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Əliheydərova İntizar Həziyeva Əfsanə

(For the Students of the Faculties of Construction,
Architecture and Economy)

Azərbaycan respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyinin

876 saylı 21 avqust 2015 tarixli qərarına
əsasən nəşr olunur

“Elm və təhsil”

Baku- 2015

Redaktorlar: Əsədova N.N.,
Əliyeva S. T.
Rəyçilər: Tahirov İ. M.
Filologiya elmləri doktoru, professor;
Məşədiyev Q. İ.
Filologiya elmləri doktoru, professor;
Əliyeva S. S.
Filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent

Məmmədova Aygün, Əsədova Məhəbbət, Əliheydərova İntizar, Həziyeva Əfsanə

ENGLİSH (For the Students of the Faculties of Construction, Architecture and Economy). Bakı, “Elm
və təhsil”, 2015, 328 səh.

Dərs vəsaiti memarlıq, inşaat və iqtisadiyyat fakulrələrjində təhsil alan, memar, müxtəlif
sahələrə aid mühəndis və tikinti sahəsində çalışan iqtisadçılar üçün nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Dərs vəsaitində
ingilis dilinin qrammatikasının tələbələr tərəfindən təkrar edilməsi və daha yaxşı mənimsənilməsi üçün hər
dərsin əvvəlində iki qrammatik çalışma verilmişdir. Dərs vəsaitinə daxil olan mətnlər və leksik çalışmalar
tələbələrin ixtisasına uyğun seçilmiş və müasir metodik tələblərə uyğun hazırlanmışdır. Hər mətnin sonunda
verilən üç dildə- ingilis, Azərbaycan və rus dillərində lüğət mətndə əks olunan naməlum terminologiya və
sözlər mətnin tələbələr tərəfindən tam mənimsənilməsinə yardım edir. Dərsliyin sonunda verilən danışıq
mətnləri tələbələrin dünyagörüşünün zənginləşməsi və ingilis dilində danışıq qabiliyyətlərinin inkişaf
etdirilməsi məqsədi daşıyır. Dərsliyin sonunda verilən ümumi terminoloji lüğət tələbələrin leksik bazasının
ixtisaslarına uygun terminoloji leksika ilə zənginləşməsinə xidmət edir.

ISBN 978-9952-8142-9-3

© «Elm və təhsil», 2015


Azerbaijan is an independent country. It proclaimed its independence in October 1991,

before the official dissolution of the USSR.
Azerbaijan is a unitary constitutional presidential republic. The country is a member state
of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the NATO Partnership for Peace program. It is one of
the six independent Turkic-speaking states, being an active member of the Turkic Council and
the TÜRKSOY community. Azerbaijan has diplomatic relations with 158 countries and holds
membership in 38 international organizations. It is one of the founding members of GUAM, the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons. A member of the United Nations since 1992, Azerbaijan was elected to membership in
the newly established Human Rights Council by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 May
Azerbaijan is situated at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It occupies
the eastern part of Transcaucasia. In the north, Azerbaijan borders on Russia, in the north-west
on Georgia, in the south-west on Armenia and in the south on Iran and Turkey. In the east,
Azerbaijan is bounded by the Caspian Sea. Its territory is not large 86.000 square kilometers.
Azerbaijan Republic includes the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The exclave of
Nakhchivan is bounded by Armenia to the north and east, Iran to the south and west, while
having a short border with Turkey in the northwest.
The population of Azerbaijan is about 9 million.
Azerbaijan is a sun-filled land and a land of mountains. More than half of its territory is
mountainous country. To the north is the Greater Caucasus, to the west the Lesser Caucasus, and
to the south the Talysh Mountains.
The biggest rivers in Azerbaijan are the Kur, the Araz and the Samur.
There are eight varieties of climate on the small territory of Azerbaijan.
The soil of the Republic is very rich. Nature has given all the riches of the earth to
Azerbaijan. It possesses immense mineral riches, the principal one being oil. Oil is found in the
Absheron Peninsula, the Kur-Araz lowland and the Caspian bed. There are other natural riches –
gas, iron, ore mines in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan cultivates cotton, grapes, rice, tea and wheat. There are orchards, forests and
pastures in Azerbaijan. It has mineral springs, such as Istisu, Naftalan, Mardakan, Bilgah,
Qalaalti and Gachrash which are famous all over the world.
There are lots of rest homes, health-resorts in our country.
The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku. Baku is the political, cultural centre of Azerbaijan. It is
situated in the Caspian Sea. Baku is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of the world.
Other cities are: Jalilabad, Ganja, Nakhchivan, Shamakhi, Mingechaur, Sumgait, Dashkasan, etc.
Azerbaijan is an advanced cultural republic. There are a lot of kindergartens, schools,
colleges, universities in it. It has its own Academy of Sciences.
At present Azerbaijanian writers, poets, composers and scientists are well-known
throughout the world. One can hear the music of Azerbaijanian composers in the concert halls of
different counties.
Much can be told about the wealth and beauty of Azerbaijan, about its ancient
architecture, fascinating landscapes, picturesque towns, fine villages, snow-white cotton fields,
endless orchards, large vineyards, various types of nut trees, high mountains, broad valleys, thick
forests, long rivers, clear waterfalls, beautiful lakes and the famous Caspian sea with fine coasts
of sandy beaches and well known “Oil Rocks”.
We love our country and we are proud of it.
unitary [ʹju:nıt(ə)rı] unitar, birləşdirici, vahid; унитарный, единый; стремящийся к
единству, объединению unitary state - унитарное государство
dissolution [ˌdɪsə'luːʃən] buraxma (təşkilatı, parlamenti və s.); разложение,
разрушение, распад
bound [baund] həmhüdud olmaq, yanaşı olmaq; ограничивать, служить границей
exclave [ʹekskleıv] eksklav, bir ölkənin başqa bir ölkə ərazisi tərəfindən ayrılan ərazisi;
часть территории государства, отделённая от него территорией другого государства;

The Tricolour Flag of Azerbaijan Republic

The national flag of Azerbaijan was first accepted by the government of the Democratic
Republic of Azerbaijan on November 9, 1918.
After restoring its independence by a relevant Constitutional Act on October 18, 1991 the
Azerbaijan Republic announced itself the heir of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Then the
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic’s state symbols, including the State Flag were adopted as the
state symbols of the newly reestablished Azerbaijan Republic.
The flag consists of three equally sized horizontal pales. These pales are: blue, red and
green colours. There is a white crescent and an eight-pointed star in the center of the flag. Each
pale of the colours has got its own meaning. The blue pale symbolizes Turkic heritage. The red
pale symbolizes the progress to establish a modern state and the development of democracy. And
the green pale symbolizes the nation’s relation to the Islamic civilization. The crescent
symbolizes Islam and the eight-pointed star symbolizes eight branches of Turkic nation.
pale [peıl] xətt, zolaq; полоса
crescent ['kresnt] aypara; 1) полумесяц, эмблема, герб турецкого государства 2)
магометанство, ислам

The Emblem of Azerbaijan

The Tongues of flame symbolizing “The Land of Fire” are depicted in the centre of the
emblem. The symbol of flame is also interpreted as the Arabic word “Allah”. The colours used
in the emblem are the colours of the national flag of Azerbaijan. The eight-pointed star
symbolizes eight branches of Turkic nation. At the bottom of the emblem is a stalk of wheat and
branch of oak. The stalk of wheat symbolizes richness and fertility. The branch of the oak
symbolizes antiquity of the country. The shield in the emblem means defense.

The National Anthem

The Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic carried out a decision
on the development of the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan on January 30, 1920.
For this purpose the Ministry of National Education declared a competition. Yet the collapse of
the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic on April 28, 1920 prevented this process. The Parliament
approved the law “On the National Anthem of the Azerbaijan Republic” on May 27, 1992. The
national anthem of Azerbaijan is considered as one of the national symbols of Azerbaijan. The
melody of the national anthem of the Azerbaijan Republic was composed by Uzeyir Hajibeyov,
the well- known Azerbaijani composer and the words were written by the prominent poet
Ahmad Javad in 1919.
The March of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan!
The heroic patriotic glorious land!
To die for you we are glad and we are ready!
If there is need to shed blood
We are too ready!
With three color banner live happily!
Sacrifices too many done,
Every soldier to front has gone!
When your chest was field of battle!
Come back as a heroic son!
Let me see you flourish,
Let your enemies perish!
I love you, my dear land
Be mightier we do wish!
To safeguard your sacred land,
To hold high your honored flag,
All the youngsters are too glad!
Glorious land, glorious land!
Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan!

The Worldwide Leader of Azerbaijan
Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev was born on May 10, 1923 in Nakhchivan City of Azerbaijan.
After he graduated from the Nakhchivan Pedagogical School in 1939, he studied at the
Architecture Department of the Azerbaijan Industry Institute (present Azerbaijan State Oil
Academy). The incipient war impeded to complete his education. From 1941, Heydar Aliyev
headed the department at the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Autonomous
Soviet Socialist Republic of Nakhchivan. In 1944 he was sent to work at the State Security
bodies. From 1964 Heydar Aliyev held the post of the deputy chairman and from 1967 the
chairman of the State Security Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of
Azerbaijan. He was conferred the rank of lieutenant general then. These years, he received
special higher education in Leningrad (present St. Petersburg). In 1957 he graduated from the
History Department of the Azerbaijan State University.
When Heydar Aliyev was elected the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Azerbaijan at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Azerbaijan in July, 1969, he became the head of the Republic. In December, 1982 Heydar
Aliyev was elected a member of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist
Party of Soviet Union and appointed to the post of the First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of
Ministers of the USSR. Thus he became one of the leaders of the USSR. During twenty years,
Heydar Aliyev was the Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and for five years he was
Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
In October, 1987 Heydar Aliyev, as a sign of the protest against the policy pursued by the
Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and
personally the Secretary General Michael Gorbachev, resigned from his post.
On the next day of the tragedy committed on January 20, 1990 in Baku by the Soviet
troops, Heydar Aliyev made a statement at the Azerbaijan Representation in Moscow and
demanded to punish the organizers and executors of the crime committed against the people of
Azerbaijan. As a sign of protest against the hypocritical policy of leadership of the USSR, in
connection with the critical conflict accrued in Daghlig Garabagh, in July 1991 he left the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
In 1990 Heydar Aliyev was elected a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. In
1991-1993, he held the post of Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Autonomous Republic
of Nakhchyvan, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1992,
at the constituent congress of the New Azerbaijan Party in Nakhchyvan, Heydar Aliyev was
elected Chairman of the Party.
In May-June 1993 as a result of extreme tension of the governmental crisis, the country
was at the verge of civil war and loss of independence, the people of Azerbaijan demanded to
bring Heydar Aliyev to power. The then leaders of Azerbaijan were obliged to invite Heydar
Aliyev officially to Baku. On June 15, 1993 Heydar Aliyev was elected the Chairman of the
Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. On July, 24 on the resolution of the Milli Mejlis, he commenced
to fulfill powers of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
On October 3, 1993, as a result of nationwide voting, Heydar Aliyev was elected President
of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On October 11, 1998, he was re-elected President of the Republic
of Azerbaijan.
Heydar Aliyev had given his consent to be nominated as a candidate at October 15, 2003
presidential elections but he relinquished to run at the elections in connection with health
On December, 12 the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, President Heydar Aliyev
passed away in Cleveland Hospital in the United States of America.
Heydar Aliyev was awarded a number of state orders and medals, international awards, elected
honorable doctor of universities in many countries.

Heydar Aliyev was awarded the Lenin Order four times, Order of Red Star, numerous
medals, also orders and medals of foreign countries, received rank of the Hero of the Socialistic
Labor twice.
On March 27, 1997 the head of the state of Azerbaijan was awarded in Kiev the
"Yaroslav Mudry" Order, the supreme order of Ukraine.
On April 13, 1999 President Heydar Aliyev was awarded the "Peace Premium of
Ataturk" Order, the high order of Turkey.
On January 20, 2001 President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev was
awarded the rank of the Honourable Professor of Moscow State University.
On April 3, 2003 President Heydar Aliyev was elected professor and full member of the
Academy of Safety, Defense and Legal Norms Problems of the Russian Federation, awarded the
premium of Y.V.Andropov.
On May 10, 2003 decree was signed on awarding Heydar Aliyev the Order of Saint
Apostle Andrey Pervozvanny, the supreme order of Russia.

incipient [ɪn'sɪpɪənt] təzə başlayan; начинающийся

impede [ɪm'piːd] mane olmaq; препятствовать
deputy chairman- sədrin müavini; заместитель председателя;
confer [kən'fəː] vermə (alimlik dərəcəsi və s. - on); даровать, предоставлять
relinquish [rıʹlıŋkwıʃ] imtina etmək; atmaq; оставлять, бросать; отказываться
to run in an election —1. səsə qoyulmaq; 2. seçilmək. баллотироваться
resign [rɪ'zaɪn] iste'faya getmək, (часто from) отказываться от должности;
hypocritical [͵hıpəʹkrıtık(ə)l] riyakar, ikiüzlü; лицемерный,
pursue of policy (of) siyasət aparmaq; вести политику
verge [vəːdʒ] n. kənar; край
accrue [ə'kruː] artmaq, çoxalmaq; увеличиваться
constituent [kən'stɪtjuənt] 1) seçki 2) yaradılmış, seçici имеющий право голоса, избирающий

Baku - the Capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan Republic. It is situated on the shore of the Caspian Sea.
Baku is the political, economical and cultural centre of Azerbaijan Republic. It is one of the
biggest and oldest cities of the world. Its population is about 3 million.
Baku has a warm and dry subtropical climate, with a hot summer and short mild winter.
Baku is a beautiful city with ancient monuments, marvelous buildings and beautiful green parks.
Baku is a political centre of Azerbaijan. All the governmental buildings are situated in
this city.
Baku is a economical and industrial centre of Azerbaijan.
There are a lot of various kinds of banks, firms, enterprise, economic organizations,
department-stores, shops, offices here. The advertizing of shops is very charming and well-
organized. The main offices of grand oil companies are situated in the capital of our republic.
Baku is a cultural centre of Azerbaijan. There are many concert halls, theatres, cinemas
and so on here. The Republic Palace is one of them where famous singers give concerts and the
hall are always full. All famous operas and ballets are always on the stage of the Opera Theatre.
All sport competitions are held either in the sport complex or the stadiums. One of the biggest
stadiums is the Republic Stadium. There are many libraries in Baku. The library named after
M.Akhundov is the biggest of them. Its large and light reading-halls are always full of readers.
There are many kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities in our capital. Architecture and
Construction University, the Azerbaijan University of Languages, The Azerbaijan Oil Academy
and many others train a lot of specialists every year.
The Azerbaijan National Academy of Science is the birthplace of new inventions and
discoveries. A number of academicians, professors, scientists work there and carry out their
research work for the future of our republic, for our people. The building of the Academy of
Sciences is situated in H.Javid Avenue. It is a complex of magnificent buildings surrounded by a
beautiful park.
Baku is an ancient city. The citadel, Icheri-Shahar is a unique historical monument. It is
an open-air museum of Azerbaijan culture. Most of the important medieval structures, the
caravanserai, the mosque, the baths and of course, the famous “Maiden Tower” and the Palace of
the Shirvanshahs are situated in this part of the city. Besides, the suburbs of Baku are as rich
with the historical monuments as the centre. The famous Ateshgah, Gobustan, The Mardakan
Tower, The Ramany Tower and many others gained much popularity among the visitors and
tourists as well.

Today Baku is getting nicer and nicer day by day. We can be proud of its wide and
straight streets, avenues, wonderful parks and gardens, a number of palaces, monuments to
famous people, squares, skyscrapers, hostels, hotels and other places of interest in our capital.

Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University is a state university located in
Baku, Azerbaijan. The university was established in 1975 as spin-off from the Azerbaijan
Technical University, named Azerbaijan Civil Engineering Institute.
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University started out in 1920 as a
Construction faculty within the Baku Polytechnic Institute. During 1930–34 years the University
operated as independent Construction and Architecture Institute. From 1934 to1951 it
functioned as a faculty within Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. From 1951 to 1975 the university
operated as a faculty in Azerbaijan Technical University.
In 1975, Azerbaijan Civil Engineering Institute was established by the decision of
Azerbaijan SSR Council of Ministers. In 1992, the institute received the status of a university. In
2000 this higher educational establishment was named Azerbaijan University of Architecture and
Construction by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, HeydarAliyev.
The university includes 5 educational cases and campus. The main building was
completed in 1989. Besides the main building it has got four other buildings. The main building
is a fourteen-storied building. Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University university
houses many classrooms, well-equipped labs, a fine gymnasium, the librar with spacious reading
halls where students can take the necessary text-books, as well as books for reading.
In the campus for foreign students there is 9 storeyed hostel and case "Damla"
functioning on a commercial basis. The structure of a university complex includes Construction
College and Physics- mathematic based lyceum for IX-XI classes with a technical bias.
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University trains architects and civil
engineers whose profession embraces many fields. An architect draws pictures of what the
structure will look like when it is built. So, plans for building a house are drawn by an architect.
A civil engineer constructs and reconstructs residential and industrial buildings, bridges, schools,
palaces of culture, theatres, hospital, tunnels, dams etc.
At our university students have lectures and practical hours. They attend lectures on
different subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign languages, history of Azerbaijan,
descriptive geometry, geodesy, drawing, strength of materials etc.

The academic year is divided into two terms: from September to January and from
February to July. The students take examinations at the end of each term.
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University has four hostels. All of them are within
walking distance of the university.
Many of the teachers and instructors working at the university are outstanding specialists
in various fields of technology and science. Some of them are graduates of the university. In all
parts of our country, nearly on every major construction site one can find graduates of our
Among the students body of our University one can see quite a number of foreign
students. After graduating from the University they will return their home full-fledged
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University is the first and only higher
education institution in Transcauscasia in the sphere of construction.

Lesson 1.
Grammar: The Present Continuous Active; The Present Continuous Passive.
Am/ is/ are+ Participle I; Am/ is / are+ being+ Participle II.
1. Change the following sentences into the Present Continuous Passive.
1. Builders are constructing palaces of culture in our city now.
2. The welder is welding the units to hold them in place at the moment.
3. They are constructing many irrigation systems in the regions now.
4. Our students are studying the existing materials now.
5. Our hydrotechnicians are erecting new pumping stations on the rivers of our country
6. The architects are working on the project at the moment.
7. The students are preparing for the exam at the moment.
2. Put the verbs in the correct form:
1. Look! The workers (to build) a new building now.
2. Don’t enter the room. The architects (to work) on a new plan at the moment.
3. Don’t look! The welder (to weld) the units.
4. Stop making a noise! The students (to study) the specifications of the building materials at
the moment.
5. How wonderful! Housing construction (to carry out) on a large scale now.
6. Listen! The students (to work) on the project.
7. Look! They (to repair) their house themselves.

Pre- reading activity:

1. Why have you chosen this university?
2. What are you going to be in future?
3. Which profession is more honourable in your opinion?


The building profession attracts many numbers of young men and women nowadays. It is
an honourable profession. The person entering this honourable profession must have a scientific
attitude, imagination, initiative and good judgment, obtained by experience and serious work.
Builders construct and reconstruct residential and industrial building, bridges, schools,
palaces of culture, museums, theatres, kindergartens and hospitals. They build tunnels, canals,
power stations, dams and reservoirs. They also construct aqueducts to store and transport water
for populated areas and irrigate desert lands. The distribution of water in irrigated areas in based
on annual plans. Very many irrigation systems have been built and are being built and
modernized. Hundreds of dams, reservoirs, locks, pumping stations have been erected on the
rivers of our country by our hydrotechnicians.
Builders assemble a house from prefabricated units which are delivered to the
construction site. A welder then welds the units to hold them in place. A great variety of
materials are nowadays used by builders. Students of building universities study the existing
materials. When they become full-fledged builders, they develop new building materials and
building methods.
A qualified building worker must be able to read a technical drawing now. He must know
a scale and the specifications.
Civil engineers and architects have a common aim – to provide people with all modern
conveniences, such as running water, gas, electricity, central heating. While a sanitary engineer
protects the quality of water by treating and purifying this water when it is used for domestic
purposes, an architect is a person who designs buildings. An architect must receive a great deal
of scientific training connected with his profession. He must know mathematics, as well as many
facts concerning materials. For example, what loads different materials may safely carry so that
there will be no longer of this building falling down. Architect must need some knowledge of
sculpture, painting, design, mechanical engineering, geography, city planning, etc. The structure
an architect creates should give us pleasure, a sense of beauty.
In our country housing construction is being carried out on a large scale. Hundreds of
factories producing prefab panels are being constantly built. The successful fulfillment of
housing plans in our country is a practicable realization of the industrialized building methods
and the development of a large quantity of prefab ferroconcrete panels and parts. The work of a
builder is no longer backbreaking and complicated. So, if you want to contribute to the beauty of
a town or city, if you want to leave a memory of yourself in the history of that town or city come
to a construction site and learn the trade of builder.
The tremendous scope of construction in Azerbaijan is proof of our desire and plans for

Active vocabulary:

housing construction - yaşayış evlərinin tikintisi; жилищное строительство

carry out - v. yerinə yetirmək; выполнять (план, приказ, обещание)
prefab panels - əvvəlcədən zavodda yığılmış panel панель; филёнка
1. обшивать панелями; вставлять филёнки
constantly - daim постоянно, непрерывно; неизменно
fulfilment [ful'fɪlmənt] yerinə yetirmək; исполнение; выполнение; осуществление
practicable ['præktɪkəbl] real осуществимый, реальный
realization [ˌrɪəlaɪ'zeɪʃən] həyata keçirmək; осуществление, выполнение, реализация
(плана, замысла ); претворение в жизнь
ferroconcrete [ferə(u)'kɔŋkriːt] dəmir-beton; железобетон
complicated ['kɔmplɪkeɪtɪd] dolaşıq; сложный, трудный для понимания
assemble [ə'sembl] yığmaq; созывать; собирать
deliver [dɪ'lɪvə] v. çatdırmaq; передавать, вручать; разносить, доставлять
welder - qaynaqçı; сварщик
weld [weld] v. qaynaq etmək; 1) сваривать 2) свариваться
variety [və'raɪətɪ] müxtəliflik; разнообразие
exist [ɪg'zɪst] mövcud olmaq; быть, существовать
drawing ['drɔːɪŋ] rəsm; 1) черчение; 2) рисование
scale [skeɪl] miqyas; масштаб (карты, чертежа)
specification [ˌspesɪfɪ'keɪʃən] spesifiklik; определение, спецификация
trade [treɪd] peşə; занятие, ремесло, профессия
prefabricated units - yığılmış element; сборное изделие; сборный блок; сборный элемент
industrialize [ınʹdʌstrıəlaız] v. - sənayeləşdirilmiş; индустриализировать, развивать
aqueduct [ʹækwıdʌkt] - kanal, акведук, канал, проток; водопровод
store [stɔː] v. ehtiyyatda saxlamaq; снабжать; наполнять
transport ['trænspɔːt] v. daşımaq; перевозить, транспортировать; переносить,
populated area - əhali yaşayan ərazi; населённая местность; населенный район
irrigate ['ɪrɪgeɪt] v. suvarmaq; орошать
desert lands ['dezət] xam torpaq; пустынный, безлюдный, необитаемый
be based on v.- əsaslanmaq; основывать
annual plan - illik plan; годовой план
reservoir ['rezəvwɑː] rezervuar; 1. бассейн; водоём; водохранилище 2. резервуар

lock [lɔk] su anbarı; замок; запор; затвор
pumping station - nasos stansiyası; насосная станция; водокачка
erect [ɪ'rekt] v. tikmək, qurmaq; строить, сооружать, воздвигать
hydrotechnician [ʹhaıdrəu tekʹnıʃ(ə)n] - hidrotexnik; гидротехник
modern conveniences - müasir rahatlıq; современные удобства
central heating [͵sentrəlʹhi:tıŋ] - mərkəzi qızdırıcı system; центральное отопление
protect [prə'tekt] v. müdafiə etmək; защищать, охранять, предохранять
treat [triːt] v. işləyib hazırlamaq; обрабатывать, подвергать воздействию (чего-л.)
purify ['pjuərɪfaɪ] v. saflaşdırmaq; очищать
attitude ['ætɪtjuːd] münasibət, mövqe; позиция, отношение
domestic [də'mestɪk] ev, daxili; внутренний, бытовой, домашний
a great deal of - çox; значительное количество
concerning [kənʹsə:nıŋ] - aid olan; относительно; касательно
load [loud] yük; груз, ноша, тяжесть
safely ['seɪflɪ] sağ-salamat; благополучно; безопасно; надежно
danger ['deɪndʒə] təhlükə; опасность
fall down - v. yıxılmaq; падать
sculpture ['skʌlptʃə] heykəl; скульптура, ваяние
painting ['peɪntɪŋ] rəsm; живопись; картина
design [dɪ'zɑɪn] layihə; чертёж, эскиз; конструкция; проект; расчёт
mechanical engineering - mexaniki mühəndislik; 1) машиностроение 2) механическая
city planning - şəhər planlaşdırma; градостроительство, планировка города
create [kriː'eɪt] v. yaratmaq; создавать, творить
a sense of beauty - gözəllik hissi; чувства прекрасного
tremendous [trıʹmendəs] - nəhəng, iri, böyük; огромный, громадный, гигантский
scope [skəup] görüş sahəsi, görüş dairəsi; пределы, рамки, границы
proof [pruːf] sübut; доказательство; подтверждение
fitter ['fɪtə] çilingər; монтёр; слесарь; механик; установщик
obtain [əb'teɪn] v. əldə etmək; получать, доставать, приобретать
canal [kəʹnæl] kanal (süni); канал (искуственный)
channel [ʹtʃænl] kanal; канал

Post reading activity:

1. Whom do the building profession attract nowadays?
2. What must the person entering this honourable profession have?
3. What do the engineers and builders do?
4. Who welds the units to hold them in place?
5. What do students of building universities study?
6. What is the common aim of architects and engineers?
7. What is being carried out in our country on a large scale?


I. Complete the gaps with the active vocabulary of the text:

1. Can you read the technical… now?

2. The quality of water is protected by… by… .
3. Prefab panels … at the factories nowadays.
4. Every specialist must receive a great deal of … connected with his profession.
5. The engineer must know… may safely carry.
6. Because of the industrialized building methods and modern technology the work of a
builder is longer… … .
7. The structures are usually built on … … .

II. Put a question to the underlined words:

1. The building profession attracts many young people nowadays.
2. Civil engineers and architects have a common aim.
3. A qualified building worker must be able to read a technical drawing now.
4. A sanitary engineer protects the quality of water by treating and purifying.
5. Builders use a great variety of materials nowadays.
6. Architects need some knowledge of sculpture, painting, design, mechanical engineering,
geography, city planning, etc.
7. The purified water is used for domestic purposes.
8. They delivered a lot of building materials to the construction site.

III. Complete the sentences:

1. An architect… .
2. A welder … .
3. A builder … .
4. An engineer … .
5. A sanitary engineer … .
6. A student … .
7. A teacher… .

IV. Put the correct prepositions in the gaps:

1. The building profession attracts many numbers … people nowadays.
2. The design created by the young architect gave everybody a sense … beauty.
3. One can see a great deal … materials … the construction site.
4. Civil engineers and architects must provide people … all modern conveniences.
5. The builders carry out housing construction … a large scale … our country.
6. A great variety … materials are nowadays used … builders.
7. The students … building universities study the existing materials.

V. Match the words in pairs:

1. Prefab, successful, tremendous, construction, building, technical, ferroconcrete, domestic,
housing, city, running, mechanical, modern;
2. Profession, engineering, construction, purposes, planning, panels, water, drawing, panel,
conveniences, fulfillment, scope, site.

VI. Match the definitions with the words from the text:
1. … means bringing or deserving honour.
2. … is the faculty of being able to make critical distinctions and achieve a balanced
3. … designed for people to live in.
4. … relating to or characterized by industry.
5. … an installation where electrical power is generated for distribution.
6. … an artificial channel for conveying water.
7. … means to supply water to (land or crops) to help growth, typically by means of

8. … is manufacture sections of (a building or piece of furniture) to enable quick assembly
on site.
9. … means concrete reinforced with steel.
10. … is concrete reinforced with steel.
11. … is a system for warming a building by heating water or air in one place and
circulating it through pipes and radiators or vents.
12. … is the art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms,
especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.

Lesson 2.
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Active; The Past Indefinite Passive.
The infinitive without “to”+ ed/ II f./ (did); was/ were +Participle II
I. Change the following sentences into the Present Indefinite Passive.
1. People began to use stone widely many centuries ago.
2. Builders built this house last year.
3. They required those tools for their building last month.
4. The children cut trees in the forest two days ago.
5. The workers made the box from the wood.
6. The workers dried bricks in the sun.
7. They dried bricks in the sun.

II. Put the verbs in the correct form:

1. The engineer (to permit) the builders to finish their work earlier yesterday.
2. They (to tie) the top of several trees to make a shelter for themselves.
3. The children (to cover) the tent with the skin last week.
4. Stone (to use) widely many centuries ago.
5. Bricks (not to burn) in ancient times.
6. Bricks (to harden) by being dried in the sun in early days.
7. He (to begin) to work on this construction site in 2014.
Pre- reading activity:
1. What kind of houses do you know?
2. What do you know about the first human shelters and houses?
3. What is a skyscraper?
Text: The Developmenr of the House
The first houses in different countries of the world were made of wood. At that time the
greater part of our planet was covered with thick forests. Even in those days men found ways of
using wood as a building material. In some places they tied together the tops of several trees and
covered them with the hides (skins) of animals. In other places they covered with leaves or grass.
The primitive people’s first houses were tents or hunts. Primitive building required no
tools. The invention of tools permitted the cutting of stones and timber. Stone was the most
convenient building material in countries where there was not much wood but plenty of stones.
People began to use stone widely to build their houses many countries ago. With the
development of stone cutting finer tools appeared.
The column has played an important part in the history of building. Most of the building
of old times was based upon the column and beam methods of construction.
About 4.000 years before our era the Egyptians possessed great constructional know-how
(ability). They built simple houses by present standards. They used brick which in their most
primitive form were not burned, but were hardened by being dried in the sun. Since the middle
ages, brickwork has been in constant use everywhere, in every sort of construction and in every
architectural style. They made flat roofs because there was very little rain in Egypt. Their
buildings were simple in construction but very beautiful. We still admire their monuments,
sphinxes and palaces.
Greek builders learned much from Egyptians builders. They built their houses with
slanting roofs, because the climate of these two countries differs greatly. Soon Greek builders
became second to none in column making. But they added the arch, this adding much strength
and beauty to their buildings.
The use of precast concrete, a very advanced construction technique, has many
advantages over other building materials. Precast building unit can be assembled at the site all
the year round in any weather. The use of precast concrete technique which is constantly being
improved in my country, plays a great role in our extensive building program
Active vocabulary:
wood [wud] ağac; древесина; дерево (материал ); лесоматериал
to be covered [ʹkʌvəd] - örtülmək; быть (за)крытый, быть покрытый
thick forest- sıx meşə; густой лес
tie [tɑɪ] bağlamaq; связывать, привязывать
skin [skɪn] dəri; шкура; кожа
hide [haıd] ] dəri; шкура; кожа
the primitive people [ʹprımıtıv] - ibtidai insanlar; первобытные люди
tent [tent] çadır; палатка; шатёр
hut [hʌt] mağara; хижина, лачуга;
tool [tuːl] alət; инструмент
invention [ɪn'venʃn] ixtira; изобретение, создание
permit [pə'mɪt] icazə vermək; позволять, разрешать; давать разрешение
stone [stoun] daş; камень
timber ['tɪmbə] taxta-şalban; лесоматериал; пиломатериал; древесина
convenient [kən'viːnjənt] rahat; удобный, подходящий
building material - tikinti material; строительный материал
plenty of - çox; много/множество чего-либо, кого-либо
widely [ʹwaıdlı] - geniş; широко
century ['sentʃərɪ] əsr; столетие, век
stone cutting - daş kəsimi; камнерезка
finer [ʹfaınə] - iti; острый; более мелкие; более тонкий
to appear [ə'pɪə] meydana gəlmək; появляться, показываться
the column and beam method - sütun və tir metodu; колонно- болочный метод
to be based upon - əsaslandırılmaq; основываться
beam [biːm] tir; балка; брус; перекладина; коромысло; дышло; прогон
era [ʹı(ə)rə] - era; эра, эпоха
to possess [pə'zes] malik olmaq; обладать, владеть
know-how [ʹnəuhau] - bacarıq; умение
ability [ə'bɪlɪtɪ] bacarıq; умение
to burn [bəːn] yanmaq; обжигать
to harden ['hɑːdn] bərkimək, придавать твердость, прочность
to dry [drɑɪ] qurutmaq; сушить; высушивать
since the middle ages - orta əsrlərdən bəri; начиная со средних веков
since [sɪns] bəri; с тех пор
constant ['kɔnstənt] daimi; постоянный, непрерывный
style [staɪl] üsul; манера; стиль
flat roof - yasti dam; плоская крыша, кровля
slanting roof - mayilli dam; покатая крыша
to differ ['dɪfə] fərqlənmək; отличаться; различаться
to be second to none - tayı-bərabəri olmamaq; не иметь себе равных
arch [ɑːtʃ] tağ; арка; свод, аркада
precast - yığılmış; сборный
advanced [əd'vɑːnst] inkişaf etmiş, qabaqcıl; передовой, прогрессивный; развитой
construction technique - inşaat texnikası; строительная техника
to have advantage over smith - üstünlüyü olmaq; иметь преимущества над чем-л.
improve [ɪm'pruːv] yaxşılaşdırmaq; улучшать, совершенствовать
extensive [ɪks'tensɪv] geniş; обширный, пространный, большой

Post reading activity:
1. What were the first houses in different countries of the world made of?
2. Why was wood chosen for making houses at that time?
3. How was the first human shelters made?
4. What were the primitive people’s first houses?
5. What did the invention of tools permit?
6. Where was stone the most convenient building material?
7. Who did Greek builders learn much from?

I. Complete the gaps with the active vocabulary of the text:

1. In the village they made their house…. .

2. The builders hardened bricks by being dried … .
3. In old days Greek builders became second to none in… … .
4. Greek builders added… to their buildings in order to give them much strength and
5. At the construction site … … can be assembled all the year round.
6. In ancient times most of the building was based upon… … method of construction.
7. As there was very little rain in Egypt they made … … .
8. In order to add much strength and beauty to their buildings Greek builders added … .

II. Put a question to the underlined words:

1. In old days men used wood as a building material.

2. Because of the climate the Egyptians made flat roofs before our era.
3. Greek builders learned much from Egyptian builders.
4. People began to use stone widely in old times.
5. They built their houses with slanting roofs.
6. Primitive building didn’t require tools.
7. The builders made slanting roofs in Egypt in ancient times.
8. They built simple houses by present standards.
III. Complete the sentences:
1. The invention of tools permitted … .
2. With the development of stone cutting … .
3. Greek builders learned much from … .
4. Greek builders became second to none in… .
5. In ancient times bricks were not burned but … .
6. Because of very little rain in Egypt they made … .
7. Because of very much rain in Greek they made … .
IV. Put the correct prepositions in the gaps:
1. The first houses … the world were made … wood.
2. Men covered the top … trees … the leaves or grass.
3. … the development … stone cutting finer tools appeared.
4. Bricks were hardened … being dried … the sun.
5. The buildings … Egypt were simple … construction.
6. The precast concrete technique is being improved … our country.
7. Brickwork has been used … every sort … construction.
V. Match the words in pairs:
1. Stone, thick, flat, roof, finer, constant, column, primitive, precast, architectural, building,
2. Forest, program, tools, know- how, making, roof, use, form, cutting, style, concrete,
VI. Match the definitions with the words from the text:
1. … is the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a
tree or shrub, used for fuel or timber.
2. … is a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular
3. … is wood prepared for use in building and carpentry.
4. … is to cast (an object or material, typically concrete) in its final shape before
5. … means to make or become hard or harder.
6. … is practical knowledge or skill; expertise.
7. … means positioned or directed in a sloping or oblique direction.
8. … is a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building.
9. … is occurring continuously over a period of time.
10. … is hard solid non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a
building material.

Lesson 3.
Grammar: Modal Verbs: Must, to Have to (to Have got to), Should, Need, Can, May
I. Use the correct modal verbs:
1. Before building the house a surveyor … (to measure) the plot of the land last year.
2. In order to lay the foundation the workmen … (to make) concrete.
3. The architect … (to draw) the plan of the house on to the plan of the site.
4. The bricklayer … (to stick) bricks together to make the walls stronger.
5. After the plasterer got on to the scaffold, the workers …(to lift) up to him.
6. You …(to cut) the wood to the right size at a joinery works.
7. Because of sap in timber you … (to use) it immediately it is cut.

II. Translate the following sentences into the Azerbaijani language:

1. Can you cut the wood to the right size?
2. You needn’t use wooden pegs to mark out the shape of the house on the site.
3. If you want to lay the foundation, you must cut trenches.
4. If they want to make the walls stronger, the bricks must overlap each- other.
5. The walls are plastered. The joiner has to fix the window- ledges.
6. May I use ladder to carry mortar up?
7. As the bricklayer can’t reach the high walls they have got to make a scaffold.
Pre- reading activity:
1. Have you ever taken part in building a house?
2. What materials can be used to build a house?
3. Is it possible to build a house without a plan?
Text: How a Small Brick House is Built
Houses are more than just bricks and mortar. Before any bricks are laid a lot of thinking
and planning has to be done. The plot of land has to be chosen, and it is then decided what kind
of house is to be built. Quite a lot of people all work together to make the house.
A surveyor measures the plot of land or site and makes a plan of it. An architect draws
pictures of what the house will look like when it is built. He draws plans to show the size of the
house, the shape of the rooms and where all the fittings must go in the house.
The plan of the house is draws on to the plan of the site, ready for the builder. Copies of
the plan are made and are given to the builder. He gives a copy to the men in charge of the
different work that will have to be done. The builder then marks out the shape of the house on
the site. He does this with wooden pegs and tape. Everything is now ready for the workmen to
start. They dig away the top-soil and cut trenches about two or three meters deep along the tapes.
The workmen mix cement, sand, pebbles and water in a cement mixer to make concrete. They
use the concrete to fill in the bottoms of the trenches. This is called laying the foundations.
The spaces between the foundations walls are filled with concrete. This is sometimes
used as a base for the floor of the building.
The man who builds walls is called a bricklayer. The bricks are stuck together with
mortar. To make the walls stronger the bricks must overlap each other. This is called bonding.
When the walls are just above the ground a layer of waterproof felt or slate is laid. This is
called a damp-proof course and stops damp in the ground passing to the rest of the house. As the
bricklayer works he often looks at the plans. Then he will know where to build in the doors,
windows and ventilators.
A carpenter now begins to work. He is the man who does the rough woodwork of the
house. When the walls are at the level of the first floor he puts in the wooden floor joists. These
are strong wooden beams which will carry the upstairs floors and hold up the ceilings in the
downstairs rooms. Then the joiner fixes the window-ledges and when the walls are plastered he
fixes the doors and other woodwork.
Nearly all the woodwork in a house used to be done by carpenters and joiner on the
building site. This took quite a lot of time. Today most of the woodwork is made at a joinery
works. At the joinery works, machines plane the wood smooth and cut it to the right size.
Machines also make the joints ready for the men to fit the pieces together.
Doors, window frames and even the stairs all come to the building site on lorries. They
are ready to be fixed in the houses.
When the walls of the house are too high for the bricklayer to reach, the first scaffold is
made. A scaffold is platform of planks for the workmen to stand on. This is usually held up by a
frame of steel tubes. Extra scaffolds are put up as the workmen need them. As soon as the men
get on to the scaffold all the things they need have to be lifted up to them. Men used to carry
bricks and mortar up ladders. Now there are many different ways of getting up to the scaffolds.
Some builders use elevators. These are like moving staircases. A man at the bottom puts the
materials on, and a man on the scaffold platform takes them off. On tall building the builder may
use a lift which can be moved to different places. All these things help the workmen to build
houses more quickly.
A lot of strong timber which we cannot see is used to make a roof. The highest beam is
called the ridge. The sloping beams are called rafters. When the roof is on, many different
workmen can come and finish off the house.
Plumbers work on all the water pipes of the house. They lay pipes to carry clean water
into the house from the water main. Plumbers also lay pipes to carry waste water away to the
Glaziers put glass in the window frames to keep out the wind and the rain. When all the
wires and pipes are in place the house is ready for the plasterers. They are the men who make the
ceilings and walls nice and smooth. The joiners finish all the woodwork in the house and leave it
ready for the painters and the decorators.
Active vocabulary:
mortar ['mɔːtə] qatışıq, məhlul; строительный раствор; известковый раствор the plot of
the land - torpaq sahəsi; участок земли
surveyor [səː'veɪə] yer ölçən, землемер (land surveyor); топограф; геодезист
fitting ['fɪtɪŋ] santexnika; сборка, монтаж; соединительная часть;
site [saɪt] tikinti sahəsi; стройплощадка; территория строительства
tape [teɪp] lent, şərid; 1) рулетка; мерная лента 2) лента, тесьма
peg [peg] payacıq, milçə, mıxça; 1) кол, колышек 2) штифт; деревянный дюбель;
trench [trentʃ] xəndək; траншея; ров; канава
top soil - torpağın şuma yarayan səthi; верхний растительный слой, дёрн
pebble ['pebl] çaydaşı; голыш, галька, булыжник
overlap [ˌəuvə'læp] bir-birinin üstünü örtmək; прикрывать; заходить один на другой
bonding - hörgü; перевязка швов кирпичной кладки; присоединение;
layer ['leɪə] usta; кладчик, укладчик
waterproof ['wɔːtəpruːf] su keçirməyən; водонепроницаемый, непромокаемый
slate [sleɪt] şifer; шифер, шиферная плитка v. крыть шифером
damp course - rütubət keçirməyən təbəqə; слой гидроизоляции
carpenter ['kɑːpɪntə] dülgər; плотник; столяр
joist - şalban; брус, балка; стропило
beam [biːm] tir; брус; балка; бимс
ledge [ledʒ] çıxıntı, çıxıq; çərçivə; 1) выступ; полка; карниз; притолока; консоль 2) ригель,
обвязка (деревянного каркаса)
plaster ['plɑːstə] mala vermək; штукатурка (для внутренних работ ); замазка; шпаклёвка;
v. штукатурить
scaffold ['skæfəld] ayaqaltı; рабочая платформа (на высоте); строительные леса;
подмости; средства подмащивания
timber ['tɪmbə] taxta-şalban; лесоматериал; пиломатериал; древесина
rafter ['rɑːftə] tir, çəp tir; стропило, стропильная нога
ridge [rɪdʒ] damda ən hündür şalban- baş tir; конёк; коньковый брус
sloping [ʹsləupıŋ] - əyri; наклонный, покатый; скошенный, косой
plumber ['plʌmə] çilingər; водопроводчик; сантехники; слесарь (-водопроводчик)
glazier [ʹgleızıə] şüşəsalan; стекольщик
sewer [ʹs(j)u:ə] - kanalizasiya; сточная труба, канализационная труба, коллектор
wire ['waɪə] elektrik naqili; проволока
pipe [pɑɪp] truba; труба; трубка; трубопровод
smooth [smuːð] hamar; гладкий, ровный
plasterer - suvaqçı; штукатур; plasterer's float — штукатурная тёрка plasterer's trowel —
штукатурная лопатка, кельма, мастерок
to plane [pleɪn] rəndələmək; строгать; скоблить; выравнивать
joiner ['dʒɔɪnə] xarrat; столяр; плотник (в строительстве)
to fix [fɪks] bərkitmək; укреплять; закреплять; прикреплять
bricklayer ['brɪkˌleɪə] bənna; каменщик по кладке кирпича
joinery works - emalatxana; столярные работы
joint [dʒɔɪnt] birləşmə; место соединения; соединение; стык
ladder ['lædə] nərdivan; лестница (приставная ); трап
lorry ['lɔrɪ] yük maşını; грузовик, грузовой автомобиль
water main - əsas su trubası; водопроводная магистраль; магистральный водопровод
elevator ['elɪveɪtə] evelator; 1) грузоподъёмник 2) подъёмник, лифт
bottom ['bɔtəm] dib; низ, нижняя часть; конец
to fill [fɪl] doldurmaq; (with) наполнять (чем-л. ); переполнять
to stick [stɪk] yapışdırmaq; наклеивать, приклеивать; втыкаться, вонзаться
plank [plæŋk] taxta, lövhə; толстая доска; обшивная доска; планка; брус

Post- reading activity:

1. What must be chosen to build a house?
2. Who measures the site and makes a plan of it?
3. Where is the plan of the house drawn on?
4. Whom does the builder give the copies of the plan?
5. Why do the workmen dig away the top- soil?
6. What do the workmen mix to make concrete?
7. When is a layer of waterproof felt laid?
8. What does the joiner do when the walls are plastered?
9. What is a scaffold?

I. Complete the gaps with the active vocabulary of the text:
1. The place where a house is built is called … .
2. The builder marks out the shape of the house on the site with … .
3. To make concrete you must get … .
4. If the bricks are stuck with the mortar and overlap each- other, we call it … .
5. The rough woodwork of the house is done by … .
6. Building materials are carried to the construction site by … .
7. In modern construction bricks and mortar are carried up to workmen by … .
8. The highest beam in the roof is called … .
9. The sloping beams are called … .

II. Put a question to the underlined words:
1. They cut tranches yesterday.
2. The bricklayer often looks at the plan.
3. At the joinery work machines plane the wood smoth.
4. Decorators decorate the house after it is plastered.
5. Scaffolds are made for the bricklayer to reach the high walls.
6. A carpenter does the rough woodwork of the house.
7. In modern buildings builders use elevators to carry up bricks.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. A surveyor measures … .
2. An architect draws … .
3. A carpenter does … .
4. A joiner fixes … .
5. A bricklayer builds … .
6. A builder marks out … .
7. A workman mixes … .
8. A plumber lays … .
9. A glazier puts … .
10. A plasterer makes … .

IV. Put the correct prepositions in the gaps:

1. The builders must choose the plot … land.
2. He tries to show the size … the house … the plan.
3. The bricklayer sticks bricks … mortar.
4. A damp- proof course stops damp … the ground passing.. the rest ..the house.
5. The strong wooden beams hold up the ceiling … downstairs rooms.
6. The stairs will be brought … the building site … lorries.
7. A scaffold is usually held up … a frame … steel tube.

V. Match the words in pairs:

1. Wooden, construction, damp- proof, scaffold, the plot, floor, dig, rough, cement, top,
laying, water.
2. Site, away, soil, woodwork, mixer, of land, foundation, pipes, beams, a course, joists,

VI. Match the definitions with the words from the text:
1. … is a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring.
2. … is a long, sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used to support the roof or floor
of a building.
3. … is a temporary metal or wooden framework that is used to support workmen and
materials during the erection, repair, etc., of a building or other construction.
4. … is a beam made of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete, used in the construction of
floors, roofs, etc.
5. … means to make smooth (wood or other material) with a plane.
6. … is an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed.
7. … is a mixture of lime with cement, sand, and water, used in building to bond bricks
or stone.
8. … is a beam forming part of the internal framework of a roof.
9. … is the line or edge formed where the two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top.
10. … means to be impervious to water.
11. … is an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter.
12. … is a flat plate of slate used as roofing material.

Lesson 4.
Grammar: The Present Indefinite Active; The Present Indefinite Passive.
The Infinitive without “to”, am/ is/ are+ Participle II
III p.s. -s (-es); (do, does)
1.Change the following sentences into the Present Indefinite Passive.
1. The builders usually raise a building on a foundation.
2. The bricklayer always use mortar to hold bricks together.
3. The architect carefully plans every detail of the house.
4. The workmen often make all sorts of mistake.
5. These builders always make walls of bricks.
6. The architect draws a separate plan for each individual floor.
7. The slater puts slates or tiles on the roof.
2. Put the verbs in the correct form:
1. The workers (to use) the blueprint in the construction of the building.
2. Generally the architect (to draw) plans for a building.
3. The architect (to show) all the parts of the house exactly.
4. The workman always (see) the places of the walls, the windows, the doors, the staircases from
the blueprint.
5. These complete concrete structural units (to be) factory-made and ( to assemble) on the spot.
6. The tiler usually ( to employ) for putting tiles on the roof.
7. The joiner (to lay) down the floor.

Pre- reading activity:

1. What do you know about construction?
2. What building professions do you know?
3. What kind of weather is more suitable for construction?

Text: The Construction of a Building

A building is a construction which is raised on a foundation and generally made of stone,
concrete blocks, bricks and mortar or cement. Bricks and concrete blocks are held together by
mortar. Walls made of bricks and those built of concrete blocks are suitable both for small
buildings and multistory structures. Nowadays houses are often built of complete concrete
structural units which are factory-made and assembled on the spot.
Every detail of a house must be carefully planned. The working plan itself is called a
blueprint. Without a blueprint the workman would make all sorts of mistakes and waste a lot of
Plans for building of a house are drawn by an architect. The architect draws a separate
plan for each individual floor. He shows all the parts of the house exactly as if the house were
already built.
It is from the blueprint of the architect that the workman sees where the places the walls,
the windows, the doors, the staircases, etc. The size of the rooms, the width of the doors and
windows, the height of the ceilings are also marked on the plan by the architect.
Different workmen are employed in building of a house. The stonemason builds the
foundation. The bricklayer builds the walls and other parts made of bricks. He lays the bricks
one on the top of another and puts mortar between them with a trowel. The slater or tiler is
employed for putting slates or tiles on the roof. The plumber fixes all the baths, water pipes and
the sanitary fittings of drains and lavatories in the places marked for them in the plan drawn by
the architect. The electrician runs electric wires and makes connections all through the house
from the cellars under ground to the attics under the roof. All the doors and window-frames are
made by the carpenter and put into their places by the joiner. The latter also lays down the floor.
Then the plasterer puts plaster or cement over all the walls and ceilings and makes them smooth.
The walls are then painted, papered or whitewashed as the case may be.
Active vocabulary:
construction [kən'strʌkʃn] n tikinti; qurğu; 1) строительство; стройка; постройка; 2)
конструкция; сооружение; строение; здание
raise [reɪz] v qaldırmaq; поднимать; повышать
foundation [fɑun'deɪʃn] n əsas; bünövrə; fundament; искусственное основание; фундамент;
to lay the foundation of- əsasını qoymaq; заложить фундамент чего-либо
stone [stoun]n daş; камень
concrete block betok blok, beton plitə; бетонный блок, бетонная плита
brick [brɪk] n kərpic; кирпич; клинкер
mortar ['mɔːtə] əhəng məhlulu, строительный раствор; известковый раствор
suitable ['sjuːtəbl] adj uyğun, əlverişli; подходящий, соответствующий;
multistory ['mʌltɪˌstɔːrɪ] çox mərtəbəli; многоэтажный
structure ['strʌktʃə] 1) struktur, quruluş; qurğu 2) bina, tikili; структура
nowadays ['nɑuədeɪz] adv indiki zamanda, indi; настоящее (время)
complete [kəm'pliːt] tam, bütöv; полный
factory-made- zavodda hazırlanmış; заводского изготовления, промышленный
assemble [ə'sembl] v yığmaq, toplamaq; собирать, монтировать
on the spot- dərhal, yerində 1) немедленно, незамедлительно 2) на месте событий
detail ['diːteɪl] n. təfsilat, təfərrüat; деталь, подробность
blueprint ['bluːprɪnt] çertyojun kağız üzərində surəti, (детальный) план, проект;
waste time vaxt itirmək; тратить время зря; зря тратить время
architect ['ɑːkɪtekt] n arxitektor, memar; архитектор, зодчий
separate ['seprɪt] adj ayrı, ayrıca; отдельный; изолированный;
exactly [ɪg'zætlɪ] adv dəqiqliklə; точно
wall [wɔːl] n divar; стена; ограда
staircase ['stɛəkeɪs] pilləkan; лестница, лестничный марш
size [sɑɪz] n ölçü; размер(ы), величина; объём
width [wɪdθ] en, genişlik; ширина; толщина; расстояние
height [hɑɪt] n hündürlük; высота, вышина
stonemason ['stəunˌmeɪsn] bənna, daş ustası; каменщик
bricklayer ['brɪkˌleɪə] bənna, kərpic ustası; каменщик по кладке кирпича
lay [leɪ] (laid [leɪd]) qoymaq, yerinə qoymaq; класть, положить
trowel ['trauəl] kürəkcik (suvaq, palçıq üçün) кельма, лопатка, мастерок
slate [sleɪt] şifer; (асбо)шифер, натуральный шифер, волнистый асбоцемент 2)
(асбо)шиферная кровельная плитка
tile [taɪl] n. kaşı, kirəmit, sifal; черепица, кафель, изразец, плитка
slater ['sleɪtə] şifer düzən, кровельщик
tiler I ['taɪlə] kafel, kirəmid ustası, мастер по кладке черепицы
roof [ruːf] n dam; крыша, кровля
plumber ['plʌmə] 1) su kəməri işçisi 2) lehimçi, lehimləyici usta 1) водопроводчик 2)
fix [fɪks] v bərkitmək; укреплять; закреплять;
bath [bɑːθ] n vanna; ванна
pipe [pɑɪp] n boru; труба
sanitary fittings sanitar təchizatı; санитарное оборудование
fitting ['fɪtɪŋ] n. qurğu, cihaz, ləvazimat; установка, сборка, оборудование; монтаж
drain [dreɪn] kanalizasiya; водосток, труба; канализация

lavatory ['lævətərɪ] ayaqyolu, tualet; уборная, туалет
electrician [ɪlek'trɪʃən] elektrik (peşə); электротехник, электрик; инженер-электрик 2.
wire ['waɪə] n. sim, məftil, tel, naqil; 1) проволока 2) электрический провод;
connection [kə'nekʃn] n əlaqə; связь, соединение
cellar ['selə] anbar, zirzəmi; подвал
attic ['ætɪk] mansarda, çardaq; 1) чердак 2) мансарда;
lay down the floor döşəmə düzmək; монтировать пол; устанавливать пол;
plasterer ['plɑːstərə] malakeş, suvaqçı; штукатур
smooth [smuːð] a. hamar, düz; гладкий, ровный
paper ['peɪpə] divar kağızı yapışdırmaq; оклеивать обоями
whitewash ['waɪtwɔʃ] v. ağartmaq, ağ çəkmək; белить, делать побелку
as the case may be (as the case may (или might) be) şəraitdən asılı olaraq; в зависимости от
обстоятельств, смотря по обстоятельствам

Post reading activity:

1. On what is the building raised?
2. What is a building made of?
3. What kind of walls are suitable for small buildings and multistory structures?
4. Who draws plans for building houses?
5. How does a bricklayer lay the bricks?
6. Why is the blueprint important for workmen?
7. Where does the plasterer put plaster or cement?
8. What does the stonemason do?
I. Complete the gaps with the active vocabulary of the text:
1. A building is always raised on … .
2. Bricks and concrete blocks are held together by … .
3. The brick walls are built by … .
4. The workman sees the places of the walls, the windows, the doors, the staircases from …
5. The architect marks … of the doors, … of the ceiling on the plan.
6. The electrician runs … all through the house.
7. The foundation is built by … .

II. Put a question to the underlined words:

1. Without a blueprint the workman would make all sorts of mistakes.
2. Different workmen are employed in building a house.
3. He lays the bricks one on the top of another.
4. The architect draws a separate plan for each individual floor.
5. The plumber fixes all the sanitary fittings of drains in the house, too.
6. The tiler uses tiles to cover the roofs.
7. The workmen made a lot of mortar to stick the bricks together.

III. Complete the sentences:

1. The stonemason builds… .
2. The plasterer puts … over all the walls.
3. The carpenter makes … .
4. The joiner makes .... .
5. The slater puts … .
6. The tiler puts … .
7. The bricklayer builds … .

IV. Put the correct prepositions in the gaps:

1. Walls built … concrete blocks are suitable both … small buildings and multistory
2. The height … the ceilings is also marked … the plan.
3. These workmen are employed … building … a house.
4. The bricklayer lays the bricks one … the top … another.
5. All the doors and window-frames are put into their places by the joiner.
6. … a blueprint the workman would make all sorts … mistakes.
7. The stonemason builds the stone walls … the foundation.

V. Match the words in pairs:

1. Water, concrete, separate, multistory, electric, sanitary, individual,
2. Blocks, structures, wires, pipes, a plan, floor, the fittings,

VI. Match the words in bold in the text with these definitions:
1. … is the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level.
2. … is a design plan or other technical drawing.
3. …. means forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself.
4. … is a person who cuts, prepares, and builds with stone.
5. … a person whose job is to build walls, houses, and other structures with bricks.
6. … a mixture of lime with cement, sand, and water, used in building to bond bricks or
7. … means to fit together the separate component parts of.

Lesson 5.
Grammar: The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjectives
The Comparative Degree: -er; more, less
The Superlative Degree: -est; most, least
I. Use the adjectives in brackets in the correct degree:
1. Timber is (light) than steel.
2. Steel is (expensive) than timber.
3. Timber is (cheap) than steel.
4. Stone is the (hard) building material of all.
5. Stone is the (durable) building material we have ever heard.
6. Hardwoods are (strong) than softwoods.
7. The mechanical properties of timber are (good).

II. Compare the following nouns:

1. Timber, steel (durable).
2. Timber, cement (ancient).
3. Steel, timber (expensive).
4. Stone, timber (hard).
5. Timber (ancient) structural material.
6. Stone, timber (light).
7. Stone, cement (cheap).
Pre- reading activity:
1. Do you know the meaning of the word “timber”?
2. Where can you get timber?
3. What is the difference between timber and stone?
Text: Timber
Timber is the most ancient structural material. In comparison with steel timber is lighter,
cheaper, easier to work and its mechanical properties are good. On the other hand, timber has
certain disadvantages. First, it burns and is therefore unsuitable for fireproof buildings. Second,
it decays.
At present an enormous amount of timber is employed for a vast number of purposes. In
building timber is used too.
Timber is a name applied to the cut material derived from trees. Timber used for building
purposes is divided into two groups: softwoods and hardwoods. Hardwoods are chiefly used for
decorative purposes, as for panelling, veneering in furniture and some of them are selected for
structural use because of their high strength and durability. In modern construction timber is
often used for window and door frames, flooring, fences and gates, wallplates, for temporary
buildings and unpainted internal woodwork.
Timber cannot be used for either carpenters’ or joiners’ work immediately it has been
felled because of the large amount of sap which it contains. Most of this moisture must be
removed, otherwise the timber will shrink excessively, causing defects in the work and a
tendency to decay. Elimination of moisture increases the strength, durability and resilience of

Active vocabulary:
Timber ['tɪmbə] 1) ağac materialı; tikinti ağacı 2) tir; лесоматериал; пиломатериал; древесина
steel [stiːl] n. polad; сталь
mechanical [mɪ'kænɪkəl] mexaniki; машинный; механический
property ['prɔpətɪ] xüsusiyyət, xassə; свойство, качество;
disadvantage [ˌdɪsəd'vɑːntɪdʒ] çatışmamazlıq; недостаток
burn [bəːn] v (burnt; burnt) yandırmaq, yanmaq; жечь, сжигать
therefore ['ðɛəfɔː] ona görə də, buna görə də, nəticə e'tibarı ilə; bu səbəbdən; по этой
причине; вследствие этого; поэтому, следовательно
unsuitable [ʌn's(j)uːtəbl] qeyri- münasib неподобающий, неподходящий
fireproof ['faɪəpruːf] odadavamlı; огнеупорный, жаропрочный, огнестойкий; несгораемый
decay [dɪ'keɪ] v çürümək, dağılmaq; гнить, разлагаться; портиться
enormous [ɪ'nɔːməs] böyük, iri, nəhəng; громадный, огромный, грандиозный
amount [ə'mɑunt] n miqdar; nəticə; количество; величина; a large ~ of çoxlu; большое,
значительное количество чего-л.
employ [ɪm'plɔɪ] tətbiq etmək, işlətmək, istifadə etmək (in, on, for); предоставлять работу;
apply [æ'plɑɪ] v tətbiq etmək; müraciət etmək; использовать, применять, употреблять
derive [dɪ'raɪv] 1) almaq, götürmək (ibrət dərsi və s.) 2) törəmək, törənmək; получать,
softwood ['sɔftwud] yungül ağac мягкая древесина
hardwood ['hɑːdwud] möhkəm ağac; твёрдая древесина
chiefly ['tʃiːflɪ] başlıca olaraq; главным образом, особенно;
purpose ['pəːpəs] n məqsəd; цель, намерение; замысел
panelling ['pæn(ə)lɪŋ] panel üzləmə; панельная обшивка
veneering [vıʹnı(ə)rıŋ] fanerləmə; 1. обшивка, облицовка фанерой; фанеровка
durability [ˌdjuərə'bɪlətɪ] davamlılıq, продолжительность, длительность
frame [freɪm] çərçivə; каркас, остов, костяк; скелет сооружения
wallplate [ʹwɔ:lpleıt] divar tiri, мауэрлат, стенная балка
temporary ['tempərərɪ] adj müvəqqəti, keçici; временный
internal [ɪn'təːnl] adj daxili; внутренний
woodwork ['wudwəːk] n taxta mə'mulatı; деревянные части строения (двери, оконные рамы
и т. п.)
carpenter ['kɑːpɪntə] dülgər, xarrat; плотник; столяр
joiner ['dʒɔɪnə] dülgər; столяр; плотник (в строительстве)
immediately [ɪ'miːdjətlɪ] adv dərhal; durmadan; o dəqiqə; незамедлительно, немедленно,
fell [fel] baltalamaq, yıxmaq, doğramaq (ağacı); рубить, валить (лес)
sap [sæp] n. şirə (bitkinin); сок (растений ); живица
contain [kən'teɪn] v ibarət olmaq; saxlamaq; содержать
moisture ['mɔɪstʃə] rütubət, nəmlik; влажность, сырость; влага
otherwise ['ʌðəwaɪz] əks təqdirdə əks halda; иначе, иным способом, иным образом; по-
shrink [ʃrɪŋk] v (shrank; shrunk) yığışmaq, büzüşmək, qısalmaq; сжиматься, съёживаться
excessive [ɪk'sesɪv] hədsiz, həddən artıq; чрезмерный; излишний; избыточный
cause [kɔːz] səbəb olmaq, bais olmaq; быть причиной, служить поводом; вызывать;
defect [dɪ'fekt] qüsur, çatışmazlıq, nöqsan; дефект, недостаток; порок, изъян; неисправность;
tendency ['tendənsɪ] meyl; стремление; склонность
elimination [ɪˌlɪmɪ'neɪʃən] çıxarış, kənar etmə; удаление; исключение; выбрасывание
increase ['ɪnkriːs] 1. n artım 2. [ɪn'kriːs] v artmaq, artırmaq; увеличение, возрастание,
рост, умножение

resilience [rɪ'zɪlɪəns], [rɪ'zɪlɪənsɪ] elastiklik, möhkəmlik, qüvvətlilik; упругость;

Post –reading activity:

1. What advantages and disadvantages has timber?
2. What groups is timber divided into?
3. What are hardwoods chiefly used for?
4. What is timber used for in modern construction?
5. How is timber used by carpenters or joiners?
6. Why can’t carpenters use timber immediately it has been felled?
7. What increases the strength, durability and resilience of timber?

I. Complete the gaps with the active vocabulary of the text:
1. … is lighter than … .
2. The mechanical … of timber are good.
3. Timber has a few … .
4. Timber is unsuitable for … buildings.
5. Timber is not durable, it … .
6. Timber is a name … to the cut material … from trees.
7. Hardwoods are used for … … .
8. Joiners can’t use timber immediately it has been … .
9. Trees contain a large amount of … .
10. If the … in timber isn’t removed, it will … .

II. Put a question to the underlined words:

1. Timber is the most ancient structural material.
2. Its mechanical properties are good.
3. Timber burns and decays easily.
4. An enormous amount of timber is employed for a vast number of purposes.
5. Timber used for building purposes is divided into two groups.
6. Hardwoods are used for decorative purposes.
7. Elimination of moisture increases the strength, resilience of timber.

III. Complete the sentences:

1. Builders use timber for … .
2. Carpenters and joiners use hardwoods for… .
3. Hardwoods are selected for… .
4. After … … , timber becomes strong, durable and resilient.
5. Timber is unsuitable for … buildings.
6. As timber burns and decays it has certain … .
7. In modern construction for doors and flooring … is used.

IV. Put the correct prepositions in the gaps:

1. Steel is heavier, more expensive and harder to work … comparison … timber.
2. As timber burns it is unsuitable … fireproof buildings.
3. Nowadays … vast number … purposes timber is used.
4. The cut material derived … trees is called timber.
5. Generally builders divide timber … two groups.
6. … modern construction timber is used … carpenters and joiners … a number …
7. Most … the moisture … timer must be removed.
V. Match the words in pairs:
1. Certain, decorative, enormous, structural, temporary, modern, door, cut.
2. Material, construction, disadvantage, frame, material, purpose, amount, building.

VI. Give the synonyms of the following words and word combinations:
To fell, to select, to build, purpose, strength, elimination, building, hard, certain, ancient,
structural materials, a vast number of, a large amount of, an enormous amount of.

VII. Match the words in bold in the text with these definitions:

1. … is the wood from a conifer (such as pine, fir, or spruce) as distinguished from that of
broadleaved trees.
2. … is the wooden parts of a room or building, such as window frames or doors.
3. … means being able to withstand fire or great heat.
4. … means to obtain something from (a specified source).
5. … means to cut down (a tree).
6. … means to become or make smaller in size or amount.
7. … is very large in size, quantity, or extent.
8. … means to rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.
9. … is is a factor which makes someone or something less useful, acceptable, or
successful than other people or things; an unfavorable circumstance or condition that
reduces the chances of success or effectiveness.
10. … is the fluid which circulates in the vascular system of a plant, consisting chiefly of
water with dissolved sugars and mineral salts.

Lesson 6.
Grammar: The Defining Pronouns: all, every (everybody, everyone, everything), each,
either, both;
The Indefinite Pronouns: some (somebody, someone, something), any (anybody, anyone,
The Negative Pronouns: no (nobody, no one, nothing), neither, none;
I. Put the correct pronouns into the gaps:
Somebody, no, both, none, either, every, all, each, some, everybody.
1. The plasterers covered … buildings with stucco.
2. There is … in the building.
3. … of them are engineers, … of them are not architects.
4. There is … wood to plane on the construction site.
5. … knows that fireproof construction includes all buildings constructed of incombustible
6. … building has floors and partitions of wood.
7. … of them knows how to put tiles on the roof.
8. … of the builders continue their education at the universities.
9. These buildings are repaired … five year.

II. Choose the correct pronoun:

1. … of the plasterers puts plaster on the wall quickly (all, each).
2. … the workmen on this construction site have the copies of the plan (all, every).
3. … can prevent us from making our country flourishing and prosperous (nobody,
4. … of the joiners has used these shingles (neither, all).
5. The builders sheathed … exterior walls of this house with wood shingles or siding
(some, any).
6. You can choose … type of construction you like (some, any).
7. I don’t think there is … concrete slab on the construction site (some, any).
8. The builders have … cement … more (no, neither; no, any).
Pre- reading activity:
1. What kind of buildings do you know?
2. What do the buildings differ for?
3. What type of building do you prefer?
Text: Types of Buildings
A building is a man-made structure with a roof and walls standing more or less
permanently in one place. The majority of building codes divide buildings into classes based
upon the manner of their construction, use or occupancy.
The following division into classes applies to the manner of construction:
1. Frame construction
2. Non-fireproof constructions:
(a) Ordinary construction
(b) Slow-burning construction
3. Fireproof construction.
Frame construction is the fitting together of pieces to give a structure support and shape.
Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework sheathed
with wood shingles or siding; veneered with brick, stone, or terra cotta; or covered with stucco or
sheet metal. Such buildings naturally have floors and partitions of wood and are considered as
comprising the most inflammable type of construction. Framing materials are usually wood,
engineered wood, or structural steel. Building framing is divided into two broad categories:
heavy-frame construction (heavy framing) and light-frame construction (light framing). In
heavy-frame construction (heavy framing) the vertical supports are few and heavy such as in
timber framing, pole building framing or steel framing. Many and smaller called light-frame
construction (light framing). It includes balloon, platform and light-steel framing. Light-frame
construction using standardized dimensional lumber has become the dominant construction
method in North America and Australia because of its economy. Use of minimal structural
material allows builders to enclose a large area with minimal cost, while achieving a wide
variety of architectural styles.
Non-fireproof construction includes all buildings with exterior walls of masonry but with
wood floor construction and partitions. Designed as far as possible to be fire resistant. So the
heavy beams and girders of large dimension provide far less inflammable than the slender joists
of ordinary construction.
Fireproof construction includes all buildings constructed of incombustible material
throughout, with floors of iron, steel or reinforced concrete beams, filled in between with terra
cotta or other masonry arches or with concrete slabs. Wood may be used only for under and
upper floors, window and door frames, sash, doors, and interior finish. In building of great height
the flooring must be of incombustible material and the sash, doors, frames and interior finish of
metal. Wire glass is used in the windows. So all structural and reinforced steel must be
surrounded with fireproof material, such as hollow terra cotta and gypsum tile to protect the steel
from the weakening effect of great heat. Every single interior and exterior walls, as well as the
floors, ceilings, interior walls, closets, hallways, everything is cement.
Active vocabulary:
apply [æ'plɑɪ] v aid olmaq; tətbiq etmək;
permanently [ʹpə:mənəntlı] daima, həmişə, fasiləsiz, постоянно, непрерывно
building code [ʹbıldıŋkəud] tikinti norması və qaydası, строительные нормы и правила
manner ['mænə] tərz, üsul, qayda метод, способ; образ действий
use [juːs] n işlənmə, tətbiq; fayda употребление, использование, применение
occupancy [ʹɔkjupənsı] məskunluq, əhali sıxlığı, занятость, заселённость
division [dɪ'vɪʒn] n bölgü деление; разделение
frame [freɪm] n. karkas, skelet, gövdə, əsas каркас, остов, костяк; скелет сооружения
non-fireproof construction odadavamsız bina, неогнестойкое здание
ordinary construction oda az davamlı konstruksiya, bina (kərpic divarlı, taxta örtük və çatılı)
полусгораемое здание (с кирпичными стенами, деревянными перекрытиями и
slow-burning construction oda az davamlı bina, полуогнестойкое строение
fireproof ['faɪəpruːf] odadavamlı огнеупорный; огнестойкий
fitting ['fɪtɪŋ] yığma, montaj сборка, монтаж
support [sə'pɔːt] n dayaq, müdafiə опора
embrace [ɪm'breɪs] v. daxil etmək, əhatə etmək охватывать; включать;
frame construction karkas konstruksiya, рамная конструкция, каркасная конструкция
exterior [eks'tɪərɪə] a. zahiri, xarici, внешность, наружность; наружный вид
framework ['freɪmwəːk] konstruksiya, quruluş каркас; рама; корпус; рамная
sheathe [ʃiːð] üzləmək обшивать; заключать в кожух
shingle ['ʃɪŋgl] 1. köhn. çiləkən (nazik ensiz taxtalar) 2.çınqıl; xırda çay daşı 1) галька;
булыжник 2) гонт; тонкая доска 3) плоская черепица, плоская кровельная черепица
siding [ʹsaıdıŋ] üz vurma, üz çəkmə; чистая обшивка; подшивка досками
veneer [vɪ'nɪə] faner, fanerlə üz çəkmək однослойная фанера 1. обшивать фанерой;
фанеровать 2. Облицовывать
terra cotta [ˈterə ˈkätə] şirəsiz keramika məmulatı, терракота, керамика 2. скульптура из

stucco ['stʌkəu], [ouz] n. malalama, suvaqlama, suvaq çəkmə 1. штукатурка (для наружных
работ) 2. штукатурная или лепная работа 3. cтукко, наружная штукатурка
sheet [ʃiːt] list, metal listi лист; листовой металл
partition [pɑː'tɪʃən] n. arakəsmə, aralıq перегородка; внутренняя стена,
comprise [kəm'praɪz] bürümək, çulğamaq включать, составлять; охватывать;
inflammable [ınʹflæməb(ə)l] tez alışan, легко воспламеняющийся; горючий
framing [ʹfreımıŋ] bina edilmə; tikmə, tikilmə; 2ş quruluş 1. сооружение,
конструирование 2. cтруктура
engineer [ˌendʒɪ'nɪə] v. 1) qurmaq, quraşdırmaq 2) dan. təşkil etmək, düzəltmək создавать,
сооружать; проектировать
engineered işlənmiş, hazırlanmış, işlənib hazırlanmış; сконструированный;
разработанный; спроектированный
pole [pəul] şüvül, uzun ağac, dirək; столб; шест, жердь; кол; веха; рейка
balloon [bəʹlu:n] архит. шар на вершине колонны; круг с комментарием (на чертеже,
выведенном на экран дисплея)
dimensional [d(a)ıʹmenʃ(ə)nəl] məkan -i[-ı]; məkani; размерный, пространственный
lumber ['lʌmbə] n. uca və düz, tikintiyə yararlı ağac; пиломатериал; строительный лес 2)
заготовлять лесоматериал; деревянный каркас
enclose [ɪn'kləuz] örtmək, hasarlamaq (torpaq sahəsini)
masonry ['meɪsnrɪ] daş hörgü каменная или кирпичная кладка
designate ['dezɪgneɪt] tə'yin etmək, qeyd etmək, göstərmək определять, устанавливать;
fire resistant odadavamlı жароупорный, несгораемый, огнестойкий, огнеупорный
heavy ['hevɪ] adj ağır тяжёлый, тяжеловесный
beam [biːm] tir, ağac
girder ['gəːdə] tex. tir, ferma, çatı (tikinti işlərində)
dimension [dɪ'menʃən]1) ölçmə 2) pl. ölçülər, vahidlər размеры, величина; объём
far less xeyli kiçik, гораздо меньше
flooring [ʹflɔ:rıŋ] döşəmə; 1) настил, пол 2) настилка полов; покрытие пола; настил
пола; настилочный материал; укладка настила; флоринги (половые строганые доски)
incombustible [ˌɪnkəm'bʌstəbl] yanmayan, odadavamlı несгораемый; негорючий
reinforced concrete [͵ri:ınfɔ:stʹkɔŋkri:t] dəmirbeton железобетон
fill in а) tamamlamaq, artırmaq б) doldurmaq заполнять
arch [ɑːtʃ] n. tac, alaqapı 1) арка; свод, аркада
slab [slæb] şalban yanı (tirin yanından uzununa kəsilmiş bir tərəfi dəyirmi taxta); sal, lövhə;
plastina горбыль, сляб; плоская заготовка
sash [sæʃ] pəncərə çərçivəsi . оконный переплёт; оконная рама
closet ['klɔzɪt] 1) divar şkafı 2) tualet otağı стенной шкаф; уборная
wire glass [ʹwaıəglɑ:s] məftilli şüşə; армированное стекло; проволочное стекло, стекло с
проволочной сеткой, стекло с заплавленной проволочной сеткой
hollow ['hɔlou] n dəlik, deşik, oyuq; çuxur, yarğan 1. пустота, полость 2. углубление,
впадина; выемка; яма; рытвина
hallway [ʹhɔ:lweı] amer. dəhliz, karidor 1) коридор 2) прихожая, передняя, проход
внутри здания; вестибюль

Post- reading activity:

1. What is a building?
2. What divides buildings into classes based upon the manner of their construction, use or
3. What kind of construction do you know?
4. What is frame construction?
5. What is heavy-frame construction?
6. What is light-frame construction?
7. What does non- fireproof construction include?
8. What can you say about fireproof construction?
9. Where is wood used?
10. Where is wire- glass used?
I. Complete the following text using the active vocabulary of the text:
1. … is a man-made structure with a roof and walls.
2. Buildings stand more or less … in one place.
3. … … embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework sheathed with
wood shingles or siding.
4. Buildings belonging to frame construction naturally have floors and … of … .
5. Buildings with frame construction are considered as … the most … type of
6. Framing materials are usually …, … …, or structural … .
7. In … … construction the vertical supports are few and heavy.
8. Light-frame construction includes balloon, platform and … … … .
9. Non-fireproof construction includes all buildings with … walls of … but with wood floor
construction and partitions.
10. Fireproof construction includes all buildings constructed of … material.

II. Put a question to the underlined words:

1. A building is a man-made structure.
2. A building is a man-made structure with a roof and walls.
3. The majority of building codes divide buildings into classes.
4. Building framing is divided into two broad categories.
5. Light-frame construction has become the dominant construction method in North
America and Australia because of its economy.
6. Non-fireproof construction includes all buildings with exterior walls of masonry.
7. Wood may be used only for under and upper floors.
8. In building of great height the flooring must be of incombustible material.
9. Wire glass is used in the windows when fireproof construction is built.

III. Complete the sentences:

1. A building is … .
2. Frame construction is … .
3. Heavy-frame construction is … .
4. Light-frame construction is … .
5. Non-fireproof construction includes … .
6. Slow-burning construction designates … .
7. Fireproof construction includes … .

IV. Put the correct prepositions in the gaps:

1. The most … building codes divide buildings … classes based … the manner … their
2. This division … classes applies … the manner … construction.
3. Use … minimal structural material allows builders to enclose a large area … minimal

4. The heavy beams and girders … large dimension provide far less inflammable than the
slender joists … ordinary construction.
5. … the buildings … fireproof construction wire glass is used … the windows.
6. All structural and reinforced steel must be surrounded … hollow terra cotta and gypsum
7. … building … great height the flooring must be … incombustible material.
8. Use … minimal structural material permits builders to achieve a wide variety …
architectural styles.

V. Say whether the following statements are true or false. If they are false, explain why:
1. A building is a natural structure.
2. Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of reinforced concrete.
3. Buildings of frame construction naturally have floors and partitions of concrete.
4. Framing materials are usually wood, engineered wood, or structural steel.
5. In heavy-frame construction the vertical supports are many and light.
6. Light-frame construction includes timber framing, pole building framing or steel framing.
7. Heavy-frame construction includes balloon, platform and light-steel framing.
8. Slow-burning construction designates heavy timber framing.
9. Fireproof construction includes all buildings constructed of inflammable material
10. Every single interior and exterior walls in fireproof construction is cement.

VI. Give the antonyms of the following words and word combinations:
To include, to allow, to weaken, to enclose, light-frame construction, fireproof construction,
interior, heavy, inflammable, incombustible, minimal, permanently.

Lesson 7.
Grammar: The Noun. The Plurality of the Nouns.
(-s; -es)

I. Complete the following sentences:

1. The building materials … brought to the construction site yesterday.
2. The news … not interesting.
3. The means … chosen by the builder lately.
4. Plastics … used by everybody nowadays.
5. Economics … a very interesting and important science.
6. Deer …often seen in this forest.
7. Traffic … dangerous in this street.
8. Mathematics … considered the most useful subject at the secondary school.

II. Choose the correct noun:

1. Nizami Ganjavi’s (works/ jobs) are taught at school.
2. These (views/ scenaries) are approved by the architects.
3. Her (suggestions/ advices) have been accepted by everybody.
4. The (journeys/ travels) made by us last year were very exciting and interesting.
5. My shirt is not tidy. Give me (an iron/ iron), please.
6. The glass cutter needed (glass/ a glass) to repair the broken window.
7. The (wood/ woods) they bought to make their windows is not good.
8. Everybody liked her (work/ works). She is a talented writer.
Pre- reading activity:
1. What kind of building materials do you know?
2. What is the difference between building materials?
3. May be the materials natural or artificial?
Text: The Properties of the Building Materials
Materials that are used for structural purposes should meet several requirements. In most
cases it is important that they should be hard, durable, fire-resistant and easily fastened together.
The most commonly used materials are steel, concrete, stone, timber or wood and brick.
They differ in hardness, durability and fire-resistance.
Wood is the most ancient structural material. It is light, cheap and easy to work. Timber
is provided by different kinds of trees. Timber is at present not so much used in building
construction, as in railway engineering, in mining and in the chemical industry where it provides
a number of valuable materials.
However, timber is still employed as a building material in the form of boards. For the
interior of buildings plywood and veneer serve a number of purposes. But wood has certain
disadvantages: it burns and decays.
Thatch is one of the oldest of building materials. Grass is a good insulator and easily
harvested. Many African tribes have lived in homes made completely of grasses and sand year-
round. In Europe, thatch roofs on homes were once prevalent but the material fell out of favor as
industrialization. But thatch has certain disadvantages as wood: it also burns and decays.
Stone belongs to one of the oldest building materials used by man. It is characteristic of
many properties. They are mechanical strength, compactness, porosity, sound and heat insulation
and fire-resistance. Sometimes natural stones such as marble, granite, basalt, limestone and
sandstone are used for the construction of dams and foundations. Marble, granite and sandstone
are widely used for decorative purposes as well, especially with the public building.
Natural stone is used for foundations and for the construction of dams. The main
varieties of building stone are basalt, granite, marble, sandstone and limestone.
A brick is best described as a “building unit”. Bricks were known many thousands of
years ago. They are the examples of artificial building materials. It may be made of clay by
moulding and baking in kilns, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and other
materials. In shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 6,5 to 9 lb.
There exists variety of bricks for different purposes: ordinary, hollow or porous,
lightweight, multicolor bricks for decorative purposes, etc. Bricks are usually laid in place with
the help of mortar.
The shape and convenient size of brick enables a man to grip it with an easy confidence
and, because of this, brick building has been popular for many hundreds of years. The hand of
average man is large enough to take a brick and he is able to handle more than 500 bricks in an
eight-hour working day.
It is necessary, therefore, for the “would be” bricklayer to practice handling a brick until
he can control it with complete mastery and until he is able to place it into any desired position.
The brick may be securely handled by placing the hand over the surface of the upper part
of a brick and by placing the thumb centrally down the face of the brick with the first joints of
the fingers* on the opposite face. It is better to protect the thumb and the fingers with leather
pads, which also prevent the skin from rough bricks.
Concrete is perhaps the most widely spread building material used nowadays. Concrete is
an artificial stone and it is a mixture of such natural ingredients or aggregates as cement, sand
and gravel or crushed stone together with sufficient water. Concrete has many valuable
properties. It sets under water, can be poured into moulds so as to get almost any desirable form,
and together with steel in reinforced concrete it has very high strength, and also resists fire.
Prestressed concrete is most widely used at present while prefabricated blocks are employed on
vast scale for skeleton structures.
Metals: Aluminium, principally in the form of various alloys, is highly valued for its
durability and especially for its light weight, while brass is frequently used for decorative
purposes in facing.
Steel has come into general use with the development of industry. Its manufacture
requires special equipment and skilled labour. Steel finds its use in corrugated sheets for roofing,
for girders, frames, etc. Various shapes are employed in construction.
Plastics are artificial materials used in construction work for a vast number of purposes.
Nowadays plastics can be applied to almost every branch of building, from the laying of
foundation to the final coat of paint. Synthetic resins are the main raw material for plastics.
Plastics have some good advantages. they are lighter than metals, not subject to corrosion, and
they can be easier machined. Besides, they are inflammable, they can take any colour and
pattern. Plastics combine all the fine characteristics of a building material with good insulating
properties. So they are good electrical insulators. Moreover, they possess a high resistance to
chemical action.
A lot of decorative plastics, now available, have brought about a revolution in interior
and exterior design. It is no wonder that the architects and engineers have turned to them to add
beauty to modern homes and offices. But plastics are used now not only for decoration. These
materials are sufficiently rigid to stand on their own without any support. They can be worked
with ordinary builders’ tools.
Laminate is a strong material manufactured from many layers of paper or textile
impregnated with thermosetting resins. This sandwich is then pressed and subjected to heat.
Laminate has been developed for both inside and outside use. It resists severe weather conditions
for more than ten years without serious deformation. As a structural material it is recommended
for exterior work. Being used for surfacing, laminate gives the tough surface.
Foamed glass is a high-porosity heat insulating material, available in block made of fine-
ground glass and a frothing agent.
Foamed glass is widely used in prefabricated house building, to insure hest insulation of
exterior wall panels, and in industrial construction.

Foamed glass has a high mechanical strength, is distinguished by moisture, vapour and
gas impermeability. It is non-inflammable, offers resistance to frost, possesses a high sound
adsorption, and it is easily sewn and nailed.
Structural foamed glass blocks designed to fill ceilings, and for making interior partitions
in buildings and rooms, to ensure heat and sound insulation.
For insulation mineral wool or cinder wool is often resorted too.
All building materials are divided into three main groups: 1) Main building materials
such as rock and artificial stones, timber and metals. 2) Binding materials such as lime, gypsum
and cement. 3) Secondary or auxiliary materials which are used for the interior parts of the
We use many building materials for bearing structures. Binding materials are used for
making artificial stone and for joining different planes. For the interior finish of the building we
use secondary materials.
Natural building materials are: stone, sand, lime and timber. Cement, clay products and
concrete are examples of artificial building materials.
Active vocabulary:
property ['prɔpətɪ] xüsusiyyət, xassə свойство, качество
structural ['strʌktʃərəl] tikinti, struktur, quruluş структурный, строительный; конструктивный
purpose ['pəːpəs] n məqsəd; цель, намерение; замысел, стремление
requirement [rɪ'kwaɪəmənt] tələbat, ehtiyac, tələb требование, необходимое условие
case [keɪs] hal, hadisə случай; обстоятельство, положение;
hard [hɑːd] adj ağır; çətin; bərk жёсткий, твёрдый; тугой, негибкий, негнущийся
durable ['djuərəbl] davamlı, möhkəm, bərk надёжный, прочный, стойкий, крепкий
mining [ʹmaınıŋ]- mədən işi; 1) горное дело 2) горная промышленность
plywood [ʹplaıwud]- faner; фанера, клеёная фанера
veneer I [vıʹnıə]- şpon, birqatlı faner; шпон; однослойная фанера
fire-resistant ['faɪərɪ'zɪst(ə)nt] odadavamlı; огнестойкий, тугоплавкий, огнеупорный
fasten ['fɑːsn] bağlamaq, bərkitmək, ilişdirmək прикреплять, привязывать; связывать
easily ['iːzɪlɪ] adv asanlıqla легко; свободно, без труда
commonly ['kɔmənlɪ] sadə, adi; обычно, обыкновенно, как правило, в большинстве случаев
steel [stiːl] n.polad сталь
concrete ['kɔnkriːt] n beton бетон; бетонировать
stone [stoun] n daş камень (как материал)
wood [wud] n taxta, meşə; taxta mə'mulatı; дерево (материал); древесина
thatch [θætʃ] n. güləş örtük а) солома, тростник (как материал для кровли) б) соломенная
или тростниковая крыша, крыша из пальмовых листьев
basalt [ʹbæsɔ:lt,bəʹsɔ:lt]- bazalt (tünd rəngli çox bərk və sıx vulkanik. süxur); базальт
brick [brɪk] n kərpic кирпич;
moulding [ʹməuldıŋ] tökmə, tökülmə (qəlib vasitəsilə); формовка, отливка
baking [ʹbeıkıŋ]- qızdırıb bitişdirmə (yapışdırma); спекание; обжиг; сушка,
kiln [kıln] yandırıb və qurutmaq üçün soba; промышленная печь для сушки или обжига
differ ['dɪfə] v fərqlənmək отличаться (от кого-л. / чего-л.; в чём-л.) ; различаться (чем-л.)
hardness ['hɑːdnəs] bərklik, твёрдость, прочность;
durability [ˌdjuərə'bɪlətɪ] davamlılıq, продолжительность, длительность
fire-resistance [ʹfaı(ə)rı͵zıstəns] odadavamlılıq, огнестойкость
ancient ['eɪnʃənt] adj qədim, köhnə древний; старинный, старый
light [lɑɪt] adj yüngül; лёгкий; легковесный
cheap [tʃiːp] adj ucuz, дешёвый, недорогой

certain ['səːtn] adj müəyyən точный, определённый
disadvantage [ˌdɪsəd'vɑːntɪdʒ] çatışmamazlıq, недостаток
burn [bəːn] v (burnt; burnt) yandırmaq, yanmaq, гореть, пылать
decay [dɪ'keɪ] v çürümək, dağılmaqгнить, разлагаться
belong [bɪ'lɔŋ] məxsus olmaq, aid olmaq (to) принадлежать (кому-л.) , быть (чьей-л.)
characteristic [ˌkærɪktə'rɪstɪk]1. n. səciyyəvi xüsusiyyət 2. a. səciyyəvi характерный,
отличительный; типичный, типовой, типический
compactness [kəm'pæktnəs] qalınlıq, плотность, степень уплотнения, компактность;
porosity [pɔː'rɔsətɪ] məsaməlilik, пористость; зубчатость
mechanical [mɪ'kænɪk(ə)l] mexaniki, механический; машинный 2) автоматический; 3)
strength [streŋθ] güc, qüvvət сила
sound [sɑund] n səs; səs-küy; a. sağlam; möhkəm звук; шум; устойчивый, стабильный,
heat [hiːt] n istilik; тепло, теплота
insulation [ˌɪnsju'leɪʃən] təcrid etmə, ayırd etmə, izolyasiya etmək изоляция; изоляционный
artificial [ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃəl] sün'i, qeyritəbii, qondarma, uydurma искусственный, не природный,
refer [rɪ'fəː] istinad eləmək, aid olmaq (nəyəsə, kiməsə) направлять; отсылать (к кому-л. /
mixture ['mɪkstʃə] qarışıq, qatışıq перемешивание, смешивание, смесь
crush [krʌʃ] həvəngdə döymək, əzmək мять
crushed [krʌʃt] 1) мятый, дроблёный; размельчённый
manufacture [ˌmænju'fæktʃə] n. istehsal, hazırlanma; производство; изготовление; обработка
require [rɪ'kwaɪə] tələb eləmək, приказывать, требовать
equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] n ləvazimat; avadanlıq; təchizat оборудование;
skilled [skɪld] adj məharətli, mahir, искусный, квалифицированный, умелый, опытный
labour ['leɪbə] n əmək, iş; работа; труд
plastics ['plæstɪks] plastik material, пластмасса; синтетические материалы
combine ['kɔmbaɪn], [kəm'baɪn] v. birləşdirmək, əlaqələndirmək объединять, сочетать
insulating ['ɪnsjuleɪtɪŋ] tex. təcrid edilmiş, ayrılmış, təklənmiş, изолирующий, изоляционный,
непроводящий (электричество, тепло, звук)
it is no wonder – təəccüblü deyil
turn to [təːn] müraciət etmək, dönmək; обращаться
add [æd] v əlavə etmək прибавлять, присоединять; добавлять
laminate [ʹlæmın(e)ıt] çoxlaylı təbəqə; təbəqəli plastik; слоистое изделие, многослойный
материал; слоистый пластик; многослойный лист
sandwich [ʹsænwıdʒ]- qçtəbəqəli konstruksoya; трёхслойная структура; трёхслойная
foamed glass- penoşüşə (məsaməli şüşə); пеностекло
vapour [ʹveıpə]- buxarlanma; пар; испарение;
mineral wool- шлаковая вата; минеральная вата
adsorption [ədʹzɔ:pʃ(ə)n]- adsorbsiya (bərk və ya məsaməli cisimlər səthinin qaz və mayeləri
udması); адсорбция
divide [dɪ'vaɪd] ayırmaq, bölmək; делить (на несколько частей, групп), разделять
rock [rɔk] 1) qaya, sıldırım qaya, sıldırım 2) dağ süxuru;1) скала, утёс 2) горная порода;
богатая руда 3) а) камень, булыжник
binding ['baɪndɪŋ] a. bərkidici, tutucu, tutqaclı соединяющий; связующий
join [dʒɔɪn] v birləşdirmək, birləşmək, qoşulmaq; соединять, объединять, связывать,
lime [laɪm] əhəng известь
gypsum ['ʤɪpsəm] gips; гипс
auxiliary [ɔːg'zɪljərɪ] a. köməkçi, yardımçı вспомогательный
interior [ɪn'tɪərɪə]1. a. Daxili 2. n. daxil, iç, daxili tərəf внутренняя часть
sand [sænd]n qum песок; гравий
bearing ['bɛərɪŋ] dayaq опора
bearing structure несущая конструкция
plane [pleɪn] yastılıq, düzlük, rəvanlıq плоскость б) плоская поверхность (о предметах,
имеющих относительно плоские грани, очертания)
clay [kleɪ] gil глина

Post- reading activity:

1. Which requirements should materials meet that are used for structural purposes?
2. How do the materials differ in?
3. What can you say about wood?
4. What did you learn about stone?
5. Are bricks the examples of artificial building material?
6. What is concrete?
7. How do we get concrete?
8. What can you say about steel and plastics?
9. Which groups are all building materials divided into?
10. Which building materials are natural?
11. What kind of material is lime?
12. What group of building materials do rock and artificial stones belong to?
I. Complete the sentences by using the active vocabulary of the lesson:
1. You can use these materials for… purposes.
2. They didn’t tell us their … .
3. The bricklayer used … while building the wall.
4. Cement, sand and water were mixed in order to obtain … .
5. Lime, gypsum and cement are … … .
6. Main building materials are … and … stones, … and metals.
7. The manufacture of steel requires special … and … … .
8. Wood has certain … because it burns and … .
9. Bricks are referred to the … building materials.
10. The architects and engineers often turn to … to add beauty to modern homes and offices.
11. In order to make artificial stone and join different planes we usually use … materials.
12. Stone, sand, … and timber are … building materials.

II. Put a question to the underlined words:

1. The building materials should meet several requirements.
2. These materials are hard, durable, fire-resistant.
3. We didn’t know their requirements when they came.
4. Steel, concrete, stone, wood and brick differ in hardness, durability and fire-resistance.
5. Those stones were used by stonemason last Friday.
6. Wood has certain disadvantages because it burns and decays.
7. Bricks are artificial building materials.
8. All building materials are divided into three main groups.
9. We use many building materials for bearing structures.

III. Say what you know about the following building materials:
1. Lime is… .
2. Concrete is … .
3. Thatch is used …
4. Rock and artificial stones belong to … .
5. Cement is … .
6. Sand is used for … .
7. Timber is … .
8. Rock is … .
9. Artificial stone is … .
10. Wood is … .
11. Steel is … .
12. Gypsum belongs to … .
13. Clay is … .

IV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Tikinti məqsədi üçün işlədilən materiallar bərk, davamlı, oda davamlı olmalıdır.
2. Polad, beton, daş, taxta və kərpic ən çox işlədilən tikinti materiallarıdır.
3. Tikinti materialları möhkəmlik, odadavamlılıq və uzunmüddətliyə görə bir- birlərindən
4. Taxta ən qədim tikinti materialıdır.
5. Daşın əsas xüsusiyyətləri onun mexaniki gücü, bərkliyi, məsaməliliyi, səs və istilik
keçirməməsi və oda davamlılığıdır.
6. Kərpic süni tikinti materialıdır.
7. Beton sementin, qumun, əzilmiş daşın və suyun qatışığıdır.
8. Poladın istehsalı xüsusi avadanlıq və bacarıqlı əmək tələb edir.
9. Əhəng, gips və cement bitişdirici materiallardır.
10. Aparıcı tikililər üçün bir çox tikinti materialları istifadə olunur.

V. Put the correct prepositions in the gaps:

1. These building materials are used … structural purposes.
2. Building materials differ … hardness, durability and fire-resistance.
3. Wood belongs … one … the oldest building materials used … man.
4. Bricks are the examples … artificial building materials.
5. Concrete is referred … the artificial building materials.
6. Steel came … general use … the development … industry.
7. The architects and engineers have turned … plastics to add beauty to modern homes and

VI. Match the words in pairs:

1. Structural a) equipment
2. Several b) insulation
3. Structural c) materials
4. Certain d) structures
5. Mechanical e) homes
6. Heat f) insulation
7. Sound g) disadvantages
8. Artificial h) material
9. binding i) strength
10. bearing j) labour
11. modern k) materials
12. special l) purposes
13. crushed m) requirements
14. skilled n) stone
VII. Give the antonyms of the following words:
Important, modern, ancient, special, common, artificial, natural, hard, easily, together, main,
auxiliary materials, many, general, interior, different, to finish, skilled, disadvantage.

Lesson 8.
Grammar: The Attributive Clause
Subject + the Attributive Clause + Predicate…
Subject + Predicate + Object + the Attributive Clause
I. Fill in the gaps with the proper correct conjunctive word:

1. The house … they lived two years ago was built by this bricklayer.
2. The year… this house was built was a leap-year.
3. The bricklayer … built our house last year is an able workman.
4. The reason … the construction of this structure has been postponed is unknown.
5. The builder … work is perfect is going to build this palace.
6. The joiners … we sent our material last month haven’t begun to work yet.
7. The building in … they live was built ten years ago.

II. Choose the Correct Conjunctive Word:

1. The street … we live is wide and straight (which, where).
2. The reason for … builders postponed the construction is clear now (why, what).
3. The manager … salary was very low refused to work with them (whose, who).
4. I know the surveyor … is measuring the site now (whom, who).
5. The house was built by my uncle … worked at this construction company then (which,
6. The way through … the workers usually come is very muddy (that, where).
7. This is everything … this construction company sent us yesterday.
Pre- reading activity:
1. Which professions do you know?
2. What kind of building professions do you know?
3. Can a person be a good specialist without loving his profession?

Text: Some Building Professions

A man, who has been an apprentice for some years in a building trade and has therefore
enough skill to be considered a skilled worker at his trade*, is called tradesman or craftsman.
He may be a carpenter-and-joiner, bricklayer, mason, slater-and-tiler*, plumber,
electrician, house painter, glazier, floor-and-wall tiler, plasterer, paper-hanger, steeplejack, hot
water fitter* and so on.
Bricklayer is a tradesman who builds and repairs brickwork, lays and joints salt glazed
stoneware drains, sets, chimney pots, manhole frames and fireplaces. He renders brickwork,
including the insides of manholes. A sewer and tunnel bricklayer is a specialized bricklayer. In
some districts of Great Britain, bricklayers also fix wall and flooring tiles and slanting and lay
plaster and granolithic floors. But elsewhere these are plasterer’s specialities.
Carpenter is a man who erected wood frames, fits joints, fixes wood floors, stairs and
window frames, asbestos sheeting and other wallboard. He builds or dismantles wood or metal
formwork. The two trades of carpenter and joiner were originally the same, and most men can do
both, but specialize in one or the other. In the USA the term “carpenter” includes a joiner. The
word is derived from the French word charpente, which means a wood or metal framework.
Joiner is a man who makes joinery and works mainly at the bench on wood, which has
been cut and shaped by the machinists. His work is finer than the carpenter’s, much of it being
highly finished and done in a joinery shop which is not exposed to weather*.
In Scotland a joiner is a carpenter-and-joiner.

Mason is a stone worker or stone setter. In Scotland and the USA a bricklayer is usually
also a mason. A fixer or a fixer mason or a builder mason is a mason who sets prepared stones in
walls, whether the stone be only facing or to the full wall thickness.
Plasterer is a tradesman who may be a fibrous plasterer or a plasterer in solid work. The
latter lays successive coats of plaster or rendering and fixes fibrous plaster such as mould
сornices and wall pattern. He can use a horsed mould, erect lathing for plaster, and apply
A construction manager, or CM, provides services similar to those of general
constructor, but represents client’s interest during all phases of the building process – design as
well as construction. They are usually paid a negotiated fee for the scope of services rendered.
For example, working with the architect during design, the CM provides updates cost
projections so that a client will know probable costs, which the project evolves. A general
constructor, however, doesn’t usually enter the scene until after the design is complete.
The CM decides who bids the job, picks up the request for invitation to bid, evaluates the
bids, and awards work to the most reasonable bidder. The CM also prepares contracts and sends
them out to the subcontractors. The owner signs the contracts with each subcontractor, unlike a
general constructor who signs these contracts. As a result, the subcontractors are under the CM’s
A construction manager may also be responsible for the safety of workers on the
construction site.
Active vocabulary:
steeplejack ['stiːpldʒæk] - kəlləçarxçı; высотник, верхолаз
apprentice [ə'prentɪs] - şagird, usta köməkçisi; ученик, подмастерье
tradesman [treıdzmən] - peşəçi, sənətçi; ремесленник, мастеровой
craftsman ['krɑːftsmən] - sənətçi, sənətkar; 1) ремесленник 2) искусный мастер
carpenter ['kɑːpɪntə] - dülgər; плотник; столяр
joiner ['dʒɔɪnə] – xarrat; столяр; плотник (в строительстве)
bricklayer ['brɪkˌleɪə] - bənna, kərpic ustası; каменщик по кладке кирпича
mason ['meɪsn]- bənna; каменщик; каменотёс
slater ['sleɪtə] - şifer düzən; кровельщик
tiler ['taɪlə] – kirəmit və kafel ustası; 1) черепичных дел мастер 2) печь для обжига
(черепицы, плиток, изразцов) 3) кровельщик
plumber ['plʌmbə] - su kəməri işçisi; 1) водопроводчик 2) паяльщик 3) слесарь (-
glazier [gleɪziə]- şüşəsalan; стекольщик
plasterer ['plɑːstərə] - malakeş, suvaqçı; штукатур
salt glaze [sɔːlt gleɪz] - duz qabı; соляная глазурь
stoneware ['stəunwɛə] - saxsı qab-qacaq; керамические изделия, обливные гончарные
изделия; (обливная) глиняная посуда
drain [dreɪn] - kanalizasiya xətti; канализационная труба
set [set] -1) dəst; 2) qurğu; aqreqat; комплект, набор; прибор; аппарат; установка, агрегат
chimney ['tʃɪmnɪ] - boru, tüstülük, baca; 1) дымовая труба; дымоход 2) камин
manhole ['mænhəul] - baca, deşik; смотровой колодец; лаз; люк
render ['rendə] –göstərmək; ifa etmək; представлять
flooring [ʹflɔ:rıŋ] - döşəmə; 1) настил, пол 2) настилка полов
asbestos [æsʹbestəs] – azbest; асбест, горный лён
dismantle [dɪs'mæntl] – sökmək; разбирать, демонтировать
sewerage ['sjuərɪdʒ] – kanalizasiya; канализационная система, канализация (города)

chimney cap ['tʃɪmnɪkæp] - buxarı lövhəsi; дымовой колпак; дефлектор, зонт дымовой
expose [ɪks'pəuz] - müdafiyəsiz qoymaq; выставлять; обнажать; подвергать действию
(атмосферных влияний); подвергать (опасности, случайностям )
Post- reading activity:
1. What is a man called a skilled worker for?
2. Who is called tradesman or craftsman?
3. What does the bricklayer do?
4. What does the carpenter do?
5. Who is called a joiner?
6. What does the mason do?
7. Who is prepared the contracts by?
I. Complete the sentences:
1. … … … is called a tradesman or a craftsman?
2. Bricklayer is a tradesman who … … … .
3. … … … is a specialized bricklayer.
4. Carpenter is a man who … … … .
5. Joiner is a man who … … … .
6. In Scotland a joiner is … … .
7. Mason is … … .
8. A fixer or a fixer- mason or a builder mason is … … … .
II. Match the words with their definitions:
a) Apprentice 1) specialist?
b) Tradesman 2) a specialist who is busy in putting bricks.
c) Slater 3) sewerage
d) Bricklayer 4) a plate for salt
e) salt glaze5) a worker who puts water pipes
f) drain 6) a person who works under the builder’s control
g) manhole 7) to destroy
h) ismantle 8) a man who puts slaters on the roof
i) plumber 9) hole (or pipe) for chimneyd
III. Put a question to the underlined words:
1. Bricklayer is a tradesman who builds and repairs brickwork.
2. The construction manager provides updates cost projections.
3. His work is finer than the carpenter’s.
4. He renders brickwork, including the insides of manholes.
5. A builder mason sets prepared stones in walls.
6. They are usually paid a negotiated fee for the scope of services rendered.
7. In some districts of Great Britain bricklayers also fix wall and flooring tiles.
8. He dismantled wood or metal formwork two days ago.
IV. Fill in the gaps according to the text:
1. … is a man who erects wood frames, fits joints. Fixes wood floors and other wall board.
2. In the USA the term … includes a joiner.
3. In Scotland … is a carpenter and joiner.
4. Mason is … worker or … setter.
5. The word “carpenter” is derived from French word “charpente” which means … or
metal… .
6. … and tunnel bricklayer is a specialized bricklayer.
7. Carpenter builds or … wood.
V. Give the synonyms of the following words:

To build, construction, job, trade, tradesman, house, carpenter, general, similar, specialized,
to prepare, to repair, to erect, to lay.

Lesson 9.
Grammar: The Future Indefinite Active; The Future Indefinite Passive:
Shall + infinitive (without “to”) shall be + Participle II
Will + infinitive (without “to”) will be + Participle II
I. Use the correct form of the verbs:
1. The builders (to calculate) the sizes of beams and girders tomorrow.
2. The engineer (to determine) the weight supported by the structure soon.
3. As soon as they (to deliver) bricks to the construction site, the bricklayer (to start) to
4. If they (to begin) their work in time, they (to finish) it in a month.
5. When the architect (to design) the house, they (to choose) a place to build it next year.
6. They (to repair) their house in a week as it is very old.
7. After they (to consider) the regulations, they (to make) a decision soon.

II. Use the correct form of the verbs:

1. The weight or loads supported by the structure (to determine) by the workmen in two
2. Our house (to repair) by these builders next year.
3. This street (to pave) with stones soon.
4. They (make) slanting roofs on the houses in a month.
5. The furniture (to buy) for this house the day after tomorrow.
6. The columns (to whitewash) by our workers tomorrow.
7. The girders (to make) smooth by the joiner in a day.
Pre- reading activity:
1. What do roof loads mean for you?
2. Can we live without any roof of the house?
3. What do you know about floor loads?

Text:Floor and Roof Loads

Before calculating the required sizes of beams, girders, or columns to support the weights
upon them it is necessary first to determine the weight or loads supported by the structure. These
consist of the dead loads and the live loads. By dead load is meant the weight of the construction
itself, the walls, floors, ceilings, roof, and permanent partitions. By live load is meant the weight
of the furniture, equipment, occupants, stored material, snow on the roof, and movable partitions.
The live loads should include all except the dead loads. Wind pressure, really a lateral load, is
often classed as a live load but may be considered as producing a separate stress.
The various building codes specify the weights per square or cubic foot of wood, stone,
steel, concrete, plaster, terra cotta, and other structural materials comprising the dead loads. They
likewise regulate the live load per square foot, which depends on the use or occupancy of the
building and which must be employed in calculating the weights upon the structural members.
On flat roofs and those of slight pitch the snow load will be at the maximum and the wind
pressure at the minimum. As the pitch of the roof increases, the snow load will decrease and the
wind load increase. The Boston building law includes the following regulations:
Roofs shall be designed to support safely minimum live loads as follows:
Roofs with a pitch of 4 in. or less per foot, a vertical load of 40 psf of horizontal projection.
Roofs with pitch of more than 4 and not more than 8 in. per food, a vertical load of 15 psf
of horizontal projection, and a wind load of 10 psf of surface acting at right angles to one slope,
these two loads being assumed to act either together or separately.
Roofs with pitch of more than 8 and not more than 12 in. per foot, a vertical load of 10 psf
of horizontal projection, and wind load of 15 psf of surface acting at right angles to one slope,
these two loads being assumed to act either together or separately.

Roofs with pitch of more than 12 in. per foot, a vertical load of 5 psf of horizontal
projection, and wind load of 20 psf of surface acting at right angles to one slope, these two loads
being assumed to act either together or separately.
The expected snow load naturally varies in different parts of the country, as exhibited by
the requirements of the local building codes.

Active vocabulary:
calculate ['kælkjuleɪt] 1) hesablamaq 2) haqq-hesab çəkmək, hesablamaq; вычислять;
подсчитывать; калькулировать
beam [biːm] tir, ağac; балка; брус, перекладина
girder ['gəːdə] tex. tir, ferma, çatı (tikinti işlərində); балка; балочная ферма; прогон;
column ['kɔləm] n sütun, colonna; 1. колонна 2. столб(ик)
weight [weɪt] n çəki; ağırlıq; 1) вес; масса


Like most postmodernist writers, Kurt Vonnegut used postmodern literary techniques in his novels. He created a new type of religion in “Cat’s cradle” called “Bokonism” and introduces new terms like karass, foma, wampeter, vin-dit, wrang-wrang, Boko-maru, granfallon, duprass and so on related to that fictional religion. Creating such a kind of religion, Kurt Vonnegut wanted to reach the utopian society. But in the end, he encounters dystopia. The writer used temporal distortion in this novel, which made the labyrinth for the reader to force him/her think analytically. While reading the novel, the reader witnessed historiographic metafiction, which requires an intellectual reader to analyze them. The writer preferred to write the novel in the shadow of postmodern irony and black humour which makes the reader laugh and smile at first, but then this laughter changes its colour and makes the reader think critically. This laughter is black humour. Like many other postmodern writers, Kurt Vonnegut also wanted to find the solution for making an ideal society, but at the end of the novel, the reader saw the end of the world as frozen. The writer described the little crystal piece ice-nine as an element of science fiction which can freeze the world with only one touch.


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