what is a dynamic dated class / Spring Withdrawal - NIU - Office of the Bursar

what is a dynamic dated class

what is a dynamic dated class

Course information, including the course syllabus when available, can be found online at Instructor and Course Syllabus Information. Students who withdraw as a result of military service may choose to receive a full refund of tuition and fees, an incomplete if eligible or final grade at institution discretion. Persons 65 years of age or older may audit courses without paying an audit fee. Your Canvas messages and BC email address are often confused. Note: UT Arlington cannot certify, verify or validate documents as "original" - "authentic" - "verified" - "certified" etc. Option 1: Use "Report Browser" On the "Reports" tab of your home page, select "Report Browser" from the drop-down menu: Here you can filter a list of courses by term, college, department, instructor, and course, and either check an individual course this will take you to the Ratings Summary page for that course or select multiple courses then click the "Create Batch File" link,. For a regular term, there are 13 sessions, two of which are dynamically dated in order to correspond with grade posting cycles classes ending before midterm grading are associated with the DD1 session; classes ending after, with the DD2 session.

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