violation of injunction of repeat sex date violence / Violations of an Injunction | Florida Criminal Law

violation of injunction of repeat sex date violence

violation of injunction of repeat sex date violence

First, the petitioner must have reported the sexual violence to law enforcement. The police are part of emergency services that can respond to situations such as psychological and physical abuse. The petition must be sworn, meaning that it must be signed in front of a notary or court clerk. If you are the Petitioner and you do not appear for the final hearing after a temporary injunction has been issued, the Petition will be dismissed and final injunction will not be issued. The victim, the parent, or guardian of a minor child under the age of eighteen residing at home may file a petition for protection against sexual violence. Protect yourself by asking for information and assistance from professional help workers and organisations, so you are able to make the right decision for yourself and your children. John Musca.

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