god save the king lyrics / Tuhan Jagalah sang Tsar! - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

God Save The King Lyrics

god save the king lyrics

Munajat Chishti Dokumen 2 halaman. God save the king, long live the king, may the king live forever, Amen Amen Alleluia Alleluia Amen, Ameeeeeeeeen, May the king live, may the king live, forever, forever forever, Amen, Amen. Group publication. Meski demikian, bagi Inggris , Skotlandia , Wales , dan Irlandia Utara , masing-masing memiliki pandangannya masing-masing. The hymn book 'Songs of Praise' has yet another three verse offering. God save the King! Tuhan Jagalah sang Tsar! Come and Worship Dokumen 1 halaman. Lagu kebangsaan Rusia Mantan lagu kebangsaan Bulgaria — Baca Sunting Sunting sumber Lihat riwayat. When it became the National Anthem in the 's, this last verse was removed after all, it was also the National Anthem of Scotland as well as England and never used again.


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