prototype 2 save file / 'restore' için ara | Flathub

Prototype 2 Save File

prototype 2 save file


Bir oyun y&#;klersiniz biraz funduszeue.infoayara format atmanız da y&#;klersiniz biraz ilerlersiniz şimdilik oynayasınız yoktur ve harddiskte yere ihtiyacınız vardır oyunu sileceksinizdir ama save dosyalarını saklamak oyunu bitirmişsinizdir nette bir s&#;r&#; bitirilmiş hazır savelar bulunduğu halde kendi saveinizi saklamak istersiniz &#;ok bir farkı varmış gibi :) Bazen program filesta bazen application datada olur bazen nerede olacağı belli olmaz.İşte bu başlıkta oyunların save dosyaları nerede bulunuyor gibi soruları toplayabiliriz sorumu sorayım.

Deadspace,Fear(ilk oyun),X-Men Origins:Wolverine,Far Cry 2,Prince of Persia(),Crysis,Crysis:Warhead,Call Of Duty 4,Clive Barker's Jericho

oyunlarının saveları nerelerdedir?Şimdiden teşekk&#;rler.

< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi L-H-T -- 25 Mayıs ; >

Top 50 C Programming Interview Questions and Answers

At Bell Labs, Dennis Ritchie developed the C programming language between and C is a mid-level structured-oriented programming and general-purpose programming. It is one of the old and most popular programming languages. There are many applications in which C programming language is used, including languagecompilers, operating systems, assemblers, network drivers, text editors, print spoolers, modern applications, language interpreters, databases, and utilities. 

C Programming Interview Questions


C Programming Interview Questions

C Programming language is one of the languages that are both complex yet important to learn for strengthening your programming skills. Interview questions can be categorized into two parts:

  1. For Freshers
  2. For Experienced

In this article, you will get the frequently and most asked C programming interview questions and answers at the fresher and experienced levels. So, let us start with Questions for freshers.

C Programming Interview Questions &#; For Freshers

1. Why is C called a mid-level programming language?

Due to its ability to support both low-level and high-level features, C is considered a middle-level language. It is both an assembly-level language, i.e. a low-level language, and a higher-level language. Programs that are written in C are converted into assembly code, and they support pointer arithmetic (low-level) while being machine-independent (high-level). Therefore, C is often referred to as a middle-level language. C can be used to write operating systems and menu-driven consumer billing systems.

2. What are the features of the C programming language? 

features of C programming language

Features of C Programming language

For more information, refer to the article &#;Features of C programming language.

3. What are basic data types supported in the C Programming Language?

Each variable in C has an associated data type. Each data type requires different amounts of memory and has some specific operations which can be performed over it. It specifies the type of data that the variable can store like integer, character, floating, double, etc. In C data types are broadly classified into 4 categories:

  • Primitive data types: Primitive data types can be further classified into integer, and floating data types.
    • Void Types: Void data types come under primitive data types. Void data types provide no result to their caller and have no value associated with them.
  • User Defined data types: These data types are defined by the user to make the program more readable.
  • Derived data types: Data types that are derived from primitive or built-in data types.
Data Types in C

Data Types in C

For more information, refer to the article &#;Data Types in C.

4. What are tokens in C?

Tokens are identifiers or the smallest single unit in a program that is meaningful to the compiler. In C we have the following tokens:

  • Keywords: Predefined or reserved words in the C programming language. Every keyword is meant to perform a specific task in a program. C Programming language supports 32 keywords.
  • Identifiers: Identifiers are user-defined names that consist of an arbitrarily long sequence of digits or letters with either a letter or the underscore (_) as a first Character. Identifier names can’t be equal to any reserved keywords in the C programming language. There are a set of rules which a programmer must follow in order to name an identifier in C.
  • Constants: Constants are normal variables that cannot be modified in the program once they are defined. Constants refer to a fixed value. They are also referred to as literals.
  • Strings: Strings in C are an array of characters that end with a null character (‘\0). Null character indicates the end of the string; 
  • Special Symbols: Some special symbols in C have some special meaning and thus, they cannot be used for any other purpose in the program. # = {} () , * ; [] are the special symbols in C programming language.
  • Operators: Symbols that trigger an action when they are applied to any variable or any other object. Unary, Binary, and ternary operators are used in the C Programming language.

For more information, refer to the article &#;Tokens in C

5. What do you mean by the scope of the variable?

Scope in a programming language is the block or a region where a defined variable will have its existence and beyond that region, the variable is automatically destroyed.  Every variable has its defined scope. In simple terms, the scope of a variable is equal to its life in the program. The variable can be declared in three places These are:

  • Local Variables: Inside a given function or a block
  • Global Variables: Out of all functions globally inside the program.
  • Formal Parameters: In-function parameters only.

For more information, refer to the article &#;Scope in C

6. What are preprocessor directives in C?

In C preprocessor directives are considered the built-in predefined functions or macros that act as a directive to the compiler and are executed before the program execution. There are multiple steps involved in writing and executing a program in C. Main types of Preprocessor Directives are Macros, File Inclusion, Conditional Compilation, and Other directives like #undef, #pragma, etc.

Processor in C

Processor in C

For more information, refer to the article &#; Preprocessor Directives in C 

7. What is the use of static variables in C?

Static variables in the C programming language are used to preserve the data values between function calls even after they are out of their scope. Static variables preserve their values in their scope and they can be used again in the program without initializing again. Static variables have an initial value assigned to 0 without initialization.


OutputInitial value of static variable 0 Initial value of variable without static 0

For more information, refer to the article &#; Static Variables in C

8. What is the difference between malloc() and calloc() in the C programming language?

calloc() and malloc() library functions are used to allocate dynamic memory. Dynamic memory is the memory that is allocated during the runtime of the program from the heap segment. “stdlib.h” is the header file that is used to facilitate dynamic memory allocation in the C Programming language.

DefinitionIt is a function that creates one block of memory of a fixed size.It is a function that assigns more than one block of memory to a single variable.
Number of argumentsIt only takes one argument.It takes two arguments.
Speedmalloc() function is faster than calloc().calloc() is slower than malloc().
EfficiencyIt has high time efficiency.It has low time efficiency.
UsageIt is used to indicate memory allocation.It is used to indicate contiguous memory allocation.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Dynamic Memory Allocation in C using malloc(), calloc(), free(), and realloc()

9. What do you mean by dangling pointers and how are dangling pointers different from memory leaks in C programming?

Pointers pointing to deallocated memory blocks in C Programming are known as dangling pointers i.e, whenever a pointer is pointing to a memory location and In case the variable is deleted and the pointer still points to that same memory location then it is known as a dangling pointer variable. 
In C programming memory leak occurs when we allocate memory with the help of the malloc() or calloc() library function, but we forget to free the allocated memory with the help of the free() library function. Memory leak causes the program to use an undefined amount of memory from the RAM which makes it unavailable for other running programs this causes our program to crash.

Write a program to convert a number to a string with the help of sprintf() function in the C library.



OutputThe string for the num is

For more information, refer to the article &#; sprintf() in C

What is recursion in C?

Recursion is the process of making the function call itself directly or indirectly. A recursive function solves a particular problem by calling a copy of itself and solving smaller subproblems that sum up the original problems. Recursion helps to reduce the length of code and make it more understandable. The recursive function uses a LIFO ( Last In First Out ) structure like a stack. Every recursive call in the program requires extra space in the stack memory.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Recursion

What is the difference between the local and global variables in C?

Local variables are declared inside a block or function but global variables are declared outside the block or function to be accessed globally.

Local Variables

Global Variables

Declared inside a block or a function.Variables that are declared outside the block or a function.
By default, variables store a garbage value.By default value of the global value is zero.
The life of the local variables is destroyed after the block or a function.The life of the global variable exists until the program is executed.
Variables are stored inside the stack unless they are specified by the programmer.The storage location of the global variable is decided by the compiler.
To access the local variables in other functions parameter passing is required.No parameter passing is required. They are globally visible throughout the program.

What are pointers and their uses? 

Pointers are used to store the address of the variable or a memory location. Pointer can also be used to refer to another pointer function. The main purpose of the pointer is to save memory space and increase execution time. Uses of pointers are:

  • To pass arguments by reference
  • For accessing array elements
  • To return multiple values
  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • To implement data structures
  • To do system-level programming where memory addresses are useful
Working of Pointer

Working of Pointer

For more information, refer to the article &#; Pointer Uses in C.

What is typedef in C?

In C programming, typedef is a keyword that defines an alias for an existing type. Whether it is an integer variable, function parameter, or structure declaration, typedef will shorten the name.


typedef <existing-type> <alias-name>


  • existing type is already given a name. 
  • alias name is the new name for the existing variable.


typedef long long ll

What are loops and how can we create an infinite loop in C?

Loops are used to execute a block of statements repeatedly. The statement which is to be repeated will be executed n times inside the loop until the given condition is reached. There are two types of loops Entry controlled and Exit-controlled loops in the C programming language. An Infinite loop is a piece of code that lacks a functional exit. So, it repeats indefinitely. There can be only two things when there is an infinite loop in the program. One it was designed to loop endlessly until the condition is met within the loop. Another can be wrong or unsatisfied break conditions in the program.

Types of Loops

Types of Loops

 Below is the program for infinite loop in C:






For more information, refer to the article &#; Loops in C.

What is the difference between type casting and type conversion?

Type Casting

Type Conversion

The data type is converted to another data type by a programmer with the help of a casting operator.The data type is converted to another data by a compiler.
It can be applied to both compatible data types as well as incompatible data types.Type conversion can only be applied to only compatible data types.
In Type casting in order to cast the data type into another data type, a caste operator is neededIn type conversion, there is no need for a casting operator.
Type casting is more efficient and reliable.Type conversion is less efficient and less reliable than type casting.
Type casting takes place during the program design by the programmer.Type conversion is done at compile time.
destination_data_type = (target_data_type) variable_to_be_converted;
int a = 20; float b; b = a; // a =

For more information, refer to the article &#; Type Casting and Type Conversion.

What are header files and their uses?

C language has numerous libraries which contain predefined functions to make programming easier. Header files contain predefined standard library functions. All header files must have a ‘.h’ extension. Header files contain function definitions, data type definitions, and macros which can be imported with the help of the preprocessor directive ‘#include’. Preprocessor directives instruct the compiler that these files are needed to be processed before the compilation. 
There are two types of header files i.e, User-defined header files and Pre-existing header files. For example, if our code needs to take input from the user and print desired output to the screen then ‘stdio.h’ header file must be included in the program as #include<stdio.h>. This header file contains functions like scanf() and printf() which are used to take input from the user and print the content.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Header Files in C

What are the functions and their types?

The function is a block of code that is used to perform a task multiple times rather than writing it out multiple times in our program. Functions avoid repetition of code and increase the readability of the program. Modifying a program becomes easier with the help of function and hence reduces the chances of error. There are two types of functions:

  • User-defined Functions: Functions that are defined by the user to reduce the complexity of big programs. They are built only to satisfy the condition in which the user is facing issues and are commonly known as “tailor-made functions”.
  • Built-in Functions: Library functions are provided by the compiler package and consist of special functions with special and different meanings. These functions give programmers an edge as we can directly use them without defining them.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Functions in C

What is the difference between macro and functions?

A macro is a name that is given to a block of C statements as a pre-processor directive. Macro is defined with the pre-processor directive. Macros are pre-processed which means that all the macros would be preprocessed before the compilation of our program. However, functions are not preprocessed but compiled. 

Macros are preprocessed.Functions are compiled.
Code length is increased using macro.Code length remains unaffected using function.
Execution speed using a macro is faster.Execution speed using function is slower.
The macro name is replaced by the macro value before compilation.Transfer of control takes place during the function call.
Macro doesn&#;t check any Compile-Time Errors.Function check Compile-time errors.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Macro vs Functions

C Programming Interview Questions &#; Intermediate Level

How to convert a string to numbers in C?

In C we have 2 main methods to convert strings to numbers i.e, Using string stream, Using stoi() library Function, and using atoi() library function. 

  • sscanf(): It reads input from a string rather than standard input.
  • atoi(): This function takes a string literal or a character array as an argument and an integer value is returned.

For more information, refer to the article &#;String to Numbers in C

What are reserved keywords?

Every keyword is meant to perform a specific task in a program. Their meaning is already defined and cannot be used for purposes other than what they are originally intended for. C Programming language supports 32 keywords. Some examples of reserved keywords are auto, else, if, long, int, switch, typedef, etc.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Variables and Keywords in C

What is a structure?

The structure is a keyword that is used to create user-defined data types. The structure allows storing multiple types of data in a single unit. The structure members can only be accessed through the structure variable.


struct student
   char name[20];
   int roll_no;
  char address[20];
  char branch[20];

Below is the C program to implement structure:







OutputName: Kamlesh_Joshi Roll_No: 27 Address: Haldwani Branch: Computer Science And Engineering

For more information, refer to the article &#; Structure in C

What is union?

A union is a user-defined data type that allows users to store multiple types of data in a single unit. However, a union does not occupy the sum of the memory of all members. It holds the memory of the largest member only. Since the union allocates one common space for all the members we can access only a single variable at a time. The union can be useful in many situations where we want to use the same memory for two or more members.


union name_of_union
   data_type name;
   data_type name;

For more information, refer to the article &#; Union in C

What is an r-value and value?

An &#;l-value&#; refers to an object with an identifiable location in memory (i.e. having an address).  An &#;l-value&#; will appear either on the right or left side of the assignment operator(=). An &#;r-value&#; is a data value stored in memory at a given address. An &#;r-value&#; refers to an object without an identifiable location in memory (i.e. without an address). An &#;r-value&#; is an expression that cannot be assigned a value, therefore it can only exist on the right side of an assignment operator (=).


int val = 20;

Here, val is the &#;l-value&#;, and 20 is the &#;r-value&#;.

For more information, refer to the article &#; r-value and l-value in C

What is the difference between call by value and call by reference?

Call by value

Call by Reference

Values of the variable are passed while function calls.The address of a variable(location of variable) is passed while the function call.
Dummy variables copy the value of each variable in the function call.Dummy variables copy the address of actual variables.
Changes made to dummy variables in the called function have no effect on actual variables in the calling function.We can manipulate the actual variables using addresses.
A simple technique is used to pass the values of variables.The address values of variables must be stored in pointer variables.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Call by Value and Call by Reference

What is the sleep() function?

sleep() function in C allows the users to wait for a current thread for a given amount of time. sleep() function will sleep the present executable for the given amount of time by the thread but other operations of the CPU will function properly. sleep() function returns 0 if the requested time has elapsed.

For more information, refer to the article &#; sleep() Function in C

What are enumerations?

In C, enumerations (or enums) are user-defined data types. Enumerations allow integral constants to be named, which makes a program easier to read and maintain. For example, the days of the week can be defined as an enumeration and can be used anywhere in the program.

enum enumeration_name{constant1, constant2, };




In the above example, we declared “day” as the variable, and the value of “Wed” is allocated to day, which is 2. So as a result, 2 is printed.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Enumeration (or enum) in C

What is a volatile keyword?

Volatile keyword is used to prevent the compiler from optimization because their values can’t be changed by code that is outside the scope of current code at any time. The System always reads the current value of a volatile object from the memory location rather than keeping its value in a temporary register at the point it is requested, even if previous instruction is asked for the value from the same object. 

Write a C program to print the Fibonacci series using recursion and without using recursion.

Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci Numbers


















Output: Please Enter number of Elements: 5 Fibonacci Series with the help of Recursion: 0 1 1 2 3 Fibonacci Series without Using Recursion: 0 1 1 2 3

For more information, refer to the article &#; Fibonacci Numbers

Write a C program to check whether a number is prime or not.

Number Prime or not

Number Prime or not








For more information, refer to the article &#; Prime or Not

How is source code different from object code?

Source CodeObject Code
Source code is generated by the programmer.object code is generated by a compiler or another translator.
High-level code which is human-understandable.Low-level code is not human-understandable.
Source code can be easily modified and contains less number of statements than object code.Object code cannot be modified and contains more statements than source code.
Source code can be changed over time and is not system specific.Object code can be modified and is system specific.
Source code is less close to the machine and is input to the compiler or any other translator.Source code is more close to the machine and is the output of the compiler or any other translator.
Language translators like compilers, assemblers, and interpreters are used to translate source code to object code.Object code is machine code so it does not require any translation.

For more information, refer to the article &#; Source vs Object Code.

What is static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation?

  • Static memory allocation: Memory allocation which is done at compile time is known as static memory allocation. Static memory allocation saves running time. It is faster than dynamic memory allocation as memory allocation is done from the stack. This memory allocation method is less efficient as compared to dynamic memory allocation. It is mostly preferred in the array. 
  • Dynamic memory allocation:

PC kullanıcıları, Prototype 2 için üzülmeyin

Geçtiğimiz hafta sizlere Activision'ın Prototype 2'yi hazırlayan Radical Entertainment firmasının etkinliğini azalttığını duyurmuştuk. Prototype hayranları için üzücü bir haber olsa da esas yıkım henüz kendine çıkmamış PC kullanıcıları için gelmişti.

Fakat o konuda korkulacak birşey olmadığı anlaşıldı.

PC kullanıcıları, Prototype 2 için üzülmeyin
Radical Entertainment, resmi Facebook sayfasında "PC oyuncuları merak etmeyin. Prototype 2 planlandığı gibi 24 Temmuz'da PC'lere çıkacak. Öte yandan bizlere büyük sadakat ve tutuku ile bağlanan hayranlarımıza ve Prototype Army'e çok teşekkür ederiz. Sizler olmasaydınız bu kadar bile ileri gidemezdik" şeklinde bir mesaj yazdı.

Nisan ayında konsollara çıkan Prototype 2'den sonra Activision firması oyunu geliştiren Radical Entertainment'ın artık kendi projelerini yapmayacağını onun yerine ufalarak varolan projelerde yer alacağını belirtmişti.
PC kullanıcıları, Prototype 2 için üzülmeyin

Prison break 4 sezon 20 bölüm

Prison break 4 sezon 20 bölüm Prison break 4 sezon 20 bölüm Bölüm Türkçe Altyazılı izle Üye Ol Üye Girişi Gözat Dizi Arşivi Film Arşivi Yeni Bölümler İletişim Prison Break 4. Bölüm p full hd kalitesinde türkçe dublaj ve altyazılı seçenekleri ile DiziPAL adresinden izleyebilirsiniz Cs go da nasıl bedava skin alınır Prison Break 4 Sezon 8 Bölüm’ü Türkçe altyazılı HD 4 Page 2 4 Bölüm Full izle, Prison Break 4 Sezon izle, Prison Break 4 SYNOPSIS Bölümü Final Sezon 20 Sezon 9 Bölüm p Full HD izle, Prison Break 4. Sezon Bölüm Full izle, Prison Break 4. Sezon Sezon Bölüm Cowboys & Indians diziwatch player İzledimSonra İzle Sonraki Bölüm » « Önceki Bölüm Sezonun Diğer Bölümleri 4. Prison Break Prison Break Bölüm izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break 4.Bölüm'ü Türkçe altyazılı HD görüntü kalitesinde tek parça olarak izleyin Prison Break 4. Sezon Bölüm türkçe altyazılı olarak yabancı dizi izle, mobil Prison Break yabancı dizi türkçe altyazılı seyret.. Prison Break 4 Sezon Bölüm dizibox farkıyla karşınızda. Sizlere her daim en iyi hizmeti sunmak için çok çalışıyoruz. Bu bölümü türkçe altyazılı, donmadan, yüksek kalitede ve tek parça olarak izleyebilirsiniz. Aşağıdan yorumlarınızı esirgemeyin lütfen. Keyifli seyirler dileriz. Prison Break 4. Sezon Veya yorumunuzu aşağıdan misafir olarak gönderin. Tüm zamanlar Yorumlar Prison Break Season 4 Episode 20 Michael and Burrows escape to one of the floors. Christina makes a deal with the Indian Prime Minister, who was also Banarjee's father, to sell him Scylla. Self tells Michael and Burrows how the police is going to capture them and kills a DHS agent who spots Bölüm izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break Sezon Bölüm izleyin. Prison Break Sezon Bölüm tek parça full izle, Türkçe altyazılı izleyin. Prison Break izle, Dizinin tüm bölümlerini izleyebilir veya hakkında yorumlara ve çeşitli bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz Sezon 8 Bölüm The Price 20 Eki Prison Break izle, Michael Scofield dahi bir mühendistir. Kendisine ait bir şirketi ve normal bir hayatı vardır. Ama işler uzun süredir görüşmediği Page 2 4. Prison Break 4. ve 2.Bölüm izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break 2. Bölüm’ü Türkçe altyazılı HD 4 Sezon 9. Durum: Devam Ediyor Orjinal Adı: Prison Break İlk Yayın Tarihi: Sezon Bölüm izle, Prison Break disizini Türkçe alt yazı ve hd seçeneğiyle ücretsiz olarak izleyin. Prison Break 4. Prison Break Bölüm p Full HD izle, Prison Break Sezon Bölüm Türkçe Altyazılı izle Lincoln and his men (Self, T-Bag, Mahone) are trying to find Scylla. They try to find a clue for the key from the fake buyer who killed Gretchen. They find a Church and an Estate that matches with key. Prison Break izle, Dizinin tüm bölümlerini izleyebilir veya hakkında yorumlara ve çeşitli bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz Sezon 8. Bölüm The Price 20 Eki Prison Break izle, Michael Scofield dahi bir mühendistir. Ama işler uzun süredir görüşmediği Prison Break Bölüm Full HD p kalitesinde donmadan izle & bölümü indir. Dizinin tüm sezonlarını Dizimag kalitesiyle seyret. Page 2 4 Prison Break 1. ve 2.Bölüm izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break 2.Bölüm’ü Türkçe altyazılı HD 4. Sezon 9. Bölüm Süresi: 45 Dakika Web Sitesi: Yorum yazabilmek için üye girişi yapmanız Prison Break Bölüm Türkçe Dublaj izle, Prison Break Türkçe Dublaj izle, Prison Break 4.Bölüm'ü Türkçe dublaj HD görüntü kalitesinde tek parça izle Prison Break Bölüm p Full HD izle, Prison Break Bölüm Full izle, Prison Break 4 Sezon Bölüm Türkçe Altyazılı izle Prison Break Bölümü Yüksek Kalitede, Türkçe Dublaj, Altyazı ve İndirme seçenekleri ile diziMAX'da. Teşekkürler! diziMAX Keyifli Seyirler Diler!.. Bu bölüm özeti Admin tarafından oluşturuldu. Lincoln and his men (Self, T-Bag, Mahone) are trying to find Scylla. They find a Church and an Estate that matches with key. When Lincoln and Mahone investigate the Estate, Lincoln finds a picture of him with his mother. Prison Break izle, Michael Scofield dahi bir mühendistir. Kendisine ait bir şirketi ve normal bir hayatı vardır. Prison Break 1. ve 2.Bölüm izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break 4. Sezon izle, Prison Break 4 Sezon 2.Bölüm’ü Türkçe altyazılı HD 4. Sezon 9. Bölüm Süresi: 45 Dakika Web Sitesi: Yorum yazabilmek için üye girişi yapmanız Prison Break ()7 Ekim Perşembe Kullanıcı oyu: 10 / 10 (2 oy) SEZON: 4. BÖLÜM: 4 - Eagles and Angels . SYNOPSIS Michael, Lincoln ve Eski Dizi Arşivi. Prison Break Türkçe Dublaj Bölüm. Prison Break Türkçe Dublaj 5 Yorum Yapılmış. Prison Break 4. Sezon ve Bölümü Final Prison Break Bölümü Yüksek Kalitede, Türkçe Dublaj, Altyazı ve İndirme seçenekleri ile diziMAX'da. Bizlere destek olmak için yorum yapmayı, bölümü beğenmeyi unutmayın.. Bu bölüm özeti Admin tarafından oluşturuldu. O kadar site gezdim sanırım en iyi site burası bölümler asla donmuyor ️ her dizinin ayrı ayrı altyazılı ve Türkçe dublaj versiyonu var tüm bölümler HD kalitede kısaca her şey harika. Prison Break Türkçe Dublaj 4. Sezon 20 Bölüm P izle Prison Break 4. Sezon İzle - OnlineDizi. 4. Sezon. Mükkemmel kurgulanmış Prison Break izle, Michael Scofield dahi bir mühendistir. Kendisine ait bir şirketi ve normal bir hayatı vardır. Ama işler uzun süredir görüşmediği Prison Break Bölümleri Listesi Hakkında Detaylı Bilgi. Bu madde Prison Break dizisinin yayınlanan tüm bölümlerinin listesidir. Dizinin ilk sezonu 22 bölümdür ve sezon finali Türkiye`de 15 Mayıs tarinde gösterilmiştir. İkinci sezon Page 2 4. Prison Break 1.Bölüm izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break izle, Prison Break 2.Bölüm’ü Türkçe altyazılı HD 4. 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Prison Break Bir yapı mühendisi olan Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) işlememiş olduğu bir suçtan idam cezasına çarptırılan abisi Lincoln Burrows’u (Dominic Purcell) kurtarmak için tüm yasal yolların tükendiğini farkedince işleri kendi eline alır İlk sezon 29 Ağustos tarihinde Amerikan Fox kanalında gösterilmeye başlanmıştır ve 2 sezon tüm bölümler tek link halinde torrent buyrun; http://eztv Bing Google Bölüm - Cowboys & Indians Türkçe Altyazılı Türkçe Dublaj Sonra izle İzledim Kaynak 1 - DTime Reklamı Geç - 11 Yorum göndermek için üye girişi yapınız Prison Break 4 Bölüm'ü Türkçe altyazılı HD görüntü kalitesinde tek parça olarak izleyin Prison Break 4 Bölüm full hd izle, Prison Break 4

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