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Hello world!

Badanie przeprowadzone na 33 osobach dorosłych z nadwagą i otyłością wykazało,
że ci, którzy wykonywali swoje ćwiczenia o
rano, stracili najwięcej kilogramów (ponad dwa) w ciągu roku.
Badanie sugeruje, że ćwiczenie o określonej porze może zmniejszyć ilość czasu, przez który ćwiczysz (i jak
energicznie), co z kolei może pomóc w utrzymaniu utraty wagi.

Ale naukowcy ostrzegają, że to badanie dotyczy tylko dorosłych,
którzy ćwiczą regularnie (co najmniej trzy razy w tygodniu).
A jeśli ćwiczysz po raz pierwszy, zacznij od małej ilości i przejdź do dłuższych sesji, gdy twój poziom sprawności fizycznej wzrośnie.

Więcej sposobów na szybką utratę wagi, które każdy może zastosować

Poza czasem, istnieje również więcej sposobów na śledzenie
ilości przyjmowanych kalorii, dzięki czemu możesz mieć pewność,
że pozostajesz w zdrowym zakresie.

Monitorowanie spożywanych kalorii to najprostszy sposób na ograniczenie ich ilości bez polegania na
sile woli. Jeśli jesteś początkującym użytkownikiem aplikacji do śledzenia kalorii, możesz wypróbować stary dobry notatnik i ołówek, który pozwala na rejestrowanie spożycia żywności i spalania kalorii o wiele

Jeśli śledzenie kalorii jest zbyt restrykcyjne, lub szukasz czegoś mniej poznawczego, spróbuj skorzystać
z internetowego narzędzia do liczenia kalorii. Te
trackery kalorii zazwyczaj mają setki opcji diet, które mogą pomóc Ci schudnąć.

Ale pamiętaj, aby najpierw sprawdzić ich politykę prywatności, zanim zdecydujesz się na jeden z nich.
Niektóre zbierają historię przeglądania, a inne są całkowicie publiczne.

Jedną rzeczą, którą powinieneś mieć na uwadze, jest to, że te systemy
będą często overcount kalorii, gdy jesz na
zewnątrz. Po tym wszystkim, czy naprawdę chcesz hamburgera i frytki, ale trzeba odjąć kalorie dostaniesz od sałatki bocznej?

Jeśli to brzmi jak będzie ból głowy, wybierz aplikację do liczenia kalorii, która daje ci całkowitą liczbę kalorii na posiłek.

Niektóre aplikacje pozwalają również na udostępnianie danych, więc możesz porównać
własne spożycie żywności z tym, co robi przyjaciel lub członek rodziny,
i zobaczyć, jak sobie radzisz.

Wycinanie lub ograniczanie cukru

Jedzenie zbyt dużej ilości cukru &#; zwłaszcza w ilości przekraczającej 20 gramów dziennie &#; może prowadzić do próchnicy
zębów, chorób serca, cukrzycy i nie tylko, według American Heart Association.

Dlatego organizacja zaleca spożywanie maksymalnie 10 procent swoich kalorii z dodanego cukru dziennie.

Podobnie, Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia wydała wytyczne dotyczące

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Ogury MJM Cloud on a Trailblazing Path in Backed By Innovation and Leadership

London-Headquartered Ogury Reaches the $ Million Revenue Milestone

Ogury, a technology company specialized in mobile journey marketing, reached the $ million revenue milestone in Ogury had raised $21 million in a Series C funding round from existing investors.

This Series C, as well as the major revenue milestone, further proves Ogury’s commitment to expand globally as a major technology leader specializing in mobile journey marketing. Ogury, which was only founded in , recently completed the acquisitions of Influans and Adincube, while also appointing Cedric Cardone as the new CTO. Cedric will lead Ogury’s product, operations and development initiatives across the globe – this strengthening of the Ogury C-Suite follows the appointment of Elie Kanaan as CMO in February last year.

Ogury is the Mobile Journey Marketing (MJM) market leader. MJM is a new discipline of marketing that enables organizations to understand the entire mobile user journey and to market across it. Ogury MJM Cloud unifies consent management, data, insights, engagement and monetization technologies into one end-to-end integrated solution for brands and publishers.

Read More:  AiThority Interview Series with Dr. Michael Green, Chief AI Officer at Blackwood Seven

“Our expansion is indicative of the impressive impact our global momentum strategy has had on our business,” said co-founder and CEO of USA, Thomas Pasquet.

Thomas added, “Ogury&#;s robust and scalable dataset closes the mobile journey data gap and provides our customers with a simple consent, data, insights, and activation solution &#; all while providing transparency and control to the user. Momentum isn’t possible without a scalable solution.”

This announcement points to Ogury’s continuous delivery of unique business value to its clients, establishing it as a leading global technology company. Ogury’s purpose-built intelligent technology is GDPR compliant by design and has been since the firm’s inception. With Ogury’s expanding capabilities and steadily growing global client base, scalable business growth has been established across the board:

  • Growth to employees globally; more than 75% year-over-year growth.
  • Over % year over year growth in global revenue.
  • More than doubled revenue every year since company inception in
  • Increased global footprint in new markets, including Germany and Latin America.

Read More:AiThority Interview Series with Bhaskar Roy, Head of Growth at Workato

“ was also a record-breaking year for Ogury in the US as well”, said Evan Rutchik, Chief Revenue Officer, Brands, USA at Ogury.

Evan added, “Ogury offers our customers the most precious insights in the industry, informing both campaign success and business strategies. This unique (and GDPR compliant) first-party data allows them to understand their users beyond their own mobile ecosystem, and activate campaigns based on a complete user journey across the mobile app and mobile web.”

Ogury is headquartered in Highbury, North company was recently ranked sixth in the 18th annual Sunday Times Hiscox Tech Track , which looks at technology companies with the fastest-growing sales in the UK technology, media, and telecoms (TMT) sectors. Ogury entered the US market in September with the launch of its sixth global office in New York City.

Company growth is seen through recent additions to its leadership team in the EMEA region, bolstering the company’s position as the leader in mobile journey marketing, including:

Read More: AiThority Interview Series with Roberta Antunes, CEO at Hack

AIT News Desk is a trained group of web journalists and reporters who collect news from all over the technology landscape. The technical space includes advanced technologies related to AI, ML, ITops, Cloud Security, Privacy and Security, Cyberthreat intelligence, Space, Big data and Analytics, Blockchain and Crypto.
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In Kenya, some foreign economists thought it wise to disconnect some residents of a Nairobi slum from access to public water supply to test the hypothesis that – drumroll- it induces landlords to pay water rates.

Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) is an experimental design that has curiously become popular with American and European social scientists in studying Asian and African subjects in recent times. Messrs. Aidan Coville, Sebastian Giliani, Paul Gertler and Susumu Yoshida in their paper titled  Enforcing Payment for Water and Sanitation Services in Nairobi Slums published by the National Bureau of Economic Research did not consider if the goal of the research – confirming if the disconnection of public services induces payment of water rates – warranted the discomfort that the random residents of the Nairobi slum had to go through. They simply could have been asked but their feelings were not important enough for the researchers.

Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) is a method that is fraught with ethical landmines in the hands of the best researchers. It is dangerous in the hands of unscrupulous researchers without regard for the humanity of their subjects. Tragedies abound in Africa of the evil that RCTs have caused. The victims of Pfizer’s test of the efficacy of their meningitis drugs trovafloxacin (Trovan) in Northern Nigeria, among others, come to mind. 

Sir Angus Deaton, the economics laureate who was awarded the prize for strengthening the use of empirics in microeconomic analyses, in his paper Randomization in the tropics revisited: a theme and eleven variations warns those who are keen to join the bandwagon of experimentation in economic analyses that a method is not by itself superior to any other, not even Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) that he made popular.

According to Sir Deaton, RCTs have been used in Economics for more than fifty years and have grown in popularity in the last two decades especially in development economics. The Sveriges Riksbank prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel  awarded to Abhijit Banerjee &#; author of Poor Economics &#;  Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer for their use of carefully designed experiments (RCTs), to obtain reliable answers about the best ways to fight global poverty  seems to have bolstered the confidence of the randomistas. Bolstered on by popularity and a prize, randomistas have ignored Deaton’s advisory that RCTs have no unique advantage or disadvantage over other empirical methods, but it seems old errors are quickly forgotten and often repeated by recent researchers.

No RCT can ever claim to have legitimately established causality.  The imposition of a hierarchy of evidence is bad science and dangerous because it discounts context. That something is observed among a certain population does not make that observation correct in another population.

RCTs suggest that by introducing a treatment to a control group and the experimental group one can easily infer that the treatment caused the observation. Correct inferences are neither that simple nor straightforward. This is the grievous error that is often contained in a lot of World Bank advisory for developing nations. Trials cannot establish the truth.

That RCTs are more rigorous and more scientific than other methods are false. Licensing medicine through RCTs also does not make RCTs any more scientific. An example was the licensing of prescription opioids like OxyContin resulting in the death of thousands in America. 

Ethical Concerns of RCTs (Randomized Controlled Trials) - Research in Africa Researchround

Development economics is replete with studies that aim to “find out what works”. Only that institutions matter and the common caveat of ceteris paribus, all other things being equal, are often ignored. That it has worked for one group does not guarantee that it will work for another group. We should take advice from Bertrand Russell’s chicken and be wary of Bill Gates’ chickens. Bertrand Russells’s chicken learned from hundreds of replications that when it heard the farmer’s footsteps she was about to be fed until Christmas when the farmer cut her throat. That farmers in some Ivorian community prefer chickens to cash does not mean other communities around Africa do. It is not enough that it is free chicken nor that it is offered by ‘expert’ advice.

Economics is notoriously called a dismal science for a reason. The wrong deployment of RCTs will not let economists, or any other researcher who wrongfully deploys RCTs, live down this sinister appellation.  

Therefore, experimentation by the random selection of a person to land a blow on is bullying, not good science. It does not matter if the reaction confirms one’s hypothesis or not. 

Written by Ajibola Adigun for ResearchRound.

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Cover Photo by Mike Chai from Pexels

Le voyage et le camping&#;

Le voyage et le camping&#;

Aujourd’hui, je vais vous parler du camping, sujet peu abordé sur le blog jusqu’à maintenant. Durant mon enfance, j’ai assez peu fait de camping (c’était surtout en mobil-home) mais par la suite, le camping est devenu un vecteur intéressant car cela offre une expérience différente, c’est économique, permet une grande mobilité (passer jours par camping) et d’aller dans des endroits plus « reculés ».

Je me souviendrais toujours de mes 10 jours de camping sauvage en Norvège, c’était là l’occasion d’être au plus près de la nature sauvage, de prendre la mesure de l’immensité et de la beauté des paysages. En effet, il est possible de camper où on veut en Norvège à partir du moment qu’on est à plus de mètres des habitations et de décamper si le propriétaire du terrain nous le demande (ce qui est très rare, le camping faisant vraiment partie de la culture scandinave !).

Le camping en France&#;

Ceci dit, sans aller jusqu’à faire du camping sauvage, il est très facile de camper en France même en famille. De nombreuses offres de camping existent comme par exemple. Que ce soit à la mer, à la campagne, à la montagne, tout est possible et souvent bien plus facilement qu’on pourrait le penser même si on n’est pas dans les pays scandinaves. Cela peut également correspondre à tous les âges de la vie, camper est un moyen pratique et peu coûteux, souvent utilisé par les jeunes pendant les férias, raves parties, &#; Pour les personnes plus âgées, le mobil-home ou les tentes « fixes » peuvent être un bon compromis pour garder l’état d’esprit initial tout en augmentant le niveau de confort.

De plus, les offices de tourismes permettent de trouver de nombreuses informations sur les campings, que faire dans les alentours, les activités ludiques, etc.

Le camping est également très pratique pour les randonnées sur plusieurs jours, quoi de plus sympa que de sortir de la tente le matin en faisant attention à la rosée, de préparer un café en faisant chauffer l’eau sur le réchaud devant la tête et le tout dans une nature préservée et « sauvage ».

J’espère que cela vous aura donné envie de vous lancer dans le camping si vous n’en faîtes pas déjà !

VIGMA Jury Members Were Announced

Now that the submit window of the VIGMA competition is closed, we can announce jury members formation.

In accordance with the philosophy behind the existence of VIGMA all the jury members are video game journalists and jury works under the leadership of Mohsen Vafanejad (Vigiato) who serves as the Secretary of the Jury Department. Other members are:

Amir Golkhani (Bazinama)

Amirhossein Vali (Arcade)

Arash Hackimi (Donya-ye Bazi)

Ashkan Aalikhani (Gameshot)

Hamed Afroumand (Looketo)

Kasra Karimi-Tar (Bazicenter)

Meysam Khalilzadeh (Zoomg)

Mohammad Talebian (Haft Sobh)

Mohammad Amin Behtoui (Vigiato)

Mohammad Reza Mostafavi Raad (PS Arena)

Pedram Bahadori (Vigiato)

Saeed Zafarany (Gamenews)

Sepehr Torabi (Bazinameh)

Mohammad Sadegh Tavazoi (Zoomg)

Jury members continue to review games until February 9, and then nominees list will be published. Winners will be announced on March 5th at the closing ceremony.

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