аладдин советник форекс / Поиск - ????????????

Аладдин Советник Форекс

аладдин советник форекс

Online Retailer

Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

A customer from China has to pay RMB based on USD/RMB interbank rate of

In Reality,

Customer from China has to pay RMB based on credit card rate with 4% FX charges

Illustration …Example 1

In an Ideal World,

Indonesia retailer to receive IDR 1,, based on USD/IDR interbank rate of 12,

In Reality,

Indonesia retailer to receive IDR 1,, based on 2% merchant charges and credit card rate with 4% FX charges

Example 2: Online Retailer Online Retailer

Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

China Customer has to pay RMB based on USD/RMB interbank rate of

In Reality,

China Customer has to pay RMB based on credit card rate with  4% FX charges

Illustration …Example 1

In an Ideal World,

Indonesia retailer to receive IDR 1,, based on USD/IDR interbank rate of 12,

In Reality,

Indonesia retailer to receive IDR 1,, based on 2% merchant charges and credit card rate with 4% FX charges

Example 2: Online Retailer

E-commerce platforms experience high cart abandonment rates when shoppers face price uncertainty from unclear FX conversion rates. Having to check indicative exchange rates from an external source at the most critical point of the sales process makes it extremely unlikely that shoppers return and complete the purchase. Aladdin eliminates the uncertainty with its guaranteed Home Currency Pricing (HCP) solution, giving your shoppers peace of mind and improving your cart conversion rates. All this is achieved with our award-winning proprietary engine and at an industry-beating price.

Apart from providing a robust and secure framework that enables both online and offline merchants to accept payments from various sources, payment service providers (PSPs) must be able to easily collect and settle with their merchants in their home currencies. To stay ahead of competition and expand their international footprint, many PSPs have to manage multiple banking relationships. This is time-consuming and expensive due to a lack of bargaining power and challenging regulatory requirements made by banks. Riding on our proprietary FX engine, Aladdin can now help PSPs manage their FX risk and allow them to settle with their merchants in their home currency, wherever they are. With this, PSPs can focus on what truly matters to their business: rapid expansion in new territories, and the acquisition of new merchants.

Online travel agencies / Hospitality

Faced with excessive competition in the current landscape, creating a personalised user experience is increasingly crucial for players in the hospitality industry. With Aladdin, businesses are able to provide prices in the home currencies of global customers, creating a seamless and localised user experience across touch points.

What we have achieved
since inception

Aladdin delivers tangible results and has successfully helped our clients increase their cross-border transactions by more than %.


Total Transacted Volume


Icon-savings … shoppers

Savings for Shoppers



Revenue Stream for Platforms



Additional Revenue for Sellers



What makes Aladdin impactful

Price uncertainty for shoppers due to FX conversion leads to lost sales and poor user experience. Aladdin makes it simple and risk-free for e-commerce platforms and merchants to offer localised prices to global customers.


Local preference

The majority of online shoppers prefer to make purchases from local websites.


Lost sales

Price uncertainty can lead to higher shopping cart abandonment.


Conversion rates

Online shoppers leave international websites to calculate exchange rates before deciding to purchase.


Web traffic

Customers are less likely to revisit single-currency pricing websites.


Increased revenue

Customers are more likely to spend more money on a multi-currency pricing website.


Customer experience

Most online shoppers are concerned about how much they are paying for FX when shopping in foreign currency.

How it works

We provide price certainty without foreign currency risk

Aladdin is a fully scalable and integrated point-of-sale home-currency pricing solution. It empowers e-commerce platforms or merchants to price goods in multiple currencies without any exposure to foreign exchange risk. International customers across 45 countries can enjoy a localised shopping experience in their home currency from the point of browsing all the way through to the point of purchase.

How it works

Home-currency pricing

Set prices in customers' home currencies to increase sales conversion rates. Reassure your overseas shoppers by securing the exact value of their purchases at the point of checkout, reducing buyer hesitation and cart abandonment.


How it works

Seamless execution

Integrate Aladdin into your e-commerce platform and have tight control over your pricing and margins. Trades of all sizes are confirmed electronically. Settlement becomes seamless, simplifying your processing and reconciliation.


How it works

Guaranteed FX rates

Customise your guaranteed FX rate period in advance depending on your business needs. Refunds will be processed at the original transacted rate for up to 90 days. Aladdin also allows the configuration of a spread, creating a new "risk-free" revenue stream previously captured by other third parties.


How it works

Workflow of a client with cross-border currency trades of USD/SGD



Watch how Aladdin works

Aladdin empowers e-commerce platforms to provide international shoppers with prices in their local currencies. See how it works for one of the largest global e-commerce marketplaces AliExpress.

Example 1: Online Customer

In the morning, I often come across my father’s many mugs, still half-full of coffee. I could never tell when it was made, as he indulged a cup irrelevant of the time of day. What I did know was that this half-filled mug would mean another project. It was another stretch of long work hours, and it triggered emotions inside of me that would sometimes drive tears to my eyes. Whether it was an overwhelming sense of appreciation, or a rising feeling of empathy in my chest, I could never seem to describe the sensation very well. Moments like this one, imagining my father, driven by his responsibility to care for his family, working long hours, helped me do my best in everything. It helped me choose the right decision, even when I’m tempted with an easy one. The main focus of my essay will be what I’ve learned growing up in the apartment where we started, and in the house we now live in, from having my father in my life, and how it has made me who I am today.

I hope those who read this would relate to the experience of having a figure in their life they learn from. While my experience does emphasize growing up in my adolescent and young adult years, the experience of having this role model is, in my opinion, not limited to this particular part of our lives.

In writing this narrative about my personal experience, I think I would like to figure out for myself exactly the values I have grown up with, in order to clarify my reasons for choosing the career path I am currently in today. As a personal essay, I feel as though it should be about self-discovery, and in taking the time to think about the most influential figure in my life, I think it would help to seeing more of myself as a person.


When I find myself standing against a tough situation, I always confront it by first, reminding myself who I am. What that means is, reminding myself of the values I hold important in my life. With this perspective displayed in front of me, I feel more capable overcoming a difficult, sometimes painful, situation. When I find myself faced with a big decision, I also carry out this process in my mind. Having my values in mind helps me weigh my options, and I feel more satisfied with the decision I make. In these critical moments, I feel great gratitude towards my father, who has held the role of a sculptor in my life.


You definitely need to sit down and think about which personal values you are planning to explore, and which experiences specifically you will describe to not only depict the value itself, but also the experience you had learning that lesson.

You need to be careful to avoid simply describing what you learned, and try to allow the readers to learn what that lesson is through the scene of your experience. The follow-up to your scenes can be a more in-depth description of what you learned, but avoid lecturing about your beliefs.

For your digital story, maybe recreating the setting of the most impactful experiences would be a good visual. Think about whether music would be a good addition. Think about what specifically you would like to take out of this essay for your digital story: an experience that would be best depicted with audio and visuals, or the experience that impacted you the most?

Remember to connect these experiences with your current career path, and your current goals for the future. Again, avoid lecturing about your personal beliefs, and try to put more effort into making more descriptive scenes.  


My father was a busy man. He stood taller than me, and often placed a hand of comfort on my head, tousling my hair, and it would embarrass me. When he wasn’t around, however, I knew he was working, or sleeping after long hours of work. He spent most of his time in front of his computer screen, project after project. Before I realized how much time had passed, I noticed the lines of gray hair on his head. Still, his work ethic had not changed. This wasn’t a passion or obsession with work; I knew it was the duty of caring for us, his family, that pulled him through the long hours.


Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer has to pay TWD based on USD/TWD interbank rate of

In Reality,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer has to pay TWD assuming a 4% FX charge

Illustration-Example 3

In an Ideal World,

Offline Indian supplier to receive INR based on USD/INR interbank rate of

In Reality,

Offline Indian supplier to receive INR based assuming a transaction cost of 1% charge and a 4% FX charge

Example 4: Online Wholesaler Wholesaler

Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

Indonesia retailer has to pay IDR , based on USD/IDR interbank rate of 12,

In Reality,

Indonesia retailer has to pay IDR , assuming a 4% FX charge

Illustration-Example 2

In an Ideal World,

Thai wholesaler to receive THB 1, based on USD/THB interbank rate of

In Reality,

Indonesia retailer to receive THB 1, assuming transaction cost of 1% charge and 4% FX charge

Example 3: Online Retailer Supplier

Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

Online Thai wholesaler has to pay THB based on USD/THB interbank rate of

In Reality,

Online Thai wholesaler has to pay THB assuming a 4% FX charge

Illustration-Example 4

In an Ideal World,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer to receive TWD based on USD/TWD interbank rate of

In Reality,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer to receive TWD assuming a transaction cost of 1% charge and a 4% FX charge

Total Loss: USD

Price certainty without foreign currency risks


Example 1: Online Customer Wholesaler

Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer has to pay TWD based on USD/TWD interbank rate of

In Reality,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer has to pay TWD assuming a 4% FX charge

Illustration-Example 3

In an Ideal World,

Offline Indian supplier to receive INR based on USD/INR interbank rate of

In Reality,

Offline Indian supplier to receive INR based assuming a transaction cost of 1% charge and a 4% FX charge

Example 4: Online Wholesaler

„Dej tam víc třísek. Ty noviny víc zmuchlej. My tam občas foukáme, to pomáhá.“ Poprvé zatápím v kamnech a asistuje mi hned několik lidí. Každý má trochu jiný postup a ten jeho je nejlepší. Do toho mě za rukáv tahají děti. Chaos! Jsem z nich nervózní a posílám je pryč. V kamnech hoří. Hurá! Prvotní úspěch.

Mám z kamen respekt. Trnu, abych včas přiložila, aby se děti nespálily, abych se nespálila já a aby ti moji žrouti měli vůbec co jíst, protože kamna jsou jediným sporákem v chalupě. Tohle bylo měsíc zpět. Teď už mi nikdo neradí.

Studánka v chalupě

„Až půjdeš do studánky, skloň hlavu. Jak pršelo, vylezli slimáci a budeš je mít přímo nad hlavou,“ upozorňuje mě manžel. Brrr! Jestli něco nesnáším, tak slimáky! Studánka je zvláštní místo v chalupě. Kamenná klenba zasazená do svahu, pod kterou je studánka. V dobách stavby chalupy mělo toto místo dvě funkce &#; regulace vlhkosti a zdroj vody. Pro nás funguje jako sklad potravin a lednice, která v chalupě zatím není.

Slimáků mi nad hlavou visí několik, díky světlu v temné místnosti je i zřetelně vidím. Přeju si jen, aby mi nespadl některý z těch slizounů za krk. Prší několik dní v kuse, a tak slimáky máme i všude kolem.

Pivo na slimáka

„Mamka je utopí v pivu,“ radí Martin. „V pivu?“ divím se. Odpoledne sousedka rozvíjí pivní fintu na slimáky: „To vezmete petku, uřežete půlku a zahrabete na úrovni země. Nalijete pivo a do rána jich tam máte utopených tak “ Uf! Vidím to hned v obraze a ten obraz se mi hnusí. Sousedka vyhodnotila můj zkřivený obličej a k mé drobné radosti pokračuje jinou alternativou: „Ale já ho nejčastěji přeříznu vejpůl a on do rána zmizí. Taky si na ně nehodlám zvyknout. Žerou mi kytky!&#; Nejsem si úplně jistá, jak se tvářím teď, ale o nic lepší to nebude. V té chvíli přichází soused a rázně sděluje: „Já je propíchnu a je klid. Jsou přemnožený. Vyhodit je pryč ničemu nepomůže.“ Děkuju všem za rady. Odcházím s myšlenkou, že operace slimák bude moje achillova pata.

Kolega pavouk

„Káji,“ běžím za manželem a sotva popadám dech, „skočil mi obrovskej pavouk &#; tlustej jako prase- přímo na čelo!&#; Vymetala jsem stodolu a jeden křivák mi opravdu skočil témeř do tváře. Od manžela jsem čekala minimálně medaily, protože jsem ani nepípla. Pavouků se nebojím, ale ráda je nemám. Pokud se nějaký větší zatoulal do našeho bytu, volala jsem manžela. V chalupě je jich jasná převaha. Pavučiny &#; vymetené týdny dozadu &#; jsou zpět. Rozhodla jsem se na tyto 8nohé tvory dívat trochu jinak.

Tom a Jerry

„A když najdu myš v ložnici, tak co mám dělat? Honit ji s koštětem? Majznout ji po hlavě?&#; chrlím dotazy na manžela. &#;Nic. Stejně ji nechytneš,&#; odpovídá s klidem. V mé hlavě zní magické slovo &#; kočka. Sousedovic Mikeška mi ukázala, že si s myší výborně poradí. Jednu bez hlavy už přinesla před dveře chalupy. Tak na ni budu spoléhat dál.

Premiéra motorové pily

„Slib mi, že mi zůstanou obě ruce celé,“ říkám úzkostně manželovi. Ten bere novou motorovou pilu opět do rukou. „Věřím ti! Ale mám z toho respekt,“ dodávám. Manžel mi následně pevným hlasem slibuje, že mi nic neuřízne. A jedeme dál. Když jsme začali řezat, sepnul adrenalin a mě ani nanepadlo bát se o prsty. Pak se pila párkrát sekla a manžel mi posunul ruce dál. Adrenalin vystřídal pud sebezáchovy. Od pily jde teplo. Všude létají piliny. I do očí.

Vystoupit ze své komfortní zóny je pro mě adrenalinem a jistou formou sebepoznávání. I tak vím, že některé věci pro mě budou tvrdším oříškem jak jiné.


Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

Indonesia retailer has to pay IDR , based on USD/IDR interbank rate of 12,

In Reality,

Indonesia retailer has to pay IDR , assuming a 4% FX charge

Illustration-Example 2

In an Ideal World,

Thai wholesaler to receive THB 1, based on USD/THB interbank rate of

In Reality,

Indonesia retailer to receive THB 1, assuming transaction cost of 1% charge and 4% FX charge

Example 3: Online Retailer Supplier

Price certainty without foreign currency risks

In an Ideal World,

Online Thai wholesaler has to pay THB based on USD/THB interbank rate of

In Reality,

Online Thai wholesaler has to pay THB assuming a 4% FX charge

Illustration-Example 4

In an Ideal World,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer to receive TWD based on USD/TWD interbank rate of

In Reality,

Offline Taiwanese manufacturer to receive TWD assuming a transaction cost of 1% charge and a 4% FX charge


Total Loss: USD

Price certainty without foreign currency risks


E-commerce platforms experience high cart abandonment rates when shoppers face price uncertainty from unclear FX conversion rates. Having to check indicative exchange rates from an external source at the most critical point of the sales process makes it extremely unlikely that shoppers return and complete the purchase. Aladdin eliminates the uncertainty with its guaranteed Home Currency Pricing (HCP) solution, giving your shoppers peace of mind and improving your cart conversion rates. All this is achieved with our award-winning proprietary engine and at an industry-beating price.

Apart from providing a robust and secure framework that enables both online and offline merchants to accept payments from various sources, payment service providers (PSPs) must be able to easily collect and settle with their merchants in their home currencies. To stay ahead of competition and expand their international footprint, many PSPs have to manage multiple banking relationships. This is time-consuming and expensive due to a lack of bargaining power and challenging regulatory requirements made by banks. Riding on our proprietary FX engine, Aladdin can now help PSPs manage their FX risk and allow them to settle with their merchants in their home currency, wherever they are. With this, PSPs can focus on what truly matters to their business: rapid expansion in new territories, and the acquisition of new merchants.

Online travel agencies / Hospitality

Faced with excessive competition in the current landscape, creating a personalised user experience is increasingly crucial for players in the hospitality industry. With Aladdin, businesses are able to provide prices in the home currencies of global customers, creating a seamless and localised user experience across touch points.

Currency conversion

Current challenges

How it works

Patented technology to achieve competitive FX rates

COM-PLAX™ — our patented VWAP pricing sourcing algorithm — enables maximum pricing compression for competitive FX rates.


Multiple liquidity providers

Liquidity in the form of executable real-time streaming quotes from multiple liquidity providers is aggregated into a single book for a comprehensive and accurate view of the market.


Highly competitive rates

COM-PLAX™ slices trades into pieces and executes at the top of each liquidity provider's book to achieve maximum pricing compression. This eliminates any possibility of rates manipulation and front-running by individual banks as it determines the equilibrium supply and demand prices in isolation from both parties.


Optimised efficiency for best results

With MyFX, M-DAQ has created a venue that achieves Best Execution, Efficient Price Discovery and Fair Position Allocation. This reduces transaction costs for Buy Side and increases revenue for Sell Side.


API integration

Connectivity through API is also available for integration with in-house systems to achieve Straight-Through Processing (STP).



A bigger market

Liquidity from multiple channels is aggregated for superior access to the market compared to any single liquidity provider.



Best pricing and execution

Through COM-PLAX™, MyFX is able deliver maximum price compression without the risk of information leakage.



Optimise for efficiency

With the web-based platform and API connectivity offerings, clients can optimise their workflows to achieve best practices.


How it works

Simple, fuss-free process from quotation to trade records

With MyFX, clients get to enjoy efficient currency conversion at the most optimal rates.


Access MyFX through the website portal


Or integrate through API for STP


Receive funds in your bank account on the settlement date


Download trade records for reporting and reconciliation

E-commerce platforms experience high cart abandonment rates when shoppers face price uncertainty from unclear FX conversion rates. Having to check indicative exchange rates from an external source at the most critical point of the sales process makes it extremely unlikely that shoppers return and complete the purchase. Aladdin eliminates the uncertainty with its guaranteed Home Currency Pricing (HCP) solution, giving your shoppers peace of mind and improving your cart conversion rates. All this is achieved with our award-winning proprietary engine and at an industry-beating price.

Apart from providing a robust and secure framework that enables both online and offline merchants to accept payments from various sources, payment service providers (PSPs) must be able to easily collect and settle with their merchants in their home currencies. To stay ahead of competition and expand their international footprint, many PSPs have to manage multiple banking relationships. This is time-consuming and expensive due to a lack of bargaining power and challenging regulatory requirements made by banks. Riding on our proprietary FX engine, Aladdin can now help PSPs manage their FX risk and allow them to settle with their merchants in their home currency, wherever they are. With this, PSPs can focus on what truly matters to their business: rapid expansion in new territories, and the acquisition of new merchants.

Online travel agencies / Hospitality

Faced with excessive competition in the current landscape, creating a personalised user experience is increasingly crucial for players in the hospitality industry. With Aladdin, businesses are able to provide prices in the home currencies of global customers, creating a seamless and localised user experience across touch points.

Historical Price Chart with FX Overlay

A traditional trading line chart of historic closing prices provides a graphical representation of historic closing price movements of a particular financial asset. Its main purpose is for traders to analyse price movements, identify trends, and make decisions about when to buy or sell a particular asset.

However, currency movements have a significant impact on investment returns when buying or selling foreign securities as a cross-border investor. Presently, FX rates are unknown at the point of trade execution, and fluctuation in FX prices can greatly reduce or erode investment returns.

The sample graph illustrates pre and post M-DAQ scenarios where buying and selling signals (i.e., “buy low” and “sell high” points) are vastly different when analysed in the respective investment currency. Although this graph is a historical data chart, the same behaviour could also be observed in a day trading chart for any investment currency as well.

This example clearly demonstrates that exchange rates volatility increases uncertainty and complexity for an investor making cross-border securities trades. The analysis of the same securities over the same time period looks very different with currency overlay on top of it.

Our vision is to shift the FX conversion which currently happens post-trade to the point when the underlying asset trade is executed i.e. at-trade. Through this, we believe a cross-border investor can trade with more certainty and confidence and receive better fills for their cross-border trades.

Click for live example on Singapore Exchange (SGX)

a screenshot of historical chart

Historical Trade Bubble (including Time & Sales)

Similar to our representation of historic charts with FX overlay, our bubble charts provide a graphical representation of daily trade data of a security with an FX overlay to visually assist cross-border investors in their daily trading decisions.

In this example, the chart shows individual trades completed at the market in real-time using the exact time and traded price which are represented through the X and Y axis respectively with the addition of trade size. The size of the bubble signifies the trade size and therefore enables an investor to visualise the overall turnover of a trade easily.

M-DAQ takes this concept a little further by applying our FX over the traded price in order to represent trade bubbles based on the currency of choice for a particular cross-border investor.

a screenshot of bubble chart

Multi-currency Ticker

Our price ticker for BBO (Best Bid and Offer) and simple stats is a real-time display of the current best bid and offer prices for a particular financial asset blended with real-time forex prices based on the selection by a cross-border investor.

This "multi-currency" price ticker allows cross-border investors to make informed decisions about buying or selling an asset based on real-time market trends.

Click for live example on Singapore Exchange (SGX) 

a screenshot of market prices


Trade with more transparency & certainty

By shifting FX conversion to the point when the trade is executed, TRC delivers benefits to exchanges, brokers, and end investors.

Benefits for Exchanges


Go Multi-Currency

Implement multi-currency offerings without significant changes to systems and back-end processes, with low start-up and running costs.


One Liquidity Pool

Our patented technology offers a "multi-currency virtual order book" that connects global investors to view securities in their currency of choice and taps on a single liquidity pool.


Increase Trading Volume & Revenue

Increase trade velocity by shifting FX conversion from post- to pre- trade to improve cross-border trading volume.


Attract Secondary Listings

Attract secondary listings from overseas companies seeking to broaden their company listing in different time zones in a myriad of the world’s local currencies.

Benefits for Brokers


Go Multi-Currency

Promote FX on an effective "Best Execution" basis with access to interbank pricing of the top 10 global liquidity providers when both institutional and retail clients are focusing on overall execution costs.


Stay Competitive

Level the playing field with global brokerage houses and operate more competitively for offshore institutional flows, in particular hedge fund and risk arbitrage activity.


Increase Market Share

With stock prices quoted in different currencies, more participation can be expected from foreign investors resulting in a sustainable increase in brokerage fees revenue.

Benefits for Investors


Improved Global Access

Investors enjoy previously inaccessible wholesale FX prices from interbank pricing of top 10 global liquidity providers.


Remove Uncertainty of FX Costs

Real-time executable securities prices in their preferred currency allows investors to better manage their portfolios and make more informed trading decisions to seize market opportunities without needing to factor in additional post-trade FX costs.


Trade in One Preferred Currency

M-DAQ facilitates inbound and outbound flows using the preferred currency of choice; for e.g., Australian investors can trade off-shore securities in AUD whilst enabling off-shore investors to trade Australian securities in foreign currencies.

Use Case

Watch how TRC works

Presently, FX rates are unknown at the point of trade execution, and fluctuation in FX prices can severely reduce or erode investment returns. See how TRC provides greater transparency by shifting FX conversion to the point of trade.


Current challenges

Having a holistic treasury function is challenging for businesses due to the lack of resources and expertise.

How it works

FX risk management

  • M-DAQ Treasury team works for and acts on behalf of clients
  • A full review of the client's business will be the first step and we will present a detailed approach for approval by the client, covering several options around the appropriate risk level that the company is willing to take
  • We tailor our service to the client’s specific needs, risk appetite and profile
  • Application of various FX hedging instruments as per regulatory environment and risk profile

How it works

Operational support

  • M-DAQ Treasury team mandated to operate the client’s accounts
  • Pricing without spreads between the client and M-DAQ
  • Flexibility in PL fluctuation approach
  • Possibility of using the client’s existing banks or a Prime Brokerage model

How it works

Data privacy

All of the client's information is handled in a strictly segregated and confidential manner, with full data privacy to the rest of M-DAQ's business and clients.


How it works

Reporting & reconciliation

We provide regular activity reports to suit the company's financial reporting needs.



E-commerce platforms experience high cart abandonment rates when shoppers face price uncertainty from unclear FX conversion rates. Having to check indicative exchange rates from an external source at the most critical point of the sales process makes it extremely unlikely that shoppers return and complete the purchase. Aladdin eliminates the uncertainty with its guaranteed Home Currency Pricing (HCP) solution, giving your shoppers peace of mind and improving your cart conversion rates. All this is achieved with our award-winning proprietary engine and at an industry-beating price.

Cross-border e-wallet payments

Current challenges


We create wallet interoperability to connect e-wallets globally

FLIQ breaks down technological and physical borders to provide e-wallet operators with limitless opportunities.

Lower cost

FLIQ eliminates the costs of acquiring merchants in another country and the costs associated with complying to government regulations, while creating new revenue streams.


Convenience for users

Through FLIQ, e-wallet operators provide added convenience to their customers when travelling, even guaranteeing FX rates for refund purposes.


Accept payments easily

Merchants can accept payments from customers’ overseas e-wallets without worrying about initial setup and operational costs.


Extend user benefits

New use cases such as cross-border loyalty & rewards, transit, and lifestyle services can be added on seamlessly.

Connecting and enabling e-wallets everywhere

Plug interoperability into your mobile wallet with FLIQ.

Convert currencies in real-time using M-DAQ’s FX technology

No leftover dilemma

Gain access to guaranteed FX rates and minimise exposure on refund transactions

Seamless and secure cross-border payments without disclosing confidential financial and personal information

Integrated loyalty and marketing platform

Use cases

FLIQ enables e-wallet operators to:


Enlarge merchant base by leveraging overseas e-wallet operators on FLIQ


Attract more customers, increase usage and provide more use cases


Overcome regulatory barriers to receive new revenue sources from overseas merchants


Integrate with other e-wallet operators faster and easier


Current challenges

How it works

We fulfill all your cross-border payment needs at a low cost

Built on top of M-DAQ’s COMPLAX™ technology, our Payments solution provides a single touch point while standardising integration processing for all your business needs. Our solution supports more than 40 currencies and encompasses a holistic pricing framework, enabling businesses to streamline costs with complete transparency of rates, coupled with fast cross-border payments over countries.


Pay supplier or staff globally

Make payment to business partners in countries in any of our supported 46 currencies with bank-beating exchange rates.


Convert FX at competitive rates in + countries

Buy foreign exchange at near mid-market rates that are customised for your business. Be it prime currencies, exotic currencies or Asian currencies, we’ve got you covered.


Manage 46 currencies in a single account

Hold and manage balances in multiple currencies without any hidden charges or minimum balance requirements. Convert between currencies at mid-market rates and transparent fees.


Get paid in international markets

Designed to streamline and simplify how you get paid by international customers, global collection accounts enable you to get paid in USD, EUR, GBP and 31 other currencies as if it were local payment.


Designed for your convenience

We are designed for businesses and your convenience. Access unique features like multi-level approvals and bulk payments to enhance productivity, automation and governance of your business processes.


Your funds are safe

We are licensed and regulated in Singapore, Indonesia, and Hong Kong. All customer funds are safeguarded and kept in a customer segregated account to deliver safety of your funds in our custody.


Hedge at a low cost to minimise risk exposure

Minimise risks and costs due to fluctuating foreign exchange rates with effective hedging solutions


Flexible and low-cost FX hedging

HaaS allows full customisation of the notional amount of FX hedged, contract term and preferred exchange rate by clients via an easy-to-use platform.


Minimise FX volatility impact on company profits

With HaaS, clients are not only hedged against unfavourable FX fluctuations, but also continue to enjoy any gains resulting from FX market movements.


Increase ability to forecast future cash flow

Clients can grow their cross-border business with confidence without worrying about future FX movement and volatility.


Historical chart

USD/SGD 3-Month Performance

Based on the assumption that a SME in Singapore imports goods from the United States at an invoice value of USD, in January , payable by March

Without HaaS

Invoice Amount: USD,
Based on Mar , USD/SGD:
SGD payable in Mar
USD, x = SGD,

With HaaS

Invoice Amount: USD,
Based on Jan , USD/SGD:
SGD payable in Mar
USD, x = SGD,

Without HaaS, Potential Loss Due to FX Movements: SGD11,


Historical chart

SGD/CNH 5-Month Performance

Based on the assumption that a SME in Singapore imports goods from China at an invoice value of CNH, in October , payable by March

Without HaaS

Invoice Amount: CNH,
Based on Mar , SGD/CNH:
SGD payable in Mar
CNH, / = SGD20,

With HaaS

Invoice Amount: CNH ,
Based on Oct , SGD/CNH:
SGD payable in Mar
CNH, / = SGD19,

Without HaaS, potential loss due to FX movements: SGD1, or % impact on profit margin.


How HaaS works

A Singapore-based company imports goods from USA to sell locally. With HaaS, Company A has decided to hedge against the devaluation of SGD against USD over up to a notional amount of SGD, for the next 3 months, at an affordable monthly payment of SGD

Use Case

Accounting Treatment

E-commerce platforms

E-commerce platforms experience high cart abandonment rates when shoppers face price uncertainty from unclear FX conversion rates. Having to check indicative exchange rates from an external source at the most critical point of the sales process makes it extremely unlikely that shoppers return and complete the purchase. Aladdin eliminates the uncertainty with its guaranteed Home Currency Pricing (HCP) solution, giving your shoppers peace of mind and improving your cart conversion rates. All this is achieved with our award-winning proprietary engine and at an industry-beating price.


Venue for best execution, effective price discovery and fair position allocation

Our patented price sourcing algorithm eliminates any possibility of rate manipulation and front-running by individual banks.


Trusted reference rate

Transparent and widely trusted reference rate.


Direct conversion

No need for USD intermediary rate, hence reducing cost and simplifying pricing.


Frictionless implementation

Rates can be used without affecting any national switches.


Increased volume

Enables greater ease and an increased volume of cross-border payments within the region.

How ACCP works

Neutral and unbiased FX benchmark

M-DAQ’s patented VWAP-stacked price sourcing algorithm eliminates any possibility of rates manipulation and front-running by individual banks as it determines the equilibrium supply and demand prices in isolation from both parties, effectively decoupling how the rates are derived and how the positions are managed.

By book-building via price slicing from the stacked/ladder pricestreams of individual banks

Ensured by price feeds and transaction data from a broad range of source

No need for a de facto currency

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