w two worlds 8 / W (dizi) - Vikipedi

W Two Worlds 8

w two worlds 8

W (dizi)

1."W'nin Jeneriği" (Opening Title)&#;2."A New Variable" &#;&#;3."Black Shadow" &#;&#;4."Collapsed Dimensions" &#;&#;5."Crazy Dog, Professor Park" &#;&#;6."Forgotten Memory" &#;&#;7."Falsified Incident" &#;&#;8."Hidden Content" &#;&#;9."I want to erase sadness" &#;&#;"I Love you" &#;&#;"I've changed the heroine" &#;&#;"It is your setting" &#;&#;"Instead of being eaten, I will be eating" &#;&#;"Key to my life" &#;&#;"Like normal couples" &#;&#;"Lost Time" &#;&#;"Moment of Decision" &#;&#;"Meaning of ring" &#;&#;"No Dark Entity" &#;&#;"Non-existent Existence" &#;&#;"Nice to meet you Kang Chul fan!" &#;&#;"Ordinary Happiness" &#;&#;"Reason of Existence" &#;Lee Yun Ji"Real Criminal's Face" &#;&#;"Sour Charm" &#;&#;"Today's Homework" &#;&#;"Two worlds, One heart" &#;&#;"10 years of waiting" &#;&#;"To be continued" &#;&#;"Twisted Fact" &#;&#;"The strongest type of abnormal" &#;&#;"Win a losing game" &#;&#;"When I feel I'm into you" &#;&#;"Wish to happy ending" &#;&#;"Why did you look at me like this?" &#;&#;"W (Main Theme)" &#;&#;"Wealthy young man, Kang Chul" &#;&#;"World within webtoon" &#;&#;

1 milyon olmusuz tesekkurler canlarim ballarim bitanelerim

Bu arada bazen hosuma giden cizim resimleri koyuyorum cunku model secmedim

Model bulamiyoruz yoksa bunlar degil yani. Tek benzerligi gozluk olabilir iste oyle bi yakinlik sjshsj

Gökhan ve Murat vibe

Gökhan ve Murat vibe

* * *

Yol kenar&#x;yla bitik ad&#x;mlarla ve dolu dolu olmuş gözlerle yürürken, yan&#x;mdan geçen bir araba kornaya bast&#x;.

"K&#x;&#x;&#x;z Esraaa"

O tan&#x;d&#x;k sesi duyunca durup yana doğru döndüm. Murat sürücü koltuğundan bana bak&#x;yordu, Tuana da arka pencereden vücudunun yar&#x;s&#x;n&#x; ç&#x;karm&#x;şt&#x;. "K&#x;z nerede gidiyorsun? Gel gel!"

Sevinçle olduğum yerden z&#x;plad&#x;m ve ileri at&#x;l&#x;p kap&#x;y&#x; açt&#x;m. Arka koltuğa yerleşip kap&#x;y&#x; kapatt&#x;ktan sonra, "Ay bi' an beni b&#x;rak&#x;p gittiniz sand&#x;m!" diye s&#x;zland&#x;m. "Çok sinir oldum!"

Tuana omzunu omzuma vurdu.
"Kusura bakma, ben erken ç&#x;k&#x;p Murat'&#x; arad&#x;m. O da geldi sağolsun. Sana yetişelim diye en az üç trafik cezas&#x; yemişizdir!"

"Seni unutur muyuz hiç deli?" Dedi Murat, "Zaten istesek bile unutam&#x;yoruz."

Bunu sanki "bi' git de kurtulal&#x;m" der gibi söyleyince, aynaya yans&#x;yan gözlerine bakarak dilimi ç&#x;kar&#x;p, sonra Tuana'ya doğru döndüm.

"Nas&#x;l geçti kanka?"

"Geçmedi kanka geçirdi galiba."

"Ne biçim konuşuyorsun sen?" diye at&#x;ld&#x; Murat.

Bana müdahil olduğu yetmiyormuş gibi bir de Tuana'y&#x; darl&#x;yordu.

"Ay sana ne?" dedi Tuana.

"Ne demek sana ne?" Dedi Murat.

"Sana ne işte, konuşurum kar&#x;şamazs&#x;n."

K&#x;z&#x;m be aslan&#x;m benim.

"Kar&#x;ş&#x;r&#x;m," dedi Murat, "doğru düzgün konuşun."

Tuana ona kötü kötü bakt&#x; ama bir şey söylemeyip bana doğru döndü."Senin nas&#x;l geçti?"

"Seninki gibi," dedim kaş göz işaretiyle. "Birkaç soruda zorland&#x;m ama çoğunu çözdüm. Sadece doğru mu, yaln&#x;ş m&#x; emin olam&#x;yorum. &#x;şte emin olamad&#x;ğ&#x;m için ben de merak ediyorum geçti mi yoksa ge- neyse."

"Sizi dondurma yemeğe götürüyorum, itiraz&#x; olan var m&#x;?" dedi Murat.

&#x;kimiz de ayn&#x; tepkiyi verdik.
"Ne? Dondurma m&#x;?"

Dudaklar&#x;m&#x; k&#x;v&#x;rd&#x;m.
"Vay be, cimri Muro. Sen ve dondurma &#x;smarlamak."

"Ismarlayacağ&#x;m demedim, alman üsulü," diyince, tamam dedik. Bu bizim Murat.

Elimi kalbimin üzerine koydum, "Ay bi' an ödüm koptu başkas&#x;n&#x;n arabas&#x;na m&#x; bindik diye."

Tuana gülerken, "Çok komik," dedi Murat. "Size bir deniz havas&#x; ald&#x;ray&#x;m ama umar&#x;m s&#x;nav&#x;n sonuçlar&#x; buna değer."

Tuana ile birbirimize bak&#x;p s&#x;r&#x;tt&#x;k. Çünkü hem derslerimiz pekiyi idi, hem de son senemizde tabiri caizse eşek gibi çal&#x;şm&#x;şt&#x;k.

"Yani elimizden geleni yapt&#x;k," dedi Tuana, "daha ne yapabiliriz ki? Çoktand&#x;r can&#x;m dondurma çekiyordu ama üzerimde hiç para yok."

Elini elime al&#x;p kendi dizimin üzerine getirdiğimde bana bakt&#x;. "Saçmalama k&#x;z&#x;m, ben burday&#x;m ya. Param&#x; da Murat'a vermiştim, o alacak bize. Değil mi Murro?"

"Şakadan da anlam&#x;yor," dedi aynadan Tuana'ya bakarak. Tuana ona hiç bakmay&#x;p yüzünü d&#x;şar&#x; döndü, galiba trip at&#x;yordu.

"Ama seninki şaka değil, kaka."

Sahile varm&#x;şt&#x;k. Ben aç&#x;k bir alanda oturacağ&#x;z, seyyar dondurmac&#x;dan al&#x;p yeriz sanm&#x;şt&#x;m ama güzel bir restorana gelmiştik.

"Ben aç&#x;m," dedim hemen, "ve burdan bir şeyler yemeden ç&#x;kmam."

Tuana'y&#x; da çekiştirerek içeriye girdim. &#x;çerisi buz gibiydi, d&#x;şar&#x;s&#x; resmen kavruluyordu. Cam kenar&#x;ndaki masalardan birine yerleştim, Tuana karş&#x;ma, Murat da benim yan&#x;ma.

Elime ald&#x;ğ&#x;m menüyü çekip al&#x;nca dönüp ona bakt&#x;m. Yeşil gözlerini kocamam açarak, "Ocağ&#x;ma incir ayağ&#x; dikeceksin gibi geliyor ama hadi hay&#x;rl&#x;s&#x;," deyince gülerek önüme döndüm ve Tuana'ya bak&#x;p göz k&#x;rpt&#x;m.

Murat kendisine soğuk kahve, dondurma ve profiterol söyleyince, ben de cesaretlenip ayn&#x; şeyi söyledim. Yemek zevklerimiz birbirine benziyordu.

Tuana çekinip sadece vanilyal&#x; dondurma yemek istediğini söyleyince, ayağ&#x;na tekmeyi savurdum. "Ayn&#x;s&#x;ndan, yan&#x;nda da ayn&#x;s&#x;ndan." diyerek düzeltince, gülümsedim.

Bir elimle ağz&#x;m&#x;n üzerini kapatarak Murat'a doğru yaklaşt&#x;m.
"Vallahi sen dondurma yemeğe gidiyoruz deyince ben de sahilde beş liral&#x;k dondurmayla geçiştireceksin sanm&#x;şt&#x;m. Hay&#x;rd&#x;r piyango mu vurdu?"

"K&#x;rk y&#x;l&#x;n baş&#x; k&#x;z&#x;m, n'olacak?" diye f&#x;s&#x;ldad&#x;.

"&#x;yi bari, bana hava hoş." Diyip geri çekildim.

Tuana kas&#x;larak oturmuş, etraf&#x;na bak&#x;yordu. Evet o da on sekiz yaş&#x;ndayd&#x; ama ilk kez ailesi d&#x;ş&#x;nda birileriyle bir mekâna gidiyordu. Ayaklar&#x;m&#x; ayaklar&#x;n&#x;n yan&#x;na koydum ve k&#x;st&#x;rd&#x;m. Bana bakarak gülümsedi. Gözlerimi s&#x;k&#x;ca kapatarak aç&#x;p rahat ol işaretini verdim.

Az sonra siparişlerimiz geldive yemeğe başlad&#x;k. Seçimleri Murat yapm&#x;şt&#x; ve biz de memnunduk. Murat daha bir kaş&#x;k dondurma yemişti ki, telefonu çalmaya başlad&#x;. Dönüp Tuana bakt&#x;m, hâlâ çekiniyordu. "Yesene k&#x;z," diye f&#x;s&#x;ldad&#x;m sessizce.

Öne doğru gelip nihayet kaş&#x;ğ&#x;n&#x; ald&#x;. Onu bekliyordum. Ayn&#x; anda bir kaş&#x;k ald&#x;k ve ayn&#x; tepkiyi verip güldük. O s&#x;navdan sonra biraz iyi gelmişti. Hele ki tatl&#x;ya çok ihtiyac&#x;m&#x;z vard&#x;

Ağz&#x;m tatlanm&#x;ş, yüzümde bir tebessüm vard&#x;. Ta ki, Murat telefondaki kişiye ad&#x;yla seslenene kadar.

"Efendim kardeşim?.. Tamam Anlad&#x;m Tamam Gökhan, bizimkileri eve b&#x;rak&#x;p geliyorum."

Aradan aylar geçmişti ve yüreğim tek bir kelimeyle, onun ad&#x;n&#x; işitmemle birlikte yeniden yang&#x;n yerine döndü. Yediğim içtiğim zehir oldu. Soramamak, bu kadar k&#x;zg&#x;nken ve merak ederken susup oturmak o kadar zordu ki

Medya: Sert er ÖZNDMDMDMD

Medya: Sert er ÖZNDMDMDMD

Bu arada dört milyon olmak üzereyiz, yeni gelenler aram&#x;za hoşgeldiniz.

Y&#x;ld&#x;zlar&#x;n&#x;z&#x; eksik etmezseniz sevinirim, sat&#x;r aralar&#x;na da yorum atarsan&#x;z çok mutlu olurum.

Bölüme başlamadan önce küçük bir kalp b&#x;rak&#x;r m&#x;s&#x;n&#x;z:*)

Birini öldürmek mi istiyorsunuz?

Onu en zay&#x;f noktas&#x;ndan vurmay&#x; denediniz mi? Bir b&#x;çak al&#x;p s&#x;rt&#x;ndan vurmay&#x; peki? Bunlar olam&#x;yorsa, en etkili silah sessizliğinizdir. Birini öldürmek istiyorsan&#x;z sessiz olacaks&#x;n&#x;z ve onu umursamayacaks&#x;n&#x;z. Böyle yaparak öldürmek istediğini kişiyi etkisiz hale getirebilirsiniz.

Fakat ben birini öldürmek değil, süründürmek istiyordum.

Bu yüzden öfkemi aç&#x;ğa ç&#x;kartt&#x;m. Onu öldürmek istemiyordum, ben onu süründürmek istiyordum. Zaman&#x; vard&#x; elbette, yavaş yavaş hayat&#x;ndaki her şeyi silip atacakt&#x;m. Tek baş&#x;na hayat mücadelesinde yaln&#x;z kalacakt&#x;. Onu yaln&#x;z b&#x;rakacakt&#x;m. Nefes alamayacakt&#x;. Bembeyaz duvarlar&#x;n ortas&#x;nda sadece o olacakt&#x;.

''Gece.'' dedi Serter.

Odam&#x;z&#x;n içindeydik. Serter dün akşam eve gelir gelmez çal&#x;şma odas&#x;na gitmiş, yine kafas&#x;n&#x; kağ&#x;tlara gömmüştü. Yoruluyordu, bu aralar yorgun hissediyordu. O yüzden olabildiğince onu yormamaya çal&#x;ş&#x;yordum.

''Efendim.'' dedim.

Gözlüğünü ç&#x;kard&#x;ğ&#x;nda, okuma gözlüğü komodinin üzerine b&#x;rakt&#x;. ''Bir saat sonra uçağ&#x;m var.''

''Özel jetin ile gitmeyecek misin?'' diye sordum.

Papatya çay&#x;n&#x;n bulunduğu fincan&#x; tüm parmaklar&#x;yla sararak; ''Hay&#x;r.'' dedi dikkatli bir ses tonuyla.


Derin bir nefes ald&#x;ğ&#x;nda, kucağ&#x;nda bulunan kağ&#x;tlar&#x; katlamaya çal&#x;şt&#x;. ''Çünkü bak&#x;mda, bak&#x;m&#x; yap&#x;lmayan hiçbir araca binmem. Özelikle hava yolu araçlar&#x; tehlikeli oluyor.''

''H&#x;m.'' M&#x;r&#x;ldand&#x;m.

''Yaklaş&#x;k bir hafta birbirimizi göremeyeceğiz.'' Bu gerçek yüzüme tokat gibi çarpt&#x;. ''Biraz üzüleceğim aç&#x;kças&#x;.'' dedi.

Yan&#x;na oturduğumda, aç&#x;lan eteğimi düzelterek elinin üzerine elimi b&#x;rakt&#x;m. ''Birbirimizi görüntülü arar&#x;z, sana sürekli mesaj atar&#x;m.'' Özlem duygusuyla bütünleştiğim halde bir şeyler belli etmemek için özen gösterdim. ''Olmaz m&#x;?''

Elimi dudaklar&#x;na götürdüğünde, oraya s&#x;cak bir öpücük b&#x;rak&#x;p beni mutlu etmişti. ''Seni görüntülü tabii ki arar&#x;m ama senin vizeler başlam&#x;yor muydu?''

The Steel Path

Teshin has a new challenge only the most worthy Tenno can accept. Greater difficulty and greater rewards await. Can you reclaim the Origin System and walk the Steel Path?

The Steel Path is a difficulty modifier for the Origin System hosted by Teshin, testing the Tenno's perseverance against significantly more durable enemies. It was introduced in Update ().


In order to access The Steel Path, players must have completed all nodes (excluding Mutalist Alad V and Jordas Golem Assassinates on Eris, and Duviri) on the connected Star Chart, including Dark Sectors, Lua, the Kuva Fortress, the Zariman Ten Zero.

Note that this also entails completing the Ropalolyst node, which requires players to have completed the Chimera Prologue and all the story quests leading up to it. In addition, it also requires the completion of the Heart of Deimosquest if all nodes were unlocked before the update. Completing the nodes on the Zariman Ten Zero will require the player to complete the Angels of the Zariman, which requires completion of The New War, meaning players must have acquired both a Railjack and a Necramech.

Once the player meets these requirements, Teshin will invite the player to challenge The Steel Path; they must meet him on any Relay and ask him about "Steel Path?" to unlock the mode. From then on, The Steel Path will be permanently available even when new Star Chart nodes are added in future updates. Once players have The Steel Path unlocked, it will be displayed as a toggle on the right side of the Star Chart screen. The Steel Path also adds a 6th tier LandscapeBounty.

The Steel Path only affects normal missions, Dark Sectors, Junctions, Mission Locators, and Duviri. It does not apply to Nightmare Mode, Syndicates, or Invasions. The Empyrean Star Chart is also not included.


Incursions will only appear in the Alerts panel when the player has toggled their Star Chart mode to "Steel Path".

Each day at UTC, 5 Steel Path IncursionsAlert missions will be made available to the player on the Star Chart. A player can attempt them regardless if they have already unlocked the node where the Incursion is hosted in, and completing an Incursion will unlock that node. Incursions can appear on any node except Landscapes and Junctions, and they always appear globally on the same nodes for each player to aid with matchmaking. Each Incursion always awards 5 SteelEssenceSteel Essence (unaffected by any boosters) and some may also have an additional CreditsCredits reward.

Some mission types in Incursion have additional conditions to make them even more challenging than regular Steel Path missions:

  • Spy Incursions require 2 Data Vaults (instead of normal 1 Vault).
  • Interception Incursions requires 2 waves (instead of normal 1 wave).

Steel Path Incursions will refresh in:

December 4, UTC24h-1thh mm ssfull


  • Players must re-unlock Star Chart nodes on The Steel Path starting from E Prime, Earth, as if starting the Origin System from a fresh state.
    • Dakata, Kuva Fortress, the individual Jordas Golem and Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Eris nodes, and Bounties from Cetus, Fortuna, and the Necralisk are also immediately available from the start.
      • Completion of the 6th tier Bounty is not required in order to mark the node as completed. Entering the Landscape with a 6th tier Bounty selected and immediately exiting to the hub town will also unlock their adjacent nodes.
    • Steel Path Eidolons can only be fought at nighttime, either in the sixth tier Cetus bounty, or by having selected the Steel Path mode from the Navigation Screen before entering the Plains of Eidolon.
    • Junctions on The Steel Path do not have any associated tasks and can be entered as soon as the adjacent node is cleared. (Unless the player has an early account and has cleared the Star Chart before junctions were implemented, in which case the player will have to go back to the normal mode junction and clear its prerequisites to challenge it in Steel Path mode.)
  • All enemies have their level increased by , and gain an additional +% (to a total of %, or x) bonus to health, armor, and shields.
  • Team Bonus Consumables have a one-minute cooldown.
  • Enemy spawn rates during Endless missions are increased as if playing in a full squad in normal mode.
  • Acolytes can spawn in any non-Archwing, non-Assassination, and non-Duviri Steel Path missions.
    • Multiple Acolytes can spawn each mission in roughly minute intervals depending on the kill rate of enemies, with an average of 4 1/2 minutes in Survival. This includes non-endless mission types such as Exterminate, and Landscapes regardless of whether a bounty is currently active.
      • In non-endless missions, a max of 3 Acolytes will spawn.
      • In Survival, an Acolyte can still be spawned after the player runs out of Life Support, as long as there remain enemies to be killed in order to summon the Acolyte.
    • Acolytes will still spawn in submersible missions on Uranus.
    • Acolytes will not spawn from kills made by Specter (Tenno) or On Call Crew.



  • Mission nodes and Junctions award Mastery Points that is separate from normal Star Chart missions. Like normal missions, points are only awarded once after the first completion.
  • All missions in The Steel Path have a +% resource drop chance increase and +% mod drop chance increase over the same mission node in normal (non-Steel Path) mode.
  • Five Incursion missions in the Star Chart are randomly picked as a daily Alert mission, each rewarding 5 SteelEssenceSteel Essence (unaffected by any boosters) and some may also have an additional CreditsCredits reward.
    • The missions are not picked in random order but are randomized each day so the same mission can be selected several times before all other missions have been selected.
  • Eidolon Teralyst, Eidolon Gantulyst, and Eidolon Hydrolyst are guaranteed to drop 1 Steel Essence.
  • Acolytes are guaranteed to drop 2 Steel Essence (affected by Resource Boosters and SmeetaKavatSmeeta Kavat's Mod TT 20pxCharm), as well as one random Steel Path Arcane (PrimaryDeadheadPrimary Deadhead, PrimaryDexterityPrimary Dexterity, PrimaryMercilessPrimary Merciless, SecondaryDeadheadSecondary Deadhead, SecondaryDexteritySecondary Dexterity, or SecondaryMercilessSecondary Merciless).
  • All Eximus enemies have an increased chance to drop Riven Slivers.
  • Fully clearing a planet's mission nodes awards a respective Decoration and Emote, as well as 25 Steel Essences.
  • Opening a Void Relic in Steel Path Void Fissures awards 1 Steel Essence.
  • The Orowyrm drops 5 Steel Essence, 15 Pathos Clamps (up from 10), and 22 Drifter Intrinsics (up from 15).

Steel Essence[]

Main article: Steel Essence

SteelEssenceSteel Essence is used to buy items in The Steel Path Honors shop from Teshin in any Relay.

Some evergreen offerings have weekly purchase limits: the RivenCipherVeiled Riven Cipher can only be purchased once per week, while KuvaKuva and the Void Relic Pack have a purchase limit of 25 per week.

Evergreen offerings
Rotating offerings every week

Only one reward is available per week and it can only be bought once that week. Every week, the 8 offerings will rotate from left to right, which takes 8 weeks for a full loop.

November 16, UTCShotgun Riven Mod is available for
7D-1DD hh mm ssfull

Note: Click here and purge the page's cache if the above weekly item is wrong. You have to do this every week when the weekly reward changes, which is every Sunday midnight UTC time or when the countdown timer above reaches zero.

The Circuit[]

Main article: The Circuit#The Steel Path Circuit

The Circuit has its own set of Steel Path rewards, most notably Incarnon Genesis adapters. Two out of five adapters are selectable per week and are awarded of The Circuit's 5th and 10th award tiers, one time per week.



  • The Steel Path was originally known as "Hard Mode" when first pitched by the Development Team.
  • Originally, two different tiers of hard mode were planned: one was meant to be a +60 enemy level Star Chart, and the other, called "Ultra Hard Mode", a + level. The first tier was removed in order to not dilute the matchmaking.
  • Circulus, Lua's level is the highest starting level of enemies in the Steel Path.
  • Missions can still sometimes change objectives mid-mission, such as Capture changing to Exterminate (after capturing the target), but Teshin has no voice lines to reflect this, so he will simply repeat his original voice line.


Warframe The Steel Path - Available Now on PC

Warframe The Steel Path - Available Now on PC

Patch History[]

Update ()


Complete the following conditions to earn an inbox message from Teshin with 25 Steel Essence, the Steel Path Duviri Emote, and the Steel Path Duviri Trophy.

  • Complete a mission stage in the Steel Path Circuit.
  • Complete a full Spiral in The Duviri Experience (ie. defeating the Orowyrm)
  • Complete a full Spiral in The Lone Story (ie. defeating the Orowyrm)

Zariman Steel Path Trophy Fix
The introduction of Duviri Steel Path Trophies also fixes the issue of players not earning Zariman Steel Path trophies after completing all nodes (as they were not registering as complete), because Duviri was being counted as part of the Zariman region upon launch. Players who have completed the Zariman nodes prior to this update will now also receive their Steel Path rewards upon login.

  • Added “The Steel Path” option to the Simulacrum enemy settings. When enabled, enemies will have an additional +% Health, Armor, and Shields.
  • Fixed missing LOC that would appear when selecting a daily Steel Path mission while in Railjack navigation.

Update ()


Experience Duviri on an entirely new level with The Steel Path! For those unfamiliar with this path, it is a difficulty modifier for existing nodes in the Star Chart to test your strength against significantly more difficult enemies.

How to Unlock for Duviri:
If you do not already have The Steel Path available to you, players must complete all of the nodes in the Origin System’s Star Chart and then speak to Teshin in the Relays. Upon doing this, and completing the Duviri Paradox Quest, the Steel Path toggle will appear for the Duviri Region to enable/disable these mission variants.

Note: Duviri missions are not required to unlock the Steel Path, unlike the Empyrean Star Chart.

Duviri Steel Path Modifiers:
Difficulty scaling for Duviri is different from what you may be used to in the regular Star Chart, as it is quite unlike the rest of Warframe.

In the Duviri landscape, enemy level is increased by +20 but with no additional modifiers to Health, Shield, or Armor. The Orowyrm fight at the end of Spiral also has additional stages and mechanics for those who want to engage in a more challenging fight -- with extra rewards for your effort. Traveling Duviri on the Steel Path earns you additional Intrinsics upon defeating the Orowyrm (22 instead of the usual 15), as well as extra Pathos Clamps (15 instead of 10).

In the Undercroft, enemies have the default Steel Path modifiers of + enemy level, % Health, Shield and Armor.

These enemy modifiers are indicated upon hovering over the Steel Path toggle in the Duviri Navigation screen.

Seeing as Duviri exists beyond the confines of the Origin System, Acolytes do not spawn here. However, Steel Essence is still rewarded for each mode:

  • The Circuit: Via the 9th Reward Tier (read The Circuit section below for full details)
  • The Duviri Landscape: 5x Steel Essence rewarded for defeating the Orowyrm.

Note: The Steel Path Trophy and Emote for the Duviri Region will be coming in a later update. Thank you for your patience!

Update ()

  • The Steel Path Honors store now has a limit of 25 per week for each of the 10, Kuva and the Relic Pack offerings.
    • We have made this change to Teshins store as it is an unlimited source of Kuva and Void Relics in-game. We took a careful look at Steel Path and decided this would be the best method to ensure a small handful of players couldn’t buy absurdly large quantities of these resources at once, without making changes that would affect all Players on the Steel Path.
  • Vendors with weekly offerings (such as Teshin) will now reset those items on Monday at UTC/ PM ET to be in sync with all the other reset timers.
    • Teshin was set to time of purchase + one week, but will now reset on Monday at UTC/ PM ET.
  • Fixed Acolyte spawns stopping indefinitely in the Steel Path if a Host Migration happens at the same moment one spawns or while one is alive.
  • Fixed players getting duplicate Inbox messages when they complete an area of the Map on Steel Path mode, if they had already finished that area before.

Hotfix ()

  • Fixed swapping between Railjack mode in the Star Chart causing UI issues with the Steel Path toggle.

Update ()

  • Fixed issues of players not being invited to unlock the Steel Path when talking to Teshin in a Relay.

Update ()

Update ()

New Steel Path Missions: Void Fissures

While evaluating AoE, we found another angle of consideration: mission design. Specifically Fissure missions where AoE lethality is common and problematic. For each new Prime Access, we ask players to revisit these lower level missions to open Relics - in Lith missions it can be difficult to even earn Reactant if you kill too quickly! Which leads us to the following addition of Steel Path Void Fissure Missions.

If you are an experienced Warframe player, you are extremely familiar with the Void Fissure mission flow: Select Relic and blitz through enemies to crack it. It is obvious that where Void Fissure missions are, they are far too easy and can be completed with little to no friction (looking at you Lith). Ultimately, this makes the Prime content not as engaging as it could be, while also leaving new players behind in the dust as the experienced rip through enemies before they can get to them.

The solution: Steel Path Void Fissure missions.

When enabling Steel Path in Navigation, Void Fissure missions in the World State Window will now have the usual Steel Path flare apply (Acolytes, difficulty modifiers, etc.). To make it worth your while, 1 x Steel Essence is also awarded for every Relic you crack.

  • Fixed Steel Path Excavators spawning at level 1 while enemies are level This was a UI bug only, health scaling was working as intended.



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