atatürk forest farm / File:Atatürk Forest Farm, 1939 (16851409021).jpg - Wikipedia

Atatürk Forest Farm

atatürk forest farm

Traces of Ernst Egli in Ataturk Forest Farm: site planning, beer factory, housing and the "traditional" hamam/Ataturk Orman Ciftligi'nde Ernst Egli'nin izleri: planlama, bira fabrikasi, konutlar ve "geleneksel" bir hamam.

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Abstract :

"Gazi Forest Farm" established on 5 May 1925 was designed and developed as a modern site with concern for leisure activities along with agricultural, industrial, and commercial components. Following the first construction between 1925 and 1926, development in 1930s was conducted so as to show a planned environment with modern concerns in mind. The initial plan for the Farm dated 1934 was maintained by the Swiss architect Ernst Arnold Egli, who attempted to innovate an approach to connect the historical and the cultural past of the new nation with the geography of the site, and the very public space requirements of the new-born Republic of Turkey. Although the plan was not applied in its entirety, the design makes one to consider the Ataturk Forest Farm to constitute a small model of the national modernity project, with the social, cultural and historic implications it has. Only two years after the initial design, planning and architectural implementations in the Farm were conducted in a more comprehensive and programmed manner. Following the plan prepared by Hermann Jansen in 1936 and with the Jansen-Egli cooperation, projects for the Beer and Malt Factory, housing, hamam (Turkish Bath) and restaurant, the main structures of the site were rapidly prepared and realized by Egli in 1937. The Beer and Malt Factory was one of the main buildings which transformed/changed the Farm in a considerable manner with its central position; accommodation facilities provided the employees with houses close to workplace; managerial units and the Railway Station completed the scene for the suburban leisure space to be within easy reach with the new Capital city Ankara. The Factory's machine-like and rational form corresponding to its function with technologic facilities was complemented with the modern forms of official buildings and housing for employees, as well as with the hamam. While housing units provided a modern atmosphere for the users of the quarter, they were designed to cope with the living habits of the emerging working class. For the design of the Beer Factory Hamam, one of the most interesting buildings of the site, Egli was adhered to the characteristic scheme of the Ottoman Hamam, and complied with the modern approach of 1930s while using the material and technique: he utilized current technological implementations for its water and heating system, contrary to the traditional hamams, which might be called an innovation. With the hamam and the housing, the Beer and Malt Factory, as one of the main buildings of the site provided the Farm to have a more modern and holistic appearance as an industrial production area. Natural landscaping, parks and gardens of the Farm take the workplace away from the usual factory image. Carefully embellished gardens next to the factory where few species of plants were cultivated; the restaurants, parks, pools and other areas for entertainment, detach the industrial and agricultural production locations considered as collective spaces in integrity, in an order not disturbing each other. Factory and employee housing of the industrial period and their environments for living created in connection therewith, are still a rich source of information. However nowadays it is evident that this initial environment created for a modern way of living and production is under a great pressure of change, which ends up in ill-management, under maintenance and simply ignorance. As an architectural heritage from the Early Republican Era, it is required to appreciate the value of and to preserve the buildings of the Ataturk Forest Farm, as one primary sample of a modern, contemporary, secular environmental contruction. The paper aims to document the planning and construction development of the campus and its buildings in the light of the textual and visual documents acquired from the ETH Zurich Archive, the Presidency Ataturk Archive, Prime Ministry Archive for the Republic, the Architektsmuseum TU Berlin, the TTA General Directorate Archive, and the Ataturk forest Farm Archive. Keywords: Ataturk Forest Farm Campus; Beer Factory; hamam (Turkish bath); official and employee housing; Ernst Arnold Egli; Hermann Jansen; early Republican architecture in Turkey. Anahtar Sozcukler: Ataturk Orman Ciftligi yerleskesi; Bira Fabrikasi; Bira Fabrikasi Hamami; Memurlar ve Isciler icin konut; Ernst Arnold Egli; Hermann Jansen; erken Cumhuriyet donemi mimarligi.

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Gale Document Number: GALE

File:Atatürk Forest Farm, 1939 (16851409021).jpg

English: During the start of spring in 1925, Atatürk mentioned his desire about building a farm in Ankara to a group of agriculturalists. He requested them to find a suitable place for the farm. The entire plane was arid; there was almost no suitable site for the farm. Even the most suitable place among the proposals was a wetland. They assessed the site and Atatürk decided that the farm would be built on this arid, wetland area. Over the years, they created a modern agricultural and industrial institution on this land as a part of the pursued agricultural policy.

Initially, the farm was named Gazi (Ghazi) Forest Farm. Its name was changed to the Atatürk Forest Farm after the Surname Law was enacted. When the farm was donated to The Treasury, it spanned an area of 102.000 hectares.

Atatürk Orman Çiftliği, 1939

1925 yılının bahar ayına girildiğinde bir gün Atatürk ziraatçı kişilerden oluşan bir gruba, Ankara’da çiftlik kurma arzusunu dile getirdi. Onlardan istediği, kendisine yer göstermeleriydi. Çeşitli görüşler ortaya atıldı. Arazi hep çorak, çiftlik için uygun yer yok gibiydi. Gösterilen yerler içerisinde en uygun gibi görüneni bile bataklıktı. Oraya gidip bakıldı. Atatürk, o çorak ve bataklık bölgeye çiftliğini kurmaya karar verdi. Orada, yıllar içerisinde, ülkede izlenen tarım politikasının bir parçası olarak modern bir tarım ve endüstri kurumu yaratıldı.
Bunu komşu araziler izledi. Çiftlik alanı genişletildi. Bütün harcamaları Atatürk yapıyordu. Adı, Gazi Orman Çiftliği oldu. Soyadı Kanunu çıktıktan sonra da Atatürk Orman Çiftliği. Hazine’ye bağışlandığında 102.000 dönüm büyüklüğündeydi.

İlk dönemde (1926), sebze ve meyve yetiştirildi. Şeker pancarı üretimine geçildi. Koyunculuk, inekçilik, atçılık, tavukçuluk, sütçülük, peynircilik, yoğurtçuluk, fidanlık, bağcılık, şarapçılık, arıcılık Çiftlik’teki yıllar içerisinde oluşan çeşitli uğraş alanlarıydı. Aynı zamanda tarım makineleri onarılıyor, teknik eleman yetiştiriliyor, makinelerin kullanımı öğretiliyordu.
DOI: 10.5505/planlama.2015.91300

Fluctuating Transformations in the Atatürk Forest Farm and Ankara

Deniz Kimyon1, Gencay Serter2
1Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Şehir Ve Bölge Planlama Anabilim Dalı Doktora Programı, Ankara
2Ankara Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, Kent Ve Çevre Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı Doktora Programı, Ankara

This paper aims to define the integrated, dialectical urban problems presented by the Atatürk Forest Farm (AFF) and Ankara. The formation of a new social structure in the wake of the Republican revolution coincided with the establishment of the AFF and with Ankara as the nation’s capital. From a political perspective, the transformation of Ankara’s urban spatial patterns has been reciprocally impacted by the development of the AFF as a significant urban district. This article examines the changing urban macroform of Ankara as it has encroached on the boundaries of the AFF. From the 1920s to the present, these areas have been evaluated at various legal, administrative, economic and political levels. Discussed are the ways in which practices of neoliberal urbanization have had severe effects on the land of the AFF, focusing specifically on the 2000s. Through the AFF was established as a symbol of collectivity and publicity, it has instead come to represent the exertion of political power through coercion, being the site of a milestone in the legitimization of disregard for law and order, and the subject of a new urban social opposition. In this framework, transformations of the AFF throughout history indicate changes in the urban macroform of Ankara. This paper endeavors to document the multiplicity of effects of interventions in the use of crucial public land, specifically relating to the AFF and Ankara but with implications for all urban areas.

Keywords: Ankara, Atatürk Forest Farm, publicity, space; property; reproduction

Atatürk Orman Çiftliği(AOÇ)’nin ve Ankara’nın Değişimi Dönüşümü

Deniz Kimyon1, Gencay Serter2
1Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Şehir Ve Bölge Planlama Anabilim Dalı Doktora Programı, Ankara
2Ankara Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, Kent Ve Çevre Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı Doktora Programı, Ankara

Bu yazı AOÇ ve Ankara’nın bütünleşik, diyalektik kent sorununu tarif etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Cumhuriyet devrimi sonrası yeni toplumsal yapının formülasyonunda AOÇ’nin kuruluşu ve Ankara’nın başkent oluşu tarihsel olarak kesişmekle beraber, sonrasında da önemli bir kent parçası haline gelen AOÇ ile Ankara kent bütününün mekânsal örüntülerinin değişimi ve dönüşümü de siyasal perspektif çerçevesinde birbirini izlemiş ve etkilemiştir. Bildiri Ankara kent biçeminin değişimini, bizatihi AOÇ arazileri ve çeperinde incelemekte; bu alanların 1920’lerden bugüne değişen yasal, yönetsel, ekonomik, siyasal düzlemde değerlendirilmektedir. Bu anlamda özellikle 2000’ler sonrasına yoğunlaşılarak, neoliberal kentleşme pratiğinin AOÇ arazisi üzerindeki çarpıcı etkilerinin bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. AOÇ özü, tözü itibariyle bir kamusallığın, kolektifliğin simgesi olarak üretilmiş iken; siyasi otoritenin iktidarını zor ile simgeleştirdiği bir alan haline dönüşmüş, hukuk ve kural tanımazlığın meşruiyet kazandığı bir dönüm noktasına tanıklık etmiş, yeni kentsel toplumsal muhalefetin konusu haline gelmiştir.
Bu çerçevede AOÇ’nin değişim ve dönüşüm hikâyesi aynı zamanda Ankara kentsel mekânını, kentsel macrofromunun değişimine işaret etmektedir. Bildiri önemli bir kamu arazisi olan, AOÇ’deki tumturaklı müdahalelerin Ankara kent bütününe çarpan etkisini belgeleme uğraşıdır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: AOÇ, Ankara, Mekân, Mülkiyet, Yeniden Üretim, Kamusallık

Deniz Kimyon, Gencay Serter. Fluctuating Transformations in the Atatürk Forest Farm and Ankara. Planning. 2015; 25(1): 44-63

Corresponding Author: Deniz Kimyon, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: Turkish


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