агент форекс new thread / Forex Finals: registration

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The Forex Thread

ramkya1's Avatar
Location: Palakkad, Keral

After reading all this here, my head is spinning let me add more MASALA into the curry pot

For my recent trip to Europe and UK in October, here's what I did. You can assume whatever I do, I'd do after some research and lots of thought for whatever it's worth:

Took Thomas Cook TC, 50 K in Euros and 50 K in GBP, exchanged half of it it at the point of entry at Rome and also at UK, NO Charge, if you can find Thomas Cook Exchange Counter. Most others charge about % of the value as transaction fees, so stayed miles clear of them I could find Thomas Cook Counters EVERYWHERE in Europe and UK.

Carried Euros from Thomas Cook @ and GBP @ , for 50K INR worth, carried only Rs/- INR for taxy fare from Airport to Home in India, for the return leg.

Used Credit Card whenever possible, came back end October, holding on to left over currency in Euros and Pounds, the values are much less now, will change when it nudges the values at which I exchanges, it can even cross these values on some days!!!

Axix Bank Credit Card or any othe Credit Card is a good option, most places abroad accepts CC even for the simplest of transaction. CHANGE THE CARAD NUMBER IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU COME BACK, I would never second guess safety, most card issuers allow change now-a-days as a standard security measure, I've done so.

Hope this helps,


Last edited by ramkya1 : 21st December at

Thread: Forex Finals: registration

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Create and edit topics in your Microsoft Copilot Studio copilot

Topic types

A copilot can include two types of topics, system and custom. Every new copilot starts with a set of system and custom topics.

  • System topics support essential behaviors, such as a custom request to speak to a person or end the conversation. Some system topics have trigger phrases, which you can customize to fit your copilot's needs.

    • You can't create system topics.
    • You can't delete system topics, but you can disable them.
    • You can make changes to system topics. However, until you're comfortable creating end-to-end copilot conversations, we don't recommend editing the system topics.

    For more information, see Use system topics.

  • Custom topics cover common behaviors, such as greeting a customer, ending a conversation, or restarting conversation.

    • You can make changes to the starting custom topics or remove them from your copilot entirely.
    • All topics that you create are custom topics.

Create a topic

  1. Open your copilot from the list on the Copilot page. For better visibility, close the Test copilot window for now.

  2. From the Topics & Plugins page, select + Add > Topic > From blank.

    Screenshot of the Copilot Studio Topics & Plugins page with +Add highlighted.

  3. On the Trigger node, select Edit under Phrases twice to see the Add phrases section.

    Screenshot of the topic authoring canvas showing the Trigger node and the Add phrases section.

  4. Under Add phrases, enter text to add a trigger phrase for your topic.

    Your copilot needs 5 to 10 trigger phrases to train the AI to understand your customers' responses. To add more trigger phrases, you can either:

    • Select the "+" next to the text field.
    • Paste a set of trigger phrases, each one on a separate line.
    • Type a set of trigger phrases, pressing Shift+Enter after each one to place it on a separate line.
    • Select Enter to complete adding the phrase(s).

    You can include punctuation in a trigger phrase, but it's best to use short phrases rather than long sentences.

  5. Select Details to open the Topic details pane.

    Screenshot of the topic authoring canvas with Details highlighted.

  6. Add your copilot topic details:

    • Add a Name to identify the topic, such as "Store hours". The Topics page lists all the topics defined in your copilot, by this name. A customer might see the topic name if the copilot can't determine which topic matches the customer's message.

    • The Description is never shown to users. Use it to describe the purpose of the topic for yourself and other copilot makers on your team.

  7. Select Save at the top of the page to save your changes and add the topic to the topics list.

Design a topic conversation path

When you create a topic, a Trigger node is inserted for you on the Topics & Plugins page. You can add more nodes to control the conversation.

  1. Select a topic from the Topics & Plugins page of your copilot.

  2. Select the "+" to add another node, which might be shown before or after any node. The locations you can add a node give you flexibility to edit any part of a conversation.

    Screenshot of the Add node button in the Microsoft Copilot Studio authoring canvas.

  3. Select a node type to insert the node.

    Here are the types of nodes you can insert in a topic:

    Screenshot of node types to insert after a Trigger node.

Add a question node

The Question node can prompt a user for information and store their response in a variable for use later in the conversation.

The node allows you to choose the type of information to collect, such as a multiple-choice answer, a prebuilt entity, or a custom entity. Question behavior properties allow you to control the behavior of the node, such as what to do when the user enters an invalid response.

Just like Message nodes, Question nodes can include images, videos, cards, quick replies, and message variations. For more information, see Send a message.

Here's how to build a Question node:

  1. Select the "+" on any node, then select Ask a question. The Question node form appears.

    Screenshot of a new Question mode.

  2. In the Enter a message box, type the question you want to ask.

  3. Select the menu under Identify, then either create or select an option. Your chosen entity determines what the copilot should listen for in the user's response. For more information on entities, see Learn how to use entities in a conversation.

  4. Depending which Identify option you selected, you may have more properties you need to set.

    For example, if you choose Multiple choice options, select + New option under Options for user to add choices the user can select. Each choice is presented as a multiple-choice button in a conversation, but users can also type their answers.

  5. Select the variable name under Save response as and change the name of the default variable to something meaningful, like customerName or bookingDate. You can set the scope of the variable in the Variable properties pane as well.

    Screenshot of a new variable created for a Question node.

Configure question behavior

Question behavior properties allow you to control how the copilot responds to an invalid response or how it validates user input.

  1. On the Question node, select the to see the the Node Menu, and then select Properties. The Question properties pane appears.

  2. In the Question properties pane, select Question behavior to open the Question behavior pane.

    Screenshot of properties pane.

The Question behavior pane is where you can adjust behaviors like prompts, validations, and interruptions. Let's examine a few behaviors.

Skip behavior

Skip behavior determines what the copilot should do if the question node's variable already has a value from earlier in the conversation.

  • Allow question to be skipped: Skip the question if the variable has a value.
  • Ask every time: Ask the question even if the variable has a value.


Reprompt determines how your copilot reacts if it doesn't get a valid answer from the user. You can tell it to try again once, twice, or move on without getting an answer. To customize what your copilot does when it moves on, see No valid entity found in the Question behavior pane. You can also change the prompt to give the user more context.

  • How many reprompts: The number of times your copilot tries to get a valid answer. Repeat up to 2 times is the default. You can also select Repeat once or Don't repeat.

  • Retry prompt: To change the message, select Customize, and then enter the new prompt.

Entity validation

By default, the Question node checks for a valid response based only on the entity you selected. Additional entity validation allows you to add criteria to the basic test. For example, the Question node accepts any numeric value when it identifies a number, but you might want to set it to less than You can also change the prompt to help the user enter a valid response.

  • Condition: Enter a Power Fx formula that returns a boolean value ( or ); for example,

  • Condition not met prompt: When the condition isn't met, you can provide a message. Select Customize and enter the new prompt.

No valid entity found

No valid entity found determines what happens when your copilot stops trying to get a valid response from the user. You can escalate to a human agent or provide a default value. You can also change the prompt to let the user know.

  • Action if no entity found:

    • Escalate: Redirect the user to the Escalate system topic. Escalate is the default.
    • Set variable to value: Set the output variable to a value and move on to the next node. Enter or select the value in Default entity value.
    • Set variable to empty (no value): Set the output variable to and move on to the next node. You can use a Condition node later to check whether the variable has a value.
  • No entity found message: To change the message, select Customize, and then enter the new prompt.


Interruptions determine whether the user can switch to a different topic during the question.

  • Allow switching to another topic: The user can abandon the question for a new topic.

Delete a node

Select the to see the Node Menu, and then select Delete.

Screenshot highlighting the Node Menu button and the Delete button.

Controls for editing nodes on the canvas

You can use the authoring canvas toolbar to quickly rename the topic. Select the topic name in the toolbar, type the new name, then press Enter.

Screenshot of the topic authoring canvas with the topic name highlighted.

You can use controls on the toolbar to cut, copy, paste, and delete the selected node or selected adjacent nodes.

Screenshot of the toolbar controls for editing nodes on the authoring canvas.

The toolbar also has a control to undo an edit. Open the Undo menu to revert all actions back to the last save or to redo the previous action.

Screenshot of the Undo menu.

Paste nodes

Once you use the Cut or Copy tools to place one or more nodes on the clipboard, there are two ways to paste them in the canvas:

  • If you select a node and then select Paste, the nodes on the clipboard are inserted after the selected node.

  • If you select the "+" to see the Add node menu, then select Paste, the node on the clipboard is inserted at that location.

Edit topics with the code editor

The code editor shows the topic in YAML, a markup language that's easy to read and understand. Use the code editor to copy and paste topics from other bots, even ones created by other authors.


Designing a topic entirely in the code editor and pasting complex topics isn't fully supported.

In this example, you copy and paste YAML into the code editor to quickly add a topic that asks the customer for shipping information.

  1. On the Topics page, select + New topic.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the authoring canvas, select the to see More options, then select Open code editor.

    Screenshot of how to open the code editor.

  3. Select and delete the contents of the code editor. Then copy and paste the following YAML code:

  4. Select Save, and then select Close code editor. The Question node now has many conditions to the question about shipping.

    Screenshot of a conversation created from YAML in the Microsoft Copilot Studio code editor.

Test and publish your copilot

Test your copilot when you make changes to your topics, to make sure everything works as expected.

After you design and test your copilot, publish it to the web, mobile or native apps, or Microsoft Bot Framework channels.

Use system and sample topics

When you create a bot, several topics are created for you.

Screenshot of the Topics list showing lesson topics and system topics.

These automatically created topics fall into two categories:

  • Lesson topics help you understand simple to complex ways to use nodes to create bot conversations.

    You can edit lesson topics or delete them entirely.

  • System topics are topics you're likely to need during a bot conversation.

    You can't delete or disable system topics or edit their trigger phrases. However, you can customize the nodes on the authoring canvas. We recommend that you don't customize these topics until you're comfortable creating an end-to-end bot conversation.

Create a topic

  1. From the navigation menu, select Topics, then + New topic, then From blank.

    The Trigger phrases pane opens.

  2. Add several trigger phrases for your topic in the Add phrases section.

    Screenshot of the topic authoring canvas, highlighting Add phrases of the Trigger phrases pane.

    You can specify more than one trigger phrase for a topic, using a new line for each phrase. You can include punctuation in a trigger phrase, but it's best to use short phrases rather than long sentences.

  3. In the top bar, edit the title of your topic to give it a name.

    Screenshot of the topic authoring canvas, highlighting Details.

  4. Press Enter or select the Save icon to save your changes.

  5. Select the Details icon. Here you can alternatively edit the Name and add a Display name and Description.

    The Display name tells the bot which topic the person is asking about.

    The Description describes the purpose of the topic to yourself and other bot makers. This description isn't shown to users.

    Screenshot of the topic details pane showing Name, Display name, and Description.

  6. Select Save to add the topic to the topics list.

Design the topic's conversation path

  1. In the topic list, select the topic you want to edit. You see the topic's trigger phrases. Here you define the conversation path between a customer and the copilot.

    For existing or system topics, several nodes are created automatically. You can edit these nodes just as you would edit other nodes.

    When you create a new topic, a Trigger Phrases node and a blank Message node are inserted for you.

  2. To add a node, select "+", Add node, located between or after nodes.

    Screenshot of adding a node.

  3. To change the paths between nodes, drag the small circle on top of the node—its node anchor—to a new location in the canvas. The dotted line represents the original path.

    Screenshot of moving a node's anchor.

Insert nodes

When you add a node after the Trigger Phrases node or between Message nodes, you can:

  • Ask a question
  • Call an action
  • Show a message
  • Redirect to another topic
  • End the conversation

Screenshot of adding a node between existing nodes from the options.

Ask a question

  1. Select the Ask a question option of the "+" Add node menu to add a new Question node. A question node appears.

    Screenshot of adding a new question mode.

  2. Enter the question phrase in the Ask a question field.

    For example, if the user wants to know store hours, the bot's question might be Which store location do you need?

  3. Under Identify, select an option for the user's response, such as Multiple choice options.

    This option determines what the bot should listen for when the user responds. For more information, see Use entities in a conversation.

  4. Under Options for user, enter expected responses to the bot's question.

    For example, if you chose Multiple choice options in Identify, the options might include store locations such as Seattle, Bellevue, or Kirkland.

    Screenshot of possible options for the user based on the multiple choice selection in Identify.

    Each choice is presented to the user as a multiple choice button in the chat, but users can also type their answer.

  5. (Optional) Save the user response in a variable to be used later.

The conversation editor creates separate paths in the conversation depending on the customer's response. The conversation path leads the customer to the appropriate resolution for each response. You can add nodes to create branching logic, and specify what the bot should respond with for each path or variable.

Call an action

To call Power Automate Flows and insert authentication nodes, select Call an action from the "+" Add node menu.

If voice-based capabilities are enabled for your bot, you see more actions.

Show a message

  1. To specify a response from the bot, select the "+" Add node to add a node, and then select Show a message to add a new Message node.

  2. Enter the message you want the bot to say in the text box.

    You can apply some basic formatting, such as bold, italics, and numbering. You can also use variables that you define elsewhere in your bot conversation.

Redirect to another topic

  1. To have the bot move to a different topic, select the "+" Add node to add a node, and then select Redirect to another topic. A list of topics appears.

  2. Select the topic the bot should divert to. For example, you might send the user to a topic about the closure of a store if they ask about the store's hours.

    Screenshot showing redirection to another topic node with options for other topics.

The redirected topic is a subtopic.

You can insert more nodes under the subtopic's node.

When the conversation path for the subtopic is finished, the bot returns to the original topic. The bot then follows the nodes that are under the subtopic's node.

Screenshot of the authoring canvas showing nodes under a redirected topic node.

If you redirect to any of these system topics, however, the entire conversation ends.

  • End of Conversation
  • Confirmed Success
  • Confirmed Failure
  • Goodbye
  • Escalate
  • Start over (also resets any global variables)

End the conversation

When the conversation ends, you can have a survey ask users if their question or issue was answered or resolved. The response is collected on the customer satisfaction analytics page.

You can also have the conversation handed over to a live agent if you're using a suitable customer service portal, such as Omnichannel for Customer Service.

  1. At the end of a response that resolves the user's issue or answers the question, add an End the conversation node.

    Screenshot showing options for ending a conversation.

    • To end with a customer satisfaction survey, select End with survey.

    • To insert a hand-off node that links with your configured hand-off product, select Transfer to agent.

      (Optional) Enter a private message to the agent.

      Transfer To Agent.

Add a condition

  1. To add branching logic based on variables, select the "+" Add node to add a node.

  2. Select Add a condition.

  3. Select Branch based on a condition.

  4. Select the variable that determines whether the bot conversation should branch at this point.

    For example, if you set up user authentication, you might want a different message if the user is signed in.

Delete nodes

Select the menu of your node and then select Delete.

Screenshot highlighting the node menu button and the Delete button.

Test and publish your bot

Test your bot when you make changes to your topics to insure everything works as expected.

After you design and test your bot, publish it to the web, mobile or native apps, or Microsoft Bot Framework channels.

Design the topic's conversation path - Teams

  1. In the topic list of your copilot, select the topic you want to edit. For example, you might want to edit the topic Store Hours.

    Selecting a topic will take you to the authoring canvas

    Once open, you see the topic's trigger phrases. This authoring canvas is where you define the conversation path between a customer and the bot.

    When you create a new topic, a Trigger Phrases node and a blank Message node are inserted for you.

    For existing or system topics, several nodes are automatically created with each new topic. You can edit these nodes if needed.

  2. You can add more nodes by selecting "+" Add node between nodes or after a node.

    Screenshot of adding a node.

  3. To change the paths between nodes, drag the node anchor—a small circle on top of the node. You see a dotted line indicating the original path.

    Screenshot of moving a node's anchor.

Insert nodes - Teams

When adding a node to a trigger phrases node, choose from five different options:

  • Ask a question
  • Call an action
  • Show a message
  • Redirect to another topic
  • End the conversation

Screenshot that shows the five options available when you add a node to the trigger phrases node.

If you want to redirect a topic, you can go to another topic.

Go to another topic.

Ask a question - Teams

  1. Select the Ask a question option of the "+" Add node menu to add a new Question node. A question node appears.

    Screenshot of adding a new question mode.

  2. Enter the question phrase in the Ask a question field.

    For example, if the user wants to know store hours, the bot's question might be Which store location do you need?

  3. Under Identify, select an option for the user's response, such as Multiple choice options.

    This option determines what the bot should listen for when the user responds. For more information, see Use entities in a conversation.

  4. Under Options for user, enter expected responses to the bot's question.

    For example, if you chose Multiple choice options in Identify, the options might include store locations such as Seattle, Bellevue, or Kirkland.

    Screenshot of possible options for the user based on the multiple choice selection in Identify.

    Each choice is presented to the user as a multiple choice button in the chat, but users can also type their answer.

  5. (Optional) Save the user response in a variable to be used later.

The conversation editor creates separate paths in the conversation depending on the customer's response. The conversation path leads the customer to the appropriate resolution for each response. You can add nodes to create branching logic, and specify what the bot should respond with for each path or variable.

Add a condition - Teams

On some node types, you can add a condition.

  1. To add branching logic based on variables, select the "+" Add node menu, then select Add a condition to add a new node. A couple of condition nodes appear.

  2. Choose the variable you want to use to determine if the bot conversation should branch at this point.

    Screenshot that shows two condition nodes where you can choose a variable.

Call an action - Teams

You can call Power Automate Flows by selecting Call an action in the "+" Add node menu.

Screenshot that shows how to call an action when adding a new node.

Show a message - Teams

A message can specify a response from your bot to the user.

  1. Select the "+" Add node menu, then select Show a message to add a new Message node.

  2. Enter what you want the bot to say in the text box. You can apply some basic formatting, such as bold, italics, and numbering.

    You can also use variables that you defined elsewhere in your bot conversation.

End the conversation - Teams

You can choose to End the conversation as a final node to your bot's conversation.

There are two options:

  1. End with survey shows a survey that asks the user if their question or issue was answered or resolved correctly. This information is collected under the customer satisfaction analytics page.

    End with survey.

  2. Transfer to agent allows you to type a private message to an agent that initiates their contact with the user.

Redirect to another topic - Teams

  1. To automatically have the bot move to a separate topic, select Add node (+) to add a node, and then Redirect to another topic.

  2. In the flyout menu, select the topic the bot should divert to. For example, you might want to send the user to a specific topic about the closure of a store if they ask about store hours for that store.

    Go to another topic node with options for other topics.

When the bot goes to another topic, the bot goes through the conversation path for that topic and then returns to the original topic—the place where it left.

You can consider the redirected topic as a subtopic.

Screenshot of the authoring canvas showing nodes under a redirected topic node.

If you redirect to any of the following system topics, however, the entire conversation ends:

  • Start over (resets any global variables)
  • Escalate
  • End of Conversation
  • Confirmed Failure
  • Confirmed Success
  • Goodbye

Use variables

You can use variables that you defined elsewhere in your bot conversation.

Delete nodes - Teams

Select the menu of your node and then select Delete.

Select the menu icon and then the delete button.

Test and publish your bot - Teams

After you make changes to your topics, Test your bot to ensure everything is working as expected.

Once you finish designing and testing your bot, you can publish it, so other team members can use it.

eunic-brussels.eut() deadlock

Hi guys, First off, keep up the great work and I hope to meet you guys in Vegas for DC. I have a small issue with BurpSuite due to the way my plugin is making calls between the FX and Swing thread. I understand FX is not supported in Burp and I appreciate why. However, I was wondering why the model of the ITextEditor concrete class is tied to the Swing event loop. I have a situation where I've created a call chain that calls deadlock which looks like this: eunic-brussels.eusage() -> eunic-brussels.eusage() -> eunic-brussels.eut() -> deadlock This is because each step in this chain uses a FutureTask and calls .get() to get the result synchronously. As you know, the threads go into sleep and this is why we get a deadlock. I completely understand that part of the problem exists because I am doing this weird Interop thing, but trust me, it's well worth it (I hope I can convince you guys at DEFCON:)). Is there any way we can decouple the model/bean that represents the data contained in the text editor from the swing component? That way calling things like .getText() wouldn't require code to be running in the Swing event dispatch loop? Your help and insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Nadeem

What is a Money Manager?&#;

AximTrade’s Money Managersare a selective list of top and professional traders with rich trading history. Each Money Manager (MM) or Service Provider have an individual trading profile with a distinctive strategy and preferred trading instruments. There are no limits to the number of strategies a money manager can adopt.

Who Can Become a Money Manager?&#;

Any trader can become a money manager. There are no specific requirements for minimum balance or experience level. However, every new Money Manager has to display 30 days of trading history on the trading accounts and the request needs to be verified by the risk department. This procedure can take up to 48 hours.

Before applying for Money Manager, make sure that all the trades on your trading account are closed and you have at least 30 days of trading history. The application will be reviewed within 48 business hours and will either approve be approved, or our team will get back to you with additional requests.

A Money Manager may also double up as a Follower at the same time. However, there are risks of looping strategies when a Money Manager has Followers and being a Follower himself.

How to Become a Money Manager with AximTrade&#;

Follow the following basic steps to open your money manager profile with AximTrade

  1. Login to your Member Area and click the “CopyTrade” tab.
Copy Trade - Become a Money Manager with AximTrade

2. On the Money Manager list, click this “Become Money Manager” button. This is the option to become a Money Manager and transmit automated trading signals to followers.

Copy Trade - Become a Money Manager with AximTrade

3. You will be redirected to a page where you will create and set up the strategy as a Money Manager. This is where you will customize all the parameters (Strategy Name, MT4 Account to extract trading history from, Minimum Investments, Performance Fee, Agent Reward, and Strategy description) for your future followers and describe your strategy.

Copy Trade - Become a Money Manager with AximTrade

4. Once all the parameters are set and all filled up, you should press the “Create Strategy” button, which immediately brings the confirmation message. This is the notification that Aximtrade is not liable for any losses which the Money Manager incurs on Follower accounts due to the bad trading performance or any other issues associated with the investment process. The Money Manager agrees to trade in such a manner that delivers the best possible trading results to his/her followers.

Copy Trade - Become a Money Manager with AximTrade

Note:By pressing the “Yes, I agree” button, Money Manager agrees to trade in such a manner to deliver Followers the best possible trading results.

Copy Trade - Become a Money Manager with AximTrade

5. Once the Money Manager trading strategy was created, there is a confirmation green box that will pop-up in the upper part of the screen. The request has been successfully submitted, however, it needs to be reviewed and verified by the Risk team of the Company within the following 48 hours, to be found and added to the List of Money Managers.

Copy Trade - Become a Money Manager with AximTrade

6. Once you become a Money Manager, (your strategy and history were reviewed and approved by the risk team), then the new section “Money Managers” appears in the left-side general menu of your Member Area. The Money Manager tab contains information about active strategies and the option to add new strategies.

Copy Trade - Become a Money Manager with AximTrade

Add my own FX to Groove Agent channels?

It’s been a while since I’ve dug deep into GA, but I think there’s a setting in GA that expands all its internal mixing onto the Cubase mixer, and I do mean ‘everything’. From there you should be able to use your third party plugins.

Right click one of the kit slots, and choose ‘export to mixer and fx to cuebase’.

Now notice how a new bus entry shows up in my Project View called “Kit Mix”, and it’s all expanded out in my Cubase Mixer. I’m easily able to drop a 3rd party instance of the Reverence reverb plugin from Waves, as I’ve done here for the Kick drum channel.

Also take a look at the mixing console strip, and you can see that the internal effects (EQ and compressors) this particular kit used are also present in the export process.

Some kits might have multiple busses routed into yet more busses, etc.
Note, the Mixing panels inside Groove Agent itself are no longer active once it’s been exported.


Back up your project first and try it with care, as last time I stumbled upon it, I didn’t find any easy/obvious way to undo it. It probably exists somewhere, but I haven’t really taken the time to figure out if there’s a way to undo this.

I do know that if all those faders get in your way, you can show/hide them in the left ‘view’ panel of the Mixing console. You can have 3 independent mixing layouts at your fingertips with Cubase as well, so that can help get things under control if a kit throws up scads of new channels.

Other methods exist without expanding as we did above. Some agent kits aren’t as flexible in this respect, but many kits included in GA will allow you dig around inside and divert individual mix buses, or individual pads to their own independent outputs. You can also manually add busses to the mixer through the GA UI in 'open or non-agent kits (the ones without the fancy macro page, and instead show waves and settings for those in the edit tab), and send instruments through them.

Right click the top right corner of AG, and activate more outputs.
From there, you can reroute things from inside GA kits, using the GA UI to your new outputs, and process them there.

Creating paywall for premium version of custom GPT


What are some ways to implement a paywall or create unique links so that the URL of a premium (paid) custom GPT would change each time or not be divulged anywhere? I this possible and/or is there a better way to do this?

For example:

I just launched a free and premium version on eunic-brussels.eu see the attached image below. The link to the premium version is shown after purchase, but then that is the same link all premium users get, and no way to revoke access (i.e. in case of subscription ending, or protect against accidental leak online).

Is this something OpenAI has already solved, or a third-party can solve?

cc @logankilpatrick would greatly appreciate any info you may have on this, thanks!



No, this is wanting OpenAI to pay for the tokens used and for the creator to take a $ amount from that. That is what happened with Plugins and I suspect will attempt to be done again with GPTs.

This is why GPTs were proposed as having a revenue share for the top ones, i.e. there is not meant to be any monetisation within the GPT its self, that will not stop people trying though.



Thanks for chiming in! That’s an interesting point, though I wouldn’t mind paying for the token usage and since this GPT calls one of my plugins there would be usage costs there that could be offset by monetisation of GPTs. I look forward to what - if anything - OpenAI releases to help plugin/GPT developers monetize their products which could help fuel their development and offset operational costs, etc…

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Thanks for sharing, as I hadn’t heard of OpenAI’s Assistants API and just checking it out!

While I don’t immediately see how Assistants could solve the issue I raised, I am not entirely sure either (looking into how they work more closely here) and would welcome any suggestions related to the paywall/protection of GPT URLs

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Ran into a similar problem so I built agenthost to solve this. My GPT is currently doing around $/month. We convert your GPT into an assistant under the hood then let you add payments via Stripe. Only issue is that your current users on OpenAI will still be able to access your free version. Launching a new version later today that will let you add payment gating in OpenAI itself though!



I see how this is like making OpenAI pay for tokens, and please correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn’t anyone who accesses a GPT, such as with a private link, still need to pay for ChatGPT Plus?


I was referring to charging users in addition to what they pay for Chat GPT Plus subscriptions, such as for a premium version, compared to a free one that you get just from being a ChatGPT Plus subscriber.


Will your solution work for paywalling my GPT on a Squarespace site?



Squarespace site

I think there are solutions that OpenAI has published, such as the documents for adding authentication, including service level authorization or using OAuth, which can provide an effective means of authenticating/authorizing users. The challenge is mapping the application flow to comply with OAuth and passing back/forth valid state parameters which can be tricky, especially with lots of moving pieces if your plugin is using 3rd party APIs or redirecting to other URLs outside of ChatGPT.

I know eunic-brussels.eu provides this service too but haven’t used it (cc @kevinpiac any thoughts on recent ability to authenticate custom gpts as well as plugins and what pluginlab can do?).


No reason it shouldn’t since you can embed in on any site and the embedding will have your paywall if you have one.


lol this is crazy because I’ve been coming at using an iframe so many different ways but think I might break down and use this. I’m using Squarespace + memberspace to paywall my GPT. It’s ready, just needs this last step.


I signed up for eunic-brussels.eu for my paywalled GPT. Unfortunately, there is one “chat history” for all users. So anyone who logs in can see the entirety of every conversation that preceded that login.

Really hoping OpenAI decides to allow custom GPTs to be embedded on private websites and paywalled… essentially turning us into resellers. If I’m going to improve and maintain my own GPT, much less advertise it, I think I should be able to determine my own pricing/compensation. As long as I’m covering my token usage, does it matter?


Hey @Robabob thats not true based on my experience. Once you start a chat on agenthost, it saves the thread on your local browser. Other people can’t see what you see. You can verify that by opening the same agent in incognito mode or on another browser and seeing that the chat history is not showing up

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Ahhhhh thanks so much!! So even though I’m logged in to two different accounts, because the browser is the same it’s being recognized as the same session. Thanks!!


You have a few options to monetize your custom GPTs by placing them behind a paywall.

  1. You can use the Assistants API (still in Beta, so not quite ready for production) or the Chat API by OpenAI. You will need to know how to code or hire a developer to build the required components for you. This will involve, at a bare minimum, rolling your own backend server and frontend chat component. You would then be able to host your premium onto your website behind a paywall.

  2. I’m the founder of Lingo Blocks, a no-code platform for building custom GPTs and hosting them onto your website. You can define an AI agent’s instructions, add custom knowledge, and embed it onto your website behind a paywall. What you’re wanting to accomplish is a common use case for my platform and is definitely achievable. My suggestion is to try a variety of solutions, then see which ones work best for you.


I ended up integrating OAuth into my premium version which is public on the GPT store, whereas the free version - which is also public - is unauthenticated and connected to a different server. Interested to hear more stories on how users are approaching this, including using 3rd party services.


Something like this seems to be the best way to earn with custom AI experiences. Custom GPT’s are limited in what you can do without hosting your own server to provide “actions”. If you already have a bunch of user’s on your platform and make a custom GPT that interacts with that platform, I suppose it could be profitable. But I don’t see a way to chain AI agents while using the user’s API key along the way, unless OpenAI provides a way for their users to authenticate as one of your users.


I’m looking for something similar where I can bring my own OpenAI keys and Assistant Ids, so a service that host backend and let me embed the chat interface on another website.



I was facing same issues.

I’m now using a Wordpress plugin (Chatbot Chat GPT), allowed you to embed or create a floating window with your GPT assistant.

My point now is just about creating the paywall with plugins


I think I’m following, but please correct me if I miss the mark of what you’re saying. Depending on what you’re building, you might need to deploy your own server to host the business logic of your agent’s Actions. That’s a fair point, and if that’s the case, you can select that action with upcoming Actions release on the platform.

There’s plenty of cases where it’d be advantageous to create both a GPT for ChatGPT to benefit from the free distribution and discovery. Depending on your use case, it’d also be beneficial to release your own custom agent and host it on your own website. Maybe that’s behind a paywall and you monetize it with subscriptions, or maybe it’s freely available as a service of your brand.

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