesinde sudan arıtılmış buhar üretir. Kapasite: kg/h Kapasitelere kadar Basıncı: 6-12 Bar Fully compatible with winter conditions, with insulated galvanized steel sheet form inside. In the winter conditions against frost. The system is protected by a Full automatic electric and remote control Heater. Produces steam very quickly and economically. It is shipped together with all armatures. Through of its full automation control, it is extremely easy to use. The system produces hot water, as well as steam, which is required for the concrete preparation, at full water temperature. Through the steam separator (acuple) it produces steam, that is purified from water. Capacity: up to kg/h capacity Pressure: 6-12 Bar Рассчитаны на эксплуатацию в зимних условиях, изоляция фомборта гальванической сталью. Очень быстро и экономно производят пар. Поставка производится со всей арматурой. Благодаря полной системе автоматизации обеспечивает простоту эксплуатации и управления. Автоматическое приготовление горячей воды на бетонных заправочных установках,как при приготовлении пара. Производит пар, который очищается от воды паровым сепаратором. Объём: до кг/ч Давление: 6-12 Бар >> 29

30 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ELEKTRİKLİ MEKATRONİK BUHAR JENERATÖRLERİ ELECTRICAL MECATRONIC STEAM GENERATORS ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ ПАРОВЫЕ ГЕНЕРАТОРЫ МЕХАТРОНИК Son teknoloji ile üretilmiştir. Çok çabuk ve ekonomik buhar üretir. Özel seperatörü sayesinde sudan arıtılmış buhar almak mümkündür. Buhar sıcaklığı, baca gazı sıcaklığı ve tüm fonksiyonlar gelişmiş otomasyon tablosundan izlenebilir özelliğe sahiptir. Buhar domludur. Ani buhar çekişlerinden etkilenmez. Ani ihtiyaçlarda ısı rezistansları zarar görmez. Kapasite: kg/h Basıncı: 3-15 bar PLC kontrollü sistemlerdir. Manufactured with the latest technology. Produces steam very quickly and economically. Through to its special separator, it is possible to extract steam from the water. Steam temperature, flue gas temperature, and all functions are traceable from the advanced automation table. Steam is domed. It is not affected by sudden vapour traction. In case of sudden need, heat resistances are not damaged. Capacity: 50-6,000 kg/h Pressure: 3-15 bar are PLC controlled systems. Изготовлены по последней технологии. Очень быстро и экономно производят пар. Парогенераторы Wenta оснащены специальным сепаратором,благодаря которому обеспечивается возможность получения очищенного пара. Температура пара и все функции постоянно контролируются,благодаря расширенной автоматической системе управления. Оснащены паровым куполом,благодаря этому не влияет на внезапный поток пара. При внезапной потребности не повреждает нагреватели. Объём: кг/ч Давление: 3-15 бар контролируемый системой PLC. 30>> tr

31 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Tip Type/Тип Buhar Stream Пар Isı kapasitesi Heat capacity Мощность Çalışma basıncı Working pressure Рабочее давление Boyutlar Dimensions Габариты Buhar çıkışı (6 bar için) Stream outlet Выход пара(для 6 бар) Takribi ağırlık (6 bar için) Weight Вес (для 6 бар)кг (kg/h) (kcal/h) (kw) (bar) B (mm) L (mm) H (mm) DN (kg) WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN WEBJ DN Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 31

32 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ELEKTRİKLİ KALORİFER KAZANLARI WENTA ELECTRICAL CENTRAL HEATING BOILERS ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ ВОДОГРЕЙНЫЕ КОТЛЫ İhtiyacınız kadar çok çabuk ve ekonomik ısı üretir. Susuz çalıştırmalara karşı emniyet proplu ve rölelidir. Full otomasyon kontrolü sayesinde PLC kontrolü sayesinde kullanımı son derece kolaydır. Kapasiteye göre kademeli ve full otomatik çalışır. Isı Kapasitesi: KW Basıncı: 3-5 BAR It produces heat as quickly and economically as much as you need. Safety against waterless operation and relays. Thanks to PLC control, it is very easy to use with full automation control. Depending on the Capacity, it can work automatic and to levels. Heat Capacity: KW Pressure: 3-5 BAR Чрезвычайно быстро и экономно генерируют тепло. Оснащён защитной прокладкой и реле при безводном запуске. Благодаря полностью автоматизированному управлению(система управления PLC) имеют крайне простую эксплуатацию. В зависимости от мощности,выпускаются с ступенчатым циклом и работают в полном автоматическом режиме. Тепловой объём: КВт Давление: 3-5 БАР 32>> tr

33 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Tip / Type/Тип Isı Kapasitesi Heat capacity/мощность (kw) (kcal/h) Boyutlar Dimensions/Габариты B (mm) L (mm) H (mm) Su Giriş/Çıkış Water inlet/out DN/Вход/Выход воды Takribi Ağırlık (6 bar için) Weight (kg) Вес (для 6 бар) кг WEKK WEKK /2 280 WEKK WEKK WEKK WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN WEKK DN Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 33

34 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ YÜKSEK BASINÇLI KATI YAKITLI MEKATRONİK KENDİNDEN STOKERLİ BUHAR KAZANLARI HIGH PRESSURE SOLID FUEL MECHATRONIC INTRINSIC STOKER STEAM BOILERS ПАРОВЫЕ ТВЁРДОТОПЛИВНЫЕ КОТЛЫ СКОЧ ТИПА ВЫСОКОГО ДАВЛЕНИЯ СО СТОКЕРОМ Silindirik yapıda, üç geçişli, ön ocaklı su dolaşımlı, yakma potalı,kendinden stokerli yüksek verimli ve katı yakıtlı skoç buhar kazanlardır. Kazanda; çelik çekme dikişsiz boru kullanılmaktadır.skoç tipte üretilmesi kazanları yüksek verimlidir. Ani buhar kullanıma imkan verecek şekilde,büyük buhar, Hacimli olarak imal edilmektedir. Buhar ile su zerreciklerinin sürüklenmesini en aza indirmek için kazan içerisine özel dizayn edilmiş su tutucular konulmaktadır.böylece sisteme giden buharın daha kuru olması sağlanmaktadır. Brülör monte edilerek sıvı veya gaz yakıt yakılabilir özelliğe sahiptir. Kapasite: kg/h Basıncı: 3-15 bar basınçlı kendinde stokerli buhar kazanlarıdır. Cylindrical, three pass, prefurnace water circulation, combustion pot, self-stocking high-efficiency and solid-fuel scotch steam boilers. In the Boiler; steel drawing seamless pipes are used. Producing scotch types ensures high efficiency of boilers. Large steam is produced in bulk, allowing instantaneous use of steam. In order to minimize the drift of the water droplets with steam, specially designed water holders are placed in the boiler. Burner is mounted, can burn liquid or gas fuel. Capacity: 500-4,000 kg/h Pressure: 3-15 bar pressure is the stock boilers. Цилиндрической конструкции, трехходовой,циркуляция воды в передней печи, камера сгорания, высокоэффективные и твердотопливные паровые котлы на твердом топливе со стокером. В котле; стальные волочильные бесшовные трубы. Пар производится в больших объёмах, что позволяет мгновенно использовать пар. Специально разработанные держатели воды размещены в котле, чтобы минимизировать снос водяных капель с паром. Таким образом поступающий пар в систему является наиболее сухим. Установленная горелка может сжигать жидкое или газовое топливо. Объём: кг/ч Давление: 3-15 бар котёл со стокером. 34>> tr


36 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MEKATRONİK ÖN OCAKLI STOKERLİ BUHAR KAZANI STEAM BOILERS WITH SOLID FUEL STOCKER ПАРОВЫЕ КОТЛЫ МЕХАТРОНИК СТОКЕРНЫЕ С ПЕРЕДНЕЙ ПЕЧЬЮ Silindirik yapıda, üç geçişli, ön ocaklı su dolaşımlı, yakma potalı, yüksek verimli katı yakıtlı kazanlardır. Kapasite: kg/h Basıncı: 3-15 bar basınçlı ön ocaklı Cylindrical, three-pass, pre-hot water circulation, combustion pot, high efficiency solid fuel boilers. Capacity: 3,000-10,000 kg/h Pressure: 3-15 bar pressure Цилиндрическая конструкция, трехходовые, с циркуляцией воды в передней печи, камера сгорания, высокоэффективные твердотопливные котлы. Объём: кг/ч Давление: 3-15 бар давление передней печи 36>> tr






42 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ SIVI-GAZ YAKITLI KALORİFER KAZANLARI CENTRAL HEATING BOILERS GAS - LIQUID FUELED ВОДОГРЕЙНЫЕ КОТЛЫ ТВЁРДОТОПЛИВНЫЕ С КОЛОСНИКОВОЙ РЕШЁТКОЙ Duman borularındaki özel tasarım türbülatörleri sayesinde kazan verimi artırılmıştır. İmalat tasarımı ile su içerisindeki korozif maddelerden en az düzeyde etkilenir. Kazan alev-duman borularına sahip kazan boruları aynaya kaynaklıdır. Düşük yakıt tüketimi ve yakıt tasarrufu sağlar. Kapasite: kcal/h Basıncı: 3-5 BAR Boiler efficiency is increased by specially designed diffusers in smoke pipes. With manufacturing design, it is least affected by corrosive substances in water.. Boiler pipes with boiler flamesmoke pipes are welded to the mirror. Provides low fuel consumption and savings. Capacity: kcal/h Pressure: 3-5 BAR Подходит для сжигания с высокой эффективностью благодаря специальной камере сгорания и решетке. Благодаря вентилятору и насосу, приводимому в действие автоматической системой управления, в системе обеспечивается полное сгорание и равномерный контроль теплоотдачи. Благодаря технологии производства равномерное количество теплопередачи обеспечивается на всех поверхностях внутри котла. Объём: Ккал/ч Давление: 3-5 БАР 42>> tr

43Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 43

44Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. 44>> tr

45 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ SIVI GAZ YAKITLI TAM SİLİNDİRİK SKOÇ TİP ÜÇ GEÇİŞLİ KALORİFER KAZANI LIQUID - GAS FUEL, FULL CYLINDRICAL SCOTCH TYPE THREE PASS HOT WATER BOILERS ЦИЛИНДРИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕХХОДОВЫЕ ВОДОГРЕЙНЫЕ КОТЛЫ СКОТЧ ТИПА НА ЖИДКОМ И ГАЗОВОМ ТОПЛИВЕ Sıvı ve gaz yakıtı yüksek verimde yakar. Üç geçişli yapısı ile diğer kazanlara göre daha uzun ömürlüdür. Wenta özel tasarımı ve imalat teknolojisi sayesinde sudaki korozif maddelerden asgari düzeyde etkilenir. Kazanlar alev-duman borularına sahip olup kazan boruları aynaya kaynaklıdır. Wenta özel tasarım ve imalat teknolojisi sayesinde sessiz ve verimli çalışır. It burns liquid and gas fuel at high efficiency. With three-pass structure, it has a longer life expectancy than other boilers. Through Wenta s special design and manufacturing technology, it is minimally affected by corrosive substances in water. Boilers have flame-smoke pipes and boiler tubes are welded to the mirror. Through Wenta s special design and manufacturing technology, it works quiet and efficiently. Сжигает жидкое и газовое топливо с высокой эффективностью. Благодаря трехходовой конструкции он имеет более продолжительный срок службы, чем другие котлы. Благодаря специальному дизайну и технологии производства Wenta,минимально подвержен воздействию коррозийных веществ в воде. Жаро-дымотрубные,трубы котла приварены к зеркалу. Благодаря специальному дизайну и технологии производства Wenta, работает беззвучно и эффективно. >> 45

46Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. 46>> tr

47Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 47

48 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ SIVI GAZ YAKITLI SİLİNDİRİK SKOÇ TİP ÜÇ GEÇİŞLİ KALORİFER KAZANLARI LIQUID-GAS FUEL CYLINDRICAL SCOTCH TYPE THREE PASS HOT BOILER ЦИЛИНДРИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЁХХОДОВЫЕ ВОДОГРЕЙНЫЕ КОТЛЫ СКОТЧ ТИПА Üç geçişli tasarımı ile maksimum ısı transferi sağlamaktadır. Aynaya kaynaklı borular hem kazan ömrünü uzatmakta ve hem de emniyetli bir çalışma ortamı sağlamaktadır. Yüksek verimli yanma sayesinde baca emisyon oranları düşüktür ve çevreye duyarlıdır. Silindirik yapıda ve yüksek performansa sahiptir. Yoğuşma ile çok yüksek verim sağlanmaktadır. It provides maximum heat transfer with its three pass design. The welded pipes in the mirror extend both the life of the boiler and a safe working environment. Thanks to high efficiency combustion, the chimney emissions are low and environmentally sensitive. It has a cylindrical structure and high performance. Very high efficiency is achieved by condensation. Обеспечивает максимальный теплообмен благодаря своей трехходовой конструкции. Приваренные трубы к зеркалу продлевают срок службы котла и безопасную рабочую среду. Благодаря высокоэффективному сгоранию выбросы в дымоход незначительны и чувствительны к экологической среде. Благодаря цилиндрической структуре имеет высокую производительность. Очень высокая эффективность достигается за счет конденсации. 48>> tr

49Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 49

50 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ TAM OTOMATİK DEGAZÖRLER FULL AUTOMATIC DEGASIFIERS ПОЛНОСТЬЮ АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННЫЕ ДЕГАЗАТОРЫ Buhar kazanı besi suyunu sürekli aynı ısıda tutar. Bu sayede kazan suyu homojen beslenir. Kazan içerisinde ısı dalgalanması olmayacağından yakıt sarfiyatı %3-5 arasında (işletmenin özelliğine göre ) tasarruf gerçekleşir. Degazör domu özel flanşlı bağlantılıdır. Besi tankı ile birlikte buhar kazanları besleme suyunda çözülmüş halde bulunan O 2 (oksijen) ve CO 2 (karbondioksit) gazlar Wenta tam otomatik degazörleriyle çözülmüş halde bulunan bu gazlar sistemden dışarı atılmakta, böylece sistem koruma altına alınmaktadır. Kızgın su kazanı besi suyunu 102 C ye kadar ısıtarak, degazör domunda bulunan özel ayrıştırıcı plakalar yardımıyla da tam otomatik olarak dışarıya atmaktadır. Silindirik yapıda tip üç geçişli sıvı ve gaz yakıtlı alev duman borulu yüksek verimli kazanlardır. Kapasite: 1m 3 /h 25 m 3 /h Hacim: 0,8 m 3-19 m 3 hacimli. The steam boiler keeps the feed water at the same temperature. In this way, the boiler water is fed homogeneously. Since there will not be any heat fluctuation in the boiler, fuel consumption will be 3-5% saving. (Depending on the speciality of the plant). The degasser dome is connected with a special flange. O2 (oxygen) and CO2 (carbon dioxide ) gases that are dissolved in the feed boilers together with the fattening tank are discharged from the system, by means of Wenta fully automatic degassers and the system is taken under protection. Hot water boiler increases the feed water temperature up to 102 C, with the help of special separator plates found in the degasser domes, and then fully automatically throws it out. These are cylindrical structure type; three-pass liquid and gas-fired flame smoke piped high efficiency boilers. Capacity: 1m³/h - 25 m³/h Volume: 0.8 m³-19 m³ volume. Поддерживает подачу питательной воды котла при одинаковой температуре. Таким образом, котельная вода подается однородно. Поскольку в котле отсутствует колебание тепла,экономия расхода топлива составляет от 3% до 5% (в зависимости от характера вашего производства). Корпус дегазатора соединен со специальным фланцем. Вместе с питательным баком в паровом котле газы O2 (кислород) и CO2 (углекислый газ), которые растворяются в питательной воде, выводятся из системы с помощью полностью автоматических дегазаторов Wenta, таким образом система находится под защитой. Подогревая питательную воду до 102⁰, автоматически выбрасывает наружу с помощью специальных разделительных пластин в дегазаторном куполе Цилиндрические трехходовые на жидком и газовом топливе жаро-дымотрубные с высокой эффективностью. 50>> tr

51 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Tip Type/Тип Buhar Kazanı Kapasitesi Steam Boiler Capacity Мощность (кг/ч) (kg/h) Degazör Kapasitesi Degasifier Capacity Мощность дегазатора (m3/h) Besi Tankı Hacmi Feed Water Tank Volume Объём питательного бака (m3) Çap Diameter Диаметр (mm) Boyutlar Dimensions/Габариты Uzunluk Lenght Габариты (mm) Yükseklik Height Высота (mm) Takribi Ağırlık (Platform Hariç) Weight Вес(без платформы) (Except Platform) (kg) WEDEG , WEDEG , WEDEG , WEDEG WEDEG WEDEG WEDEG WEDEG WEDEG WEDEG WEDEG WEDEG Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 51

52 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ HİDROFOR VE GENLEŞME TANKLARI (DEĞİŞTİRİLEBİLİR TİP MEMBRANLI) HYDROFOR AND EXPANSION TANKS (WITH CHANGEABLE TYPE EPDM MEMBRANE) ГИДРОФОРНЫЕ И РАСШИРИТЕЛЬНЫЕ БАКИ (ЗАМЕНЯЕМЫЙ ТИП МЕМБРАМЫ Tanklarımızda değiştirilebilir tip EPDM membran kullanılmaktadır. Çalışma sıcaklığı -10 C C (-10 C de uygun antifriz kullanımı ile) Çizilmeye, darbeye, korozyona dayanıklıdır. Isıtma sistemlerinde dönüş hattına bağlanması gerekmektedir. Kireçlenmeyi ve korozyonu önler, tesisatın ömrünü uzatır. Isınma suyu basınç altında ısıtıldığında verim artışı ve ek yakıt tasarrufu sağlar. Tesisatta hava oluşumuna engel olur. Açık genleşme tanklarında olan buharlaşma, donma ve su seviyesindeki düşüş problemini ortadan kaldırır. Kapasite: (tank hacmi) lt Max işletme basıncı: bar Fabrika çıkış basıncı: 4 bar Modified EPDM membran is used in our tanks. Operating temperature -10 C C (With the use of suitable antifreeze at -10 C) Resistant to scratching, impact, corrosion. It should be connected to the return line in heating systems. It prevents calcification and corrosion and extends the life of the installation. When heating water is heated under pressure, it increases the efficiency and provides additional fuel savings. Prevents the formation of air in the installation. It eliminates the problem of evaporation, freezing and water level decrease in open expansion tanks. Capacity: (tank volume) lt Max operating pressure: bar Factory outlet pressure: 4 bar Модифицированная EPDM мембрана используется в баках. Рабочая температура -10 C C (с использованием подходящего антифриза при -10 C) Устойчивость к царапинам, ударам, коррозии. Подключение к обратной линии в системах отопления. Предотвращает образование накипи и коррозии и продлевает срок службы установки. При нагреве под давлением нагрев увеличивает эффективность и дополнительную экономию топлива. Предотвращает образование воздуха в установке. Устраняет проблему испарения, замерзания и снижения уровня воды в открытых расширительных баках. Объём: (объём бака) л Max рабочее давление: бар Выходящее давление с фабрики: 4 бар 52>> tr

53 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Tip Type/ Тип Tank Hacmi Tank Volume Объём бака (lt) Küre/Sphere/Сферический Max. İşletme Basıncı Max. Operation Pressure Макс.раб.давление (bar) Fabrika Çıkış Ön Gaz Basıncı Plant Exit Pre-gas Pressure Давление выхода газа с фабрики (bar) Su Bağlantısı Water Connection Подсоединение воды (inch)/dn) Boyutlar Dimensions/Габариты Çap Diameter Диаметр D (mm) Yükseklik Height Высота H (mm) WE " ,4 WE " ,7 WE " ,5 Yatık/ Horizontal/Горизонтальный WE " 350x ,9 WE " 420x ,6 WE " 420x ,1 Dik/Vertical/Вертикальный WE " WE " ,5 WE " WE /4" WE /4" WE /4" WE " WE " WE " WE " WE /2" WE /2" WE DN WE DN Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. Ağırlık Weight Вес (kg) >> 53


55 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WA AKÜMÜLASYON TANKI WA ACCUMULATION TANKS WA АККУМУЛЯЦИОННЫЕ БАКИ ØD N9 Eşanjörden, plakalı ısı değiştiricilerden ve diğer ani ısı değiştiricilerden gelen sıcak suyu sistem ihtiyacına göre depolar. İç gövde; paslanmaz, sıcak galvaniz, daldırma, emaye kaplı veya epoksi olarak tasarımı ve imalatı yapılabilir. Elektrikli ısıtıcı magnezyum anod ile birlikte kullanılabilme özelliği vardır. Paslanmaya karşı dayanıklıdır. Tanklar yatay ve düşey konumda tasarlanır ve imal edilirler. Tank üzerine işletme basıncının %10 fazlası emniyet ventili takılır. Kapasite; H. N2 N5 N1 Stores hot water from heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers and other sudden heat exchangers according to system requirements. It can be designed and manufactured as inner body, stainless, hot galvanized, and enamelled or epoxy. N2 N8 It can be used with electric heater and magnesium anode. Resistant to rusting. N2 Tanks are designed and manufactured in horizontal and vertical position. A safety valve is installed on the tank for 10% of the operating pressure. H N3 Capacity: H N2 N2 N8 N2 N6 N4 Хранит горячую воду из теплообменников, пластинчатых теплообменников и других внезапных теплообменников в соответствии с требованиями системы. Он может быть спроектирован и изготовлен,как с нержавеющим корпусом, оцинкованный горячим способом, эмалированный или эпоксидный. Может использоваться с электронагревателем и магниевым анодом. Устойчив к коррозии. Баки могут быть спроектированы и изготовлены в горизонтальном и вертикальном положении. Предохранительный клапан установлен на баке на более 10% от рабочего давления. Объём: л. KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Model/Type/ Тип WA 100 WA 160 WA 200 WA 300 WA 400 WA 500 WA 800 WA 1000 WA 1500 WA 2000 WA 2500 WA 3000 WA 4000 WA 5000 Hacim/ Volume/ Объём Çap/Diameter/ Диаметр Yükseklik/Heights/ Высота Su Giriş/Çıkış Water Inlet/Outlet/ Вход/выход воды Magnezyum Anot/ Magnesium Anode/ Магниевый анод İlave Elektrikli Isıtıcı/Additional Elec. Heater/ Дополнительный электронагреватель Temizleme Kapağı/ Cleaning Cover/ Крышка для очистки Termometre/ Thermometer/ Термометр Boş Ağırlığı/ Empty Weight/ Пустой вес V (lt) D (mm) H (mm) N4-N1 (inch) N9 (inch) N2-N6-N8 (inch) N7 (inch) N5 (inch) W (kg) " 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 3" 3" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" - 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 55


57 WBT TEK SERPANTİNLİ BOYLER SINGLE SERPENTINE BOILERS ОДИНАРНО СЕРПАНИТННЫЙ ВОДОНАГРЕВАТЕЛЬ WBT TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ N1 N2 ØD N9 N8 N7 Sıcak su ihtiyacı duyulan her mekanda buhar kazanına veya sıcak su ya da güneş kollektörüne bağlı olarak kullanılır. Opsiyonel olarak elektrikli rezistans ilave edilir. Tek serpantinli boyleri apartman, otel, fabrika, hastane gibi sıcak su ihtiyacı duyulan her mekanda 100 litreden litre hacmine kadar müşterilerine en uygun seçim aralığını sağlar. Hot water can be used in every room depending on the connection to boiler or hot water or solar collector. Optional electrical resistance is added. Single-coil boilers are used in all areas where hot water is needed; such as apartments, hotels, factories, hospitals. Capacity: 100-5,000 lt. H N3 N6 N5 N4 Водонагреватели с одинарным серпантином используются во всех местах, где требуется горячая вода, например, заводы, рестораны, в зависимости от котла или горячей воды или солнечного коллектора. Опционально добавляется электронагреватель. Производство от 100 до 5000 л. KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Model/Type/ Тип WBT 100 WBT 160 WBT 200 WBT 300 WBT 400 WBT 500 WBT 800 WBT 1000 WBT 1500 WBT 2000 WBT 2500 WBT 3000 WBT 4000 WBT 5000 Hacim/ Volume/ Объём Çap/Diameter/Диаметр Yükseklik/Heights/ Высота Su Giriş/Çıkış Water Inlet/Outlet/ Вход/выход воды Serpantin Giriş/Çıkış / Serpantine Inlet/Outlet Sirkülasyon Bağlantısı/ Circulation Connection Magnezyum Anot Magnesium Anode İlave Elektrikli Isıtıcı / Additional Elec. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 57

58 C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\Boyler k\bitmiş resimler\02 Çift serpantinli boyler\çift serpantinli boyler ölçülendirme.png M T DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ WBC ÇİFT SERPANTİNLİ BOYLER WBC DOUBLE SERPENTINE BOILERS ДВОЙНОЙ СЕРПАНТИННЫЙ ВОДОНАГРЕВАТЕЛЬ WBC Dış Görünüm Appearance İç Kesit internal section Üst Kesit upper section SİSTEM ŞEMASI/SYSTEM DIAGRAM/СИСТЕМНАЯ ДИАГРАММА Kullanma Sıcak Suyu T Kazandan Gelen Hat Kazana Dönen Hat T M T M Kullanma Soğuk Suyu Giriş 58>> tr

59 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ H WBC ÇİFT SERPANTİNLİ BOYLER WBC DOUBLE SERPENTINE BOILERS ДВОЙНОЙ СЕРПАНТИННЫЙ ВОДОНАГРЕВАТЕЛЬ WBC N1 N2 N2 N3 ØD N11 N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 N5 N4 Üstün teknoloji ile üretilen çift serpantinli boylerler apartman, fabrika, otel, hastane gibi sıcak su ihtiyacı duyulan her yerde kullanılır. Sıcak su ihtiyacı duyulan buhar kazanına veya sıcak su hem de güneş kollektörüne bağlı olarak kullanılır. Opsiyonel olarak elektrikli rezistans kullanılır. Kapasite: Lt. Boilers with double serpentine produced by superior technology are used in every place where hot water is needed such as apartment, factory, hotel, hospital. Hot water is needed depending on the steam excavation or on solar collector. Optional electrical resistance is used. Capacity: 100-5,000 lt. Эмалированные водонагреватели с двойным серпантином изготавливаются с использованием высоких технологий. Они используются во всех местах, где требуется горячая вода, например, квартира, завод, гостиница, больница, паровой котел или водогрейный, также он может быть использован подключившись к солнечному коллектору. Опционально может добавляться электронагреватель. Труба SRM: Устойчив к максимальному испытательному давлению Производство от 100 до 5000 л. KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Model/Type/ Тип Hacim/Volume/ Объём Çap/Diameter/ Диаметр Yükseklik/Heights/ Высота Su Giriş/Çıkış Water Inlet/Outlet/ Вход/выход воды Üst Serpantin Giriş/Çıkış Upper Serpantine Inlet/ Outlet/ Вход/выход верхнего серпантина Alt Serpantin Giriş/Çıkış Lower Serpantine Inlet/ Outlet/ Вход/выход нижнего серпантина Sirkülasyon Bağlantısı Circulation Connection/ Циркуляционные соединения Magnezyum Anot Magnesium Anode/ Магниевый анод İlave Elektrikli Isıtıcı Additional Elec. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 59


61 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WBT-B BAKIR BORULU TEK SERPANTİNLİ BOYLER WBT-B COPPER TUBE SINGLE SERPENTINE BOILER WBT-B ОДНОСЕРПАНТИННЫЙ МЕДНОТРУБНЫЙ БОЙЛЕР ØD N7 N1 N1 N6 N2 N2 H N3 N5 N8 N9 N4 KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Model/Type/ Тип WBT-B 160 WBT-B 200 WBT-B 300 WBT-B 400 WBT-B 500 WBT-B 800 WBT-B 1000 WBT-B 1500 WBT-B 2000 WBT-B 2500 WBT-B 3000 WBT-B 4000 WBT-B 5000 Hacim/Volume/ Объём Çap/Diameter/ Диаметр Yükseklik/Heights/ Высота Su Giriş/Çıkış/ Water Inlet/Outlet/ Вход/выход воды Serpantin Giriş/ Çıkış/ Serpantine Inlet/ Outlet/ Вход/выход серпантина Sirkülasyon Bağlantısı/ Circulation Connection/ Циркуляционные соединения Magnezyum Anot/ Magnesium Anode/ Магниевый анод İlave Elektrikli Isıtıcı/ Additional Elec. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 61


63Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 63


65ISITICISIZ ÜRÜN AKÜMÜLASYON TANKI AĞIRLIĞINDADIR. N1 (inch) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 (inch) 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 N6 (inch) 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 65


67 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WB BUFFER TANK WB BUFFER TANK WB БУФЕРНЫЙ БАК ØD N3 Buffer yani tampon tankları dalgalanmaları hafifletme için kullanılan bir sistemdir. Depolanan suyu belli bir sıcaklıkta tutar. Suyu tekrar ısıtmaya gerek kalmadan enerji tasarrufu sağlar. Aynı zamanda kaynağında anında sıcak litre hacimli buffer tanklarıdır. N1 N1 N1 Buffer is a system used to mitigate fluctuations in buffer tanks. Keeps the stored water at a certain temperature. Saves energy without the need to re-heat water. At the same time, the source is instant buffer tanks with a volume of liters. H N1 N1 Буфер - это система, используемая для смягчения колебаний в буферных баках. Сохраняет запас воды при определенной температуре. Экономит энергию без повторного нагрева воды. В то же время возможность мгновенного тепла буферных баках объемом от 100 до 5000 литров. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 67


69 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WDT DENGE TANKI WDT BALANCE SHEET WDT БАЛАНСОВАЯ ЁМКОСТЬ B Tesisatlarda kullanılan akışkan sıcı tesisattan kazana geri dönerken ısı kaybına uğrar.buda ısı kaybının ortaya çıkmasına neden olur ve kazan ömrünü kısaltır. Tesisattan gelen soğumuş akışkanın kazandan gelen sıcak suyla karışarak ısıl dengeyi sağlamasıdır.böylece ısı farkları minimuma indirgenmiş olur.üzerine bağlanan bağlanan sensörlerle de sıcaklık ve basınç kontrolü yapılır. Kazan devresi ile ısıtma devresi arasındaki hidrolik yükleri dengeler. Kazanlar ve ısıtma zonları uygun su debisi altında çalışır. Yüksek mukavemete sahiptir. Kapasite: kcal/h H h D The fluid used in the installations is subject to heat loss when returning from the plant to the boiler. This causes heat loss and shortens the life of the boiler. Cooled fluid coming from the facility is mixed with hot water from the boiler to provide the thermal balance. Temperature and pressure control is done by the sensors connected to it.. Compensates the hydraulic loads between the boiler circuit and heating circuit. Boilers and heating zones operate under suitable water flow. High strength. Capacity: 60,000-3,000,000 kcal/h Жидкость, используемая в установке, подвержена тепловым потерям при ее возврате из установки в котел. Охлажденная жидкость, поступающая из установки, смешивается с горячей водой из котла для обеспечения теплового баланса. Балансирует гидравлические нагрузки между контуром котла и контуром отопления. Котлы и зоны нагрева работают при подходящем потоке воды. Имеют высокую прочность. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 69


71 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WTT TORTU TUTUCU WTT TORCH HOLDER ДЕРЖАТЕЛИ ОСАДКА WTT Tortu tutucular ısıtma ve soğutma tesisatlarında yüksek performansta tortu ve pislik ayırmak amacıyla kullanılır. Wenta tortu tutucunun, klasik tortu tutuculara göre farkı, tutulan pisliğin filtreden süzülerek cihazın alt kısmında birikmesi ve boşaltma vanası ile kolayca tahliye edilmesidir. Isıtma sistemlerinde tortu tutucular dönüş hattında olmalıdır. Soğutma sistemlerinde çillere yakın dönüş hattında olmalıdır. L1 A Sediment holders are used to separate toru and dirt from high performance in heating and cooling installations. The difference between the Wenta sediment holder and the conventional sediment grippers is that the retained dirt is drained from the filter and deposited at the bottom of the device and is easily drained by the drain valve. In heating systems, the sediment retainers must be in the return line. In cooling systems, it should be on the return line near the cooler. H1 H2 D2 Держатели осадка используются для отделения тора и грязи от высокой производительности в системах отопления и охлаждения. Разница между держателем осадка Wenta и обычными захватами осадка заключается в том, что оставшаяся грязь сливается из фильтра и оседает на дне устройства и легко сливается сливным клапаном. В отопительных системах держатели отложений должны находиться на обратной линии. В системах охлаждения он должен находиться на обратной линии рядом с кулером. B KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ MODEL DEBİ H1 H2 A B FLANŞLI/FLANGED/ Фланцевый KAYNAK BOYUNLU WELDING/Сварочный шейный D2 L1 D2 L1 (m3/h) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (DN) (mm) (inch) (mm) WTT /4" 1" " 260 WTT /4" 1" /2" 260 WTT /4" 1" " 365 WTT /4" 1" " 365 WTT /4" 1" " 525 WTT /4" 1" " 525 WTT /4" 2" " 650 WTT /4" 2" " 720 WTT /4" 2" " 770 Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 71


73 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ WHA HAVA AYIRICI WHA AIR SEPARATOR WHA ВОЗДУШНЫЙ СЕПАРАТОР L1 A H1 D2 H2 B Isıtma ve soğutma tesisatlarında yüksek performansta hava ve mikro kabarcıkları ayrıştırmak amacıyla kullanılırlar. Wenta hava ayırıcı; suyun içerisinde bulunan hava kabarcıklarının özel tasarımlı metal dolgu malzemelerinin yüzeyinde toplar ve dışarı atar. Tesisat ve ısı transfer ekipmanlarında oluşan (borularda ve pompalarda ses, hızlı aşınma, enerji tüketiminde artış, yüksek bakım ve onarım maliyetleri gibi) sorunlar önlenir. Isıtma sistemlerinde hava ayırıcı akış yönüne ve yüksek sıcaklığın olduğu ( ısı kaynağının yakınında ve düşük basıncın olduğu bölümde olmalıdır.) Soğutma sistemlerinde, hava ayırıcı çillere yakın ve dönüş hattında olmalıdır. It is used in heating and cooling plants to decompose air and microbubbles in high performance. Wenta Air Separator; The special design of the air bubbles in the water collects and expels on the surface of the metal fillers. It prevents problems in installation and heat transfer equipment (such as noise, fast, wear, energy, increase in energy consumption, high maintenance and repair costs in pipes and pumps). In heating systems, the air separator must be in the flow direction and in the high temperature (near the heat source and in the low pressure zone). In cooling systems, the air separator must be close to the cooler and on return line. Используется в отопительных и охлаждающих установках с высокой производительностью для разделения воздуха и микропузырьков. Воздушный сепаратор Wenta; Специальная конструкция собирает пузырьки воздуха в воде и вытесняет на поверхности металлически наполненными устройствами. Предотвращает проблемы при монтаже и теплопередаче оборудования (такие как шум, быстрота, износ, энергия, увеличение энергопотребления, высокие затраты на обслуживание и ремонт труб и насосов). В системах отопления воздушный сепаратор должен находиться в направлении потока и при высокой температуре (рядом с источником тепла и в зоне низкого давления). В системах охлаждения воздушный сепаратор должен находиться рядом с охладителем и на обратной линии. KAPASİTE VE ANA ÖLÇÜLER/CAPACITIES AND MAIN DIMENSIONS/ВМЕСТИМОСТЬ И ГЛАВНЫЕ ГАБАРИТЫ Model Model Модель DEBİ H1 H2 A B FLANŞLI/FLANGED/ Фланцевый KAYNAK BOYUNLU WELDING/Сварочный шейный D2 L1 D2 L1 (m3/h) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (DN) (mm) (inch) (mm) WHA /2" 1" " 260 WHA /2" 1" /2" 260 WHA /2" 1" " 365 WHA /2" 1" " 365 WHA /2" 1" " 525 WHA /2" 1" " 525 WHA /2" 2" " 650 WHA /2" 2" " 725 WHA /2" 2" " 770 Not: Değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 73

74 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ YERÜSTÜ VE YERALTI AKARYAKIT TANKLARI OVER AND UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS ПОВЕРХНОСТНЫЕ И ПОДЗЕМНЫЕ ТОПЛИВНЫЕ БАКИ TS standartlarına uygun ısıtıcılı ana yakıt deposudur. Motorlu araç yakıtları, kalorifer yakıtları ve makine yağlarının güvenle depolanmasını sağlar. Yer altında ve yer üstünde kullanılabilir. Yanma ve diğer tehlikelere karşı emniyet tedbirleri alınarak imal edilmiştir. Serpantin ve bağlantı nozullarının sızdırmazlıkları sağlanmıştır. Büyük depolama hacmine sahiptir. Korozyona karşı dayanıklıdır. Elektrikli ön ısıtıcı kullanabilme esnekliğine sahiptir. Akaryakıt tankları oluşabilecek ağır koşullara dayanıklı olarak tasarlanmıştır. Tank ayakları opsiyonel olarak verilmektedir. Yer altı yakıt tanklarının toprak altına yerleştirilmesinden sonra üstüne koruyucu dolgu yapılmalıdır. It is the main fuel tank with heating according to TS standards. It ensures the safe storage of motor vehicle fuels, caloric fuel and machine oils. It is located above and below ground. It is manufactured by taking safety precautions against burning and other hazards. Seals of the serpentine and connection nozzles are provided. Has a large storage volume. Resistant to corrosion. It has the flexibility to use electric preheater. Fuel tanks are designed to withstand severe conditions. Tank stands are optional. After the underground fuel tanks are placed, a protective filling must be made on top. Основа для хранения топлива с подогревом в соответствии со стандартами TS Обеспечивает безопасное хранение моторного топлива, отопительного топлива и машинных масел. Может использоваться под землей и над землей. Изготовлено с соблюдением мер безопасности от ожогов и других опасностей. Змеевик и соединительные патрубки герметичны. Имеет большой объем хранения. Устойчив к коррозии. Имеет возможность в использовании электрического подогревателя. Топливные баки предназначены для работы в тяжелых условиях. Нижние подставки доступны в качестве опции. После того, как подземные топливные баки размещаются под землей, сверху должна быть сделана защитная засыпка. 74>> tr

75Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. >> 75

76Note: We reserve the right to make changes. Примечание: Сохраняем за собой на изменение. 76>> tr

77 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ Otomasyon sistemlerinden örnekler / Examples from the automation system / примеры из системы автоматизации >> 77

78 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI KÖŞKÜ kg/h 6 Bar ANKARA CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI KÖŞKÜ kcal/h 10 Bar Kızgın Su Kazanı ve Ekipmanı, Doğalgaz+ Fuel Oil Skoç Tip 3 Geçişli ANKARA CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI KÖŞKÜ lt 12 Bar Azot Yastıklı Genleşme Tankı ve Armatürleri ANKARA CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI KÖŞKÜ lt / kcal/h 12 Bar Isıtıcılı Besi Suyu Tankı ve Armatürleri ANKARA TÜRKİYE ŞEKER FABRİKALARI A.Ş / EREĞLİ / KONYA kg/h 10 Bar Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz+ Fuel -Oil Brulörü PLC Kontrollü, Uzaktan izleme, Oransal yakma ve Oransal Besi suyu besleme sistemli Doğalgaz hatları dahil Anahtar teslimi kazan dairesi. EREĞLİ / KONYA TÜRKİYE ŞEKER FABRİKALARI A.Ş / EREĞLİ / KONYA kcal/h 16 Bar Özel Finli Kanatçıklı Borulu Yüksek Verimli Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri EREĞLİ / KONYA SANKO HOLDİNG / SÜPER FİLM A.Ş Kcal/h Paket Kızgın Yağ Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Genleşme Tankı, Sirkülasyon Pompası, Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile komple Anahtar teslimi sistem GAZİANTEP DOĞUŞ İNŞAAT VE TİCARET A.Ş Kg/h 6 bar Panolu, Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu SOFYA / BULGARİSTAN TÜRK HENKEL A.Ş 1 203,095 Kcal/h 16 Bar TÜRK HENKEL A.Ş 1 135,393 Kcal/h 16 Bar ENKA İNŞAAT VE SANAYİ A.Ş Kg/h 6 bar ÜLKER PİYALE kg/h 6 Bar Özel Finli Kanatçıklı Borulu Yüksek Verimli Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri,Oransal besleme sistemi Anahtar teslimi sistem Özel Finli Kanatçıklı Borulu Yüksek Verimli Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri,Oransal besleme sistemi Anahtar teslimi sistem Konteynerli Mobil,Paket Buhar Jeneratörü,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile Panolu, Likidgaz Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu ANKARA ANKARA IRAK KAYSERİ GÜMÜŞTAŞ MADENCİLİK A.Ş Kcal/h Kızgın Yağ Kazanı Paket Kızgın Yağ Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Genleşme Tankı, Sirkülasyon Pompası, Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile komple Anahtar teslimi sistem NİĞDE LİMAK A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar Konteynerli Mobil,Paket Buhar Jeneratörü,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile İSTANBUL ABDÜLKADİR ÖZCAN A.Ş Kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ve Ekonomizeri ile ANKARA 78>> tr

79 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER BORUSAN HOLDİNG Kg/h 6 Bar KESKİNOĞLU TAVUKÇULUK kg/h 6 Bar HİLTON HOTEL BODRUM Kg/h 13 Bar BALKÜPÜ (KESKİNKILIÇ GIDA) kg/h 6 Bar ALACALI PREFABRİK A.Ş Kg/h 6 Bar SİKA YAPI KİMYASALLARI A.Ş kg/h 6 bar ALTINYILDIZ A.Ş Kg/h 6 Bar Stokerli Tam Otomatik Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Katı Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu, Baca ve Duman Kanalı, Kömür Bunkeri va EkipmanlarıYakma Havası Fanı,5000 Lt Buhar Serpantinli İzoleli Boyler 2 Gurup,20 t/h Hidrofor ile Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz Brulörü, Lt Isıtıcılı Kondens Tankı, Buhar besi suyu pompaları, Baca ve Duman Kanalı, Tam Otomatik Tandem Su Yumuşatma Cihazı Anahtar teslimi kazan dairesi ERZURUM MANİSA BODRUM AKSARAY TEKİRDAĞ MERSİN İSTANBUL TUBİTAK MARMARA ARAŞTIRMA MERKEZİ kg/h 6 Bar İSTANBUL AKÇANSA LADİK ÇİMENTO kg/h 6 Bar MAYASAN GIDA A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar ALGİDA Kg/h 6 Bar ALTINYILDIZ A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar ŞİŞECAM A.Ş / PAŞABAHÇE Kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, Elektrikli,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Panolu,Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu SAMSUN İSTANBUL ANKARA İSTANBUL İSTANBUL GENEL KURMAY BAŞKANLIĞI ANA KARARGAH BİNASI Kg/h 6 Bar Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ANKARA >> 79

80 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER DENİZ KUVVETLERİ KOMUTANLIĞI ANA KARARGAH BİNASI Kg/h 6 Bar Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ANKARA MSB 4.ANA BAKIM KOMUTANLIĞI kg/h 8 Bar Panolu, Fuel Oil Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ANKARA MSB HARİTA KOMUTANLIĞI kg/h 6 Bar Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ANKARA MSB İLAÇ FABRİKASI KOMUTANLIĞI TESHİN MERKEZİ kg/h 8 Bar Panolu, Fuel Oil Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ANKARA JANDARMA KOMUTANLIĞI ASKERİ DİKİMEVİ kg/h 5 Bar Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ANKARA NACİ TINAZ KIŞLASI JANDARMA KOMUTANLIĞI kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, Fuel Oil Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ANKARA NİSSİN YILDIZ HOLDİNG Kg/h 10 Bar AVİS İLAÇ A.Ş kg/h 8 bar GENCE ŞARAP Kg/h 6 Bar LÖSEV HASTANESİ Kg/h 6 Bar Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz Brulörü,PLC Kontrollü, Oransal yakma sistemli,kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompası,Termik Degazör ve Armatürleri,Kazan Besi suyu Pompası,Tam Otomatik Su yumuşatma Sistemi, Özel Finli Kanatçıklı Borulu Yüksek Verimli Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri,Buhar Kollektörü, Oransal besi suyu besleme sistemi,komple Anahtar teslimi kazan dairesi. Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz+ Motorin Brulörü,PLC Kontrollü, Oransal yakma sistemli,kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompası,Termik Degazör ve Armatürleri,Kazan Besi suyu Pompası,Tam Otomatik Su yumuşatma Sistemi, Baca ve Duman kanalları komple Anahtar teslimi İZMİT İSTANBUL AZERBAYCAN ANKARA KIZILAY MİNARELLİ SU İŞLETMELER MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ kg/h 6 Bar AFYON NEUTEC İLAÇ A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar Paket Basınçlı Buhar Jeneratörü,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile İSTANBUL ARGİS İLAÇ kg/h 6 bar ANKARA 80>> tr

81 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER HİLTON OTELİ Kg/h 6 Bar XANADU SNOW WHİTE HOTEL kg/h 10 Bar ROYAL PALM RESORT OTEL Kg/h 6 Bar SHERWOOD HOTEL kg/h 6 Bar MANDARİN ORİENTAL HOTEL Kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Panolu,Doğalgaz + Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompaları, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile BATUM / GÜRCİSTAN ERZURUM KEMER/ANTALYA ANTALYA BODRUM WYNDHAM GRANS KALAMIŞ MARİNA HOTEL kg/h 6 bar İSTANBUL CENGİZ İNŞAAT A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar Stokerli Tam Otomatik Paket Buhar Jeneratörü,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Katı Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu, Baca ve Duman Kanalı, Kömür Bunkeri va EkipmanlarıYakma Havası Fanı ile GÜMÜŞHANE CENGİZ-ÖZALTIN MAPA ADİ ORTAKLIĞI TÜNEL ŞANTİYESİ kg/h 6 Bar Stokerli Tam Otomatik Paket Buhar Jeneratörü,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Katı Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu, Baca ve Duman Kanalı, Kömür Bunkeri va EkipmanlarıYakma Havası Fanı ile GENÇ / BİNGÖL PEKER İNŞAAT LTD.ŞTİ kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu ERZURUM KALEBİMS HAFİF YAPI ELEMANLARI kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, LNG Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu ERZURUM GAZİ FİŞEK FABRİKASI kg/h 6 Bar ENKA İNŞAAT VE SANAYİ A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar GİLAN HOLDİNG Kg/h 18 Bar Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz+ Fuel -Oil Brulörü, PLC Kontrollü, Oransal yakma sistemli,kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompası,Termik Degazör ve Armatürleri,Kazan Besi suyu Pompası,Tam Otomatik Su yumuşatma Sistemi, Özel Paslanmaz borulu Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri, Ekonomizer Pompası, Baca ve Duman kanalları, Fuel Oil Isıtma sistemi ve Armatürleri ( Ring Sistemi ) Komple Anahtar teslimi kazan dairesi. ANKARA İSTANBUL GEBELE / AZERBAYCAN >> 81

82 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER GİLAN HOLDİNG Kg/h 10 Bar Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz+ Motorin Brulörü,PLC Kontrollü, Oransal yakma sistemli,kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompası,Termik Degazör ve Armatürleri,Kazan Besi suyu Pompası,Tam Otomatik Su yumuşatma Sistemi, Özel Paslanmaz borulu Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri, Ekonomizer Pompası, Baca ve Duman kanalları, Fuel Oil Isıtma sistemi ve Armatürleri (Ring Sistemi) Komple Anahtar teslimi kazan dairesi. GEBELE / AZERBAYCAN SOLAR PATLAYICI MADDELER SANAYİ A.Ş Kg/h 6 Bar ANKARA TÜFEKÇİOĞLU LTD.ŞTİ kg/h 6 Bar MURATBEY PEYNİRLERİ kg/h 6 bar AKCANSA ÇİMENTO Kg/h 6 Bar Panolu,Elektrikli,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu ANKARA UŞAK LADİK/SAMSUN GİLAN HOLDİNG LANKERAN MEYVE SUYU FABRİKASI kg /h 6 Bar Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz+ Motorin Brulörü,PLC Kontrollü, Oransal yakma sistemli,kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompası,Termik Degazör ve Armatürleri,Kazan Besi suyu Pompası,Tam Otomatik Su yumuşatma Sistemi, Özel Paslanmaz borulu Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri, Ekonomizer Pompası, Baca ve Duman kanalları, Fuel Oil Isıtma sistemi ve Armatürleri ( Ring Sistemi ) Komple Anahtar teslimi kazan dairesi. AZERBAYCAN GİLAN HOLDİNG LANKERAN MEYVE SUYU FABRİKASI kg/h 6 Bar Buhar Kazanı ve Ekipmanları, Gaz+ Motorin Brulörü,PLC Kontrollü, Oransal yakma sistemli,kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompası,Termik Degazör ve Armatürleri,Kazan Besi suyu Pompası,Tam Otomatik Su yumuşatma Sistemi, Özel Paslanmaz borulu Ekonomizer ve Armatürleri, Ekonomizer Pompası, Baca ve Duman kanalları, Fuel Oil Isıtma sistemi ve Armatürleri (Ring Sistemi) Komple Anahtar teslimi kazan dairesi. AZERBAYCAN ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ kg/h 6 Bar ANKARA SOCAR Kcal/h Paket Kızgın Yağ Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Genleşme Tankı, Sirkülasyon Pompası, Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile komple Anahtar teslimi sistem AZERBAYCAN ZENİYA TURİZM OTELCİLİK A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar BODRUM YENİGÜN İNŞAAT A.Ş Kg/h 6 Bar Stokerli Tam Otomatik Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Katı Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu, Baca ve Duman Kanalı, Kurum Tutucu Siklon ve Baca Fanı Kömür Bunkeri ve EkipmanlarıYakma Havası Fanı ile MUŞ 82>> tr

83 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER ÇETİNKAYA İLAÇ kg/h 6 bar BOLU NUROL İNŞAAT ( KONTEYNERLİ ) kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu K.IRAK BİYAN PRODUCTC LLC Kg/h 6 Bar GEBELE/ AZERBAYCAN MAKİSSOS TERMAL VE SPA OTEL Kg/h 6 bar NURDAĞI / KAHRAMANMARAŞ 3M ENERJİ A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar DOĞAL DESTEK Kg/h 6 Bar HİTİT YALITIM Kg/h 6 Bar DAĞYUDAN TARIM LTD.ŞTİ Kg/h 8 Bar NAMET GIDA A.Ş Kg/h 3 Bar Panolu,LPG Yakıtlı, Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu BAKIRKÖY / İSTANBUL ALPAYDIN GÜBRE kg/h 8 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompaları, 5 t/h Termik Degazör ve ArmatürleriBesi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile ADANA >> 83

84 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER SAFİ KÖMÜR A.Ş kg/h 8 Bar KÜTAHYA PORSELEN A.Ş kg/h 10,5 bar MAKYOL İNŞAAT SANAYİ A.Ş kcal/h 6 Bar TOLON TEKSTİL Kg/h 6 Bar Panolu, Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu GEBZE KÜTAHYA FAS İZMİR AGP METRO POLSKA SPOLKA CYWİLNA kg/h 2 Bar Motorin Yakıtlı Buhar Santrali ve Ekipmanı POLONYA POYRAZ YEM kg/h 6 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon KÜTAHYA HELVACI SABRİ HELVA GIDA LTD.ŞTİ KCAL/H Paket Kızgın Yağ Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı,Genleşme Tankı,Termik Yağ Tankı,Termik Yağ Depolama Tankı,Sıcak hava Doğalgaz Brülörü, Sirkülasyon Pompası, Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile komple Anahtar teslimi sistem KÜTAHYA YÜKSEL YAPI ELEMANLARI A.Ş kg/h 8 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon GAZİANTEP PLATFORM MOBİLYA A.Ş Kcal/h 12 Bar SİNANGİL UN A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar BESLER SÜT kg/h 6 Bar Ön Ocaklı, Merdiven Izgaralı, Kızgın Su Kazanı,Armatürleri,Azot Yastıklı Genleşme Tankı ve Armatürleri 5000 lt 12 Bar İşletme Basınçlı,Isıcılı Besi Suyu Tankı ve Armöatürleri 5000 Lt, Kızgınsu Sirkülasyon Pompaları,Besi Suyu Pompaları,Dozlama ve Su Yumuşatma Cihazları,Toz Bunkeri,Parça Ahşap Bunkeri,Yükleme Helezonları,Kül Taşıma Helezonları,Siklon ve Ekipmanları, Yakma Havası Fanları,Baca Fanı,İçten Paslanmaz Çelik Taş Yünü üzeri Paslanmaz Çelik İzoleli Baca ve Duman Kanalı,İlk Ateşleme Brülörü, Modülasyonlu Çalışma sistemi Entegre PLC Kontrollü Elektrik Otomasyon Panosu; Kazan Dairesi içi Borulama, Kablo Kablaj ve test ve Devreye alma Komple Anahtar Sistemi Kazan Dairesi MERZİFON / AMASYA TEKİRDAĞ KÜTAHYA GÜRİŞ PAZARLAMA A.Ş kg/h 3 bar ANKARA 84>> tr

85 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER FAİK SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ LTD.ŞTİ kg/h 6 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon ESKİŞEHİR MEY ALKOLLÜ İÇKİLER LTD. ŞTİ kg/h 6 Bar ŞARKÖY FABRİKASI SÖKTAŞ A.Ş kg/h 6 Bar İZMİR İKSA BETON KİMYASALLARI Ltd. Şti Kcal/h Paket Kızgın Yağ Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon ANKARA SİNANGİL / EKSUN GIDA A.VE TİC. LTD.ŞTİ Kg/h 6 Bar Panolu,Fuel-Oil Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu İZMİR GÜNDÜZLER MANDIRACILIK LTD.ŞTİ Kg/h 6 Bar Stokerli Tam Otomatik Paket Buhar Jeneratörü,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Katı Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu, Baca ve Duman Kanalı, Kömür Bunkeri ve EkipmanlarıYakma Havası Fanı ile KIRKLARELİ >> 85

86 DOĞA DOSTU TEKNOLOJİ / NATURE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY / ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER EMEK PREFABRİK YAPI ELEMANLARI İNŞ. SAN. LTD. VE TİC. A.Ş. VE TİC. A.Ş Kg/h 6 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Besi Suyu Pompası, Kondens Tankı, Kondens Pompası, Degazör ve Besi Suyu Tankı, Buhar Kollektörü ve Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile Komple Sistem SAKARYA 86>> tr

87 TEKNOLOJİ İLE İÇ İÇE, ZAMANLA BAŞA BAŞ ADOPTING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER WITH THE TIME СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В НОГУ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ MÜŞTERİ ADET/ TAKIM KAPASİTE İŞLETME BASINCI ÜRETİM YER KATSAN GIDA SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ Kg/h 6 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Besi Suyu Pompası, Kondens Tankı, Kondens Pompası, Degazör ve Besi Suyu Tankı, Ekonomizerli, Baca ve Duman Kanalları ile Komple Sistem İSTANBUL ÇAĞLAYANLAR UN SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ Kg/h 8 Bar Stokerli Ön Ocaklı Tam Otomatik Paket Buhar Kazanı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Katı Yakıtlı, Besi Suyu Pompası, Isıtıcı Serpantinli Kondens Tankı, Mekanik Kartuşlu Su Filtresi, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu, Ekonomizerli, Baca ve Duman Kanalı, Otomatik Karıştırma Tertibatlı, Yakma Potası Soğutma Dolaşım Pompaları, Kurum Tutucu Siklon ve Baca Fanı, Kömür Bunkeri ve Ekipmanları, Kül Helezonu, Yakma Havası Fanı ile Komple Sistem KIRŞEHİR KALE SERAMİK ÇANAKKALE KALEBODUR SERAMİK SAN. A.Ş Kg/h 10 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Besi Suyu Pompası, Kondens Tankı, Kondens Pompası, Degazör ve Besi Suyu Tankı, Buhar Kollektörü, Mekanik Kartuşlu Su Filtresi ve Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu, Paslanmaz Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile Komple Sistem ÇANAKKALE MİKROPOR A.Ş Kcal/h Paket Kızgın Yağ Kazanı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı, Doğalgaz Brülörlü, Genleşme Tankı, Degazör, Sirkülasyon Pompası ile Komple Sistem ANKARA ATEŞOĞLU SÜT SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ Kg/h 15 Bar Paket Buhar Kazanı, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Besi Suyu Pompası, Kondens Tankı, Buhar Kollektörü, Ekonomizerli, Paslanmaz Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile Komple Sistem İSTANBUL ALOREZ A.Ş Kg/h 10 Bar Panolu, Motorin Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Besi Suyu ANKARA SOYYİĞİTLER GIDA A.Ş kg /h 12 Bar Merdiven Izgaralı, Yüksek Basınçlı Buhar Kazanı, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Besi Suyu Pompası, Kondens Tankı, Kondens Pompası, Degazör ve Besi Suyu Tankı, Buhar Kollektörü ve Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu ile Komple Sistem EDİRNE ABALIOĞLU YEM A.Ş Kg/h 8 Bar Stokerli Ön Ocaklı Paket Buhar Kazanı,PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Katı Yakıtlı,Kondens Tankı,Kondens Pompası,Termik Degazör ve Armatürleri,Besi Suyu Pompası, Otomatik Su Yumuşatma Grubu,Kullanım Suyu Ekonomizeri, Ekonomizer Rezerv ve Otomasyon Panosu,Buhar Kollektörü ve Armatürleri, Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile KONYA NORDZEE A.Ş kg/h 6 bar Paket Buhar Kazanı, Doğalgaz Yakıtlı, PLC Kontrollü Otomasyon Panolu, Besi Suyu Pompası, Kondens Tankı, Buhar Kollektörü, Ekonomizerli, Paslanmaz Baca ve Duman Kanalı ile Komple Sistem MUĞLA >> 87

Daha göster


2 УДК 338 ББК 65.5 I 73 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Editors: Selahattin Sarı Jusup Primbaev Alp H. Gencer Ainura Turdalieva Batuhan Tufaner Copyright 2017 Eurasian Economists Association & Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the publisher. ISBN: B p. Typesetting: Alp H. Gencer & Hülya Üzümcü Print: Turar I УДК 338 ISBN ББК 65.5

3 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Bishkek - Kyrgyzstan 5-7 October 2017

4 iv INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 FOREWORD We are proud to have completed the nith International Conference on Eurasian Economies, held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan with the cooperation of Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University and Eurasian Economists Association on 3-5 October abstracts were submitted to the conference from 5 countries, and in the end 57 accepted papers from 4 countries were presented at the conference. Many academicians attended the conference even though they had no papers to present, so the total attendance was around 130 academicians. The fact that the rectors Manas University, Vice Minister of Department of Agriculture, Vice Rectors, as well as deans of many faculties, professors and associate professors, people from the financial sector and executive boards attended the conference show that interest in the conference is high and continual. We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all participants and sponsors who have trusted and supported the conference s organizing committee. As in previous years, presented papers are collected into this proceedings book. A considerable amount of time and effort is put into evaluating and formatting the papers for the book. Each paper is evaluated by at least two judges before being accepted. We would like to thank our judges, scientific and organization committee members who contributed their valuable time and support to evaluating every paper. Additionally, we would like to extend our gratitude to Dr. Alp Gencer, who helped to design our web platform with great patience despite all of the difficulties and prepared the book of proceedings for publication. Our appreciation is also extended all members of Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University who put every effort in the perfect organization, starting with the rector Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı, dean of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Prof.Dr. Hakan Çetintaş, the faculty and students of the department of economics. They have done a wonderful job in making sure that the entire organization runs smoothly, press participance was ensured and organized a cultural feast for all attendees of the conference dinner. We would like to extend our greatest appreciation for the continuous support of International Conference on Eurasian Economies by Beykent University s Board of Trustees Chairman and members, Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Karahan, the Secretary General Murat Süslü and Public Relations Department, as well as the administrative staff. Finally, our greatest appreciation goes to all of the academicians, researchers and participants whose contributions have made this conference a success. We hope and believe that the International Eurasian Conference 2017 has made important contributions to the Eurasian region and scientific community at large. We hope to see you at the 10 th International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sarı and Prof. Dr. Cusup Primbayev Conference Co-Chairs

5 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 v ÖNSÖZ Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı nın dokuzuncusu; Beykent Üniversitesi, Kırgızistan- Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi ve Avrasya Ekonomistler Derneği nin ortak organizasyonuyla 3-5 Ekim 2017 tarihlerinde Bişkek-Kırgızistan da gerçekleştirilmiştir. Konferansa özet gönderim aşamasında 5 ülkeden 74 başvuru olmuştur. Özet başvurularının tamamına yakını bildiriye dönüşmüş 57 bildiri konferansta sunulmuştur. Diğer taraftan konferansta bildirisi olmayan çok sayıda öğretim üyesi dileyici olarak iştirak etmiş ve konferans yaklaşık 130 civarında katılımcının iştiraki ile gerçekleşmiştir. Katılımın yüksekliği konferansa olan ilginin büyüklüğünü göstermektedir. Konferansa Manas Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı, Tarım Bakan Yardımcısı, Manas Üniversitesi Rektör Vekili Prof. Dr. Asılbek Kulmirzayev, Rektör Yardımcıları ve gerek Türkiye den gerekse Kırgızistan dan çok sayıda dekanın katılması, profesör ve doçentlerin ağırlıklı olması finans sektörü ve üst kurullardan katılımlar konferansın bilim dünyasındaki yerini ve önemini bir kez daha öne çıkarmıştır. Konferans düzenleme komitesine olan güven ve desteklerini konferansa iştirakleriyle şereflendiren tüm katılımcılara öncelikle teşekkürlerimizi arz ediyoruz. Konferansta sunulan bildiriler elinizde bulunan bu kitapta toplanmıştır. Gerek bildirilerin değerlendirilmesi aşamasında, gerekse kitap haline getirilmesi aşamasında ciddi emek sarf edilmektedir. Her bildiri en az iki hakem tarafından değerlendirilmektedir. Bu değerlendirmelere zaman ayıran ve destek veren hakemlerimize, bilim kurulu üyelerimize, konferans hazırlıklarının başlamasından itibaren çok yoğun mesai harcayan organizasyon komitesindeki arkadaşlarımıza, web sayfası dizaynında her türlü müdahaleye rağmen sabırla işlemleri yerine getiren Dr. Alp Gencer e teşekkürlerimizi sunarız. Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı nın dokuzuncusu eksiksiz ve mükemmel olarak gerçekleştirilmesinde, planlama aşamasından konferansın sonlandırılmasına kadar her türlü desteği esirgemeden veren Manas Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dekanı Prof. Dr. Hakan Çetintaş, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesinin İktisat Bölümünün çok değerli öğretim elemanları ve destek veren diğer bölümlerden öğretim elemanları, öğrencilerine sonsuz teşekkürler. Basın koordinasyonu üst düzeyde gerçekleştirilmiş, gala yemeğinde yer alan sanatçılar ve folklor gösterisi tam bir ziyafet olmuştur. Misafirlere Türk Dünyasının esintilerini taşımış ve yaşatmışlardır. Emeği geçen tüm yönetici ve personele teşekkürler. Bu konferansta da Beykent Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkan ve üyeleri, Üniversite Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Karahan, Genel Sekreter Murat Süslü ve başta halkla ilişkiler olmak üzere tüm idari birimler personeli destek vermişlerdir; kendilerine sonsuz teşekkürler. Konferansın organizasyonunda birlikte hareket ettiğimiz Doğuş Üniversitesi ve Avrasya Ekonomistler Derneği nin tüm yöneticilerine teşekkürler. En büyük teşekkürümüz elbette ki konferansın oluşmasını sağlayan akademisyen, araştırmacı ve katılımcılaradır. Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansının dokuzuncusunun başta Avrasya ülkeleri olmak üzere bilim dünyasına katkı sağlayacağı inanç ve dileğiyle, 10. Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı nda buluşmak üzere. Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sarı ve Prof. Dr. Cusup Primbayev Organizasyon Kurulu Başkanları

6 vi INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 AÇILIŞ KONUŞMASI Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı Marifet iltifata tâbidir. Ne kadar çok çalışırsanız çalışın, yaptığınız işin bir yansıması olmazsa, bunlar çok fazla değer ifade etmiyor demektir. Katılımcı sayısına bakıldığında, konferansın çok ilgi çektiği görülüyor. Avrasya ekonomileri dendiği zaman hem çok değişken hem de çok dinamik bir bölgeden söz ediyoruz. Bir taraftan değişim ve dönüşüm sürerken, bir taraftan da küresel ekonomiyle uyum ve aynı zamanda rekabet içerisinde olmak mecburiyeti var. Hepsini bir arada götürüp ayakta kalmak ve ileri gitmek zorunluluğu var. Sonuç itibariyle biz şunu yapmak istiyoruz: Avrasya da bir ekonomi bölgesi oluşturup bu ekonominin küresel ekonomideki yerini almasını istiyoruz. Küresel rekabette bölgesel ekonomiler çok büyük bir önem ifade etmeye başladı; çünkü eğer sadece küresel ekonomide meseleye bakarsanız o zaman tek kutuplu bir ekonomi ortaya çıkıyor. Başını ABD nin çektiği ve her şeyi onun düzenlediği bir ekonomi ortaya çıkıyor. Diğerleri de ona hizmet etmek ve onun maksatlarına yardım etmek durumunda kalıyor. İşte bunu biraz olsun dengelemek adına bölgesel ekonomiler büyük önem ifade ediyor. Biz de geniş bir coğrafya olan Avrasya da bulunanlar olarak bunu bilmeliyiz. Burada özellikle Türkler bulunuyor. Buna çok dikkat etmek lazım. 21. yüzyılda hak ettiği değeri alabilmek, zenginliğe ulaşabilmek, dünyadaki karar organlarında söz sahibi olabilmek için Türk Dünyası olarak ekonomimizin güçlü olması gerekiyor. 200 civarında ülkenin olduğu Birleşmiş Milletler de kararları 5 ülke alıyor; çünkü bu 5 ülkenin gücü ekonomisinden geliyor. Biz Türkiye olarak Türk dünyasının hem büyük bir ekonomisi hem de büyük bir sorumluluk taşıyan ülkesiyiz; çünkü bütün Avrasya da eğer bir gelecek olacaksa bu Türkiye nin taşıyacağı omurgada yürümek durumunda olan bir gelecek olacak. Hem ekonomisi hem nüfusu hem insan kaynakları hem bulunduğu coğrafya hem de dünyayla entegrasyonu bunu bize gösteriyor. Ancak tek başına da olmuyor. O halde ekonomik hareketi, bütün Avrasya daki kardeş topluluk ve ülkelerin birlikte kalkınacağı bir ekonomi olarak algılamak gerekiyor. Bilime baktığımız zaman ilk 10 ülke şu anda üretilen bilimin yüzde 90 ını üretiyor. Gerçek bu. Geriye kalan 190 ülke de yüzde 10 u üretiyor. Pozisyonlarımızı buna göre belirlememiz gerekiyor. Buna göre hareket etmemiz gerekiyor. O bakımdan güç birliği şart. Tek başımıza böyle bir rekabet ortamında varlığımızı ifade etmemiz çok zor. Ekonomi de bunun tam omurgasını oluşturuyor. Bu bakımdan bütün tecrübelerimizi birleştirmemiz gerekiyor. Bu konferanslarda genel konuşmalar yerine konjonktürün ön gördüğü, vizyoner, temalı konuşmalara, temalı çalışmalara doğru geçmek gerekiyor. Bir de bu salonlara iş dünyasını, iş adamlarını getirmek gerekiyor. O zaman gerçekten ses, tam adresini bulmuş olacak. Birbirimizden gerçek anlamda öğrenmeye başlayacağız. Birlikte daha iyisini yapmaya gayret edeceğiz. Bizim bölgemizde hangi sektörlerde fırsatlar var bunu bilmek gerek. Sınırlı olan enerjimizi ve gücümüzü her tarafa yayarsak hiçbir yerde etki oluşturamıyoruz. Oysa odaklandığımız bir yerden ses getirmemiz mümkün. Bölgemizde ekonomi açısından baktığımız zaman fırsatları ve tehditleri görüp buna göre hareket etmeli ve yoğunlaşacağımız konuları belirlemeliyiz. Böyle konferansların da buna ışık tutması gerekiyor. Eğitim programlarımızı böyle konferanslar sonucunda gerekirse yeniden gözden geçirmeliyiz. Gerçekleştirdiğimiz konferanslarda elbette dünya ekonomisini de ele almalıyız; ama kendi bölgemiz ve ekonomilerimizle ilgili olarak çok iyi çalışmalar ortaya çıkarmamız gerekiyor. Gençleri o şekilde donatarak yetiştirmemiz gerekiyor. Bölgesini çok iyi anlamadan dünya ekonomisini anlatan bir mezun yetiştirmenin bölgeye çok fayda olmaz. Kırgızistan da 5 yıl öğrenim gördükten sonra Kırgızistan ekonomisini ve Orta Asya ekonomilerini anlamadan mezun olan bir mezunun başarılı bir mezun olduğu söylenemez. Onlar çevrelerini tanımalı. Biz bu şekilde bir eğitimle öğrenci yetiştirirsek onlar sahanın adamı olurlar. Gittikleri uluslararası alanda da o sahayı en iyi şekilde sunabilir, savunabilir, fırsatları değerlendirebilir ve kendilerini öne çıkarabilir. Bu konferanslardan böyle sonuçlar çıkaralım. Kırgızistan nüfusunun yüzde 65 inin kırsal alanda yaşaması ve tarımın yıllık ekonomik hasılaya olan katkısının yüzde 54 olması verileri üzerinden hareketle bir değerlendirme yapmak önemli. Kırgızistan ın gerçek anlamda tarım üzerinden bir ekonomi ile kalkınmasını öngörmek gerekiyor. Biz Ziraat Fakültemizi kurarken bunları dikkate aldık. Üstelik beslenmenin, gıdanın stratejik bir alan olduğunu görmek gerek. Yeraltı kaynakları bir süre sonra tükenecek olsa da insanların temel ihtiyaçları olan beslenme ve gıda ihtiyacı devam edecektir. Gıdanın da geldiği yer topraktır. Bunu bilen ve iyi değerlendirenler gelecekte çok stratejik bir önem ifade edeceklerdir. Kırgızistan hayvancılıkta son derece önemli bir potansiyele sahip. Sovyetler Birliği döneminde 20 milyon baş hayvanın yaşadığı Kırgızistan da bugün 6,5 milyon hayvan yaşıyor. Demek ki daha çok kazanılacak zenginlik var.

7 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 vii Kaybedilenlerin kazanılması gerek. Bu noktada fırsatlar ekonomisini yakalamamız gerek. Enerji, su, bunların koridorları. Bütün bunları tartışıp hem iş dünyasına hem Devlet yöneticilerine bir taban bilgi ve yol gösterici sonuçlar çıkarabiliyorsak düzenlenen konferanslar amacına ulaşmış demektir. Yapılmasına da her zaman devam etmek gerekmektedir. İşte şimdi geldiğimiz noktada, inşallah bundan sonra da bu çizgide devam ederek, bütün kesimlerin faydasına olan, ihtiyaç duyulan ve istenilen çalışmalar yaparız. Bu duygu ve düşüncelerle bu tebliğ kitabında basılan makalelerin bilim dünyasına, kamu ve özel sektör mensuplarına ve okuyuculara yararlı olmasını diliyor, konferansı düzenleyen ve emeği geçenlere içten teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum. Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Rektörü

8 viii INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 ADVISORY BOARD Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı (Rector, Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Karahan (Rector, Beykent University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Hakan Çetintaş (Dean, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Kyrgyzstan- Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Prof. Dr. Turgut Özkan (Dean, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Beykent University, Turkey) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sarı (Beykent University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Jusup Pirimbaev (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Asst. Prof. Dr. Aynura Turdalieva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Ph.D. Candidate Mustafa Batuhan Tufaner (Beykent University, Turkey) Asst. Prof. Dr. Sıtkı Sönmezer (Beykent University, Turkey) Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlyas Sözen (İstanbul Kavram MYO, Turkey) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşen Hiç Gencer (Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Damira Japarova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Bayrak (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Turkey) Asst. Prof. Dr. Junus Ganiev (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Asst. Prof. Dr. Raziya Abdiyeva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Asst. Prof. Dr. Damira Baigonushova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Asst. Prof. Dr. Zamira Oskonbaeva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Ph.D. Candidate Galip Afsin Ravanoglu (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Dr. Burulcha Sulaimanova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Dr. Alp Gencer (Germany) Mr. Alpin Gencer (Germany) Mrs. Hülya Üzümcü (Turkey) WEB & PRINT DESIGN

9 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 ix SCIENTIFIC BOARD Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ay (Selçuk University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Harun Bal (Çukurova University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Mehmet Balcılar (Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus) Prof. Dr. Viktor Barhatov (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia) Prof. Dr. Tansu Barker (Brock University, Canada) Prof. Dr. Ersan Bocutoğlu (Avrasya University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Cihan Çobanoğlu (University of South Florida, United States of America) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Değer (Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Drakulevski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Macedonia) Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avni Egeli (Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Ömer Selçuk Emsen (Atatürk University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Cevat Gerni (Doğuş University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Ahmet İncekara (İstanbul University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Danijela Jacimovic (University of Montenegro, Montenegro) Prof. Dr. Gani Kaliev (Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kazakhstan) Prof. Dr. S. Rıdvan Karluk (Antalya AKEV University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Nuriddin Kayumov (Tajikistan Academy of Sciences, Tajikistan) Prof. Dr. Merim Koichueva (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan) Prof. Dr. Recep Kök (Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Igor Kokh (Kazan Federal University, Russia) Prof. Dr. Turar Koychuev (National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyzstan) Prof. Dr. Fevzi Okumuş (University of Central Florida, United States of America) Prof. Dr. Zekai Özdemir (Istanbul University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Jusup Pirimbaev (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Prof. Dr. Tatiana Pyshkina (Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM), Moldova) Prof. Dr. Orazaly Sabden (Institute of Economics, Kazakhstan) Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sarıışık (Sakarya University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Euphrasia Susy Suhendra (Gunadarma University, Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ferenec Szavai (Kaposvar University, Hungary) Prof. Dr. Muammer Tekeoğlu (Çukurova University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Topaloğlu (Özyeğin University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Khodjamakhmad Umarov (Institute of Economics, Tajikistan) Prof. Dr. Bahadir Umurzakov (G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

10 x INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Contents OPENING SESSION Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sarı #2030: Bir Ekonomik Avrasya Öyküsü: Arakan Eyaleti Prof. Dr. Ersan Bocutoğlu (Avrasya University, Turkey) * SESSION 1A: Microeconomics Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Taşkın #1960: Effect of Price and Brand on Purchase Decision An Application on Turkish Smart Phone Consumers 2 - Ph.D. Candidate Barış Batuhan Geçit (Beykent University, Turkey) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Murad Kayacan (Beykent University, Turkey) #1965: Gender Differences, Risk Attitude and Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan Asst. Prof. Dr. Raziya Abdiyeva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Dr. Burulcha Sulaimanova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Kamalbek Karymshakov (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) #1970: Matrix Management Approach and a Survey Research in the Industry Asst. Prof. Dr. Ceren Gül Artuner (Beykent University, Turkey) - Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Taşkın (Beykent University, Turkey) * SESSION 2A: Growth & Development Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Ersan Bocutoğlu #1980: Seasonal Cointegration Approach on Expenditure Based Gross Domestic Product and Its Some Sub- Components for Turkey Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özmen (Çukurova University, Turkey) * - Ph.D. Candidate Sera Şanlı (Çukurova University, Turkey) #2008: On The Purchasing Power Parity in Turkey: The Role of Structural Changes Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şaban Nazlıoğlu (Pamukkale University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Çağın Karul (Pamukkale University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Ahmet Koncak (Abant İzzet Baysal University, Turkey) - Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlhan Küçükkaplan (Pamukkale University, Turkey) * #1989: Export-led Growth Hypothesis in MINT Countries: A Panel Cointegration Analysis Prof. Dr. Harun Bal (Çukurova University, Turkey) * - Ph.D. Candidate Shahanara Basher (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Abdulla Hil Mamun (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Emrah Akça (Çukurova University, Turkey) #2013: Relationship Between Trade Openness, Capital Formation and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis for African Countries Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ay (Selçuk University, Turkey) - Asst. Prof. Dr. Fahri Kurşunel (Selçuk University, Turkey) * - Ph.D. Candidate Mahamane Moutari Abdou Baoua (Selçuk University, Turkey)

11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 xi SESSION 3A: Sectoral Analysis Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Cevat Gerni #1968: The Impact of Tax Apportionment on Fiscal Equalization: A Case Study of Turkish Metropolitan Municipalities Prof. Dr. Naci Tolga Saruç (İstanbul University, Turkey) * - Prof. Dr. İsa Sağbaş (Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey) - Dr. Recep Yorulmaz (Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey) #2005: Natural Resources Revenue, Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: Panel Data Analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa Countries Asst. Prof. Dr. Savaş Çevik (Selçuk University, Turkey) * - Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ay (Selçuk University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Mahamane Moutari Abdou Baoua (Selçuk University, Turkey) #1967: The Education-Job Mismatch Determinants Among Youth of Kyrgyzstan Asst. Prof. Dr. Kamalbek Karymshakov (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Dr. Burulcha Sulaimanova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #2009: The Public Policy in Agricultural Product Markets and Effectiveness of Regulations Prof. Dr. M. Okan Taşar (Selçuk University, Turkey) * SESSION 4A: Развитие I Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Jusup Pirimbaev #1990: Найти Своё Лицо Prof. Dr. Turar Koychuev (National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyzstan) * #1978: Глобальные Тренды Современного Мирового Экономического Развития Prof. Dr. Kaisyn Khubiev (Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Russia) * - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Turusbek Asanov (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Dr. Marat Kudaikulov (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan) #1963: Образование и экономический рост: на примере Кыргызстана Asst. Prof. Dr. Raziya Abdiyeva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Damira Baigonushova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) #1986: Управление Региональным Развитием Кыргызской Республики В Условиях Интеграции Asel Dzhailova (Kyrgyz Economic University, Kyrgyzstan) * SESSION 5A: Развитие II Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Turar Koychuev #1977: Источники Экономического Роста В Кыргызстане Asst. Prof. Dr. Aynura Turdalieva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #2017: Кыргызстанда Акчалай Которуулардын Экономикалык Өсүүгө Таасири Dr. Burulcha Sulaimanova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Daniyar Jasoolov (Public Fund AVEP, Kyrgyzstan) *

12 xii INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 SESSION 1B: Büyüme I Session Chair: Prof. Dr. İsmail Bircan #2028: Petrol Fiyatlarının Düşüşünde Shale (Şeyl) Gazın Etkisi, Geleceği ve Türkiye nin Shale Gaz Potansiyeli Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamil Uslu (Kavram MYO, Turkey) * #1991: İhracata Dayalı Büyümenin Geçerliliği Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma: Türkiye den Bulgular Prof. Dr. Harun Bal (Çukurova University, Turkey) * - Ph.D. Candidate Emrah Akça (Çukurova University, Turkey) #2027: Kuznets Eğrisi ile Ekonomik ve Siyasal Liberalizasyon Uygulamaları Arasındaki İlişkiler Prof. Dr. Murat Nişancı (Erzincan University, Turkey) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fatih Aydemir (Atatürk University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Bengü Tosun (Atatürk University, Turkey) - Prof. Dr. Ömer Selçuk Emsen (Atatürk University, Turkey) #1993: Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları ile Sanayileşme İlişkisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama Prof. Dr. Harun Bal (Çukurova University, Turkey) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Erhan İşcan (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Ahmet Kardaşlar (Çukurova University, Turkey) SESSION 2B: Büyüme II Session Chair: Prof. Dr. M. Okan Taşar #2026: İhracat ve İthalatın Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkileri: Merkezi Asya Ekonomileri Örneği Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sarı (Beykent University, Turkey) - Prof. Dr. Cevat Gerni (Doğuş University, Turkey) - Asst. Prof. Dr. Çağatay Karaköy (Cumhuriyet University, Turkey) - Prof. Dr. Ömer Selçuk Emsen (Atatürk University, Turkey) * #2020: Kırgızistan da İşçi Gelirleri ile Büyümedeki Dalgalanmalar Arasındaki İlişki Prof. Dr. Hakan Çetintaş (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Asst. Prof. Dr. Damira Baigonushova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #1985: Ev Sahipliği ve İşsizlik: Oswald Hipotezinin Türkiye için Test Edilmesi Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Erdoğan (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Dr. Dastan Aseinov (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) #2010: Kentsel Dönüşüm İçin Bir Finansman Modeli: Gayrimenkul Sertifikası Dr. Ayça Doğaner (İTO Meslek Komiteleri Koordinatörlüğü, Turkey) * - Prof. Dr. Zekai Özdemir (Istanbul University, Turkey) SESSION 3B: Sektörel Analizler Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Şaban Kayıhan #2016: Öğrencilerin Otel İşletmelerindeki İş Etiğine Yönelik Algıları Muharrem Kaya (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Dr. Azamat Maksudunov (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) *

13 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 xiii #1976: İklim Değişikliğinin Gıda Fiyatları Üzerine Etkisi: OECD Örneği Prof. Dr. Muammer Tekeoğlu (Çukurova University, Turkey) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakkı Çiftçi (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Asst. Prof. Dr. Erhan İşcan (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Duygu Serin (Çukurova University, Turkey) #1981: Karbon Emisyonu ve Uluslararası Ticaret İlişkisi Prof. Dr. Harun Bal (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Asst. Prof. Dr. Erhan İşcan (Çukurova University, Turkey) * - Ph.D. Candidate Duygu Serin (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Selçuk Loğoğlu (Çukurova University, Turkey) #1988: Banka ve Müşteri Sırlarının Ceza Hukuku Tarafından Korunması Prof. Dr. Çetin Arslan (Hacettepe University, Turkey) * - Ph.D. Candidate Didar Özdemir (Hacettepe University, Turkey) SESSION 4B: Региональные исследования Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Dzhumabek Dzhailov #2018: Учет Потерь При Попроцессном Калькулировании Производственных Затрат Prof. Dr. Obolbek Kurmanbekov (Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan) * #2024: Роль И Значение Диагностики И Оценки Состояния Автомобильных Дорог Для Их Воспроизводства Jannat Ysyrailova (Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture, Kyrgyzstan) * - Prof. Dr. Anara Sherbekova (Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture, Kyrgyzstan) #2021: Рейтинг Социально-Экономического Положения Регионов Как Основа Их Инвестиционной Привлекательности Prof. Dr. Damira Bektenova (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan) * #2025: Региональные Аспекты Инвестиционных Процессов В Кыргызской Республике Prof. Dr. Anara Sherbekova (Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture, Kyrgyzstan) - Dr. Sabina Esenbekova (Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture, Kyrgyzstan) * SESSION 5B: Секторальный анализ Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Kaisyn Khubiev #1972: Использование Финансовых Ресурсов В Государственных Организациях Здравоохранения В Кыргызской Республике Assoc. Prof. Dr. Damira Japarova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Prof. Dr. Anara Kamalova (Kyrgyz National University, Kyrgyzstan) #2011: Өткөөл Экономикада Социалдык Нормалардын Салык Маданиятына Тийгизген Таасири: Кыргызтан Мисалында Asst. Prof. Dr. Raziya Abdiyeva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #1984: Проблемы И Перспективы Интеграции Аграрного Сектора Кыргызстана В ЕАЭС Prof. Dr. Dzhumabek Dzhailov (Ministry of Agriculture, Kyrgyzstan) * - Mardalieva Leila (Kyrgyzstan)

14 xiv INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 #2022: Кыргызстандын Айыл-Чарба Тармагын Өнүктүрүү Маселелери Asst. Prof. Dr. Damira Baigonushova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Saikal Otorova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Asst. Prof. Dr. Junus Ganiev (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Prof. Dr. Jusup Pirimbaev (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) SESSION 1C: Bölgesel Çalışmalar Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Muammer Tekeoğlu #2023: Avrasya Ekonomik Birliği nin Kırgızistan ile Türkiye İlişkilerine Etkileri Ph.D. Candidate Ömer Faruk Karaman (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #1995: Çin in Bir Kuşak-Bir Yol Projesinin Ekonomik ve Jeopolitik Sonuçları Üzerine Düşünceler Prof. Dr. Ersan Bocutoğlu (Avrasya University, Turkey) * #1957: Ekonomik Entegrasyon Teorisi Çerçevesinde Türkiye İçin Avrupa Birliği'ne Bir Alternatif: Avrasya Gümrük Birliği Ph.D. Candidate Mustafa Batuhan Tufaner (Beykent University, Turkey) * - Ph.D. Candidate Hasan Boztoprak (Beykent University, Turkey) - Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlyas Sözen (İstanbul Kavram MYO, Turkey) #1979: Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi Ülkelerinde Doğal Kaynak Laneti Hipotezi Geçerliliğinin İncelenmesi Ph.D. Candidate Mehmet Akif Destek (Gaziantep University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Müge Manga (Çukurova University, Turkey) - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neşe Algan (Çukurova University, Turkey) * SESSION 2C: Mikroekonomi Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ay #1959: Avrasya Ülkeleri Üniversiteleri Arasında Ar-Ge ve İnovasyon İşbirlikleri ile Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmanın Desteklenmesi Prof. Dr. İsmail Bircan (Atılım University, Turkey) * #1962: Örgüt Kültürü, Örgütsel Öğrenme ve Yenilikçilik İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Anket Çalışması Vasfi Kendir (İstanbul University, Turkey) - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bahaddin Sinsoysal (Beykent University, Turkey) - Ph.D. Candidate Hasan Boztoprak (Beykent University, Turkey) * #1982: Lojistik Performans Endeksi Kapsamında Orta Asya Türk Cumhuriyetleri nin Lojistik Performanslarının Analizi Ph.D. Candidate Bayram Şirin (Beykent University, Turkey) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakan Emanet (Beykent University, Turkey) #1975: Otomotiv Endüstrisindeki Muhtemel Dönüşümün Ekonomik Boyutu: Türkiye Örneği Asst. Prof. Dr. Osman Simav (Beykent University, Turkey) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayfer Ustabaş (Beykent University, Turkey)

15 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 xv SESSION 3C: Finans I Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Ömer Selçuk Emsen #1961: Konut Kredi Hacminin Gelişimi ile Makroekonomik Değerler ve Finansal Getirilerin İlişkisi Asst. Prof. Dr. Sıtkı Sönmezer (Beykent University, Turkey) * - Yusuf Pala (Kheiron Reklam Organizasyon Mimarlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Turkey) #2000: Monte Carlo Metodu ve Yeni Zıplama ve Daralma Sürecinin BIST (Borsa İstanbul) Getirileri Uygulaması Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kutluk Kağan Sümer (İstanbul University, Turkey) * #1964: Konut Sektöründe Finansman Modellerinin Analizi: Türkiye Uygulaması Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülay Selvi Hanişoğlu (Beykent University, Turkey) - Fidan Güler (Okan University, Turkey) * SESSION 4C: Finans II Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Celaleddin Serinkan #2012: Kırgızistan da Faiz ve Kur Politikalarinin İhracat Üzerine Etkisi Prof. Dr. Fuat Sekmen (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Ph.D. Candidate Galip Afsin Ravanoglu (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #2003: Kırgızistan da Bankacılık Sektörünün Yönetim ve Organizasyon Sorunları Assoc. Prof. Dr. Celaleddin Serinkan (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #1969: İşçi Dövizleri ve Reel Efektif Döviz Kuru: Kırgızistan Üzerinde Bir Uygulama Dr. Burulcha Sulaimanova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Daniyar Jasoolov (Public Fund AVEP, Kyrgyzstan) * SESSION 5C: Kalkınma Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Hakan Çetintaş #1998: Dış Borç ve Yabancı Yatırımların Toplam Çıktıya Etkisi: Kırgızistan Örneği Asst. Prof. Dr. Junus Ganiev (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Asst. Prof. Dr. Damira Baigonushova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Ph.D. Candidate Mairam Baigonusheva (Marmara University, Turkey) #2019: Kırgızistan da Dış Borçların Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi Tolkun Zhumakunova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) - Zhainagul Kydyralieva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * #2001: Kırgız Cumhuriyeti Bölgelerinde Anne Ölüm Oranları Belirleyicileri Ph.D. Candidate Nurbek Madmarov (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Bayrak (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Turkey) #1987: Orta Asya da Bölge Merkezli Bütünleşme: Çabaları ve Sonuçları Nargiza Sakmurzaeva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) *

16 xvi INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 #1974: Kazakistan ve Kırgızistan da Kamu Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisi Serhat Atmaca (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) * - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Bayrak (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Turkey) * Presenting author

17 OPENING SESSION 1 An Economic Eurasian Tale: Rakhine State Bir Ekonomik Avrasya Öyküsü: Arakan Eyaleti Prof. Dr. Ersan Bocutoğlu (Avrasya University, Turkey) Abstract Genocide or, to say the least, ethnic cleansing towards Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar, conducted by fanatic Buddhist monks and the military has been on the agenda in recent months. This opening speech aims at finding out real causes of this inhumane incident and investigating whether or not it is solely a result of some kind interreligious conflict in Myanmar. My research has convinced me that Rakhine inter-ethnic question has international economic and security related roots that deserve close and detailed investigation. In my point of view, the Rakhine Question depends heavily on economic security considerations such as: a) security of natural gas and petrol reservoirs in Rakhine State and pipelines connecting Rakhine State to China, b) security of railway link connecting Kyaukpyu Deep Water Sea Port in Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone in Rakhine State to China which has developed by China to bypass Malacca Strait. The potential that Muslim dominated Rakhine State may cause security threats to some of the foreign Chinese investments in Myanmar in medium term should be taken as a main cause that gives way to ethnic cleansing against Muslim Rakhine population. Sayın Bakanım, Rektörüm, Rektör Vekilim, Dekanlarım, öğretim üyesi meslektaşlarım, sevgili öğrencilerimiz ve kıymetli misafirler, konuşmama başlarken hepinizi saygı ve sevgilerimle selamlarım. Myanmar (Burma) da iki asırdan beri Budistler ile Müslümanlar arasında çatışmalar yaşanmakla birlikte, son aylarda ortaya çıkan etnik temizlik ve soykırım, Budizm gibi barışçı yönüyle temayüz etmiş bir inancın sorgulanmasına yol açtı. Sürgündeki Budist lider Dalay Lama bile, Budistlerin bu tür eylemlerini anlaşılmaz bulduğunu ifade etti. Bu durum beni, Myanmar ın Arakan Eyaletindeki etik temizlik ve soykırımın arkasında başka motivasyonların yatabileceği düşüncesine götürdü. Konu ile ilgili olarak yaptığım araştırmalar sonucunda, Arakan Eyaletinin karasal hudutları içinde zengin doğalgaz, deniz hudutları içinde ise zengin petrol ve doğalgaz yataklarının bulunduğunu; bu enerji kaynaklarının, boru hatları aracılığı ile Çin e nakledildiğini gördüm. Araştırmalarımda; Çin ihracatının ve enerji ithalatının % 80 inin Çin bakımından güvenli kabul edilmeyen Malaka Boğazından geçmesinin yarattığı sıkıntı anlamına gelen Malaka Sendromu nu çözmek amacıyla, bu boğazı bay-pas eden yeni bir alternatif olarak Çin in Arakan Eyaletindeki Kyaukpyu şehrini Çin e bağlayan bir demiryolu hattını geliştirdiğini, Kyaukpyu şehrinde Özel Ekonomi Bölgesi kurduğunu ve Kyaukpyu Derin Deniz Limanını inşa ettiğini tespit ettim. Arakan Eyaletinin Müslüman ağırlıklı bir nüfus yapısına sahip olduğu dikkate alındığında, bu bölgenin orta vadede Çin in petrol, doğalgaz üretimi, boru hatları, özel ekonomi bölgesi, demiryolu taşımacılığı ve derin deniz limanı alanlarındaki yatırımlarının güvenliği bakımından sorun yaratma potansiyeline sahip olduğu dikkatlerden kaçmamaktadır. Müslümanlar aleyhindeki uluslararası konjonktürün de uygun olması nedeniyle, güvenliği sağlamanın en kestirme yolunun Müslümanları bu bölgeden bir şekilde sürüp çıkarmak olduğu açıktır. Bu nedenle Myanmar da Müslüman ağırlıklı Arakan Eyaletinde ortaya çıkan Müslüman soykırımı ve etnik temizliğin sadece dini nedenlere dayandığını varsaymak ve meselenin ekonomi ve güvenlikle ilgili yönlerini ihmal etmek kanaatimce meseleyi yüzeysel değerlendirmek anlamına gelecektir. Elimde kesin veriler bulunmadığı için, olayın sorumluluğunu hiç bir ülkeye yıkamıyorum. Ancak sonuç yerine şu soruyu sormak istiyorum: Acaba Arakanda olan bitenlerle Hint Okyanusundaki Çin-Hindistan-ABD rekabetinin bir ilişkisi var mıdır? Eğer varsa ve bu Çin in Bir Kuşak-Bir Yol Projesi ile ilgiliyse, Çin e komşu olan birinci kuşak devletlerin orta vadede benzer sorunlarla karşılaşmasının kaçınılmaz olduğunu ifade ederek konuşmamı bitiriyorum. Sabrınız ve dikkatiniz için teşekkür ederim.

18 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Effect of Price and Brand on Purchase Decision An Application on Turkish Smart Phone Consumers Ph.D. Candidate Barış Batuhan Geçit (Beykent University, Turkey) Asst. Prof. Dr. Murad Kayacan (Beykent University, Turkey) Abstract Purpose of this study is to discuss whether brand and price has a significant effect on consumers smart phone purchase decision in Turkey. For this purpose; a survey has been conducted to the Turkish smart phone consumers about the factors affecting their smart phone purchase decision. The results obtained from the survey has been analyzed by using IBM SPSS program. According to the results obtained from the survey the model is accepted as p value of the model is smaller than 0,05. According to the analyze both brand and price has a significant effect on Turkish consumers smart phone purchase decision as both variables' p values has been found to be smaller than 0,05. Brand has a positive effect on consumers' smart phone purchase decision whereas price has a negative effect on consumer's smart phone purchase decision. 1 Introduction Until the end of the World War II, there was no problem in selling the produced goods, especially because of the lack of serial production and the fact that demand was not more than production (Durmaz, 2006). With the end of the war and the increase in the production capacities of companies, a market structure has emerged in which every manufactured good could be sold. However, the period called "sales approach" has emerged with the increase of production capacities and increase of demand, as a result, forced sales with psychological pressure has increased. The approach was "Sell whatever you produce, as long as know how to sell it" and the selling strategy was completely misleading, which in fact, did not fully reflect the wishes and needs of consumers (Taşkın, 2009). In the advanced times, the mass production of businesses meant that unit prices for consumers were getting cheaper. As a result, the pace of demand started to increase and a new approach called "production approach" became valid (Koç, 2016). However, over time, inability to respond to the needs and developments of the market in terms of production (sales) and insufficient supply-demand balance has led to the emergence of "modern marketing approach". In modern marketing approach, which is accepted today, first step is to determine requirements and desires of consumers then the next is step is production (Taşkın, 2009). As consumer requirements became the focal point; consumer requirements, consumer behavior became an important concept that has to be analyzed by marketers. Many firms have begun to focus on customers for their business activities and as a quality investment tool (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013). One of the key concepts that creates huge difference in the perception of consumers for the product, which has become one of the focal points of marketing, is brand (Blythe, 2006). Brand is a concept that has an important position in marketing strategies that creates awareness among consumers and differentiate them for companies. Besides the brand concept, another important concept for marketers is the price. Price is the mechanism for obtaining value for firms (Iacobucci, 2015). For consumers, the price is the amount needed to get a product (Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, 2009). One of the most important markets where brand perception is most common and the effects on consumers are required to be examined the most is smartphone market. In the smartphone market, giant companies who constantly rise prices of their products also continue to sell at higher numbers and this fact makes smartphone market an extraordinary market to be analyzed as increasing prices also increases the sell numbers. The fact that brands' market positions and values are changing and evolving with the developing technologies in the smartphone market is the reason that Apple has been a leader in determining the rules of the market right now, even they were an obscure brand couple of years ago. Apple went from being an obscure brand to being number one brand of the World (Interbrand, 2017), Samsung utilizing the brand image they had obtained from various product groups for years in the smart phone market and even they suffered Note 7 Explosion Scandal, they can still sell at high rates by courtesy of their high brand image, brands like Huawei and Xiaomi went from being completely unknown brands to preferred brands, Sony went from being one of the biggest technology brands of the world to a poor smart phone brand, Blackberry had a %20 market in 2009 and currently has a market share of %0.05 and is in the process of disappearing (Business Insider, 2017). All these rapid changes in smart phone market shows how dynamic this market is and it is vital to analyze the facts that effect consumer preference in smart phone market.

19 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 3 Alongside with its dynamic nature, smart phone market it creates very high amount of profit and has a very big transaction mass. Smart phones are one of the most common used products in the World. According to Statista (2017) there are 2.32 Million smart phone users in the World and by the 2020 Statista is also forecasting that there will be 2.87 Million smart phone users in the World. While smart phone is that common in the whole World, Turkey is one of the top countries in the World in terms of smart phone usage. According to Newzoo (2017) Turkey is the 12 th country in terms of smart phone users with 40 Million Smart phone users. According to Poushter (2016) Turkey is once again 12 th in terms of smart phone usage percent/total population ratio. So according to these numbers Turkish consumers can be counted as top 15 for the smart phone brands. All these facts make Turkey, which according to The World Bank (2017) is the 17 th biggest economy of the world in terms of GDP, an ideal and an appropriate market to be analyzed in terms of smart phone consumption trends and the main reasons of smart phone preference. To analyze the facts that effect consumer preference in smart phone market; price and brand has been selected as the most appropriate variables after reviewing the academic literature. 2 Literature In terms of marketing, it is undoubtedly very important to examine the factors that affect the purchase decision of consumers. In the group of products that is analyzed, being able to know which reasons lead consumers to buy certain brands or products; may be important in terms of businesses that want to become big brands. That is because they can determine how to act in the future and what strategies they should implement, and how they can eventually achieve a superior position in the competition. The type of consumer analyzed in this study is not the industrial consumer, but the final consumer. Because the smartphone is a final consumer. Consumer behavior can be defined as the processes directly related to the acquisition and use of goods and services, which are the economic values of individuals, and the decisions that determine and determine these activities (Tek, 1999). As mentioned above smart phone is a final consumer product and consumer buying behavior is purchasing behavior for personal or family use (Dibb, Simkin and Pride, 2012, p.148). Price is the amount of money charged for a product or a service. In other words, price is the sum of all the values that customers give up to gain the benefits of having or using a product or service. Historically, price has been the major factor affecting buyer choice. In recent decades, however, nonprice factors have gained increasing importance. Even so, price remains one of the most important elements that determines a firm s market share and profitability (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013, p.312). Price is the most visible element of the marketing mix, and pricing policies are being questioned by consumers frequently. If consumers think that prices are unfair, they can leave the firm or spread negative information to other consumers. Low price can have a positive effect as consumers would demand to pay lower prices but it can also have a negative effect as low price usually decreases the brand image of products and brands. High price can vice versa have a negative effect on consumers as they don t want to pay higher prices but it can increase the brand image. If product development, promotion and distribution are the seeds of business success, price is the harvest (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013, p.310). While price is seen as an important factor to affect the dynamics of a market, brand is also regarded as an important variable to affect the dynamics of competition and perception of consumers. Brand is largely associated with the attributes of the product, benefits, use values, user culture, and personality and user behavior. Every brand has a unique chronology and experience. These are built over time through strong and consistent communication wherever the brand manifests itself from business cards to electronic communication such as television commercials, internet and print media, and finally to billboards (Rajagopal, 2017, p.1). Brand generates image for product which creates awareness for consumers. Brand helps companies to position themselves in the market. Positioning the product or the brand helps company to decide the desired consumer group, potential market rivals and competition and as a result the long term plans of the company. Brand basically helps firms to differentiate and position themselves within the market competition and for the consumers. If we give an example for the importance of awareness on consumers; Apple's easy-to-use, aesthetic and technological music player series, launched in 2001, has been successful in a short time. On top of that, the ipod shuffle, IPod nano and IPod touch, which are sold in different prices and quality varieties of IPod, have been introduced into the market. IPod, which sold over 220 million in eight years, was also the pioneer of IPhone 's launch of Apple' s actual explosion (Aaker, 2011, p. 157). Thanks to the brand image and the awareness on consumers obtained by ipod s, iphone product made an explosive departure in the smart phone market.

20 4 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Marketing literature mainly supports the idea that brand and price have a significant effect on consumers purchase decision but a statistical analysis should be done to prove these ideas and especially for a certain product group like smart phone, which has a very different market dynamic compared to other products, it is very important to do such an analysis. 3 Model Model of this study is as following (Table 1): Table 1: Price and Brand's Effect on Consumer Decision H1: Price has a significant effect on consumers smart phone purchase decision. H2: Brand has a significant effect on consumers smart phone purchase decision. 4 Methodology A survey has been conducted to the 384 Turkish smart phone consumers. The results have been conducted via survey has been analyzed with using IBM SPSS 22 programme and regression analysis has been made for the significance and the positivity of the analysis. 5 Analysis Firstly, normality analysis has been made to find out the generalizability of the dataset. Normality analysis is as following (Table 2): Variable and Question Number of the Variable Skewness Kurtosis Purchase Decision -1,974 3,679 Brand 1-0,275-1,006 Brand 2-0,114-1,018 Brand 3-0,531-0,042 Price 1-0,275-1,006 Price 2 1,074 0,323 Price 3-0,148-0,701 Table 2: Normality Analysis When the normality distributions of the data are examined; The p values in Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro- Wilk must be greater than 0.05 in order to be able to accept the normal distribution of data. The p values in the analysis results were mainly lower than On the other hand, when we look at the values of Skewness and Kurtosis, another value that is considered valid for normality distribution of the data, it is seen that a large part of the data is within the acceptable values of -3 and +3. In this direction, the data can be interpreted as normally distributed. Regression analysis has been made to expresses the significance between the variables and analyze its power. Regression analysis is as following (Table 3):

21 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 5 Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 12, ,469 16,367,000 b Residual 150, ,395 Total 163, Table 3: Regression Analysis I According to the regression analysis; the model is valid (accepted) as the Sig. (p) value is lower than 0,05. Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 4,119,116 35,405,000 Brand,116,043,177 2,712,007 Price -,306,053 -,379-5,796,000 Table 4: Regression Analysis II After obtaining the result of the model as valid, the second table shows the significance of the effect of two independent variables to dependent variable. Again Sig. (p) value should be lower than 0,05 for independent variables to have a significant effect on consumer preference dependent variable. As seen from the table, both brand and price variables have a significant effect on consumers purchase preference for smart phone. Beta value shows the positivity and negativity of these relations. According to the Beta value; brand has a positive significant effect on smart phone purchase decision. Which means the consumers tend to purchase smart phones who has a better brand image. According to International Data Corporation (2017) Samsung has a %23.3 market share and Apple has a %14.7 market share. These two brands have a total of %38 market share in a market that has numbers of companies. Interbrand (2017) lists Apple as the number one most valuable brand of the World, whereas they list Samsung as the number seven most valuable brand of the World. So as a result proven by these lists, even Apple switched from number one position in most valuable brand list to number two position in market share; two most valuable brands by has the biggest market share by far. These numbers can be seen in table below. Switch of Apple and Samsung can be explained by two factors. Firstly, Samsung produces various number of different smart phones like, Samsung S8, Samsung Note, Samsung A series, Samsung J series, etc. However, Apple only produces iphone. One other fact that may have an effect on consumers preferring Samsung more than Apple is, Apple has been selling smart phones at a very higher price compared to Samsung throughout the years. However, with the Samsung S8 model, Samsung has reached to the price levels of Apple and even higher prices. Samsung S8 is being sold at 4000 Turkish Liras whereas Apple iphone 7 is being sold at 3300 Turkish liras. But while segmenting a very high price level of a product, as Samsung still produce lower priced and lower segmented products, they also target the lower and middle incomed consumers and as a result they can sell more. MARKET SHARE BRAND VALUE BRAND VALUE FORTUNE GLOBAL BRAND (IDC, 2017) (Interbrand, 2016) (Brandz, 2017) LIST (2015) Apple %14,7 178M$ (1st) 234M$ (2nd) 15th Samsung %23,3 51M$ (7th) 24M$ (37th) 13th Table 5: Samsung and Apple Data Comparison Price has been found to have a significant effect on consumers smart phone purchase decision but Beta value has been found as negative so which means price has a negative effect on consumers smart phone purchase decision. That means as prices increase people don t tend to buy these products. It can be interpreted as no consumer would prefer to buy a product that increases its prices but that kind of analysis cannot be ensured without such an analysis because it both submits a statistical result and even though Apple increases its price range in every single product As mentioned above, Samsung also target lower and middle incomed consumers, they sell at high numbers compared to Apple with a %23,3 market share. It can be easily interpreted that these two firms apply different company strategies. Apple tends to only sell at high price tag and retain high brand image whereas Samsung tries to apply a more balanced strategy where they both try to sell at every price segments and at the same time retaining a high brand image.

22 6 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 To conclude and summarize; brand and price has been found to have a significant effect on consumers smart phone purchase decision. Brand has a positive effect whereas price has a negative effect. Which means as brand attributes increase purchase decision increases and when price increases purchase decision decreases. Examining the sale numbers, these hypotheses are supported by two giant companies sales numbers and apart from this statistical study, brand and price seem to have an effect on each other which can be studied in further studies. References Aaker, Brand Relevance - Making Competitors Irrelevant. Jossey Bass. Blythe, Marketing. Sage Publications. Brown, Top 100 Global Brands Brandz. Business Insider, BlackBerry's share of the global smartphone market is now officially 0%. Dibb, Simkin, Pride and Ferrell, Marketing. London: Cengage Learning. Fortune, Global 500. Iacobucci, Marketing Management. Cengage Learning. Interbrand, Best Global Brands Ranking. International Data Corporation Research, Smartphone Vendor Market Share, 2017 Q1 Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy. McGraw Hil. Koç, Tüketici davranışı ve pazarlama stratejileri: global ve yerel yaklaşım. Seçkin, 7 th edition. Kotler and Armstrong, Principles of Marketing. Pearson. Newzoo, Top 50 Countries by Smartphone Users and Penetration. Poushter, Smartphone Ownership and Internet Usage Continues to Climb in Emerging Economies. Rajagopal, Brand Management Strategy. Nova Science Publishers. Statista, Number of smartphone users worldwide from 2014 to 2020 (in billions). Taşkın, Pazarlama esasları. Türkmen Kitabevi. Tek, Pazarlama İlkeleri Global yönetimsel yaklaşım türkiye uygulamaları. Beta Yayınevi. 8 th edition. World Bank, World Bank Databank Database.

23 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 7 Gender Differences, Risk Attitude and Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan Asst. Prof. Dr. Raziya Abdiyeva (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Dr. Burulcha Sulaimanova (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Asst. Prof. Dr. Kamalbek Karymshakov (Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Abstract This study analyses the role of risk attitude for entrepreneurship by gender differences in Kyrgyzstan. Multinomial probit analysis is applied to the data set drawn from the nationally representative survey Life in Kyrgyzstan for Entrepreneurship is measured through the agricultural and non-agricultural sample. Results of the study show that more risk-taking preferences are associated with higher entrepreneurship probability. However, this effect is not persistent for women in further estimations for non-agricultural entrepreneurship sample, while for men higher positive effect of risk loving behavior remains in off-farm self-employment too. 1 Introduction Economic development requires development of entrepreneurship activity in economy. Along with such measures as strengthening legislature for private property rights or development of financial and other infrastructure, individual behavioral characteristics and perceptions are important for self-employment propensity of individuals. Among these behavioral features empirical studies indicate that risk attitude of individuals is important factor for entrepreneurship choice of individuals (Hvide and Panos, 2013; Ekelund et al., 2005; Wagner, 2003). Moreover, majority of the papers revealed gender differentials in risk aversion behavior of individuals. In particularly, it is asserted that women are more risk averse than men (Bruce and Johnson, 1994; Eckel and Grossman, 2008; Al- Ajmi, 2011). Following these empirical findings, it is of particular interest to study the risk tolerance effect on the of entrepreneurship of women. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of risk tolerance by gender on the choice of entrepreneurship in the specific case of Kyrgyzstan. To our best knowledge this study is the first that analyze the relation between risk attitude and entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan. According to the World Bank (2012) 59 percent of women and 75 percent of the male population between 15 and 64 years of age in 2008 were in the labor force. Female labor force participation rates in emerging Europe and Central Asia are near the global average, but the male participation rates are well below the global average. According to the National Statistical Committee (2015) of Kyrgyz Republic in 2014, 45.6 % of women were employed. Most of them are employed in services sectors, such as education, healthcare, real estate etc. In Europe and Central Asia region Kyrgyzstan are among the countries with higher rates of female participation in ownership (World Bank, 2012:66). This study draws on the nationally representative cross-sectional data, where responses of respondents are used as subjective measure of the risk tolerance of individuals. Binary response logit models are applied for empirical estimation. The paper is structured as follows: In the Section 2 literature review on risk tolerance and entrepreneurship, taking into account gender differentials, is given. Section 3 describes data and provides with summary statistics. Section 4 includes empirical methodology and Section 5 discusses results of estimation. Section 6 concludes. 2 Literature Review Risk attitude of individual can affect his/her choices and decisions. Bonin et al. (2007) find that the more risk lover individuals select occupations with higher wages and higher variation in wages. Dohmen and Falk (2005) with complementary laboratory experimental study showed that relatively risk averse workers prefer fixed payments than variable payment schemes such as piece-rate or tournament contracts. More risk lovers are more likely to choose entrepreneurship than wage employment. According to some theoretical and empirical studies (Wagner, 2003; Ekelund et al., 2005) entrepreneurship requires making risky decisions in an uncertain environment. So only those persons who are able to bear higher risks may start as an entrepreneur. From this point of view, the risk attitude of a person is one of the crucial variables in a person s choice between entrepreneurship and a salaried job (Caliendo et al, 2006). Guiso and Paiella (2004) find that less risk averse individuals are more likely to be self-employed. Also several other empirical studies revealed that more risk lover men more inclined to be engaged in entrepreneurship as selfemployed (Hartog et al., 2002; Guiso and Paiella, 2004; Ekelund et al., 2005; Dohmenet al.,2005; Kan and Tsai, 2006; In Soo Cho, 2011). On the other hand, some studies found mixed results related the effect of risk attitude of

24 8 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 individuals on the choice of entrepreneurship. Rosen and Willen (2002) came to conclusion that risk attitude is not a dominant factor in his/her decision to start an own business. Cramer et al. (2002) too could not be confident enough to conclude that there is causality link between risk aversion and entrepreneurial selection of individual. Also, Blanchflower and Oswald (1998) found positive correlation between the wealth status of a person and his/her risk attitude. Generally empirical studies showed that women are more risk averse than men (e.g., Bruce and Johnson, 1994; Hartog et al., 2002; Eckel and Grossman, 2008; Croson and Gneezy, 2009; Al-Ajmi, 2011; Çağlayan and Abdieva, 2014). Charness and Gneezy (2012) found a strong difference in investment behavior across gender and results showed that women make smaller investments in the risky asset than do men, and so appear to be financially more risk averse. Soo Cho (2011) using 1979 National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth data and multinominal logit model find that more risk tolerant men are more likely to enter self-employment but they didn t find any significant effect of risk tolerance on women s entrepreneurship. Brody (1993) affirms that in anticipation of negative outcomes, women report more nervousness and fear than men, thus it is logical that women are more risk averse when facing a risky situation. Niederle and Vesterlund (2007) and Soll and Klayman (2004) have found that men are more overconfident than women. According to several studies gender differences in risk attitude is eliminated with experience and profession. Atkinson, Baird and Frye (2003) analyzed mutual fund managers and didn t found gender differences in the way funds are managed in terms of performance and risk. Johnson and Powell (1994) found differences among the non-managerial population, but did not observe such differences in the managerial population (managers and potential managers with management education). There are several studies focusing risk attitude and gender relationship in Kyrgyzstan case. Çağlayan and Abdieva (2014) investigated risk tolerance of individual investors in Kyrgyzstan case. Using multinomial logit model they found that men are more risk lovers than women in Kyrgyzstan. When the age increases people become less risk lover. Having non-wage income increases taking risk and increases in the rate of investment. The findings also indicate that income has a positive effect on the risk tolerance. Abdieva et al. (2015) analyzed the determinants of the risk tolerance in Kyrgyzstan. The results of multinomial probit models showed that men more willing to take risk and that as the age increases individuals become risk-averse. Increasing income and education level has a positive effect on the risk taking decision of the individual. The regional distribution of risk tolerance of individuals shows that individuals living in rural areas and in south region are more likely to be in risk-averse category. Results of study by Esenaliev and Anderson (2015) on gender wage gap in Kyrgyzstan showed that the level of gender wage gap is 24-30%, and risk attitude is used as one of the possible factors for explaining this. Although these studies explore empirical evidence on risk attitude by gender and raise its importance as potential factor for wage earnings differentials, to our best knowledge studies did not focus on the risk attitude and entrepreneurship activities by gender in case of Kyrgyzstan. This paper aims to fill this gap. 3 Methodology The decision of individual to be entrepreneur has binary response character, which calls for using binary response Logit models, which are conditional on individual and household characteristics. Formally, model is given below (Wooldridge, 2005): P(y i = 1 x i ) = G(β 0 + β 1 x β k x k ) = G(β 0 + xβ) (1) G(z) = exp(z) = Λ(z) (2) [1 + exp(z)] where G is the logistic function. y i is the discrete dependent variable, taking values of zero or one, showing the probability of individual to be entrepreneur; x i is the vector of variables at individual level, which includes individual s age, marital status and education level and household levels variables, which includes household composition, expenditure level, regional characteristics (for detailed description of variables see Table A.1. in appendix). Occupational choices of individuals are based on their employment status given in the questionnaire. It should be noted that in this paper entrepreneurship is measured in a broad sense and those who indicate their wage employment as the own-account worker are grouped as the entrepreneurs. However, this broad definition of entrepreneurship may give biased results, since in most of the developing countries not all own-account working activities can be considered as entrepreneurship. As Karymshakov et al. (2016) note in Kyrgyzstan members of household who own land are considered as own-account workers. In this case it appears that even if individuals just work as family worker in agriculture with low productivity, they may be considered as own-account workers. Therefore, working in agriculture as own-account worker may not have characteristics of entrepreneurs. This fact raises the necessity for measurement of entrepreneurship in in-farm and off-farm sector. Following this issue we estimate the model by agriculture and non-agriculture sector.

25 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 9 In the dataset Life in Kyrgyzstan for 2011 used for this study, there is a special section on subjective well-being of individual, where individual is asked particular question on how they asses their risk tolerance, as person who is fully willing to take risks or a person avoiding taking risks, which is measured from 0 to 10. The answer for this question is taken as the main explanatory variable. From these answers three categories of risk tolerance are formed: risk-averse individuals (from 0 to 3), risk-neutral (from 4 to 6) and risk-lovers (from 7 to 10). 4 Data and Descriptive Statistics In this study the risk attitude and gender behavior impact on entrepreneurial decision is investigated based on the second wave of "Life in Kyrgyz Republic" survey data, which was conducted by DIW Berlin in collaboration of Humboldt University of Berlin, the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE-Kyrgyz Republic), and the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) in This survey includes wide range information both on individual and household level and representative at the national level. The table 1 describes the main individual and household characteristics both for men and women. The total amount of observation is equal to individuals between ages, where % are women. The mean age of sample is years, and there is no significant difference in ages between genders. While marital status of women is higher than men, showing that women have more propensities to be married rather than men. The education attainment shows that both men and women more likely to have basic or secondary education, while men more likely to have technical education and women more inclined to have tertiary education. Total sample Men Women Obs. % Obs. % Obs. % Individual characteristics: Age (mean) Marital status (1=married) Education level: - Basic or secondary Technical Tertiary Risk attitude: - Risk lover Risk neutral Risk averse Household characteristics: Household size (mean) Children ratio (0-5 years) (mean) Expenditure per capita (mean) Residence (1=rural) Regions: - North South Central Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Source: LIK 2011 data The risk attitude indicators show that % and % of men and women count their self as risk lovers respectively, while % and % of men and women report their self as risk-averse person. Precisely, men more likely to take risk rather than women do. The household characteristics do not display gender differences, and in general the average household size consist of 5 people, the ratio of children in the household with respect to household size is around 0.11 and total expenditure per capita in household is around 38 thousand soms. More than half of individuals reside in rural areas and most of observation comes from south regions, which are highly populated. 5 Estimation Results The estimation results for entrepreneurial decision of the individual are given in the Table 2. Almost all estimated parameters have expected signs. The primary variable of interest, the impact of risk attitude of individual on decision to be entrepreneur shows that risk lovers more likely to be self-employed, and that there is significant gender difference on impact of risk attitude on labor supply decision. Thus, risk-lover women more likely to be entrepreneur, but this effect is not significant in further estimations by agricultural and non-agricultural samples. Women with risk averse preferences have less probability to be entrepreneur in non-agricultural sector. Interestingly, risk effect for men is more evident in non-agricultural sector. Risk lover men show higher probability

26 10 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 to be entrepreneur in non-agricultural sector, while in agricultural sector it shows negative effect. Moreover, the risk averse preferences have less negative effect for off-farm entrepreneurship for men. There is statistically significant impact of age on the individuals decision to engage in entrepreneurial activities, thus with increase of age individual more likely to be entrepreneur, however after definite ages this probability decreases. Generally marital status of individual is positively correlated with decision to be entrepreneur, while there is no significance of marital status on entrepreneurs working in agricultural sector, especially if they are women. The educational level of individual shows that, with higher education individuals more likely to be working in other occupation types. While having technical or tertiary education do not present any impact on decision of individual to be self-employed in agricultural sector. The household composition has twofold impact on entrepreneurship. While the size of household does not influence the entrepreneurship, the ratio of children (0-5 years) with respect to the total size of household size impacts the decision of individuals of men and women differently. Hence with increase of children ratio the probability of men to be self-employed is increasing, while for women is decreasing. The per capita expenditure level of household has significant influence on individual decision to be entrepreneur in non-agricultural sector and general positive correlation with women decision to engage in self-employment both in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. The residence of household in rural area is increasing the probability of individual to be self-employed in agricultural sector rather than in non-agricultural sector. Moreover, the regional characteristics of household show that individuals from north area more likely to be working in own account in agricultural sector, while in south region individuals more likely to conduct theirselves to selfemployment in non-agricultural sector. Total sample Agricultural sector Non-agricultural sector Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Individual characteristics Age 0.04*** 0.061*** 0.021*** 0.054*** 0.067*** 0.021* 0.028*** 0.038*** 0.016*** Age squared *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Marital status (1=married) 0.045*** 0.132*** 0.030** ** *** 0.095*** 0.019* Education level: - Technical *** * Tertiary *** *** *** *** *** * Household characteristics Household size * *** 0.008* 0.004** Children ratio (0-5 years) ** ** 0.337*** 0.324** * * Expenditure per capita ** ** 0.035*** 0.058*** 0.016** Residence (1=rural) 0.049*** 0.109*** *** 0.178* *** ** *** Regions: - North 0.010*** 0.243*** *** 0.255*** South 0.058*** 0.102*** 0.025** *** *** 0.088*** 0.015* Risk attitude: - Risk lover 0.055*** ** *** *** 0.046** Risk averse *** *** *** ** ** *** ** *** No. of Obs LR chi *** 621.7*** 188.9*** 291.7*** 324.9*** 37.1*** *** *** *** Log likelihood Pseudo R *,** and *** show statistical significance at the 10, 5 and 1% level, respectively. For coefficient estimates of the models see the table in Appendix Table A.2 6 Conclusion Table 2. Logit Estimation Results for Entrepreneurship (Marginal Effect Estimates) Development of entrepreneurship activities for developing countries is important long-term objectives, which may depend on many factors ranging from government policies to other formal measures. Along with these factors, individual risk-tolerance characteristics are important for carrying out entrepreneurial activities. The objective of this paper was to study the impact of risk tolerance over the entrepreneurship by focusing on the gender and non-agricultural sector of employment. This study applied binary response techniques on the large nationally representative cross-sectional data. In general, estimation results showed that individual preferences for taking more risk have positive effect over the entrepreneurship. However, further estimations by gender and non-

27 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 11 agricultural sector revealed that women entrepreneurship in off-farm sectors is not associated with risk loving behavior. However, the effect of risk loving over the entrepreneurship remains in non-agricultural sector for men. Thus, although risk tolerance important for entrepreneurship, this effect may not be strong through all sector of employment and among men and women. Especially these results suggest that agricultural and non-agricultural measurement of entrepreneurial activities should be taken into account in order to have the true picture of entrepreneurship. For more comprehensive exploration of the relationship between risk tolerance and entrepreneurship further studies may test the reverse causality changes in risk preferences after being entrepreneur. Findings of this paper to some extent underline the fact that women entrepreneurship in off-farm sector of employment in Kyrgyzstan case is limited. Therefore, development of entrepreneurial activities among women in off-farm sector requires in priority government policies oriented supporting women self-employment. References Abdieva, R., Karymshakov, K. and B. Sulaimanova, Determinants of Risk Tolerance: Empirical Evidence from Kyrgyzstan, Annual Life in Kyrgyzstan Conference, 1-2 October 2015, Bishkek Al-Ajmi, J. Y Risk Tolerance of Individual Investors in an Emerging Market. Journal of Risk and Diversification. ISSN Issue 2. Atkinson, S. M., Baird, S. B. and Frye, M. B Do female mutual fund managers manage differently? Journal of Financial Research, 26(1), Blanchflower, D., and A. Oswald, What makes an Entrepreneur? Journal of Labor Economics, 16, Bonin, H., Dohmen, T., Falk, A., Huffman, D., and Sunde, U. (2007) Cross-sectional earnings risk and occupational sorting: The role of risk attitudes, Labour Economics, 14, Brody, L. R. (1993). On understanding gender differences in the expression of emotions. In Human Feeling: Explorations in Affect Development and Meaning, ed. S. L. Ablon, D. Brown, E. J. Khantzian and J. E. Mack, (pp ). Hillsdale, N.J.: Analytic Press. Bruce, A. and Johnson, J., 1994, "Male and female betting behavior: new perspectives, Journal of Gambling Studies 10, Çağlayan, E. and R. Abdieva How s the Risk Tolerance of Individual Investors in Kyrgyzstan?, Asian Economic and Financial Review, Volume 4, Number 3, p Caliendo, M., Fossen F. and Kritikos, A Risk Attitudes of Nascent Entrepreneurs: New Evidence from an Experimentally-Validated Survey, IZA DP No. 2168, DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES, Forschungsinstitutzur Zukunft der Arbeit, Institute for the Study of Labor, June. Charness, G. and U., Gneezy, Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk Taking, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 83:50-58 Cramer, J., J. Hartog, N. Jonker, and C. Van Praag Low Risk Aversion encourages the choice for entrepreneurchip: an empirical test of a truism, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 48, Croson, R., Gneezy, U Gender Diferences in Preferences, Journal of Economic Literature, 47, Dohmen, T., A. Falk, D. Huffman, U. Sunde, J. Schupp, and W. Wagner (2005): Individual Risk Attitudes: New Evidence from a Large, Representative, Experimentally-Validated Survey, IZA Discussion Paper, Dohmen, T., and A. Falk Performance Pay and Sorting Productivity, Preferences and Gender, IZA Working Paper. Eckel, C.C., Grossman, P.J Forecasting Risk Attitudes: An Experimental Study Using Actual and Forecast Gamble Choices, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 68: 1-17 Ekelund, J., E. Johansson, M.-R.J arvelin, and D. Lichtermann, Self-Employment and Risk Aversion - Evidence from Psychological Test Data, Labour Economics, 12(5), Gary Charness and Uri Gneezy, Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk Taking, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,83: Guiso, L., Paiella, M The Role of Risk Aversion in Predicting Individual Behavior, CEPR Discussion Paper, 4591 Hans K. Hvide and Georgios A. Panos, Risk Tolerance and Entrepreneurship, IZA Discussion Paper No February

28 12 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Hartog, J., Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A., Jonker, N Linking Measured Risk Aversionto Individual Characteristics, Kyklos, 55, 3-26 In Soo Cho, 2011.Do Gender Differences in Risk Preferences Explain Gender Differences in Labor Supply, Earnings or Occupational Choice? Working Paper No , December, IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY, Department of Economics. Johnson, J. E. and Powell, P. L., Decision making, risk and gender: are managers different?, British Journal of Management, 5(2), Kan, K. and Tsai, W., Entrepreneurship and risk aversion, Small business economics, 26, Karymshakov, K., Abdieva, R., Sulaimanova, B., & Sultakeev, K., Remittances impact on youth labour supply: evidence from Kyrgyzstan ( No. PEP) National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic, Women and Men in Kyrgyz Republic, years (in Russian). Niederle, M. and Vesterlund, L., Do women shy away from competition? Do men compete too much?, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(3), Rosen, H., and P. Willen, Risk, Return and Self-employment, Discussion Paper, University of Princeton. Soll, J. B. and Klayman, J., Overconfidence in interval estimates, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 30(2), Wagner, J The Impact of Personal Characteristics and the Regional Milieu on the Transition from Unemployment to Self-Employment: Empirical Evidence for Germany, Jahrb ucherf urnational okonomie und Statistik, 223(2), Wooldridge, J. M., Introductory econometrics: a modern approach. World Bank, Sarosh Sattar. Opportunities for Men and Women: Emerging Europe and Central Asia Women in Entrepreneurship, Chapter three Women Entrepreneurship

29 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 13 Matrix Management Approach and a Survey Research in the Industry Asst. Prof. Dr. Ceren Gül Artuner (Beykent University, Turkey) Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Taşkın (Beykent University, Turkey) Abstract This academic research aims to determine the approach of the employees in different organizations to the matrix management style. Although the practice of matrix management style is quite difficult and its implementation costs are high, the main reasons of its adoption by the managers are discussed. In this research, the facts of establishing effective and reliable communication with all of the employees in an enterprise, working as efficient teams, the interrelation among the teams, solving problems as a team as well as receiving education for conflict resolution and ensuring cooperation among people while maintaining the values of the enterprises are investigated. In addition, the attitude of the managers in the performance of important tasks towards prioritizing knowledge and competence rather than authority and line relationships, the establishment of an integral and equitable performance evaluation system, the existence of a consistent information flow and a multidimensional accounting are inquired. Besides, by the integration of the conflict management process into the planning process, the use of the appropriate planning software, and clearly defining the tasks with all the details and responsibilities involved, the building-up of needed connections to do the work and at the same time, which add value to the work, are evaluated. 1 Introduction While the external environment of an enterprise is changing especially in the terms of competition and technology, its internal structure has to adapt to these changes. A huge, complex and international enterprise with a functional structure where the line relationships are defined traditionally and where the departments are organized in an interlinked manner as production management, finance, human relations, management information systems, research and development has experiences more difficulties to adapt to the external environment. Particularly, in the case of enterprises which have numerous projects and a wide range of products, the matrix organization structure is outstanding as the most suitable option for many years among the long existing organizational structures. Matrix structure is a form of departmentalization or organizational design in an enterprise. The recent evolutions in the means of communication, the introduction of sophisticated technologies and an increase in the practice of project management has reinforced the frequency of use and applications of matrix organization type (Dylon et al., 2016) However, the most important challenges experienced in applying the matrix structure are the fact of reporting of an employee to more than one manager and the practice of cross working between different teams. As products are getting more complex and customers increase in number, most of the companies tend to refer to teamwork (Johnson and Geal, 2016; Kotler and Armstrong, 2016). Contemporary communication means has transformed the companies in a drastic manner. The managers are taking advantage of the communication means more intensely during the planning, implementation and control activities. Matrix structure is providing efficiency during the exercise of management functions (Joyce, 1986; Gunn, 2013). Acquiring knowledge of developing technologies is facilitating the economic struggle of a country. All of the large companies operating with restrained abilities and limited financial resources must ultimately benefit from the matrix organization structure in order to carry out production efficiently, to take advantage from specialization, to be distinguished from its competitors in the market, to augment its sales, to utilize efficient technologies, to adapt to the environment and to realize its goals and objectives (Kingdon, 1973; Erdoğan, 1997). 2 The Importance of the Matrix Structure During the 2nd World War, the matrix structure was used for the first time in order to benefit from the experiences of talented engineers and to produce complex guns and war tools, but it cannot be a remedy for resolving all the problems concerning the contemporary organizations structure (Numerof and Abrams, 2002). In the post war period, project management has been widely used in different industries like pharmaceutics, construction, naval construction and aeronautics all along with defense and spatial industries. The introduction of new production techniques and the adoption of new practices in various fields required the careful implementation of matrix structure in global enterprises in today s civilized world. In addition, matrix structure is commonly used in defense industry in Turkey (Pretorius and Taylor, 1986; Gunn, 2013; Baysak, 2016).

30 14 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 In times of economic fluctuations where societal transformations were occurring and customers expectations were shifting, the managers used the matrix organization structure as a flexible and dynamic mean to adapt to the ongoing changes (Shreiber and Rosenberg, 2015). Matrix structure is not a classical organization type or old fashioned departmentalization style where the job description of all of the employees are strictly and clearly determined in advance (Peters, 1979). This contemporary form could be adopted by the management with a fresh and different look to the departments, employees and the ongoing works in the company. The employees do not have to consider their tasks in a restricted manner squeezed in a predetermined organizational structure. Indeed, matrix structure requires every manager and employee to see his / her task from a broader point of view and to attach importance to the ultimate details while performing it (Kolodny, 1979). In fact, the matrix structure is not only an organizational structure but also a managerial thinking system and consists of building shared values. It also means creating a common point of view among the employees, augmenting the workforces efficiency and ensuring its efficient functioning, together with integrating the management s efforts and succeeding the needed change and transformation (Barlett and Ghoshal, 1990). In the fully developed large-scale global company, product or business, function, area and customer know-how are simultaneously focused on the organization s world-wide marketing objectives. This type of total competence is a matrix organization. Management s task in the matrix organization is to achieve an organizational balance that brings together different perspectives and skills to accomplish the organization s objectives (Keegan and Green, 2013). In mighty organizations with a considerable number of employees, producing on a big scale and targeting a variety of markets, rethinking to organize different departments like marketing communication, product management, production, data processing, research and development in an integrated matrix organizational structure would facilitate the accomplishment of goals of the company as a whole (Burton et al., 2015). A company has to have some apparent skills in order to adopt and implement the matrix organization structure as a management concept in a successful manner. In the context of this research, the opinions of employees in different organizations concerning the level of the apparent institutional skills required for a successful implementation of matrix structure is asked. Undoubtedly, other institutional properties are also needed for the success of a matrix structure application in the practice. However, this research is analyzing the traits or particularities of companies who adopted a matrix structure with reference to sixteen questions. Matrix structure does not mean solely a change in the organizational structure, but it also involves a change of paradigm at every managerial level. In order to ensure this change, favorable conditions for learning and training opportunities must be created for the employees. People who would carry these efforts in the company, especially those who are in key positions and the managers supposed to bring about this change must have excellent communication skills. The thoughts and the actions as well as the performance of this workforce must traverse the company s actual boundaries (Galbraith, 1971; Galbraith, 2009; Gunn, 2013). 3 The Problems Encountered and Their Solutions Contemporary organizations have to cope first with a lot of problems in order to accomplish their goals and to survive. The nature of the products and services introduced to the market are getting more and more complex. In addition to that, customers are asking for more integrated services. There is a considerable constraint on minimizing the costs. However, the talented and experienced employees are hard to find. Most of the time, the management reveals to be inadequate in satisfying the employees expectations, in establishing a flawless communication, in giving an account of its actions and in making powerful decisions. In such a case, a matrix structure may offer new solutions to the above mentioned problems by handling them more carefully (Numerof and Abrams, 2002). If there is growing conflict between the teams and the team leaders, a need for a more flexible teamwork, the work performed by the employees doesn t serve to the realization of the main objectives of the organization, the managers can t manage their subordinates without referring to their authorities, there exists general optimization problems throughout the organization, the resources are not exploited at the optimum level, the organization becomes more complex and gets hard to manage, the goals must be adjusted more quickly and more simply, the planned projects take more time to be implemented strategically and the production time gets longer, rumors and blaming others becomes familiar among the employees, some employees are fired but it doesn t contribute to the solving of the problems, there s only a few persons who are doing their best while the others are reluctant for working, there s no innovation, the organization may need to be restructured in an effective manner. Briefly, if the contemporary organizations managers are willing to cope with these problems in an efficient and effective way, they have to learn about matrix structure and implement it. In an integrated manner with the global economic system, the companies whose targeted customers are not loyal to any product nor service are trying to adapt themselves to a continuously changing environment. They may reshape their organizations according to the matrix

31 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 15 structure in order to realize their strategies, to ensure a powerful leadership, to take profit from teamwork, to reach the top, to change the game s rules and to achieve their competitive transformation (Martin, 2013). Needless to say that the matrix organization type is not a remedy for all the diseases. There is a need in the organizations for a more creative managerial view, which detects and identifies the problems from a broader perspective instead of criticizing all. The hiring of talented workforce to the company, their training, leading, assigning them in appropriate teams and projects could grow the matrix organization s success. In the enterprise, all the managers perform their most key tasks based on knowledge and competence, not according to their line authority. The power rests on knowledge and competence in the company. The high-ranking persons in the company are accustomed to impress the employees by practice without referring to their line authorities. A complete and equitable performance appraisal is put into practice trough the organization. The company spares time to measure all the different performance types, both quantitative and qualitative. The workforce and the management resolves effectively the arising problems together. The companies are developing the principles and values, which would encourage the cooperative problem solving. The workforce reacts to the arising problems as: How can I contribute to the solution of this problem? Instead of That doesn t concern me! In an effective matrix structure, it is not acceptable to blame anyone for the coming out problems. The management follows the company s conduct by consulting the employees in the whole organization regularly. Like every organizational structure, matrix management style has also its weaknesses and its strengths. Planning management and human resources department have to assume this responsibility. Especially, people who are reporting to more than one superior must be followed closely. People who has something to say must be heard in private sessions or they must have to be part of focus groups. It is also proven by a research that, for the sake of the company s future, the following of such precautions is extremely important (Galbraith, 2009). 4 Materials and Methods The aim of this academic study is to determine the matrix organization type management perception of the managers. Throughout the research, we have referred to the capabilities that a company needs to successfully execute a matrix organization. The discussion of these capabilities are spread throughout the survey. The survey can test how effective the leaders believe the company is at executing the capability. The following scale are the competencies and capabilities necessary for executing a matrix, and these are that we research for in effective matrix organization under twelve headings: 1. The company possesses high social capital or no silos. As the elements of a reliable workforce, a high level of communication is established with all the employees. As the most important feature of the matrix organization, formal or informal communication with every employee working for the company must be established in a reliable and straightforward manner (Burns and Wholey, 1993). 2. All the workforce work within the boundaries of the enterprise as effective teams. Matrix structure is naturally based on teamwork. The team players and the leaders identify the problems, discuss on them and work together to solve them. That is why the teams are working in a cross-borders, cross-companies and cross-functions manner (Davis and Lawrence, 1978). 3. Every team works in an interlinked manner with the others in the company. The teams operating in a matrix structure are linked to the others in different ways and in various domains. The planning process is driven with the team and the estimations or the prospective problems are communicated to the management (Kinor and Francis, 2016). 4. The workforce had a training as a team on problem solving and conflict management skills. All the teams within the matrix structure face conflicts and disparities. In order to resolve those conflicts and to perform better, the workforce needs similar skills and common processes (Spencer and Cox, 1995). 5. The most important task of the managers is to ensure the habitual cooperation and to protect the values. The company chooses the employees who would succeed in a matrix structure, hires them, train them, coaches them and promotes them (Brown and Agnew, 1982; Galbraith, 2009). 6. Continuous information flow and multidimensional accounting practices exist in order to measure the performance in the organization. The company can measure all of the dimensions of the matrix functioning with profit-loss charts and can use them to take decisions. All those data are made accessible to the teams planning and implementing the work to be done (Galbraith, 2009). 7. The planning process is at the same time a conflict resolution process. Planning is also an organizational process aiming to resolve the existing conflicts (Galbraith, 2009). 8. The company s management uses the appropriate planning software to effect the necessary alignments for doing the work. The teams using multidimensional accounting system do the planning which ends by the definition of goals and objectives (Galbraith, 2009). 9. Leaders build relationships required to do the work and which add value to the workforce. Leaders organize a variety of activities, work the employees alternately and arrange training activities, which

32 16 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 create value. Developing the cross-relationships effectively in its own unit is evaluated positively in the performance appraisal of a manager (Galbraith, 2009). 10. Leadership means communicating entirely to the employees their tasks, responsibilities and the required details to do the work. In order to preserve the matrix structure, the manager should give an account of important details concerning the responsibilities and tasks designated to the workforce. Within the context of a team, people to do the work, to implement the decisions, to give an account of the results of a decision or of an activity as well as people to consult or to provide with knowledge must be predefined elaborately (Galbraith, 2009). 11. The actual work processes and the problems are defined altogether in the enterprise. The problems are defined and solved cooperatively. The different work processes or prospective problems are brought to the leadership team. Most of the time, a planning process gather them and fixes the priorities (Larson and Gobeli, 1987). 12. A strong leadership team sets a good example for all of the employees. The leadership in the matrix organization, particularly the top management looks like a team sport. Substantial difficulties encountered during the performance of a work is transmitted to the top management. The top management must set a good example for the employees in dealing with tricky situations and resolving the embarrassing problems (Bazigos and Harter, 2015; Sy and d Annunzio, 2005). Orientation Main Category: (1) The company possesses high social capital or no silos. (2) People work effectively in teams across organizational boundaries. (3) People are trained in the skills of team problem solving and conflict management. Communication Main Category: (4) The teams are interconnected. (5) Managers in the key roles are naturally collaborative, and they live in values. (6) The leadership builds networks and values networkers. (7) The leadership ensures that roles, responsibilities, and interfaces are clearly defined. (8) Joint escalation processes are known and used intelligently. (9) A strong leadership team sets the example. Coordination Main Category: (10) There are multidimensional accounting systems to track multidimensional performance. (11) The planning process is also the conflict resolution process. (12) There is a spreadsheet planning process that aligns the goals of the dimensions of the matrix. These properties are further classified under three categories, which will form our dependent variables in the context of this research: The communication, orientation and coordination levels perceived by the managers. The independent variables are classified under four headings: The managerial position, the age of the manager, the size of the organization, and the educational level of the managers. Briefly, the variability in the perception of the managers towards the matrix organization structure regarding twelve competency and capability features organized under three main groups required to form the matrix organization structure are measured using one-way variance analysis ANOVA. The one-way ANOVA is considered a robust test against the normality assumption. This means that it tolerates violations to its normality assumption rather well (McClave, Sincich, 2006). Within the context of this research, first, one sample T-Test is applied. The test value is obtained as 1. The P (significance) value is 0. < 0.05 is the rejection area of the H0 hypothesis. So, the H0 hypothesis is rejected and H1 hypothesis is accepted. H0 : The managers cannot perceive matrix organization type management properties in the enterprises they are working in. H1 : The managers can perceive matrix organization type management properties in the enterprises they are working in. In all the companies we have examined, the perception level regarding the matrix organization type management of the managers are similar. Sum of Squares Grding df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 1,697 4,424,417,796 Within Groups 131, ,018 Total 133, Table 1. Relationship between Orientation and Managerial Position The relationship between orientation variable and managerial position is insignificant (0.796 > 0.05). The managerial position of the manager does not affect the orientation in the enterprise.

33 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 17 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 5, ,729 1,758,158 Within Groups 127, ,983 Total 133, Table 2. Relationship between Orientation and Educational Level The relationship between orientation variable and educational level is insignificant (0.158 > 0.05). The educational level of the manager does not affect the orientation in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups,917 2,458,455,636 Within Groups 132, ,008 Total 133, Table 3. Relationship between Orientation and Age The relationship between orientation and the age of the manager is insignificant (0.636 > 0.05). The age of the manager does not affect the orientation in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups,963 3,321,316,814 Within Groups 132, ,016 Total 133, Table 4. Relationship between Orientation and the Size of the Organization The relationship between orientation and the size of the organization is insignificant (0.814 > 0.05). The size of the organization does not affect the orientation in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 9, ,199 3,370,021 Within Groups 123, ,949 Total 133, Table 5. Relationship between Coordination and the Size of the Organization The relationship between coordination and the size of the organization is significant (0.021< 0.05). When the organization s size is larger, there is more tendency towards a positive perception of coordination function in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 1,204 3,401,396,756 Within Groups 131, ,014 Total 133, Table 6. Relationship between Coordination and the Educational Level of the Employee The relationship between coordination and the educational level of the manager is insignificant (0.756 > 0.05). The educational level of the manager does not affect the coordination in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 1,687 4,422,414,798 Within Groups 131, ,018 Total 133, Table 7. Relationship between Coordination and Managerial Position The relationship between coordination and managerial position is insignificant (0.798 > 0.05). The managerial position of the manager does not affect the coordination in the enterprise.

34 18 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 2, ,222 1,226,297 Within Groups 130, ,997 Total 133, Table 8. Relationship between Coordination and Age The relationship between coordination and the age of the manager is insignificant (0.297 > 0.05). The age of the manager does not affect the coordination in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 1,046 3,349,343,794 Within Groups 131, ,015 Total 133, Table 9. Relationship between Communication and the Size of the Organization The relationship between communication and the size of the organization is insignificant (0.794 > 0.05). The size of the organization does not affect the communication in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 1,906 3,635,630,597 Within Groups 131, ,008 Total 133, Table 10. Relationship between Communication and the Educational Level of the Employee The relationship between communication and the educational level of the manager is insignificant (0.597 > 0.05). The educational level of the manager does not affect the communication in the enterprise. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 5, ,272 1,283,280 Within Groups 127, ,992 Total 133, Table 11. Relationship between Communication and the Managerial Position of the Employee The relationship between communication and the managerial position of the manager is insignificant (0.280 > 0.05). The managerial position of the manager does not affect the communication in the organization. Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 5, ,822 2,903,058 Within Groups 127, ,972 Total 133, Table 12. Relationship between Communication and Age The relationship between communication and the age of the manager is significant (0.058 = 0.05). As the manager grows older and gets more experienced, he / she perceives more positively the communication in the enterprise. Managerial Size of The Age Educational Level Position Organization Communication Positive Correlation Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Coordination Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Positive Correlation Orientation Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Table 13. One-Way ANOVA Comparisons

35 SESSION 1A: Microeconomics 19 5 Discussion This survey is effectuated with the managers of companies operating in different sectors. In sum, 134 managers have participated to this research. Therefore, in the future, this research has to be reconducted with the managers of companies operating in a specific industry s context. Consequently, the data obtained from this new study could be compared with the results of the present research. 6 Conclusion As the organization gets larger, the age of the manager is affecting more the inclination towards the matrix organization management type. There are three sub-dimensions identified. (1) The communication function. (2) The coordination function. (3) The orientation function. According to the factor analysis, we defined the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient for each of these sub-dimensions as follows: (1) Communication: (2) Coordination: (3) Orientation: Tukey HSD and Bonferroni post-hoc tests are also applied to clarify the relationship between the size of the organization and the perceived coordination function. According to the Bonferroni test, it can be inferred that in local organizations, the perceived coordination is weaker than the regional organizations (the p value (significance) is in local organizations, while it is 1,000 in regional ones). It has been recorded a 10 % difference between national and regional organizations: It is estimated that the perceived coordination is 10 % weaker in national organizations than in the regional ones. Besides, the perceived coordination in regional organizations is 5% weaker than in local organizations. So we can state that the perceived coordination level is as follows according to the size of the organizations: Local > Regional > National. All along with that, according to the Bonferroni test applied to identify the age of the manager and perceived communication level variables, we have assessed that, between the managers who are years old and the managers who are years old, there is a 10 % increase in the perception level, while between the managers who are years old and the managers who are years old, there is an increase of 5 % in the perception level. Thus, we can assume that, as the managerial experience increases, an increase in the tendency towards the matrix organization type management is recorded. Furthermore, the tendency towards simultaneous treatment of work processes to be defined and problems to be solved, the cooperation degree of the management and the workforce in solving the problems all along with the follow-up of the company s actual position by getting continuous feedback from the employees contacting them regularly and leading them by giving examples are observed and measured. Additionally, the opinion of the employees concerning the change in the management view, their assessments and evaluations are taken into consideration. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Hakan Bal, Bahattin Sinsoysal, and Barış Batuhan Geçit for help with the tables. References Amy Kates and Greg Kesler, Activate the Matrix for Integration, People and Strategy, Volume 36 Issue 1, pp.6-7. Barry Johnson and Mandy Geal, January Matrix Management, Training Journal, pp Brent Durbin, 23 Sep Matrix Organization, Britannica Online, Christopher A. Barlett and Sumantra Ghoshal, July-August Matrix Management: Not a Structure, a Frame of Mind, Harvard Business Review, Volume 68 Issue 4, pp Donald Ralph Kingdon, Matrix Organization Managing Information Technologies; Organizations, People, Society, Tavistock Publications, London. Dylon Moodley and Margie Sutherland, Pieter Pretorius, Comparing the Power and Influence of Functional Managers with that of Project Managers in Matrıx Organisations: the Challenge in Duality of Command, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, Volume 19 Issue 1, pp Erik W. Larson and David H. Gobeli, Summer, Matrix Management: Contradictions and Insights, California Management Review, Volume 29 Issue 4, pp

36 20 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 F. I. H. Pretorius, and R. G. Taylor, September Conflict and Individual Coping Behaviour in Informal Matrix Organizations within the Construction Industry, Construction Management and Economics, Volume 4 Issue 2, pp Feridun Baysak, SASAD, 29 September Interview with General Secretary of Defense and Aviation Industry Manufacturers Association, Ankara. Harvey F. Kolodny, October Evolution to a Matrix Organization, Academy of Management Review. Volume 4 Issue 4, pp James T. McClave and Terry Sincich, Statistics, Tenth International Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, England. Jay R. Galbraith, Designing Matrix Organizations That Actually Work: How IBM, Procter & Gamble, and Others Design for Success, The Jossey-Bass Business and Management Series, San Francisco. Jay R. Galbraith, February Matrix Organization Designs, Business Horizons, Volume 14 Issue 1, pp John L. Brown and Neil McK. Agnew, November/December The Balance of Power in a Matrix Structure, Business Horizons, Volume 25 Issue 6, pp Lawton Burns and Douglas Wholey, February Adoption and Abandonment of Matrix Management Programs: Effects of Organizational Characteristics and Interorganizational Networks, Academy of Management Journal, Volume 36 Issue 1, pp Len Kinor and Ed Francis, February 2016, Navigating Matrix Management, Leadership Excellence Essentials, Volume 33 Issue 2, pp M. S. Spencer and J. F. Cox, May An Analysis of the Product-Process Matrix and Repetitive Manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 33 Issue 5, pp Michael Bazigos, and James Harter, Revisiting the Matrix Organization, McKinsey Quarterly, Issue 4, pp Nick Shreiber and Mike Rosenberg, How to Make the Matrix Work, IESE Insight, 3rd Quarter, Issue 26, pp Paula K. Martin, Matrix Management Reinvented- The New Game in Town, International Matrix Management Publishing, USA. Peter F. Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, Harper and Row Publishing, New York. Richard Burton and M.Børge Obel, Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson, 2015, How to Get the Matrix Organization to Work, Journal of Organization Design, Volume 4 Issue 3, pp Richard Lepsinger, Influencing In A Team, February Leadership Excellence Essentials, Volume 33 Issue 2, pp Rita E. Numerof and Michael N. Abrams, Summer Matrix Management: Recipe for Chaos?, Directors and Boards, Volume 26 Issue 4, pp Ronald A. Gunn, 2013.Matrix Management Success-Method Not Magic, Infinity Publishing, USA. Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, Sixteenth Global Edition, Pearson Education, England, Stanley M. Davis and Paul R. Lawrence, May/June, Problems of Matrix Organizations, Harvard Business Review, Volume 56 Issue 3, pp Thomas Sy and Laura Sue D'Annunzio, Challenges and Strategies of Matrix Organizations: Top- Level and Mid-Level Managers' Perspectives, Human Resource Planning, Volume 28 Issue 1, pp Tom Peters, 20 September Beyond the Matrix Organization, McKinsey Quarterly, Septemper 1979/ Warren J. Keegan and Mark C. Green, 2013.Global Marketing, Seventh Global Edition, Pearson, England. William F. Joyce, September Matrix Organization: A Social Experiment, Academy of Management Journal, Volume 29 Issue 3, pp

37 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 21 Seasonal Cointegration Approach on Expenditure Based Gross Domestic Product and Its Some Sub-Components for Turkey Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özmen (Çukurova University, Turkey) Ph.D. Candidate Sera Şanlı (Çukurova University, Turkey) Abstract In this study, it has been aimed to investigate the existence of co-integration relationship between quarterly gross domestic product (GDP), final consumption expenditures of resident households (CONS), exports of goods and services (EXP), government final consumption expenditures (GOV) and private sector machinery-equipment (PRIEQ) series for the period 1998Q1-2014Q4 for Turkey. Since, Engle and Granger (1987) cointegration test does not take unit roots at seasonal frequencies into account; seasonal cointegration approach proposed by Engle, Granger, Hylleberg and Lee (EGHL) (1993) has been conducted in order to be able to detect the long-run equilibrium relationship among variables which are integrated at the same seasonal frequency. With the aim of determining the stationarity order of series, HEGY seasonal unit root test has been applied. Consequently, there has been found a cointegrating relationship only between GDP and GOV series at quarterly frequencies for only the auxiliary regression including constant term and seasonal dummies. 1 Introduction All the studies regarding time series methods are useful only in case the series in interest do not display seasonal patterns. That is why it is of great importance to take the time series properties of the series like seasonal patterns or trends into account while dealing with economic time series data. The analyses of seasonal unit roots are generally conducted with the most popular approach developed by Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo (1990) called HEGY by working with different models that include trends, constants and seasonal dummy variables. Cointegrated series are series which are non-stationary alone but stationary in their linear combinations. The concept of seasonal cointegration is valid for models including stochastic seasonals just as the concept of cointegration showing itself in models including stochastic trends (Maddala and Kim, 1998). One advantage of HEGY test procedure is that it enables to test for unit roots at each frequency separately. So, concerning quarterly data including the four roots which are 1, -1, i ; Engle, Granger, Hylleberg and Lee (1993) propose different levels of seasonal cointegration. In conclusion, cointegration relationship will be analyzed at frequencies in which series are all integrated at the same order. For each frequency, separate cointegration tests are applied. Through seasonal cointegration analysis, whether the variables that are integrated at the same seasonal frequency have a stationary relationship in time is investigated. However, in cointegration test proposed by Engle and Granger (1987), unit roots at seasonal frequencies are not taken into consideration. In this case, if the presence of seasonal unit roots in series is ignored; the parameter in interest will not be estimated in a consistent way. For this reason, it is more appropriate to conduct seasonal cointegration analysis (Caglayan, 2003) (Ayvaz Kızılgol, 2011). As associated with the unit root concept, the relationship between cointegration and error correction models was first suggested by Granger (1981) and then it was also introduced by Granger and Weiss (1983). Engle and Granger (1987) also offer a theorem based on Granger (1983) which associates the moving average (MA), autoregressive (AR) and error correction representations for cointegrated systems and estimation methods. Engle, Granger and Hallman (1989) and Hylleberg, et al. (1990) introduce the concept of seasonal cointegration in their papers. Kunst (1993) tries to evaluate the effects of modelling seasonal cointegration on predictive accuracy for German and United Kingdom (U.K.) macroeconomic series. HEGY seasonal unit root test has originally been derived for quarterly seasonality and extended to data with different frequencies. Contrary to the DHF test proposed by Dickey, Hasza and Fuller (1984), HEGY procedure enables to test for unit roots at each seasonal frequency as well as the zero frequency separately and the techniques are applied to quarterly U.K. data for the period 1955:1 to 1984:4 in order to examine the cointegration relationship between consumption and income variables at different frequencies. As a result of application, Hylleberg et al. (1990) find the unit elasticity error correction model to be invalid at any frequency. The asymptotic distributions of the t-statistics from their testable model have been analyzed by Chan and Wei (1988). In their paper, Chan and Wei (1988) characterize the limiting distributions of the least square estimates as a functional of stochastic integrals. In their paper, Kunst and Franses (1998) deal with the impact of deleting, restricting or not restricting seasonal constants on forecasting seasonally cointegrated time series for Austria, Germany and the U.K. In their paper, Hamori and Tokihisa (2001) analyze the stability of Japanese money demand function using seasonal integration and seasonal cointegration and they find that there exist unit roots in money balances, interest rates and real gross domestic product (GDP) series in different cycles. Because of the rejection of seasonal

38 22 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 cointegration in every case, it is also expressed that there is no stable relationship between money supply and the real economy for the period under consideration. In the study by Lof and Lyhagen (2002), the comparison of the forecasting performance of the seasonally cointegrated model of Johansen and Schaumburg (1999) and of the specification proposed by Lee (1992) with a parameter restriction included at the annual frequency has been covered. For three data sets from Austria, Germany and U.K., each including six variables: GDP, private consumption, gross fixed investment, goods exports, real wages and the real interest rate; it is also dealt with how the inclusion of restricted or unrestricted seasonal dummies may have an influence in the seasonal cointegration models. Since the semi-annual frequency for Austria appears to have full rank and the U.K. data set shows a rather weak cointegration evidence at the seasonal frequencies, only the German data are used in the forecasting example. Through Monte Carlo study, Lof and Lyhagen (2002) have found some evidence that for the smaller sample sizes the specification of Johansen and Schaumburg (1999) may result in worse forecasts in the case of the inclusion of more cointegrating relations and for larger sample sizes the study results have been found to favour of this specification. In her paper, Caglayan (2003) investigates the presence of seasonal unit root for the monthly series of personal consumption expenditures made to non-durable and semi-durable goods and services, per capita disposable income and stock market returns that are concerned with the life-long permanent income hypothesis over the period 1988: :04 and examines if cointegration exists among given variables by using HEGY procedure. In her study, the presence of seasonal unit root has been found in consumption expenditures and disposable income series for both 0 and ¼ frequencies and in stock market returns series for ¼ frequency. Also, it is concluded that consumption expenditures and disposable income variables are cointegrated at zero frequency. In her study, Ayvaz Kızılgöl (2011) has examined if GDP, export, consumption and investment series have seasonal unit roots and display a seasonal cointegration relationship by using quarterly series for the period 1987Q1-2007Q3 and through Engle, Granger, Hylleberg and Lee (1993) tests, she concluded that there is no seasonal cointegration relationship between series at zero and biannual frequencies. However, a seasonal cointegration relationship has been detected between gross domestic product and consumption series at ¼ (and ¾ frequency) for the model with intercept and seasonal dummy variables. Mert and Demir (2014) have aimed to examine the seasonal patterns to detect if seasonal cointegration relationship exists between export and import series over the 1969:1-2014:1 quarterly periods. Two series have been found to be cointegrated at ¼ and ¾ frequencies with one cointegrating vector and not cointegrated at zero (long-run) frequency. The results have shown that error correction mechanism works at ¼ frequency. However, at ¾ frequency, because of the error correction term is positive signed contrast to the expectations, the error correction mechanism has been determined not to operate. In this study, it has been aimed to investigate the existence of co-integration relationship between quarterly gross domestic product (GDP), final consumption expenditures of resident households (CONS), exports of goods and services (EXP), government final consumption expenditures (GOV) and private sector machinery-equipment (PRIEQ) series for the period 1998Q1-2014Q4. The rest of this paper has been organized as follows: Section 2 considers the theoretical approach for seasonal cointegration with single and multiple equations; Section 3 provides the information about the data set and application. Finally, Section 4 presents the brief conclusions. 2 Theoretical Approach for Seasonal Cointegration The concept of seasonal cointegration is valid for models including stochastic seasonals just as the concept of cointegration showing itself in models including stochastic trends (Maddala and Kim, 1998). One advantage of HEGY test procedure is that it enables to test for unit roots at each frequency separately. So, concerning quarterly data including the four roots which are 1, -1, i ; Engle et al. (1993) propose different levels of seasonal cointegration. Assume that y t and z t series are seasonally cointegrated so that 4 yt and z 4 t are stationary. When these two series have a common non-seasonal unit root (that is, they are cointegrated at long-run zero frequency at root 1), we have the error term u (1 L L L ) y (1 L L L ) z (1) t t 1 which is stationary. If seasonal cointegration exists at frequency ½ corresponding to unit root 1, we have v (1 L L L ) y (1 L L L ) z (2) t t 2 which is stationary (so, it does not require ( 1 L) filter to be stationary) and finally if seasonal cointegration exists at frequency ¼ corresponding to unit roots w t 2 i and (1 L ) filter we have ( 1 L ) yt 3(1 L ) zt 4(1 L ) yt 1 5(1 L ) zt 1 (3) t t

39 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 23 is stationary. In case all three series in a simple form as u t, v t and w t are stationary, the seasonal cointegration model is represented 4 yt 11ut 1 21vt 1 31wt 2 41wt 3 1 t 4zt 21ut 1 22vt 1 32wt 2 42wt 3 2t (4) (5) where s represent the error correction terms. In addition; constant, seasonal dummies and trend variables can be incorporated into these equations. This method with two-step proposed by Engle et al. (1993) is similar to the Engle-Granger approach applied for nonseasonal time series: in the first step, equations (1) to (3) are estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS) procedure and in the second step Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root tests are applied to û, vˆ and ŵ (in other words, this transaction allows us to check if estimated residuals û to ŵ t t t are stationary). The tests for û t and vˆ t have the same critical values as those in Engle and Granger (1987). However, critical values for testing ŵ are different. For this case, the critical values are tabulated in Engle et al. (1993) (Maddala and Kim, 1998). t As mentioned above, subsequent to estimating 1 to 5 by OLS for bivariate time series involving z, the stationarity condition is checked for estimated residuals t auxiliary regressions: (Lof, 2001). (1 L) uˆ (1 L)ˆ v 2 (1 L ) wˆ t t t l1 1uˆ 1 (1 ) ˆ t i L ut i i 1 û t to t t y t and ŵ t. This is executed by using the following (6) l2 2 ( vˆ 1 ) (1 ) ˆ t i L vt i i 1 t (7) t 2 t 1 3 i 1 t 2 ( wˆ ) ( wˆ ) (1 L ) wˆ (8) 3 4 As seen here, the lagged dependent variables may be added to these auxiliary regressions given above. To detect the cointegration at the zero and semi-annual frequencies, t-statistic values of 1 and 2 should be compared to the critical values in the paper of Engle and Yoo (1987) and the null hypotheses of no cointegration at zero frequency and no cointegration at ½ frequency should be tested for two auxiliary regressions in (6) and (7). On the other hand, for ¼ (and ¾ frequencies), F( 0 ) test statistic value should be compared to the critical 3 4 values which take place in the paper of Engle et al. (1993) and here the null hypothesis should be constructed as H : No cointegration at ¼ (and ¾) frequencies for the third auxiliary regression given in (8) (Mert and Demir, ). 3 Data Set and Application In this application, it has been aimed to investigate the existence of co-integration relationship between quarterly gross domestic product (GDP), final consumption expenditures of resident households (CONS), exports of goods and services (EXP), government final consumption expenditures (GOV) and private sector machinery-equipment (PRIEQ) series for the period 1998Q1-2014Q4. Data that are based on expenditure based GDP time series at fixed 1998 prices have been obtained from Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT). First, in order to linearize the exponential growth in these series, their logarithms have been taken. Since by taking logarithm, variance is stabilized and the effects of outliers are reduced (Ture and Akdi, 2005). In order to determine which series have a cointegrating relationship, it is necessary to find out at which frequencies series are integrated of the same order (or at which frequencies unit roots are present). For each series, three different models including constant (C), constant+dummies (C,D) and constant+dummies+trend (C, D, T) have been constructed. Also, the lagged values of the dependent variable have been added into these models. Since the series discussed are at quarterly frequency, seasonal unit root test results of the series at frequencies have been presented in Table 1. l i t i t 0, 1 1 3,, 4 2 4

40 24 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Variables Auxiliary Regressions t 1 t t 2 3 t 4 Lags ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) LNGDP Intercept * * * * * Intercept + Dummies * * * * Intercept + Dummies * * * * Trend LNCONS Intercept * Intercept + Dummies * * * Intercept + Dummies * * * Trend LNPRIEQ Intercept * Intercept + Dummies * * Intercept+ Dummies * * Trend LNGOV Intercept * * * * * Intercept + Dummies * * * * Intercept + Dummies * * * * * Trend LNEXP Intercept * * * * Intercept+ Dummies * * Intercept + Dummies+ Trend * * * Notes. 1 * denotes insignificant values at 5% level. 2 t-statistics for t ) shows whether there is a unit root or not at zero frequency H : 0). t-statistics 1 ( 1 ( 0 1 ( H ( 4 for t ) tests the presence of the semi-annual unit root : 0). F- statistic for F( 3, )) tests 2 ( 2 whether there is a unit root at quarterly frequency or not. 3 Critical values have been taken from Hylleberg et al. (1990) for N=100 observations and 5% level. For zero frequency, critical values are -2.88, -2.95, and for semi-annual frequency, they are -1.95, -2.94, respectively for intercept, intercept+dummies, intercept+dummies+trend models. Table 1. HEGY Seasonal Unit Root Test Results for Quarterly Macroeconomic Series F 3, ) ( 4 In the application for seasonal unit root test, the appropriate lag length has been chosen in that way: Regression equation has been estimated first with Lag 1 and it has been investigated if first order and fourth order autocorrelations exist between residuals. For this investigation, it has been utilized from Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test statistics (thus for first order: LM(1) and for fourth order: LM(4)). If any one of the null hypotheses of H 0 : There is no 1st order autocorrelation and There is no 4th order autocorrelation is rejected, lag length has been increased by one and LM test has been applied again. This process has been continued until the null hypothesis cannot be rejected for each order and homoscedastic residuals are obtained. LM(1) and LM(4) statistics results have been presented in Table 2: H 0 :

41 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 25 VARIABLES AUXILIARY REGRESSIONS LAGS LM(1) LM(4) LNGDP Intercept (0.1306) (0.0910) Intercept + Dummies (0.3935) (0.4045) Intercept + Dummies+ Trend (0.8913) (0.2659) LNCONS Intercept (0.2253) (0.2083) Intercept + Dummies (0.5391) (0.2762) Intercept + Dummies+ Trend (0.4971) (0.1635) LNPRIEQ Intercept (0.7177) (0.0668) Intercept + Dummies (0.4938) (0.8748) Intercept + Dummies+ Trend (0.4050) (0.3407) LNGOV Intercept (0.5462) (0.3290) Intercept + Dummies (0.3715) (0.6718) Intercept + Dummies+ Trend (0.5876) (0.8793) LNEXP Intercept (0.3364) (0.0518) Intercept+Dummies (0.3494) (0.3623) Intercept + Dummies+ Trend (0.8418) (0.8174) Note. LM(1) and LM(4) represent LM test statistics investigating the presence of 1 st and 4 th order autocorrelations and the values given in parentheses indicate the significance levels. Table 2. LM(1) and LM(4) Statistics for Quarterly Macroeconomic Series As it is clear from Table 2 that for selected lags, there are no first order and fourth order autocorrelation problems for all macroeconomic series. If looked at the Table 1 results, it is seen that the presence of a unit root at zero frequency has been accepted for all variables in all three auxiliary regression models. When t ( 1 ), t ( ( 2 ) and F 3, 4 ) columns are examined, it is concluded that the null hypotheses that there is a (non-seasonal) unit root at zero frequency and there are seasonal unit roots at other seasonal frequencies cannot be rejected for three auxiliary regression models of LNGDP series at 5% significance level. Thus, LNGDP series has a non-seasonal unit root at zero frequency and seasonal 1 unit roots at semi-annual ( 2 frequency) and quarterly frequencies. While both LNCONS and LNPRIEQ series have the zero frequency unit root for three models with deterministic components given in Table 1, according to the results they both do not include any annual unit root (at quarterly frequency). For LNCONS series, the presence of semi-annual unit root has been accepted for two models except the intercept model. However, no semi-annual unit root has been detected in any model for LNPRIEQ series. When looked at the LNGOV and LNEXP series, both series are seen to include the zero frequency unit root. However, while LNGOV series has a seasonal unit root at semi-annual frequency for two models except the intercept+dummies model, LNEXP series rejects the presence of the semi-annual unit root for all three models. Finally, while LNGOV series has annual unit roots at 1 3 quarterly 4 4 frequencies for all deterministic models, LNEXP series has seasonal unit roots at quarterly frequencies for two models except only intercept+dummies model. In conclusion, cointegration relationship will be analyzed at frequencies in which these series are both integrated at the same order. In this case, it is necessary to determine which series are integrated of the same order at which frequencies. In all series, the presence of the zero frequency unit root has been detected in common. LNGDP, LNCONS and LNGOV series have been found to include seasonal unit root at semi-annual frequency. On the other hand, it has been determined that LNGDP, LNGOV and LNEXP series include seasonal unit roots at the quarterly frequencies 1 3. The results of seasonal 4 4 cointegration analyses of the series at 0, ½ and ¼ (and ¾) frequencies have been presented in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 respectively.

42 26 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 In this application, regression models obtained from the linear components of the variables that are integrated at the same frequency have been estimated through OLS procedure. Before applying to cointegration analysis, it is necessary to give the transformations of variables that will be used in cointegration models. As a matter of example, it will be sufficient to present only LNGDP series (the other series will be transformed in the same way with LNGDP): Now let us mention about the cointegration models to be used. Seasonal cointegration has been mentioned in section 2.1. In addition, as also summarized by Ayvaz Kızılgöl (2011), in cointegration analysis the regression model to be estimated for all variables that are integrated of the same order at the zero frequency is Y Z u. The residuals ( u ) obtained from this cointegration model will be used in order to estimate 1t 1 1t t t auxiliary regression model at the zero frequency. Regressand LCONS1t LCONS1t LCONS1t Regressand LPRIEQ1t LPRIEQ1t LPRIEQ1t Coefficient Regressor LGDP1t ( ) ( ) ( ) Coefficient Regressor LGDP1t ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 3 LNGDP t (1 L L L ) LNGDP LNGDP t (1 L L L ) LNGDP 2 2 LNGDP t (1 L ) LNGDP 3 4 LNGDP t (1 L ) LNGDP 4 Cointegration Analysis: LGDP and LCONS Deterministic Components Included Auxiliary Regression Tests for Unit Roots in Residuals (9) (10) (11) (12) t statistic 2 R Augmentation DW t ( 1 ) C , 4, C, D C, D, T Cointegration Analysis: LGDP and LPRIEQ Deterministic Components Included Auxiliary Regression Tests for Unit Roots in Residuals t statistic 2 R Augmentation DW t ( 1 ) C , 4, C, D C, D, T Cointegration Analysis: LGDP and LGOV , 2, , 4, 5, Auxiliary Regression Tests for Unit Roots in Residuals Regressand LGOV1t LGOV1t LGOV1t Coefficient Regressor LGDP1t ( ) ( ) ( ) Deterministic t statistic Components 2 R Augmentation DW t ( 1 ) Included C , 3, C, D , C, D, T Table 3. Cointegration Test Results at Zero (Long Run) Frequency

43 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 27 Cointegration Analysis: LGDP and LEXPORT Auxiliary Regression Tests for Unit Roots in Residuals Regressand LEXPORT1t LEXPORT1t LEXPORT1t Coefficient Regressor LGDP1t ( ) ( ) ( ) Deterministic Components Included t statistic 2 R DW Augmentation t ( 1 ) C , 2, C, D C, D, T 1, 2, , Notes. 1 These tests at zero frequency are based on the (ADF) auxiliary regression model u t u 1 t 1 k j 1 b u t j e (without deterministic components) where represents the residuals obtained from cointegration model that are used to estimate this auxiliary regression model. The distribution of t statistic is as characterized in Engel and Granger (1987) and Engle and Yoo (1987) (Engle, et al., 1993). As it is clear, the necessary significant lagged values of the dependent variable j have been added into auxiliary regression model in order to whiten the residuals (the lagged variables with insignificant coefficients at 5% significance level have been removed from the model). 2 The values in parentheses are t-statistics. t 3 C, D and T denote constant, seasonal dummies and trend terms respectively. 4 The basic hypothesis to be tested is H : There is no cointegration at zero frequency ( 1 0). 5 Critical values have been obtained from Engle and Yoo (1987). See Appendix. Table 3 (Continued) For semi-annual (½) frequency, the cointegration model to be used is 0 u t and for quarterly frequencies, it is Y Z Z w. Also, the residuals obtained from these models ( and ) will 3t 1 3t 2 3, t 1 t be used for estimating auxiliary regressions at specified frequencies respectively. As mentioned before, in order to detect the long-run equilibrium relationship between the series, first of all it is necessary to determine the stationarity order of the series. In this application, for investigating the presence of seasonal cointegration relationship between the series, firstly seasonal unit root test has been applied in order to make inference about at which frequencies there are unit roots if they exist. The series discussed here have quarterly frequencies. Therefore, HEGY seasonal unit root test which is developed by Hylleberg et al. (1990) has been applied in order to detect seasonal unit roots and general results have been presented in Table 1 for three models with deterministic components that are C, C,D, C,D,T. Now, Table 3 presents the cointegration test results at zero frequency. As a result, when cointegration test results are evaluated at the zero frequency, although the explanatory variables that take place in the cointegrating regression have been found to be statistically significant, no cointegrating relationship has been found between LNGDP and LNCONS, LNGDP and LNPRIEQ, LNGDP and LNGOV, LNGDP and LNEXP at 5% significance level in the long-run. ut Y 2t 2 Z 2t v t v t w t

44 28 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Cointegration Analysis: LGDP and LCONS Auxiliary Regression Analysis of the residuals Regressand Coefficient Regressor LGDP2t Deterministic Components Included 2 R Augmentation DW t statistic t 2 LCONS2t C, D , ( ) LCONS2t C, D, T , ( ) Cointegration Analysis: Auxiliary LGDP and LGOV Regression Analysis of the residuals ( ) Regressand Coefficient Regressor LGDP2t Deterministic Components Included 2 R Augmentation DW t statistic LGOV2t C , 2, ( ) LGOV2t ( ) C, D, T Notes. 1 In lag augmentations, only significant lags have been added into the auxiliary regressions (insignificant lags have been removed) in order to get white noise residuals. 2 These tests at semi-annual frequency are based on the auxiliary regression k t 1 ) 2 ( t 1 ) b j ( t j t j 1 ) j 1 ( t e t (here without deterministic components) where ( ) represents the residuals obtained from cointegration model that are used to estimate the auxiliary regression models. The distribution of t statistic is as characterized in Engel and Granger (1987) and Engle and Yoo (1987) (Engle, et al., 1993). For critical values see Appendix. 3 The basic hypothesis to be tested is H : There is no cointegration at semi-annual frequency ( 2 0) 0 Table 4. Seasonal Cointegration Test Results at Semi-Annual (½) Frequency t 2 LNGDP and LNCONS series have been found to be integrated of the same order for C,D and C,D,T models at ½ frequency. Also, LNGDP and LNGOV series have been found to be integrated of the same order for C and C,D,T models at ½ frequency. Therefore, cointegration analysis results at ½ frequency have been shown in Table 4 for LNGDP, LNCONS and LNGOV series. When Table 4 results are compared to the Engle and Yoo (1987) critical values for 5% significance level, no cointegration relationship has been found between LNGDP & LNCONS series and LNGDP & LNGOV series at ½ frequency. Thus, these series in interest do not seem to be cointegrated at the semi-annual frequency. t Cointegration Analysis: LGDP and LGOV Auxiliary Regression Analysis of the residuals Regressand LGOV 3t ( ) LGOV 3t ( ) LGOV 3t ( ) Coefficient Regressor LGDP 3t LGDP 3t ( ) ( ) ( ) Deterministic Components Included Augmen- t statistic 2 tation R t ( 3 ) t statistic t 4 ( ) F statistic C C, D , * * , Table 5. Seasonal Cointegration Test Results at ¼ (¾) Frequencies 3 4

45 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 29 Cointegration Analysis: LGDP and LEXPORT Auxiliary Regression Analysis of the Residuals HEGY test Regressand Coefficient Regressor LGDP 3t LGDP 3t-1 Deterministic Components Included Augmentation t statistic t ( 3 ) t statistic ( ) F statistic LEXPORT 3t C , 4, 6, ( ) ( ) LEXPORT 3t C, D , * ( ) ( ) LEXPORT 3t ( ) ( ) , 4, 5, Notes. 1 These tests at ¼ (and ¾) frequencies are based on the auxiliary regression k ( w (here without deterministic components) where t wt 2 ) 3 ( wt 2 ) 4 ( wt 1 ) b j ( wt j wt j 2 ) e w t t j 1 represents the residuals obtained from cointegration model that are used to estimate the auxiliary regression models (Engle, et al., 1993). 2 C denotes constant, D denotes seasonal dummies and denotes no deterministic component. 3 * denotes significant values at 5% significance level. 4 Critical values have been obtained from Engle et al. (1993). See Appendix for critical values. 5 The basic hypothesis to be tested is H : There is no cointegration at ¼ (and ¾) frequencies 0). Table 5 (Continued) Table 5 presents seasonal cointegration test results at quarterly ¼ (¾) frequencies. According to the Table 5 results, it can be said that there has been found a cointegration relationship between LNGDP and LNGOV series at quarterly frequencies ¼ (and ¾) for only the model with constant and seasonal dummies ( C,D ). In other saying, the null hypothesis saying that there is no cointegration at quarterly frequencies has been rejected with a significant joint F statistic of On the other hand, no cointegration relationship has been detected for no models between LNGDP and LNEXP series at ¼ (and ¾) frequencies. 4 Conclusion 0 In this paper, whether a cointegration relationship exists or not between quarterly GDP, CONS, EXP, GOV and PRIEQ series has been investigated. As a result of HEGY application, the presence of a zero frequency (nonseasonal) unit root has been detected for all series for the three models with constant, constant+dummies and constant+dummies+trend. LNGDP, LNCONS and LNGOV series have been found to include a seasonal unit root at semi-annual frequency. In addition, LNGDP, LNGOV and LNEXP series have been detected to have 1 3 seasonal unit roots at quarterly 4 4 frequencies. It should be noted that cointegration analysis should be evaluated among the series having unit roots at the same frequency. When cointegration test results are evaluated thoroughly at the zero (long-run) frequency, there has been found no cointegrating relationship between LNGDP & LNCONS, LNGDP & LNPRIEQ, LNGDP & LNGOV, LNGDP & LNEXP at 5% significance level. Similarly, no cointegrating relationship has been detected between LNGDP&LNCONS series and LNGDP&LNGOV series at semi-annual (½) frequency. However, there has been found a cointegrating relationship between LNGDP & 1 3 LNGOV series at quarterly 4 4 frequencies for only the model with constant+dummies. On the other hand, no cointegrating relationship has been found between LNGDP & LNEXP series for no models at these quarterly frequencies. References Ayvaz Kızılgol, Mevsimsel Eşbütünleşme Testi: Türkiye'nin Makroekonomik Verileriyle Bir Uygulama, Ataturk University - Journal of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 25, pp Caglayan, Yaşam Boyu Sürekli Gelir Hipotezinde Mevsimsellik, Marmara University, Journal of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 18, pp Chan and Wei, Limiting Distributions of Least Squares Estimates of Unstable Autoegressive Processes, Annals of Statistics, 16, pp Cubadda, Complex Reduced Rank Models for Seasonally Cointegrated Time Series, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 63, pp R t ( 3 4

46 30 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Dickey, Hasza and Fuller; Testing for Unit Roots in Seasonal Time Series, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79, pp Engle and Granger, Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing, Econometrica, 55, pp Engle and Yoo, Forecasting and Testing in Co-Integrated Systems, Journal of Econometrics, 35, pp Engle, Granger and Hallman; Merging Short and Long Run Forecasts: An Application of Seasonal Cointegration to Monthly Electricity Sales Forecasting, Journal of Econometrics, 40, pp Engle, Granger, Hylleberg and Lee; Seasonal Cointegration: The Japanese Consumption Function, Journal of Econometrics, 55, pp Granger, Some Properties of Time Series Data and Their Use in Econometric Model Specification, Journal of Econometrics, 16, pp Granger, Cointegrated Variables and Error Correction Models (UCSD Discussion Paper 83-13a), University of California, San Diego. Granger and Weiss, Time Series Analysis of Error-Correction Models, in Samuel Karlin, Takeshi Amemiya and Leo A. Goodman (Eds.), Studies in Econometrics, Time Series and Multivariate Statistics, Academic Press, New York, pp Hamori and Tokihisa, Seasonal Cointegration and the Money Demand Function: Some Evidence from Japan, Applied Economics Letters, 8, pp Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo; Seasonal Integration and Cointegration, Journal of Econometrics, 44, pp Johansen and Schaumburg, Likelihood Analysis of Seasonal Cointegration, Journal of Econometrics, 88, pp Kunst, Seasonal Cointegration, Common Seasonals and Forecasting Seasonal Series, Empirical Economics, 18, pp Kunst and Franses, The Impact of Seasonal Constants on Forecasting Seasonally Cointegrated Time Series, Journal of Forecasting, 17, pp Lee, Maximum Likelihood Inference on Cointegration and Seasonal Cointegration, Journal of Econometrics, 54, pp Lof, On Seasonality and Cointegration, Ph. D. Dissertation, The Economic Research Institute - Stockholm School of Economics, Elanders, Gotab. Lof and Lyhagen, Forecasting Performance of Seasonal Cointegration Models, International Journal of Forecasting, 18, pp Maddala and Kim, Unit Roots, Cointegration and Structural Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Mert and Demir, Mevsimsel Eşbütünleşme ve Mevsimsel Hata Düzeltme Modeli: İthalat - İhracat Verileri Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 19, pp Sanli, The Econometric Analysis of Seasonal Time Series: Applications on Some Macroeconomic Variables, Master s Thesis, Cukurova University, Adana. Ture and Akdi, Mevsimsel Kointegrasyon: Türkiye Verilerine Bir Uygulama, Paper presented at the VII. National Econometrics and Statistics Symposium, May, Istanbul University. Information Notes This study has been derived from the Master Thesis that has been prepared in consultancy of Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Ozmen called The Econometric Analysis of Seasonal Time Series: Applications on Some Macroeconomic Variables (Sanli, 2015). This study has been supported by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) BIDEB (Scientist Support Department) within the scope of 2211-E Direct National Scholarship Programme for PhD Students. This study has been supported by Cukurova University Rectorate Department of Scientific Research Projects (BAP).

47 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 31 Appendix: Critical Values for Seasonal Cointegration (for 100 observations) Number of Variables (k=5, N=100) ve 2 Significance Level 1% 5% 10% Critical Value Table 6. Critical Values for Seasonal Cointegration at Zero and Semiannual Frequencies Source. Engle and Yoo, N= Deterministic Component 1% 5% 10% 1% 5% 10% 99% 95% 90% C C, D Table 7. Critical Values for Seasonal Cointegration at ¼ (and ¾ ) Quarterly Frequencies Source. Engle, et al.,

48 32 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 On the Purchasing Power Parity in Turkey: The Role of Structural Changes Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şaban Nazlıoğlu (Pamukkale University, Turkey) Ph.D. Candidate Çağın Karul (Pamukkale University, Turkey) Ph.D. Candidate Ahmet Koncak (Abant İzzet Baysal University, Turkey) Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlhan Küçükkaplan (Pamukkale University, Turkey) Abstract Turkey as an emerging country and one of the fastest growing economies during the last decade has been implementing the trade-oriented growth model since The exchange rate policy in that respect is at the center of trade and monetary policies. Given the importance of constructing fundamental equilibrium exchange rates, the long-run PPP hypothesis has been empirically investigated during the last decade. We re-examine the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for Turkey with her ten major trading partners and find out that when the structural shifts are taken into account, there is a strong evidence in favor of the validity of PPP hypothesis. An interesting finding also is that the PPP hypothesis seems to hold for the European Union countries. 1 Introduction Given the importance of determining equilibrium exchange rates, a special attention has been given to testing for the long-run PPP hypothesis during the last decade. The PPP hypothesis implies a stationary real exchange rate series and therefore researchers benefit from the unit root analysis. Turkey which is an emerging market and a fastly growing economy (during the last decade) has put into effect the trade-oriented growth model in 1980 that leads the exchange rate policy to be at the core of trade and monetary policies. Turkey decided to shift from pegged to flexible exchange rate system because of the 2001 economic crisis and hence the dynamics of Turkish exchange rates play a crucial role for sound monetary policy. The literature on the persistence of shock to Turkish real exchange rates shows that there is no consensus whether the shocks are permanent. The lack of consensus on PPP hypothesis holds for Turkey motivate us to re-examine the PPP hypothesis within the context of new testing procedures. This study re-analyzes the validity of PPP hypothesis in Turkey by employing a battery of unit root and stationarity tests. This study contributes to the literature by looking at the validity of PPP in Turkey by focusing on modelling the structural changes. Empirical analysis indicates that there is a strong evidence in favor of the validity of PPP hypothesis when the structural shifts are taken into account in testing procedures. It is important to emphasize that even though this finding is not new for international trade literature, it provides a new empirical evidence with respect to the dynamics of exchange rates in Turkey. 2 Testing Procedures 2.1 Unit Root Tests To test for unit root of Turkish exchange rates, we first start with the Dickey-Fuller (DF) test developed by Dickey and Fuller (1979) and estimate the no-shift regression model as y t = Z t δ + αy t 1 + ε t (1) where y t is the first difference of y t, Z t includes the deterministic terms defined by [1, t], and ε t is the error term. The null hypothesis of unit root (H 0 : α = 0) is tested against the alternative hypothesis of stationarity (H 1 : α < 0). Accordingly, if the null hypothesis is rejected, then an evidence is supported in favor of PPP hypothesis. The test statistic denoted by τ is defined by the t-ratio of α. Under the null hypothesis, the t-ratio corresponds to y t 1 does not follow the asymptotic t-distribution and therefore one needs to use the critical values provided by Dickey and Fuller (1979). In the no-shift model, Z t is assumed not to have any structural changes. However, ignoring structural shifts leads to misleading inferences because of incorrectly retaining a false unit root null hypothesis (Perron, 1989). In order to handle this problem, Zivot and Andrews (1992) allow a sudden structural break in the DF test. To formulize the sharp-shift model with one break, Z t is described as [1, t, DU 1t, DT 1t ] where DU 1t = 0 for t T B and 1 otherwise and DT 1t = 0 for t T B and t T B otherwise that T B denotes the break date. Narayan and Popp (2010) extend Zivot and Andrews (1992) s sharp shift model for two sudden breaks that Z t becomes [1, t, DU 1t, DT 1t, DU 2t, DT 2t ], where DU it = 0 for t T Bi and 1 otherwise and DT it = 0 for t T Bi and t T Bi otherwise and T Bi (i = 1,2) shows the break dates. The statistic for testing the null hypothesis of unit root with structural shifts is described as in the DF test. Both Zivot and Adrews (1992) and Narayan and Popp (2010) approaches use the dummy variables to capture sudden structural changes and require estimating the break dates. The location of break (T Bi ) is endogenously determined to be where the test statistic is minimized (i.e., the most negative) by a grid search

49 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 33 procedure by considering all possible break points as δ = infτ(δ) where δ = T Bi /T and δ [0,1]. Finally, τ statistic with structural shifts does not follow the asymptotic t-distribution and hence the simulated critical values are used. It is worthwhile noting that the sharp-shift models entail knowing a priori the number, dates and form of breaks. In practice, it is however difficult to have such a priori knowledge and moreover economic series may contain multiple smooth breaks at unknown dates. More recently, Enders and Lee (2012) propose the smooth-shift model type of the DF unit root test by using a Fourier approximation for Z t which does not require selecting the dates, number, and form of the breaks. The Fourier expansion for Z t is described as [1, t, sin( 2πkt ), cos(2πkt)] where k T T represents an integer frequency. The test statistic is again described as in the DF test, but its distribution now depends on k that requires using the critical values for different values of the Fourier frequency (see, Enders and Lee, 2012). It is finally should be emphasized that the smooth-shift model testing procedure now requires determining the Fourier frequency and the number of lags. Following Enders and Lee (2012), we apply the generalto-specific approach. The maximum number of Fourier frequency is set to 3 and the maximum number of lags is set to 4. We first determine the optimal lag for each of frequency with the significance of the last lagged term by looking at its t-statistic at the 10 percent level. The optimal number of Fourier frequency component is then selected by the minimization of sum of squared residuals of the regression model. 2.2 Stationarity Tests Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of unit root is one of ongoing research areas in the time series analysis. The stationarity test of Kwiatkowski et al. (1992) (the KPSS test) is widely utilized which is based on the data generating process (DGP) y t = γ Z t + r t + ε t (2) r t = r t 1 + u t (3) where t=1,,t time dimension, r t is random walk process with initial values r 0 = 0. The null hypothesis of stationarity H 0 : σ 2 u = 0 is tested against the alternative hypothesis of unit root. H 1 : σ 2 u > 0. In the conventional KPSS test, Z t is assumed not to have any structural changes and is defined as Z t = [1, t] for a trend stationary process. Lee et al. (1997) investigates the distribution of the KPSS test under a structural break and find out that the test diverges from the distribution under the null hypothesis when the structural break is ignored. The simulations moreover indicate that the KPSS statistics is over-sized in the case of a structural shift. Kurozumi (2002) allows a break in the KPSS test by defining Z t as [1, t, DU 1t, DT 1t ] where DU 1t = 0 for t T B and 1 otherwise and DT 1t = 0 for t T B and t T B otherwise that T B denotes the break date. Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó (2007) (hereafter CS) extends the testing framework for two breaks that Z t becomes [1, t, DU 1t, DT 1t, DU 2t, DT 2t ], where DU it = 0 for t T Bi and 1 otherwise and DT it = 0 for t T Bi and t T Bi otherwise and T Bi (i = 1,2) show the break dates. Both Kurozumi and CS approaches use the dummy variables to capture structural shifts and require estimating the location of break (T Bi ) which is endogenously determined by minimizing the test statistic by considering all possible breaks points as δ = infτ(δ) where δ = T Bi /T and δ [0,1]. As discussed earlier, the dummy variable approach assumes sharp shifts and also entails to know a priori the number and dates of breaks. In practice, it is difficult to have a such a prior information and moreover economic series may contain an unknown form breaks at unknown dates. Becker et al. (2006) (hereafter BEL) use a Fourier approximation for Z t which does not require selecting the dates, number, and form of the breaks. The Fourier expansion for Z t is described as [1, t, sin( 2πkt ), cos(2πkt)] where k represents an integer frequency. The testing T T procedure now requires determining the Fourier frequency. Following Becker et al. (2006), we apply the generalto-specific approach. The maximum number of Fourier frequency is set to 3 and the optimal number of Fourier frequency component is then selected by the minimization of sum of squared residuals of the regression model. T t=1 S 2 t The stationarity statistic is defined as LM = t where S t = j=1 ε j is the partial sum process by using the σ ε2 OLS residuals from equation (1) and σ ε2 is an estimate of the long-run variance of ε t that is defined as σ 2 ε = lim T T 1 E(S 2 T ) (Note 1). Since LM statistics does not follow the asymptotic t-distribution and hence the simulated critical values are used. 3 Empirical Findings We collect the real exchange rates data between Turkey and Canada, Denmark, Eurozone, Japan, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA for the period January 2002-December 2016 (Note 2). The period is started from January 2002 because the euro banknotes and coins were put into circulation from that time. We describe the real exchange rate by y it = e it + p it p t where e is the natural logarithm of nominal

50 34 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 exchange rates, p is the natural logarithm of foreign CPI and p is the natural logarithm of domestic CPI which are based the indexes (2010=100). The data is retrieved from the International Financial Statistics (IFS). Table 1 reports the results from the unit root and stationarity tests. The Panel A is for the results from the unit root tests. The no-shift model indicates that the PPP hypothesis seems to be valid only for Norway. When we account for the one-sharp structural change, the PPP is supported in six trading partners (Denmark, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and UK). Moreover, if the number of structural changes raises to two-sharp shifts, the PPP appears to be valid for all countries. If the structural changes are modelled as a gradual/smooth process, the PPP is supported for six countries (Denmark, Eurozone, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and UK) which are all the European Union countries during the sample period. Testing null hypothesis of stationarity is useful to confirm results those from the tests with the null hypothesis of unit root. The conventional KPSS test shows that the null hypothesis of stationarity cannot be rejected in for countries (Canada, Denmark, Eurozone, and Norway), implying that the PPP holds. If we account for sharp structural change, while the PPP is supported in nine countries partners (except UK) for the one-shift model, it is supported in all the countries for the two-shift model. If the structural changes are modelled as a gradual/smooth process, the PPP is rejected only for two countries (Japan and Sweden). The model with sharp shifts assume that the trend is not strictly linear and hence is composed to a pre-specified number of discrete linear segments. Moreover, there may be a discontinuity at the breakpoint because the end and start of linear segments do not need to be concur. Last but not least, the sharp shift assumption requires an immediate transition from one segment to another. An arguably more realistic approach is to accommodate structural changes as a gradual process (King and Dobson, 2014). From this point of view, the results taken together from both the unit root and stationarity tests based on the smooth-shift model provide an interesting finding is that the PPP hypothesis seems to hold for Denmark, Eurozone, Norway, Switzerland, and UK which are the European Union countries and is not valid for Canada, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and USA. No-shift Sharp-shift Smooth-shift Panel A: Unit root tests Stat. Stat. Break Stat. First Break Second Break Stat. k Canada M M M Denmark M M M Eurozone M M M Japan M M M Norway M M M Saudi Arabia M M M Sweden M M M Switzerland M M M UK M M M USA M M M Panel B: Stationarity tests Canada M M M Denmark M M M Eurozone M M M Japan M M M Norway M M M Saudi Arabia M M M Sweden M M M Switzerland M M M UK M M M USA M M M Bold numbers denote that PPP hypothesis is valid at least at 10% level of significance. 4 Conclusion Table 1: Empirical Results We examine the PPP hypothesis in Turkey based on the unit root framework and benefits from the recent developments in time series testing procedures by paying attention to controlling for structural shifts. We first estimate the no-shift model and then employ its extensions to which accounting for structural breaks, namely the sharp-shift model and the smooth-shift model. The results from the point of modelling strategy imply that controlling for structural shifts plays an important role in order to determine the behavior of Turkish exchange rates. The different testing strategies result in the different inferences and policy implications. The conventional noshift model unit root and stationarity models imply the PPP is valid only for Norway. In contrast to the no-break test, the sharp shift tests based two-break model description show the strong evidence on the PPP. Finally, the testing procedure -based on the assumption that any structural shifts are gradual in nature- supports that the PPP hypothesis seems to hold for Denmark, Eurozone, Norway, Switzerland, and UK which are the European Union countries and is not valid for Canada, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and USA.

51 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 35 Acknowledgements Saban Nazlioglu gratefully acknowledges that this study is carried out under the Outstanding Young Scientists Award Program-2015 of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA-GEBİP 2015). References Adiguzel, U., Sahbaz, A., Ozcan, C.C., Nazlioglu, S. (2014). The Behavior of Turkish Exchange Rates: A Panel Data Perspective. Economic Modelling, 42, Becker, R., Enders, W., Lee, J. (2006). A Stationarity Test in the Presence of an Unknown Number of Smooth Breaks. Journal of Time Series Analysis 27, Carrion-i-Silvestre, J.L., Del Barrio-Castro, T., Lopez-Bazo, E., (2005). Breaking the panels: An application to GDP per capita, Econometrics Journal, 8, Carrion-i-Silvestre, J. Ll., Sansó, A., (2006). A guide to the computation of stationarity tests. Empirical Economics, 31, Carrion-i-Silvestre, J.L., Sansó-i-Rosselló, A.S. (2007). The KPSS Test with Two Structural Breaks. Spanish Economic Review, 9(2), Dickey, D.A. and Fuller, W.A., (1979). Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74(366), Enders, W. and Lee, J. (2012). The flexible Fourier form and Dickey-Fuller type unit root tests. Economics Letters, 117, King, A. and Dobson, R.C. (2014). Are income differences within the OECD diminishing? Evidence from fourier unit root tests. Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics, 18, Koedijk, K.G., Tims, B., Dijk, M.A. (2004). Purchasing Power Parity and the Euro Area, Journal of International Money and Finance. 23, Kurozumi, E. (2002). Testing for Stationarity with a Break. Journal of Econometrics. 108(1), Kwiatkowski, D., Phillips, P.C.B., Schmidt, P., Shin, Y. (1992). Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationary against the Alternative of a Unit Root. Journal of Econometrics 54, Lee, J., Huang, C.J., Shin, Y. (1997). On Stationary Tests in the Presence of Structural Breaks. Economics Letters, 55, Narayan, P.K. and Popp, S. (2010). A new unit root test with two structural breaks in level and slope at unknown time. Journal of Applied Statistics, 37, Perron, P. (1989). The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock and the Unit Root Hypothesis, Econometrica, 57, Zivot, E., and Andrews, D.W.K. (1992). Further evidence of the great crash, the oil-price shock, and the unit root hypothesis. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 10, Footnotes: (Note 1) See Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó (2006) for the methods on estimating the consistent long-run variance and their small sample comparisons. (Note 2) The selected trading partners account for about 97% and 96% of Turkish total exports and imports which is generally quoted by euro and US dollar. Following Koedijk et al. (2004), we treat the Eurozone countries as a single currency. The euro explains about 48 percent of Turkey s exports and 30 percent of Turkish imports (see, Adiguzel et al., 2014).

52 36 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 Export-led Growth Hypothesis in MINT Countries: A Panel Cointegration Analysis Prof. Dr. Harun Bal (Çukurova University, Turkey) Ph.D. Candidate Shahanara Basher (Çukurova University, Turkey) Ph.D. Candidate Abdulla Hil Mamun (Çukurova University, Turkey) Ph.D. Candidate Emrah Akça (Çukurova University, Turkey) Abstract The contribution of exports to GDP in MINT countries that improve substantially just after their implantation of export promotion strategy in the late 1980s raises the issue of whether the growth in these countries is led by export or not. While a good number of studies have been found investigating whether economic growth is promoted by exports for developing countries having an outstanding share of export in GDP, no study investigating the export-led growth hypothesis for MINT countries has been found until recent times. The main purpose of this study is to fill up the void. The study employs panel cointegration technique with an aim to examine whether the export is the key factor of economic growth for MINT countries employing yearly secondary data that covers the period. Results of the study imply that economic growth of these countries is considerably exports driven. Moreover, there is an indication of improvement of efficiency as exports work along with the rise capital formation. As the employment opportunity of an economy is expanded through capital formation, the emerging MINT countries endowed with large population and favorable demographics are expected to become the major exporters with strong GDP growth by being able to attract adequate foreign investment. 1 Introduction ELG hypothesis that studies whether exports are a fundamental element to stimulate growth in developing countries has been the topic of interest of plenty of studies over the last few decades. Export can foster economic growth by confirming better resource allocation, cost advantages and productive efficiency (Kruger, 1975; Williamson, 1978; Balassa, 1978; Bhagawati, 1982; Srinivasan, 1985; Awokuse, 2003). Therefore, despite the cut in investment in other sectors, greater investment in export sector is expected to have a substantial positive impact on the economy. Moreover, exports help increase imports of equipment, raw materials and technologies necessary for an economy, which allows an economy to increase its investment that results in higher output (Rana & Dowling, 1990). The macroeconomic policies of most of the developing economies were characterized as closed until the late 1960s. Even the East Asian countries were not the exception. All they were following import substitution industrialization policy that was successful in achieving the socio-economic objectives and economic growth. By the early 1970s, there was considerable doubt about the acceptability of import substitution industrialization as a measure to realize the development objectives due to its certain limitations in promoting the growth of industrial sector of domestic economy. It is inevitable to import equipment, raw materials and technologies to enhance the production capacity of an economy, and hence import substitution industrialization cannot completely eliminate the need for import. Moreover, as import substitution industries were not exposed to international competition, it resulted in a production process which is incompetent. MINT is a group of countries tipped as the next economic powerhouse because of their bright economic prospects for the future. Common features that all MINT countries (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) share are their growing population, which is a potential source of young labor in coming decades for growing faster, and geographical position suitable for taking advantage of large markets nearby. Mexico is sharing its border with US and also neighbors to Latin America, Indonesia is located at the center of South-east Asia profound link with China, Turkey is a bridge between West and East. Though not yet obvious, but with the expansion of the economies in this continent, Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa, has the potential of becoming the hub of Africa's economy owing to the endowment of natural resources, massive population, well-controlled and well-capitalized banks, and scope to spread retail credit. Apart from these, MINTs are fortunate enough to have systems supportive to industrial development and business growth and they are not overly dependent on a single industry. MINTs have become the major exporters of raw and finished goods since after their inauguration of outwardoriented or export promotion strategy in the late 1980s. Presently, the export sector of these countries have substantial contribution to their GDP. In the 2010s, Mexico's export is 32.2 percent of GDP, Indonesia's percent, Nigeria's percent and Turkey's percent. Therefore, it is commonly expected that exports are the main driving force of economic development of these countries. While a good number of studies have been found investigating whether exports promote the economic growth of developing countries having an outstanding share of export in GDP, no study investigating the ELG hypothesis for MINT countries has been found until recent times. Hence, the study mainly aims to examine whether exports are the core element of growth of MINT countries.

53 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 37 2 Export Growth and Overall Macroeconomic Performance of MINT Countries Prior to study the starring role of export in growth of MINT countries, a precise evaluation of the performance of growth and exports of these countries over the past two decades will be appropriate as all of these economies have undertaken structural reform programs as a key for growth emphasizing liberalization and promotion of exports since the 1990s (Thornton, 1996; Nguyen et al., 2013; Alimi & Muse, 2012; Rahmaddi & Ichihashi, 2011). Mexico: Trade liberalization in Mexico began in the early 1980s through a range of economic reform initiatives undertaken by Mexican government following the dramatic balance of payment crisis. Country s decision to join the GATT in 1986 together with the enactment of NAFTA in 1994 reduced the tariff and non-tariff barriers considerably. Besides, since 1985, initiatives like facilitating imports of equipment, raw materials and technologies, ensuring exporters easy and better access to credit and removal of barriers to the use of export earnings promote non-oil exports. Consequently, during the period , exports grew at 8.4 percent per year, as percent of GDP, it was 10.7 percent in 1991 but at the end of 2015 it climbed to 36.5 percent. Imports grew at over 8 percent, climbing from 11.5% to 35.1 percent of GDP. On the export side, manufactures were the leading sector. Its manufactures mounted to around 80 percent in the early 2010s from 38% of total exports at the beginning of liberalization in 1987 (Ibarra, 2010). Nigeria: The failure of the policies to promote Import Substitution Industrialization prior to the 1980s led Nigeria to adopt export promotion industrialization strategies as part of its Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in This policy is nowadays followed with the objective of translating it into economic growth and considerable efforts have been given and are still being continued to boost production of domestic exports particularly in sectors other than oil sector with regard to increase the variety of products in the country export structure. Exports of agricultural products were the main source of foreign exchange during the 1960s and 1970s. But crude oil turned out to be the core export item from the mid-1970s which now founds nearly 96 percent of total export. However, there is a declining share of non-oil exports, from about 48% in 1970 to about 7% in Concerning the contribution of non-oil export to GDP, the downgoing trend reached from 7% in 1970 to 1.09% in 2015 (CBN Statistical Bulletin, 2015). Hence the performance of the non-oil export sector in the recent decades is not impressive (Ojide et al., 2014). Consequently, in spite of the development in Nigeria s total exports earnings, the country has been encountering a significant amount of deficit in the balance of payment over the years (Alimi & Muse, 2012). Main problems that are hindering the non-oil exports of Nigeria are poor funding for export promotion schemes, inefficient implementation, and corruption. Besides, lack of government support and subsidies for non-oil export sector are also mentionable. Exports & Imports 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Exports of goods and services % of GDP Turkey Mexico Indonesia Nigeria Imports of goods and services % of GDP Turkey Mexico Indonesia Nigeria Table 1: Performance of Export and Import in MINT Countries. Sources: Authors' Calculation from World Development Indicators, World Bank, 2017 Turkey: From the beginning of the 1980s, Turkey adopted policies in order to achieve an economic system which is more liberal and market-oriented. As part of the policies, government undertook a growth strategy conducive to promote export and the external competitiveness of the economy was preserved through management of exchange rate and export subsidies. These primary initiatives undoubtedly helped regain the confidence of international creditors. The stand-by loans provided by IMF along with the adjustment loans of World Bank were promptly arranged and disbursed together with supplementary debt relief operations (Taş and Kar, 2002:41). On the other hand, the gradual but deliberate reduction in real wages in 1980s targeting to generating an exportable surplus enhance the competitiveness of export with lower labor costs (Taban S. & Aktar, 2008). These export-promoting strategies were successful in enhancing exports substantially. Its exports reach to 25.5 percent of GDP in the 2010s from 13.3 percent in 1980s at a 7.6 percent annual growth rate. Indonesia: Export promotion in Indonesia was embarked on 1985 in response to the breakdown of import substitution industrialization due to the fall in oil prices throughout the period of first half of the 1980s that exhausted the gains that Indonesia achieved due to the mid-70s oil boom. The economy experienced a quick surge in foreign direct investment owing to the intrepid and influential series of outward-oriented reform programs

54 38 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EURASIAN ECONOMIES 2017 undertaken from the mid-1980s ahead. Owing to the reduction and removal of tariff as well as non-tariff barriers, manufacturing exports raised five times in 9 years from that of 1985 (Rahmaddi & Ichihashi, 2011). However, regardless of the fall of manufacturing exports during Asian economic crisis in1998, it maintained a modest real GDP growth rate over 5 percent with more that 22 percent share of exports in GDP through 2000 to Literature Review There has been a good number of empirical studies on the export-growth relationship based on both time series as well as panel data. The results of the studies backed by time series data are inconclusive as some of them suggest that ELG hypothesis is valid for certain countries while it is not the case for others. While Medina-Smith (2001), Hossain & Karunaratne (2004), Siliverstovs & Herzer (2006), Baharumshah and Almasaied (2009) and Balcilar & Ozdemir (2013) find evidence to support ELG hypothesis, studies include Chang et al. (2000), Awokuse (2008), Ahmed and Uddin (2009), Mishra (2011) and Malhotra & Kumari (2016) oppose it. In addition, Shan and Sun (1998), Awokuse (2005) and Paul (2014) find that the causality between exports and GDP growth is bidirectional. Among the panel cointegration analysis, Sharma and Smyth (2009), Seabra and Galimberti (2012), Chandra Parida and Sahoo (2007), Biyase and Zwane (2014) and Olson (2014) find exports as a driving force of economic growth, but Bahmani-Oskooee et al. (2005) and Pazim et al. (2009), did not find sufficient evident to support evidence of the earlier studies. Results obtained from the studies on MINT countries employing time series data are also inconclusive. Studies mainly rely on Granger causality test with the aim of justifying the ELG for MINT countries. Studies that support ELG of MINT countries include McCarville & Nnadozie (1995), Thornton (1995), Lorde (2011), Ozturk and Acaravci (2010), but the hypothesis is opposed by Nguyen et al. (2013), Taban and Aktar (2008), Thangavelu and Rajaguru (2004), Alimi (2012). In addition, Lorde (2011) finds an inverse association between exports and GDP for Mexico. Granger causality from real GDP to exports is found to be unidirectional in the study of Nguyen et al. (2013) for Turkey and Alimi & Muse (2012) for Nigeria. Taban and Aktar (2008) identify a bidirectional causality relationship between real GDP growth and growth of exports in Turkey not only in the short run but also in the long run. The same result is found by Alimi (2012) for Nigeria, while Ojide et al. (2014) finds sufficient evidence in support of non-oil ELG hypothesis beyond the ELG hypothesis in Nigeria based on autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model and co-integration analysis. However, there is no study found addressing whether the growth of MINT countries are essentially driven by export making use of panel cointegration analysis and the study is an attempt to fill up the void. 4 Data Sources and Methodology The study considers yearly data accumulated from secondary sources to examine the ELG hypothesis for MINT countries. The balanced panel consists of data for export, import, gross capital formation and GDP for MINT countries for the period of and data of each variable is measured in US dollars. Data are in real form considering the base year The data are collected from World Development Indicators, World Bank. A substantial amount of equipment, raw materials and technologies are imported by all the MINT countries to support their local production and also exports. Therefore, it will be appropriate to include import as a component in the estimation of growth. To assess the change in the efficiency of production, the study also considers the stock of physical capital as dependent variable. But the stock of physical capital is proxied by gross fixed capital formation mainly due to the limitation of data and complications in measuring the stock of physical capital. Hence the theoretical model for the study to examine the export-growth relationship can be given by- ln y t ln EXP ln IMP ln CAP (1) it i i 1i it 2i it 3i it it Where y is gross domestic product, EXP is export, IMP is import and CAP is gross fixed capital formation. All the variables are in real form. The probable sign of 1 i, 3i is positive and 2i is negative. The limitation of pure time series and pure cross section analysis is that they are not able to detect all the information available in data while estimating the equations, which is not the case for panel data techniques. That is why the study estimates the export-growth relationship employing the panel cointegration technique. Moreover, coefficient estimates in panel data estimation are superior to time series estimation due to the increase in the power of the tests for small data span, provided that the sample covers only 30 observations for each of the countries. The study begins with panel unit root test for each series, applying Im et al. (1997) (IPS) techniques. Different methods are used for the test of panel cointegration. The null hypothesis of no-cointegration is assumed in the Engle & Granger (1987) tests and stochastic disturbances produced from the panel regression are used. This method is employed in the panel cointegration tests offered by Pedroni (1997), McCoskey & Kao (1998). Kwiatowski et al. (1992), Harris & Inder (1994) and Shin (1994) proposed another method that considers the null hypothesis of cointegration. Heterogeneity in the cointegrating coefficients is permitted by all these tests of panel cointegration. Primarily, the two-step methodology offered by Engle Granger is performed for panel cointegration

55 SESSION 2A: Growth & Development 39 tests where unit root tests are directly applied to the residuals. However, this procedure yields biased test statistics towards accepting stationarity (Pedroni, 1997). Pedroni (1997) challenges the suitability of applying panel unit root tests directly to the regression residuals for several reasons that include lack of exogeneity of the regressors and the residuals are dependent on the distribution of the estimated coefficients. As a result, it is necessary to have a robust test procedure for cointegration in the presence of heterogeneity as an alternative. The study prefers to employ the cointegration test offered by Pedroni which permits considerable heterogeneity. After testing for cointegration, analysis of equation (1) will be the next issue to be addressed. Fully-Modified OLS (FMOLS) approaches can be applied to attain the panel data estimates for β i. For heterogeneous panel with I(1) variables, application of this methodology is able to produce results superior to OLS. Its distribution is standard and follows the asymptotic properties of unbiasedness. Moreover, FMOLS performs better in producing consistent standard errors and therefore consistent t-statistics that the OLS estimator could not yield. 5 Empirical Results and Discussion Table 2 summarizes the IPS panel unit root test results both at levels and at first difference. The results of the panel unit root tests imply that there is no way of rejecting the null hypothesis of non-stationarity at log level for all variables. Therefore, all the variables considered for the study are stationary at their first difference level. Variable GDP Export Import Capital Level Intercept (0.904) (0.794) (0.383) (0.949) Intercept and Trend (0.350) (0.604) (0.217) (0.117) First Difference Intercept Intercept and Trend * * (0.000) (0.000) * * (0.000) (0.000) * * (0.000) (0.000) * * (0.000) (0.000) Table 2: Im, Pesaran, Shin (IPS) Unit Root Test Decision Since all the variables are stationary at first difference level, panel cointegration test can be conducted. As all the variables are integrated at same order, i.e. I(1), Pedroni s panel cointegration tests can be applied in order to examine the long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables. The findings of cointegration analysis based on equation (1) are reported in Table 3. The null hypothesis of non-cointegration against the alternative of cointegration is rejected in the case of equation (1) as both panel-adf and group-adf statistics are significant at 10% and 5% levels respectively. Apart from the adf-statistics, the results also imply significant panel-v and panel-pp statistics. The Kao test also rejects the null hypothesis- no cointegration as shown in table 4. Test Intercept p-value Intercept and Trend p-value Panel v-statistic * * Panel ρ-statistic * Panel pp-statistic * * Panel adf-statistic * * Group ρ Statistic Group pp-statistic * Group adf-statistic * Table 3: The Pedroni Panel Cointegration Test t-statistic Prob. ADF Residual variance HAC variance Table 4: Kao Residual Cointegration Test Overall cointegration results suggest that there exists a long run cointegrating relationship among the variables. Therefore, long run cointegrating relationship can be estimated. Table 5 summarizes the findings of group FMOLS of equations (1). Results lead to the inference that the coefficients hold the signs theoretically expected that are also statistically significant. Hence, the growth of MINT countries as a whole is export driven, but whether it differs from individual country experiences requires investigation. I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1)



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