e içişleri giriş / İkamet İzni Başvuruları Hakkında

E Içişleri Giriş

e içişleri giriş


Сафорати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон дар Ҷумҳурии Туркия иттилоъ медиҳад, ки аз 1 январи соли 2022 барои шаҳрвандони як қатор кишварҳои хориҷӣ, аз ҷумла Ҷумҳурии Туркия низоми яктарафаи бекор намудани раводид ҷорӣ шудааст.
Шаҳрвандони он кишварҳо метавонанд бо ҳама намуди шиносномаҳои хориҷӣ ба Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон бе раводид ворид шаванд ва дар ҳудуди он ба муҳлати то 30 рӯз бимонанд.
Шаҳрвандони хориҷие, ки раводиди маъмулӣ доранд ва ё нисбати онҳо низоми бераводид барои омаду рафт ва будубош дар Тоҷикистон ҷорӣ карда шудааст, уҳдадоранд дар давоми 10 (даҳ) рӯзи корӣ дар мақомоти корҳои дохилӣ ё корҳои хориҷии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон (танҳо барои кормандони намояндагиҳои дипломатӣ) аз қайд гузаранд, ба истиснои шаҳрвандони кишварҳое, ки дар асоси созишномаҳои дахлдор аз бақайдгирӣ ба муҳлатҳои муайян озод мебошанд.


Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçiliği, 1 Ocak 2022 tarihinden itibaren Türkiye Cumhuriyeti dahil olmak üzere birçok yabancı ülke vatandaşlarına tek taraflı vize muafiyeti uygulamasını başlatıldığını bildirir .
Bu ülkelerin vatandaşları Umuma Mahsus Pasaport hamilleri Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti'ne 30 gün süreyle vizesiz giriş yapabilirler.
Aynı zamanda, Tacikistan'a giriş ve çıkış için normal vize veya vizesiz rejime sahip yabancı vatandaşlar, ilgili anlaşmalar kapsamında belirli bir süre için kayıttan muaf olan ülke vatandaşları hariç, Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti'nin İçişleri veya Dışişleri (sadece diplomatik misyonlarda çalışanları için) Bakanlıklarında 10 (on) iş günü içinde kayıt yaptırmak zorunludur.


Посольство Республики Таджикистан в Турецкой Республике сообщает, что с 1 января 2022 года введен односторонний безвизовый режим для граждан ряда иностранных государств, в том числе Турецкой Республики.
Граждане этих стран могут въезжать в Республику Таджикистан без визы по всем видам заграничных паспортов и находиться на ее территории до 30 дней.
Иностранные граждане, имеющие обычную визу или по отношению к ним применяется безвизовый режим для въезда в Таджикистан, обязаны в течение 10 (десяти) рабочих дней пройти регистрацию в органах внутренних дел или иностранных дел (только для сотрудников дипломатических представительств) Республики Таджикистан, за исключением граждан стран, которые освобождаются от регистрации на определенный срок согласно соответствующим соглашением.


The Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Republic of Turkey informs that from January 1, 2022, a unilateral visa-free regime has been introduced for citizens of a number of foreign states, including the Republic of Turkey (the list is attached).

Citizens of these countries may enter the Republic of Tajikistan without a visa via all types of foreign passports and stay on its territory for up to 30 days. At the same time, foreign citizens who have a regular visa or for whom a visa-free regime is applied to enter Tajikistan are required to register with the internal affairs or foreign affairs (only for employees of diplomatic missions), state agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan within 10 (ten) working days with the exception of citizens countries that are exempted from registration for a certain period in accordance with the relevant agreements.

Аԥсны Аҳәынҭқарра Адәныҟатәи
аусқәа рминистрра

The regime of visa-free entry into the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia extends to citizens of the following countries:

  • The Russian Federation
  • The Republic of Nicaragua
  • The Republic of Tuvalu
  • The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
  • The Republic of South Ossetia

In addition, in according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Abkhazia "On the establishment of visa-free entry into the Republic of Abkhazia of the certain categories of foreign citizens," the following categories for foreign citizens entering the Republic of Abkhazia without obtaining visas are established:

  1. The foreign citizens -sightseers (except the citizens of Georgia) entering the Republic of Abkhazia as part of the organized excursion group for a period not exceeding 24 hours;
  2. The citizens of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan who enter the Republic of Abkhazia for tourist or business purposes for a period not exceeding two weeks;
  3. The foreign citizens entering the Republic of Abkhazia in order to eliminate accidents, carry out repair and preventive and commissioning works at the power system facilities for a period not exceeding five days;
  4. иThe foreign citizens entering the Republic of Abkhazia and carrying out activities at electric power generation facilities located in the districts of Gali and Tkuarchal for a period of up to one year.

The following requirements are necessary for obtaining a permit to enter the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia:

  • The copy of the applicant's passport (sent by e-mail or by fax). Please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months before the planned entry into Abkhazia.
  • The completed application form in electronic format. All the points of the application must be completed without exception. If there is no necessary information, the application may not be accepted for consideration.


7 working days will be required for the process of the request to the Consular Department. For those who enter the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia not for the first time, the time for consideration may be reduced.

You may ask the question by phone: +7 840 226 39 48 (work), +7 940 996 39 48 (mobile)

The permission (confirmation) to enter Abkhazia is sent to the e-mail address from which the application was sent, or by fax, the number of which is indicated in the application.

NECESSARILY! Upon arrival to Abkhazia, you have to appear in the Consular Department within 3 working days for receiving a visa of the Republic of Abkhazia.

IMPORTANT! The checkpoints of the Republic of Abkhazia work from 8 am to 7 pm on the Abkhaz-Georgian border

The consular service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia issues the following types of visas:


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