chmood / Ubuntu Manpage: chmod - change file mode bits



Examples: chmod file — owner can read and write chmod file — owner can read, write and execute chmod file — all can read and write chmod file — all can read, write and execute. At a Unix prompt, type: ls -l The output looks like this: drwxrwxrwx 1 username users Feb 18 index. Now, whether you use the numbers or the text, you can name files using standard wild cards. Panduan Email. For regular files on some older systems, the bit saves the program's text image on the swap device so it will load more quickly when run; this is called the sticky bit. Disadur sepenuhnya dari sumber:. Hal ini bukan suatu masalah karena hak akses symbolic link tidak pernah digunakan. Otherwise, the mode bits represented by the specified who and perm values are cleared. Panduan Hosting. Dalam sistem operasi linux akan sering menjumpai istilah chmod. Like Loading


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