bilge kağan yazıtı türkçe / TUAUM Prof. Dr. Ahmet Taşağıl’ın Katılımıyla E-konferans Düzenledi » MANAS TV

Bilge Kağan Yazıtı Türkçe

bilge kağan yazıtı türkçe


ISSN 2079-9160 Российская ТЮРКОЛОГИЯ РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК ♦ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ ИСТОРИКО-ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ НАУК ♦ ИНСТИТУТ ЯЗЫКОЗНАНИЯ ♦ РОССИЙСКИЙ КОМИТЕТ ТЮРКОЛОГОВ № 3–4(20–21) МОСКВА 2018 ISSN 2079-9160 РОСС ИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ Н АУК О ТД ЕЛ ЕН И Е ИСТО РИ КО-ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕС КИХ Н А УК ИНС ТИ ТУТ Я ЗЫ КОЗН АНИЯ РОСС ИЙСКИ Й КОМИТЕТ ТЮ Р КОЛ О ГО В Российская ТЮРКОЛОГИЯ Учредители Институт языкознания РАН Российский комитет тюркологов при ОИФН РАН Редакционный совет К. Абдулла (Азербайджан), Ш.Х. Акалин (Турция), Х.Ч. Алишина (Тюмень), М.В. Бавуу- Сюрюн (Кызыл), И. Вашари (Венгрия), Н.Х. Гаджиахмедов (Махачкала), Т.М. Гарипов (Уфа), Н.И. Егоров (Чебоксары), М.З. Закиев (Казань), Ю.Н. Исаев (Чебоксары), М.С. Качалин (Турция), А.Б. Куделин (Москва), И.В. Кульганек (Санкт-Петербург), К.М. Миннуллин (Ка- зань), А.М. Молдован (Москва), К.М. Мусаев (Москва), М.М. Репенкова (Москва), А. Рона- Таш (Венгрия), Ж.С. Сыздыкова (Москва), В.Н. Тугужекова (Абакан), М.З. Улаков (Наль- чик), Д.А. Функ (Москва), Ф.С. Хакимзянов (Казань), Ф.Г. Хисамитдинова (Уфа), П. Циме (Германия), А.А. Чеченов (Москва), Н.Н. Широбокова (Новосибирск), М. Эрдал (Израиль), Ю. Янхунен (Финляндия) Редакционная коллегия Главный редактор: И.В. Кормушин (Москва) Зам. главного редактора: Е.А. Оганова (Москва), Н.Н. Телицин (Санкт-Петербург) Отв. секретарь: О.Н. Пустогачева (Москва) Отв. секретарь и научный редактор: З.Н. Экба (Москва) Члены редколлегии: Т.А. Аникеева (Москва), А.В. Дыбо (Москва), Ф.Н. Дьячковский (Якутск), Л.С. Кара-оол (Кызыл), А.В. Кузнецов (Чебоксары), И.Л. Кызласов (Москва), О.А. Мудрак (Москва), И.А. Невская (Франкфурт), Ф.Ш. Нуриева (Казань), М. Ольмез (Стамбул), Ю.В. Псянчин (Уфа), С.Б. Сарбашева (Горно-Алтайск), А.В. Савельев (Москва), Л.С. Селендили (Симферополь), К.-М.А. Симчит (Кызыл), Л.Н. Тыбыкова (Горно-Алтайск), М.Д. Чертыкова (Абакан), И.В. Шенцова (Новокузнецк) «Российская тюркология» является продолжением журнала «Советская тюркология», выходившего в 1970–1990 гг. в качестве научно-теоретического органа двух академий – Академии наук СССР и Академии наук Азербайджанской ССР. После 1991 г. в Азербайджане издается журнал «Türkologiya». Журнал «Российская тюркология» издается с 2009 г. © Институт языкознания РАН, 2018 © Российский комитет тюркологов, 2018 № 3–4(20–21) ISSN 2079-9160 COMMITTEE OF RUSSIAN TURCOLOGISTS R U S S IA N A C AD EM Y O F SC IEN C E S IN ST ITUT E O F L ING IU ST IC S DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL A N D PH ILOL OGIC AL S C I EN C ES Russian TURCOLOGY Founded by Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences The Committee of Russian Turcologists, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Historical and Philological Sciences Advisory Board K. Abdulla (Azerbaijan), Sh. Akalın (Turkey), Kh.Ch. Alishina (Tyumen), M.V. Bavuu-Syuryun (Kyzyl), A.A. Chechenov (Moscow), M. Erdal (Israel), D.A. Funk (Moscow), N.Kh. Gadzhi- akhmedov (Makhachkala), T.M. Garipov (Ufa), Yu.N. Isayev (Cheboksary), J. Janhunen (Finland), M.S. Kachalin (Turkey), F.S. Khakimzyanov (Kazan), F.G. Khisamitdinova (Ufa), A.B. Kudelin (Moscow), I.V. Kul'ganek (Saint-Petersburg), K.M. Minnullin (Kazan), A.M. Moldovan (Moscow), K.M. Musayev (Moscow), M.M. Repenkova (Moscow), A. Róna-Tas (Hungary), N.N. Shirobokova (Novosibirsk), Zh.S. Syzdykova (Moscow), V.N. Tuguzhekova (Abakan), M.Z. Ulakov (Nal'chik), I. Vásáry (Hungary), N.I. Yegorov (Cheboksary), P. Zieme (Germany), M.Z. Zakiyev (Kazan) Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief: I.V. Kormushin (Moscow), Deputy Editor-in-Chief: E.A. Oganova (Moscow), N.N. Telitsin (Saint-Petersburg) Executive Secretary: O.N. Pustogacheva (Moscow) Executive Secretary and Scientific Editor: Z.N. Ekba (Moscow) Members of the Editorial Board: T.A. Anikeeva (Moscow), A.V. Dybo (Moscow), M.D. Chertykova (Abakan), F.N. Dyachkovsky (Yakutsk), L.S. Kara-ool (Kyzyl), A.V. Kuznetsov (Cheboksary), I.L. Kyzlasov (Moscow), O.A. Mudrak (Moscow), I.A. Nevskaya (Frankfurt), F.Sh. Nuriyeva (Kazan), M. Ölmez (Istanbul), Yu.V. Psyanchin (Ufa), S.B. Sarbasheva (Gorno-Altaysk), A.V. Sa- velyev (Moscow), L.S. Selendili (Simferopol), I.V. Shentsova (Novokuznetsk), K.-M.A. Simchit (Kyzyl), L.N. Tybykova (Gorno-Altaysk) The scientific journal “Russian Turcology” is a continuation of the journal “Soviet Turcology” that was published from 1970 to 1990 as a scientific and theoretical print media of two academies – the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. After 1991 in Azerbaijan the “Türkologiya” journal is being published. The journal “Russian Turcology” is being published since 2009. © Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018 © The Committee of Russian Turcologists, 2018 № 3–4(20–21) Редакционная коллегия и Редакция журнала «Россий- ская тюркология» (РТ) выражают свою искреннюю и глубокую благодарность руководству АО «Комбинат автомобильных фургонов» в лице А.А. Чеченова и С.И. Васильева за финансовую помощь в подготовке и издании номеров 18–19–20–21 РТ в 2018 году. № 3–4 (20–21) 2018 PRELIMINARY READINGS AND NOTES ON THE ANCIENT TURKIC INSCRIPTION FROM THE HIRGISIYN OVOO AREA IN MONGOLIA Mehmet Ölmez Istanbul Abstract. It has been more than 125 years since Kül Tėgin and Bilge Kagan inscriptions were discovered and deciphered. Since that time, many new Old Turkic runic inscriptions were discovered in Mongolia. In 2016 another inscription, a new inscription in Bayankhongor aimag, was discovered by Mongolian scholars. It is a inscription smaller than 90 × 40 cm. Three of its four sides are written and on the other side there is a Turkic tamgha. The first attempt at inter- pretation of the inscription was made by Mongolian Turcologist Ts. Battulga. In this paper, I will present my attempt at interpretation of this inscription. In the future, there will be better and more detailed publications about the inscription. Key words: Old Turkic, Mongolia, runic inscriptions, Turkic kaghanate. In the year 2016, Mongol archeologs and linguists found an inscription in the mid- dle of an ovoo which is sort of a hallow for Mongols, located 45–50 km west of Buut- sagan district (Бууцаган сум) of Bayanhongor province (Баянхонгор аймаг). The study which is actually based on a research trip of some university students was con- ducted in June of 2016 by T. Iderhangay, academic member of the department of His- tory-Archeology in Ulanbaatar University and Ts. Battulga, an academic member of Asian Studies department in National University of Mongolia (Battulga 2017: 62). The first information about the inscription, its whereabout and origin was provided by Ts. Battulga. (Battulga 2017).The detailed article is about how many lines the in- scription has, how many letters it contains, the mountain goat stamp on it and the his- torical issues it mentions. Ts. Battulga had read his first paper on the subject in fact, in December of the same year, in a meeting in Inner Mongolia, China, in Hohhot (Köke Qota<n>), I attended it and saw the photographs related to the inscription.1 1 Paper at 4th December 2016: 09:00-09:20 Ts. Battulga: “Newly Found Documents in Runic Script in Mongolia”; The First International Symposium on Ancient Scripts of Northern Nationalities, Inner Mongolia University, School of Mongolian Studies Inner Mongolia Univer- sity, Research Center for Ancient Scripts of Northern Nationalities, 2nd–4th December 2016, Hohhot Inner Mongolia. Because they weren’t yet published at that time, at the request of Mehmet Ölmez – Prof. Dr., Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Chief of the Departement of Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures; e-mail: [email protected] Ancient Turkic inscription from the Hirgisiyn Ovoo area in Mongolia 25 In the study of Battulga, the three sides of the inscription are called a, b and c. Transliteration, transcription and Mongolian translation of the inscription is given. The inscription, which is analysed in terms of language and history, is also presented by two photographs of it. My work on the other hand is based on the research trip conducted at the helm of Prof. Dr. Bai Yudong 白玉冬 who is from the Institution of Dunhuang Studies in Lan- zhou University (兰州大学敦煌学研究所) located in Gansu province, called ‘The study of collecting and dating non-Chinese inscriptions of Tang era in Northern Up- lands’. 2 We were there between August 15th – 17th, 2018 and we spent a whole day on August 16th in Khirgisiyn Ovoo doing research on the inscription. To reach the area via Kharkhorin, do field work and then return to Ulaanbaatar took three days of this research trip, aiming the most important of the Old Turkic In- scriptions in Mongolia. The GPS information of the inscription is as follows 45°52'16.0"N 99°17'33.0"E. Sadly, the inscription isn’t complete today. It is obvious that the inscription used to be longer but the lower part of it seems to be broken and lost now. Apart from a tam- gha of goat, some faint motifs can be seen on that side of the inscription. I would like to share my temporary reading with my colleagues below until work- ing again with Professor Bai Yudong and his team in the future. Because the context of the text is not properly analysed, I give only the meaning of words or combined units rather than giving an entire translation. Elevation: 1500 m. Measures: Side D, the side with the tamgha (s. Photo 2) highness: right 84 or 85 cm, left 70 cm width: 22 cm Measures for narrow side Mr. Ts. Battulga, I didn't use any photographs or information presented at the meeting. The in- formation presented in this paper is based on the articles published in Altaica XIII (Ulaanbaatar) in 2017 and the presentation Mr. Battulga made in Korea on the same subject. But mainly, this paper is based on the data I collected during my field research in 2018. (This research was sup- ported by 北方草原唐代胡汉语碑刻的解读整理与历史学研究, 兰州大学历史文化学院敦煌学研究所). 2 I would like to thank Lanzhou University Dunhuang Academy and my colleague Prof. Dr. Bai Yudong 白玉冬 for their invitation to this field trip. 26 Mehmet Ölmez Side A of the inscription (s. Photo 03) highness: 91 cm (from middle of the inscription) width, from up side 37 cm, from down 34 cm Measures for wide side Runic Text, Transliteration and Transcription A (Photo 03) utaCJ:NLinkCUaRSKafptt? w… 1 ndobKRUTidwjNmUTUKCBn 2 KRUTimRGJiKnkrtl 3 …/š?t1t1pntAk2s2r2AÜčk1n1Il2n2:y2čAt1U (1 ../n1b2čk2Üt2Ümn2y1šd1It2Ür2k2b1Ud1n1 (2 l1t1r1k1n1k2Iy2g2r2mIt2Ür2k2 (3 …/š/ttp anta kėsre üč kan ėlin yiče tut/.. 1 ../n bčkÜ tümen yašadı türk bodun 2 [o]gul tarkan ėki yėgirmi türk ??? 3 B (Photo 04) Tankglotgndobzgozkot 1 CtingzkroCNGJtohk 2 t1Uk1zg1zb1Ud1n1g1t1Ul1g1k1n1At1/.. (1 k1ŋUt1y2g2n2čr1k1zg1n1It1č/.. (2 tokuz oguz bodunug tolug kan āt/.. 1 ../Ut yėgen čor kazganı tč/.. 2 C (Photo 05) tagmruCaGL. 1 T:SmTi:ghlobTR 2 3 l2g2AčUr1mg1At1 (1 ../r2t2b1Ul1ŋg1:It2ms2:t2/.. (2 l1b1….IščAÜr2t2I:š/.. (3 Ancient Turkic inscription from the Hirgisiyn Ovoo area in Mongolia 27 ../lge čor maga t/.. 1 [tö]rt buluŋug ėtmiš tė[rmiš] 2 …lb …[m]IščA örti : š/// 3 Short Notes on selected Phrases For the name хиргисийн овоо s. Written Mongolian obuγa(n) “heap, pile, mass; heap of stones, specially an obo, a mound or cairn of rough stones built as a landmark or monument where special religious ceremonies are performed in honour of genius loci” Lessing p. 598 b. A 1 w , the first letter at the beginnings of the line could be also d. It is not very clear. A 1 The word can be as read artatıp too; however it is not clear if there is another word before artatıp or not. I can see a š letter before artatıp; for artat- see Clauson “to damage, or spoil (something)” (208 b); “губить; приводить к гибели” ДТС 56 b; Röhrborn 2010: 80-82. A 1 yiče “as before, as previously” Clauson 882b, ječä “снова” ДТС 252 b. A 2 Unfortunately I am not sure about the reading of letters before tümen. A 3 ogul tarkan: His name was mentioned in the KT inscription (North 12), s. ДТС 364 a-b; he was one of two people who came for a visit of condolance from bu- karak uluş bodun “Buhara”: bukarak uluş bodunta nek seŋün ogul tarkan kelti “from Buhara, general Nek and Oghul Tarqan have come” (Ölmez 2015) B 1 tokuz oguz occurs in the following inscriptions: begleri (…) ėşid KT South 2, BK North 1; tokuz oguz bodun yagı ermiş KT East 14, BK East 12; tokuz oguz bodun kentü bodunum erti KT North 4; tokuz oguz bodun (…) bardı BK East 35; tokuz oguz bodun üze kagan olortı T 1st stone, South 2; tokuz o guz t1g3 yagı ermiş O 6; tokuz oguz (…) üze kagan olortum BK East 1; tokuz oguz meniŋ bodunum erti BK East 29; tokuz oguzka yėti süŋüş süŋüşdökde … KÇ 16; tokuz oguz üze yüz yıl olorup … MÇ North 3; tokuz oguz … MÇ East 10; tokuz oguz bodunumın tėrü kuvratı altım MÇ North 5 (for cited lines see Ölmez 2015). For tokuz oguz see James Hamilton, “Toquz Oγuz et On-Uyγur”, Journal Asiatique, 1962. B 1 tolug / tulıg (?): I cannot decide about the reading and meaning of the passage yet. Battulga reads it as tulïγ qan based on 突利可汗 according to I. Togan (pp. 112– 113); cf. Liu Mau-Tsai I, p. 184; see also Battulga pp. 74-75. He reads the whole pas- sage as tulïγ qana [tutdı]. B 2 yėgen čor: For the title čor Clauson p. 427b, also see Ölmez 1997, pp. 183- 184; yėgen čor was attested twice in the Küli Çor inscription: sir : ėrkin : oglı : yėgen çor : kelti “Sir Irkin’s son Nephew Çor came” KÇ 21; [....] çoruŋ : oglı : yėgen çor: kelti “[...] Çor’s son Nephew Çor came” KÇ 26 (for cited lines s. Ölmez 2015); s. also jegän čur ДТС 252 b (jegän II). The first letter at NGJ look likes b2 too: NGB. B 2 kazgan- “to earn (wages by labour); to strive success” Clauson 683a, “приоб- ретать, добывать” ДТС 439 a. B 2 tč/..: The letters following č are unreadable. Battulga: yägänčur qazγanï tač[ïqdï = tašïqdï]. But there isn’t any historical data which support the hypothesis of Battulga that the phrase in question should be completed and interpreted as tač[ïqdï]. 28 Mehmet Ölmez The verb tašık- is considered to be the origin of the modern çık-; however the hypothe- sis that the consonant cluster tš- became ç- in word-initial position with the weakened /a/ vowel in the first syllable is rather questionable. Even if that were the case, tçık- form, where there is a tç cluster instead of tš, would be impossible. For çık- see Clau- son pp. 405-406; for tašık- Clauson p. 562 a-b, ДТС 540 a; for š ~ č alternation yapšır- ~ yapčur- etc. see T. Tekin 1988. C 1 The last letter (t) at tag… could be T too? C 1 ../lge čor (a)mga / ../lge čor m(a)ga? Battulga: [bi]lgä čurïmγa “to Bilge chur”. Battulga’s interpretation seems to be acceptable and reasonable; however there are two questionable points of this interpretation: 1) In the Turkic inscriptions found in Mongolia, the dative is always attained by +ka/+ke suffix; there is no +ga/+ge forms seen in those inscriptions so far. Such k > g change can be found in the inscriptions from Siberia. 2) The dative/locative suffix is usually +A following a first person posse- sive suffix, whereas the +kA form is rarely used: bodunuma, kaganıma, ogluma, yašımka (see T. Tekin 1968: 131, § 3.2144. 3º.) C 2 [tö]rt buluŋug ėt- tėr-: Battulga reads this phrase as tört bulunïγ itmis t[ägmis] “I have pacified [peoples of] four directions, [after] reaching [them].”. It can- not be completed as t[ägmis] because we need a synonym word with the same meaning as ėt- “to organize”. If we check Turkic and Uyghur inscriptions from Mongolia, we can get the following phrases: BK North 9 tört buluŋdakı bodunug ėt- yarat- “to or- ganize people from four directions”; Ongi West 1 tört buluŋug ėt- yıg- “to organize and to collect people from four directions”; MÇ North 5 tėr- kuvrat- “to collect, cause to assemble, to gather”. According to those examples, we can fill the gap as tėr- “to collect, cause to assemble, to gather” Clauson 529 a-b, “собирать объединять” ДТС 559 b. C 3 -mIščA ör-: I cannot fill the gap. Battulga fills it as yašča örti. For now I won’t try to fill the gap. We can find some examples as –mIšča in Old Turkic (s. Erdal 2004: 468-469); for ör- “to rise” s. Clauson 195 a (1) “показываться подниматься” ДТС 388 a-b (ör II-). Abbrevations and literature BK:Bilge Kaghan KÇ: Küli Çor KT : Kül Tėgin MÇ: Moyun Çor inscription O: Ongi T : Tunyukuk Battulga, Ts., 2017: “Хиргисийн овооны гэрэлт хөшөөний бичээс”, Altaica, XIII, Ulaanbaatar: 62–78. Clauson, Gerard 1971: An etymological dictionary of pre-thirteenth-century Turkish. Oxford. ДТС: В. М. Наделяев, Д. М. Насилов, Э. Р. Тенишев, А. М. Щербак, Древнетюркский словарь, Ле- нинград 1969. Erdal, Marcel, 2004: A Grammar of Old Turkic, Brill, Leiden. Hamilton, James, 1962: “Toquz Oγuz et On-Uyγur”, Journal Asiatique, vol. CCL: 23–63. Lessing, Ferdinand D., 1960: Mongolian English Dictionary, University of California press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. Ancient Turkic inscription from the Hirgisiyn Ovoo area in Mongolia 29 Liu, Mau-Tsai, 1958: Die chinesischen Nachrichten zur Geschichte der Ost-türken, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden. Ölmez, Mehmet, 1997: “Eski Türk Yazıtlarında Yabancı Öğeler (2)”, Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları, 7 (1997): 175–186. —, 2015: Orhon-Uygur Hanlığı Dönemi Moğolistan’daki Eski Türk Yazıtları, Metin-Çeviri-Sözlük, Bil- geSu Publications, Ankara. —, 2017: Köktürkçe ve Eski Uygurca Dersleri, Kesit Publications, Istanbul. —, (compiled at 2011–2012, Forthcoming): Uygur Kağanlığı Yazıtları, Metin – Çeviri – Açıklamalar – Sözlük. —, (compiled at 2012, Forthcoming): Moğolistan’daki Türk ve Uygur Kağanlığı Yazıtları, Metin – Çeviri – Sözlük. Röhrborn, Klaus, 2010: Uigurisches Wörterbuch. Sprachmaterial der vorislamischen türkischen Texte aus Zentralasien. Neubearbeitung I: Verben. Band 1: ab- - äzüglä-, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart. Tekin, Talat, 1968: A Grammar of Orkhon Turkic. Indiana University Publications, Bloomington. — 1988: “Turkic /š/, Chuvash /ś/ and Mongolian /č/”, Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı-Belleten 1986, TDK, Ankara 1988: 65-69. Togan, Isenbike, Gülnar Kara, Cahide Baysal, 2006: Eski T’ang Tarihi (Chiu T’ang-shu) 194a: “Türkler” Bölümü, TTK, Ankara. Appendix: Map of Mongolia and Bayankhongor aimag 30 Mehmet Ölmez Source of maps: Предварительное чтение и примечания к древнетюркской надписи из местности Киргизское обоо в Монголии Мехмет Ольмез (Стамбул) Резюме: Вот уже более 125 лет прошло, как были открыты и расшифрованы надписи Кюль-Тегина и Бильге-Кагана. С тех пор многие тюркские рунические надписи были обна- ружены на территории Монголии. В 2016 году в Баянхонгорском аймаке монгольские учё- ные нашли ещё одну надпись. Размеры её менее, чем 90 на 40 сантиметров. Три из её сторон покрыты надписями, а на тыльной стороне находится тюркская тамга. Первые по- пытки серьёзного изучения этого памятника были предприняты монгольским исследовате- лем (тюрколог Ц. Баттулга). В нашей статье мы рассмотрим иную интерпретацию надписи, которая, надеемся, предваряет целую череду обширных статей, посвящённых этому за- мечательному памятнику письменности. Ключевые слова: древнетюркский, Монголия, рунические надписи, тюркский каганат Figure 1. The obog named “Hirgisiyn ovoo” Figure 2. The side with the tamgha pictures are between pp. 30-31 resimler 30-31. sayfalar arasındaır Figure 3. Side A of the inscription Figure 4. Side B of the inscription Figure 5. Side C of the inscription pictures are between pp. 30-31 resimler 30-31. sayfalar arasındaır СОДЕРЖАНИЕ СТРУКТУРА И ИСТОРИЯ ЯЗЫКА И.В. Кормушин. Какому тюркоязычному народу могли принадлежать енисейские рунические надписи с территории Хакасии? (Енисейские страдания-2)........................5 И.А. Невская, Л.Н. Тыбыкова. Фонологические особенности карачаево-балкарских диалектов на общетюркском фоне .............................................11 Мехмет Ольмез. Предварительное чтение и примечания к древнетюркской надписи из местности Киргизское обоо в Монголии......................................................24 Н.С. Уртегешев. Звукотипы «ө», «э» северо-западного диалекта башкирского языка по данным МРТ в сопоставительном аспекте .................................................................31 ОНОМАСТИКА Г.М. Абишов. Происхождение топонима «Чимбай» в Каракалпакстане..............................39 КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ Х.Ч. Алишина. Я.К. Занкиев и А.М. Гилязов. Эпистолярные памятники жизни и творчества ...............................................................46 ЛИТЕРАТУРОВЕДЕНИЕ Г.А. Алламбергенова. Выражение психологических состояний посредством фразеологизмов в произведениях И. Юсупова .........................................58 Ж.И. Мизрабова. Сравнительный анализ переводов трагедии «Гамлет» на узбекский язык...............................................................................................................65 СООБЩЕНИЯ И ОБЗОРЫ Х.Ч. Алишина. Татарча диктант – 2018 ...................................................................................83 ИСТОРИЯ НАУКИ, ДОКУМЕНТЫ П.Ж. Отениязов. История сбора, издания и исследования каракалпакских народных сказок .....................................................................................89 Б.Т. Мирзаджанов. Организация системы подготовки руководящих кадров в Туркестане на примере комуниверситетов (1917–1924 гг.) ........................................98 ПЕРСОНАЛИИ Зейнеп Коркмаз (К 95-летнему юбилею)..............................................................................112 Профессору П.А. Слепцову – 90 лет .....................................................................................117 Равиль Тухватович Бикбаев (к 80-летию писателя, поэта и ученого)................................122 Валентина Николаевна Тугужекова – известный российский тюрколог...........................127 Оксана Николаевна Пустогачева (к 60-летию со дня рождения) .......................................132 Валентин Иванович Рассадин (1939–2017). Памяти ученого .............................................133 Памяти Чургуй-оола Михайловича Доржу (1949–2018) .....................................................137 CONTENTS LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND HISTORY Igor Kormushin. To which Turkic-speaking population could belong the Yenissei runic inscriptions from the territory of Khakassia?............................................5 Irina Nevskaya, Larisa Tybykova. The new way of reading of the Ancient Turkic inscription Bichiktu-Boom-III according to the 3d fixation data .........................................16 Mehmet Ölmez. Preliminary readings and notes on the Ancient Turkic inscription from the Hirgisiyn Ovoo area in Mongolia ........................................................24 Nikolay Urtegeshev. “Ө” and “e” sound types of the north-western dialect of the Bashkir language by the MRI data in the comparative aspect....................................31 ONOMASTICS Genzhebay Abishov. The Origins of Chimbay – toponym in Karakalpakstan ............................39 CULTURAL STUDIES Khanisa Alishina. Ya.K. Zankiev and A.M. Gilyazov: the epistolary monuments of life and work ..........................................................................46 LITERARY CRITICS Guljakhan Allambergenova. Expression of psychological states through phraseological units in the works of I. Yusupov.....................................................58 Jeren I. Mizrabova. Comparative review of the translations of “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” in Uzbek.................................................65 MESSAGES AND REVIEWS Kh. Alishina. Dictation on the Tatar language ............................................................................83 HISTORY OF SCIENCE, DOCUMENTS Polat Oteniyazov. The history of the collection, edition and research of the Karakalpak national fairy tales...................................................................................89 Bakhtiyor Mirzadjanov. Organization of the system of preparation of administrating personnel in Turkestan based on Communist universities (1917–1924) ..............................98 PERSONALIA th Zeynep Korkmaz (to her 95 birthday).....................................................................................112 Professor P.A. Sleptsov (to his 90th birthday) ...........................................................................117 Ravil’ Bikbayev (to scientist’s, writer’s and poet’s 80th birthday)............................................122 Valentina Tuguzhekova – famous Russian turkologist .............................................................127 Oksana Pustogacheva (to her 60th birthday)..............................................................................132 Valentin I. Rassadin (1939–2017) – in memory of the scientist ...............................................133 Memory of Churguy-ool Dorzhu (1949–2018).........................................................................137


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