gl max / Ini Alasan Honda GL Max dan GL Pro Jadi Incaran Kolektor Motor Lawas : Okezone Otomotif

gl max

gl max

Hal inilah yang membuat GL Pro Blck Engine menjadi barang incaran para kolektor, sehingga harganya melambung tinggi. Research using the method of analysis of the machine and then with how to make design engine parts which can be fitted oil cooler, the design is created using a creo software in this case is aimed at reducing the risk of failure. GL Max. Namun, ini juga tak bertahan lama karena harus berhenti produksi pada Here was done the experiment made a breakthrough with a means of making the oil cooler for the Honda GL MAX, aiming to let the community hasn't been able to buy a motorcycle with the latest technology can sense the development of technology.


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